The Loth Cat

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Ezra was minding his own business, when he heard a small mew. Being the helpful person he is, he had to check it out. He followed the sound to a rock. He looked behind it and saw that there was a Loth Cat. But, this Loth Cat was hurt. It had long gashes on its side and was breathing heavily.

It was calling out for help! Ezra thought, he had strong feeling. He needed to help this cat.

"Hey, my name is Ezra," he said quietly. "I'm going to help you, I'm not going to hurt you."

He gently reached down to the Loth Cat, still keeping his distance for fear that it would hurt him trying to protect itself.

"Hey little guy," he said, "I'm not going to hurt you." Ezra quietly made his way to the Loth Cat, he didn't want to scare it away or to make it fear him. He reached down and let the Cat sniff his hand, helping it to get used to him. It growled at him, but then sniffed his hand, seeing him as a friend and someone who just wants to help. The Cat rubbed its face against Ezra's hand, almost like it was pleading for help.

Ezra bent down and gently put his hands under the Cat, then slowly pulled up the Cat up to his chest, cradling the Loth Cat close to him, he ran to the ship.

Once he got close to the ramp, he could make out Kanan's form on the ramp, probably looking for him. "Kanan!" Ezra yelled as he neared the ramp.

"Ezra! Are you okay? I was looking for you!"

"I'm fine Kanan, really," Ezra said with a small smile, "but this guy isn't." He looked down at the Loth Cat in his arms.

"Where did you find him?" Kanan asked, trying to not sound concerned, but failing miserably. Doesn't he know that his padawan can read him like an open book.

"I found him by a rock, I wanted to help him." Ezra smirked.

"Okay," Kanan agreed, "maybe Hera can help patch 'em up." Kanan said while putting his hand on my back and guiding me inside the ship.

Kanan let Ezra go to the med bay to put the Loth Cat down while he went to find Hera. He found her in the front of the ship relaxing in her chair.

"Hey Hera," Kanan began, "we have a slight emergency and we need your help."

"Don't tell me it was Zeb again. When he ate all of Sabine's food and then got pumbled for it was not what I wanted to deal with," she said getting up.

"No," Kanan chuckled, "though that was funny, no, Ezra found a furry friend in need."

"Really?" Hera asked. She was already walking out of the room.

Kanan rushed to keep up, "Yeah, a loth cat outside, its got gashes one it's side."

"Really!" She yelled and started running towards the Medbay.

When the two got there they saw Ezra sitting on the bed next to the cat. Ezra's hand was on the cat's side, putting pressure on the wound. When he saw Hera and Kanan he jumped up and ran over to them, "Hera, he needs your help!" He grabbed her hand with his clean one and dragged her over to the bed.

"Okay I see what's going on here," Hera said, "I'm not a vet, but I can stitch him up."

"Okay, his name is Fluffy," Ezra said.

Kanan smiled at the childlike name. Ezra is still a kid, someone who likes to goof around and play games. Ezra doesn't deserve the horrible things that have happened to him and things happening around him. His place in this galaxy is so much, to much for a kid.

Kanan loves being reminded that his kid is still a kid. He loves the child that runs up to him at random times, tapping him on the shoulder yelling "tag!" The child that likes to play pranks on his siblings and that likes to name a loth cat Fluffy.

Kanan puts a hand on Ezra's back leading him outside. "Let's get you cleaned up," he tells him.

"But I want to be with him," Ezra said, sounding like he's about 3 years old.

"You can come back when Hera's finished, right now she needs all the space she can get and you need to get the blood off your hand," Kanan tells him.

"Yeah, okay," he responds.

They walk down the hall and into the bathroom. Kanan sat Ezra down on the toilet then got a rag wet and wipped the blood from Ezra's hand. Ezra sighed at the warm feeling of the rag and in relief of getting the blood wipped away. 

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Ezra asked.

Kanan sighed, "I know he's going to be okay Ezra. I know that he's going to be okay because Hera is an amazing doctor and because you did the right thing by taking him in. I'm very proud of you, you were so willing to help him and give him all the comfort you could."

Ezra looked back up at Kanan, at some point he must have looked down during Kanan's speech. He smiled, "Thanks Kanan."

"Anytime," Kanan replied, "let's go to the common room to wait." He put the rag in the trash and stood Ezra up. They walked to the common room and sat down on the couch.

Ezra made sure he was right next to Kanan, not wanting to be too far away from the comfort he was providing. Ezra was looking at the floor and playing with his thumbs out of worry. Kanan obviously noticed this because Ezra wasn't the only one who could read people like a book.

Kanan wrapped his arm around Ezra trying to give him as much comfort as possible. Ezra leaned into Kanan's touch, taking everything that he can from him in. Not that he was trying to stay away from him.

Hera walks in not much later, "Fluffy's all stitched up and waiting for you to go visit."

"Yay!" Ezra jumps up to go see his friend. "Kanan! Come one!" he yells as he grabs Kanan's arm.

"Okay Okay I'm coming," he said, but before they left he turned to Hera and mouthed Thank you to her before being dragged out of the room. She just smiled and waved him off.

Ezra almost jumped onto the bed with Fluffy and gently pet him on the head.  "I'm so happy you're okay, Fluffy," he said, "don't worry you're safe here."

Kanan just sat back watching Ezra interact with the cat. Seeing Ezra so happy made Kanan happy, therefore, he was happy to sit silently and keep Ezra company.

For the next month or two Fluffy stayed with the Ghost Crew while being nursed back to health. He grew stronger every day and got to play with Ezra in the feilds of Lothal. But, unfourtunatly, their time had to come to an end. Fluffy was all healed up and needed to be realesed into the wild once again.

"I know that you don't want to go, but you have too," Ezra said when he set the loth cat on the ground just past the ramp. "We have to leave and you wouldn't be happy here, without your habitat here."

The cat purred and rubbed his head on Ezra's leg. "Me too. I'll miss you," Ezra said as he crouched down and rubbed Fluffy on the head. Kanan came down the ramp soon after.

"Hey Ez," he said.

"Hey," Ezra replied sadly.

Kanan crouched down next to Ezra and reached out to skratch the cat behind the ears. He had grown fond of the feline and was also sad to see him go as well. "I know Ezra, but he'll be much happier out here."

"I know, that's what I keep telling myself," Ezra said as he stood up. Kanan stood up as well and put a hand on Ezra's shoulder. "Bye Fluffy," Ezra called out to the cat as he scampered out into the feilds.

Ezra sighed, "At least he's happy."

"Thanks to you," Kanan replied.

"Thanks, Kanan."

"Always Ezra."

With that, the two jedi headed back to their home where the everlasting impression of Fluffy would last forever.

Hello people! I don't even know how long it's been since I've even looked at this book. I'm so sorry to whoever has been expecting something from this book for this long. I understand that the show is over, sadly, but that doesn't mean that we can't remember the good times. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it's been a draft for the longest time now and I decided to finish it today. I'm hoping to continue writting in this book, but we'll see. Most of my attention is going to focus of my clone wars one shots book about Anakin and Ahsoka, two of my most favorite characters. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, but I will try to write some more! Thank to those who have stuck around and to the new comers for following! I look at every single one of you guys! On that note, Thank you everyone for reading! Please vote, comment, and follow! This is Kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!

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