turning point

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"Ezra don't listen to him! You're stronger than this!" Kanan yelled to his padawan who was at the end of the hallway, next to the inquisitor.

"Fight it Ezra, I know you can!" Kanan yelled, trying to keep him with him. "STOP it! Just stop! You left me to die!" Ezra yelled back. Where was he getting these ideas? Kanan thought.

"Ezra please...." Kanan trailed off just thinking of the ending that could happen in this situation. "No! Stop talking! I will not let you in my mind!" Ezra yelled down the hall. He ignited him lightsaber. Kanan had no choice but to do the same. "Ezra please dont make me do this." Kanan pleaded.

He saw Ezra's eyes change back to there bright blue for a second then they went back to gold. Ezra never replied to Kanan's comment, just charged at him. Kanan lifted his lightsaber and it connected with Ezra's new red one.

Kanan was surprised by how much strength Ezra had behind his blow. Kanan stumbled back a bit and saw the inquisitor watching them. He smiled and looked Kanan right in the eye before walking away leaving Kanan and Ezra to battle it out.

"Ezra stop! You'll only make the pain worse!" Kanan yelled at his padawan, who just swung his saber at Kanan's chest. Kanan could sense Ezra's pain, that's why he yelled that. "Ezra listen to me! The inquisitor is messing with your mind! Don't let him in!" Kanan said to his padawan who he was face to face with, there lightsabers connected.

Kanan shuved Ezra off of him and stared him right in the eye. "Ezra stop! I can't lose you too! Ok I've had way to much loss in my life! Ezra you mean so much to me that I can't fight you! Please stop hurting yourself!" Kanan yelled at his padawan. (Btw sry I keep saying yelled but idk what else to use ok sry back to the story) Ezra was stunned.

Ezra watched as Kanan dropped his lightsaber and fell to his knees. Ezra walked over to him still alert, afraid he would jump out at him.

Kanan looked up at Ezra who was standing over him. "Son, please dont." Kanan said and sent Ezra over the top. "WHAT!?" He screamed. "No stop! I'm not.... I-I can't be!" Ezra dropped to his knees and layer on the ground unmoving.

"Ezra?" Kanan said moving closer to the boy. Kanan dropped to his knees next to boy and gatherd him in his arms. Ezra moaned and looked up and Kanan. "Kanan?" He questioned.

"Kanan!?" "Kanan!" "KANAN!"

"Ahhh!" Kanan awoke with a start. He shot up quickly almost hitting his head on the bed above his. He looked to the side to see a very worried padawan. "Kanan?" He asked.

Kanan sighed and put his head in his hands. Ezra stood up, from where he was kneeling down, and sat on the edge of Kanan's bed. He put his hand on the man's shoulder and he looked up.

"What happed?" He asked. Ezra shook his head. "I'm not sure. U walked in for training and you saw me, smiled, the fell to the floor as you tried to walk over to me." Ezra said. "So that was a vision?" Kanan asked. Even though he knew the answer. "I think so." Ezra replied.

Kanan hung his head. He couldn't let that happen! They had way to many memories. Kanan couldn't hold it back any longer. He reached over and pulled Ezra close. Ezra was surprised at first but then placed his arms around Kanan's torso, in a tight hug.

"Kanan you don't have to talk about it know but when you're ready, I want to hear it." Ezra said sternly. "Wow. You sound like me." Kanan laughed. Ezra chuckled, "Well I learn from the best person on earth." Ezra said.

Kanan smiled and hugged Ezra tighter. "Please don't turn." Kanan said quietly, Ezra had to strain his ears to hear him. "Was that what the vision was about?" Kanan nodded in response. Ezra pulled away from the hug. "Kanan look at me." Ezra said lifting Kanan's head to meet his eyes.

"Kanan as long as I have you, nothing will ever make me turn. I will not change, I will be losing the best master in the world." Ezra said, sternly but gentle and Kanan liked that. Kanan smiled and nodded. Ezra reached his arms around Kanan again, but this time he placed Kanan's head over his heart. So he could hear his heartbeat.

Kanan loved the way Ezra was hugging him right now. He needed to hear his heart. Know he was alive. That's all he needed right now. Ezra had layer them both down.

"Kanan?" Ezra asked. "Yeah?" "I love you too much to turn." He smiled. Kanan smiled to. "Me too. I love you too."

Hey everyone! Omg I have 103 followers!! Ahhhh! Well Disney true, dreams do come true! Ahh! Thank you all sooooooooooooooooooo much I couldn't do this without you all so I give you all hugs! *give hugs to all followers!* thank you again my little rebels! And plz comment, vote, follow, whatever but have an amazing day! This is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!

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