Kanan's history

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It was my birthday on the fifth of February, so I decided to do a birthday story for Kanan. Also, this is when Kanan still has his eyes, but the Rebellion found a base. Plus I put Kanan's history in this, but I made it all up! This is a story that came from my imagination only.

It was an early, crisp morning on Chopper base.
Ezra, like always, was up and about as soon as morning dawned. Kanan ways said getting up early was a good thing. Ezra sometimes doubted this very much.
Ezra looked up from his breakfast when he heard the door hiss.
"Morning Kanan."
"Hey Ezra."
Ezra's brow furrowed at Kanan's voice. It sounded flat, lifeless. As if something had sucked all the emotions out of him. His tone didn't hold any emotions what so ever.
"Kanan, are you alright?" Ezra asked.
"I'm fine kid. If anyone asks, I'm going for a walk around the base."
With that, Kanan was gone.
Ezra knew something was up with his Master. He could feel sadness and pain rolling off him through the Force in waves. And he knew exactly who to ask for answers about his mentor.

Ezra walked into the cockpit of the Ghost to see Hera fixing the steering.
"Morning Ez. How are you?" She asked looking over at him.
"I'm alright. Its Kanan I'm worried about. He sounded really depressed when I talked to him this morning, but he went for a walk before I could ask him what the problem was. Do you know what's going on with him?"
Hera's frowned in thought before she slapped a hand on her forehead with a groan.
"Hera? What is it?" Ezra asked as the twe'lik quickly stood up and checked the date on a data pad.
"Oh Kanan" she breathed sitting on a chair.
"Hera? What is it about Kanan you know, that I don't?" Ezra asked.
Hera looked up at Ezra with sad eyes.
"It's his birthday Ezra."
The boy's face held shock for a few seconds, before turning to confusion.
"Why would he be upset?"
"Ezra, Kanan's never told you his past has he?"
"No. All he's said is he never knew his parents" Ezra replied.
"Well...that's not true. He did know his parents, and has hated them ever since they..." Hera's voice trailed off into silence. She looked down at the floor before pointing at a seat.
Ezra sat down and Hera swiveled round in her chair to face him.
"Kanan's family knew he had the Force ever since he was born. They were afraid of him, afraid of what he could become. So they tried their hardest to kick the Force out of him. They made him do all the chores, abused him, and you know that armour on his left arm? He has injury's there that will never heal. He keeps that on so no one would know about them. It also works as a brace cause Kanan's parents broke his arm three ways."
"And his clothes. He has scars on his other arm and legs doesn't he? That's why he wears all long clothes!" Ezra exclaimed.
"And gloves. When we first became a team, Kanan hesitantly showed me the marks. He has burns, scars, bruises all over himself. He had a terrible history Ezra, and the worst of it is that on his eighth birthday, they knew nothing was working to get rid of the Force inside Kanan. So they took him to the Jedi temple on Coruscant, and left him there."
Ezra thought about all this carefully as Hera went on.
"That's why he's so rough sometimes, he can be really kind, but after all he's been through..."
"Its difficult for him" Ezra finished.
The boy felt such a sadness for his Master. He had such a rough life! Abused by his family in the past, running from the Empire now, and goodness knows what will happen to him in the future.
"I need to go find him" he said starting to stand but Hera put a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't run after him, let him come to you. He'll talk about it, believe me. And don't be too soft towards him, or he will think himself as weak. I know that from the past. He not the easiest one to comfort. "

Ezra leaned against the wall of the ramp of the Ghost. His Master's silhouette was a small speck in the distance. In front of the sun, and on top of a cliff. 
Ezra didn't know when Kanan would confront him, but he knew exactly what he was going to say.

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