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Alright so I have only read the first issue of the Kanan comics, so I don't know much about Depa or anything, so I might get her personality wrong😂
Also, I know it's not really possible for Depa to be a force Ghost, but oh well.

     Depa Billaba was looking for her padawan. She knew he survived... She sensed him.


     Kanan Jarrus laughed. Hera Syndulla smirked at him. The couple was sitting in Kanans cabin, reading stories.

      "And they both lived happily ever after. The end." Hera finished. The Twi'leks eyebrow raised. "That was so unrealistic... I don't get it."

       "I thought it was great." Kanan wrapped his arms around his still confused Twi'lek. Hera sighed and leaned against him, giving up. Kanan smiled at her. He had literally no idea what he had done to deserves someone as amazing as her. She was beautiful, confident, brave... Perfect. And she had chosen him. Kanan hugged her tighter.

Caleb Dume.

    The Jedi knights eyes widened. "Master?"

    Hera looked up at him, extremely confused. "Did... Did you hear that?" Kanan asked. Hera looked around. "Hear what?"

   Kanan sighed and decided that he must be hearing things, and rested his head on Hera's shoulder and closed his eyes. Hera fell asleep shortly after.

Caleb Dume

Kanan opened his eyes and saw a bright, transparent figure. She looked familiar and... Ghost like. "Ma- master Billaba?" Kanan spoke quietly so he didn't wake Hera.

"Yes, padawan. I'm here. It's good to see you again." The Ghost's eye brow raised, when she noticed her padawan hugging this Twi'lek like she would disappear any second. Depa paused. "What's this?"

Kanan looked down at Hera. He knew he had broken the code for her, and he didn't regret it at all. He never had and he never would. The Jedi decided to tell his master, he didn't really care if she approved or not. The Jedi code was in the past.

"Um... This is Hera... Syndulla.... She's my.... Um... She's my...." Kanan mumbled. This was harder than he thought. This was one of the Jedi that told him that he could not have attachments over and over again. He stroked Hera's lekku as he tried to find the right words.

"Do you love her?"

Kanan gasped. "Yes... Yes master... Very much actually... I mean I know it's against the code bu-" The Ghost of Depa interrupted him, "The Jedi order is no more... And master Yoda has said that the no attachment rule might have been a mistake... It led to the down fall of Anakin Skywalker." (In the revenge of the Sith novel...)

    "So don't worry about the attachment rule... In my opinion, attachments make you strong... And give you something to fight for." Depa smiled. "Now, young padawan, I must be going... May the force be with you, Caleb Dume."

     Kanan watched the Ghost fade. "And with you, master." 

     Depa's form completely disappeared and Hera started to stir. Kanan smiled at her.

     "Who were you talking to, love?" The sleepy Twi'lek asked, rubbing her eyes. Kanan kissed her forehead. "Uhh... Nobody. Don't worry about it." Kanan reassured as he let her fall asleep once again.

    The Jedi stared at his Twi'lek and smiled, without a worry in the world. Well... At least at the moment.

Yay an update! So yeaaaa this was just a random idea that popped into my head, I hope you liked it.

Anyways, have any of you watched Twin Suns yet? If so, what did you think of it?

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