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"I just can't believe Dhriti has done this." Yudhisthir spoke in pure dismay as others looked at him with different emotions.

"What wrong did she do Jyesht?" Sahadev asked, opposing him.

"Raising weapon on their own cousins, who came to pay her a mere vist would be the last thing a sound person could ever do." Yudhisthir replied with the same cold voice.

"Bhrata Duryodhan must have done something wrong. She would not raise her weapon first and don't tell me otherwise." Sahadev spoke.

"And who in this world goes to meet their 'dear' sister in the middle of their yagya?
Dwarka wasn't running anywhere. He could have met her later.
This simply means that whatever Jyesht Pitashree's 100 sons might do is right no matter how naive and grave it is.
And whatever Dhriti did, in an attempt to save the integrity and independence of Dwarka is wrong." Bheem shot up in anger.

"Bheem-" Yudhisthir tried to explain.

"And you're no less Jyesht, cause even you sent a letter asking her to apologize.
How come did you even believe that our Dhriti would wage a war first?" Bheem continued.

"Stop the four of you!" Kunti silenced them as Draupadi entered, carefully sitting down as she kept a hand on her growing belly.

"Did Dhriti raised her weapon or attacked Angraj Karna?" Kunti asked in a worry. She never wanted anyone of them to dishonour their real Jyesth. Knowingly or unknowingly.

"No mata she did not. But....... Angraj did without any thought." Draupadi bitterly revealed.

"You all know what? Each of you are worried about what others will say.
Did she attack him?
Why did she raise a weapon on him? Why didn't she follow her Dharma?
How can a girl attack on someone elder to her like Gandhar Naresh Shakuni? Where were Dau and Bhrata Krishn when all this happened?
But none of you were even bothered to ask if Didi is okay? Did the four Adharmis hurt her or did something wrong to her?
But! Jyesht had to immediately send a letter blaming her because Maharaj Dhritarshtra asked him to do so." Nakul shot up finally speaking.

"This is not the way you talk to him Nakul." Kunti replied in a stern voice.

"Yes. And I should be given a huge punishment for saying this.
Forgive me Jyesht, I'll take any punishment you allot to me. But I can't take anyone throwing insults and hurting my sister.
Now I understand why everyone blames Kakashree Vidur for always hurting people with honesty. But reality is that, truth is always bitter." Saying this, Nakul stromed out of the room.

"Nakul! Wait!" The brothers tried to stop him.

"Give him some time Arya. He'll be fine in." Draupadi calmly assured, exactly knowing how Nakul felt.


"Gandhar Naresh Shakuni, Angraj Karna, Hastinapur Yuvraj and Rajkumar Dushasan are entering the assembly." A guard announced as the for of them entered with Satyaki walking behind them.

"So my Dhriti punched him on his face?" Revati wishpered to Dau as the two of them sat across Vasudev, Rohini and Devki in the Sabha.

"Yes, is the scar visible?" Dau whispered back, observing his face.

"Oh yes it is, more than visible. My shishya Duryodhan has let me down." He spoke faking a disappointment.

"Gandhar Naresh, Angraj, Yuvraj and Rajkumar, officially welcome to Dwarka. I request you to take your seats." Vasudev gave a small smile as everyone took their seats.

Kritavarma stood up as Vasudev granted him the permission to start the sabha by explaining yesterday's events.

"Dwarkadheesh, Two days ago, Yuvraj Duryodhan had commenced his Ashvamedh Yagya and the first place he wished to visit was Dwarka." He started.

"That's against modesty and dharma. Hastinapur is Rajkumari Dhriti's maiden home so how did Maharaj Dhritarashtra or Ganga Putra Bhishma granted them the permission for doing such a naive act?" Another minister got up.

"Exactly, the thing is Mahamahim Bhishma and Maharaj Dhritarashtra didn't posses any idea about this. And soon after they got familiar about this, they have sent a letter to Dwarka, asking Rajkumari to apologize for her actions." Kritavarma finished his explanation as every turned their eyes towards Vasudev and the Maharanis for their say.

"Gandhar Raj, Yuvraj any explanation?" Dau asked.

"We did not intend to launch any attack Dwarkadheesh Shri Vasudev." Shakuni wickedly spoke.

"Yamraj se daro mamashree." Revati thought glaring at him.

"We were here to pay a visit. But Dhriti launched an attack on us." Shakuni further continued.

"Oh is it Mamashree?" Revati got up.

"Yes Rajkumari. Why do you think the other way round?" Shakuni looked at her.

"So you mean to say that Dhriti is to be blamed now?" Revati asked, raising her brow as Shakuni nodded.

"Gandhar Naresh! You can't blame her in this manner. Actually the four of you are guilty and should either be given a punishment or sent straight away to Hastinapur, but we have kept quiet because Hastinapur is our Rajkumari's first home." Another sabhasad spoke up, now scaring Shakuni with the support Dhriti has here.

"Alright then. If you think we are lying, then why is Devkinandan Krishn and Dhriti missing from the sabha. Why are they running away from the truth?" Duryodhan finally opened his mouth.

The sabha fell quiet as they realized Dhriti and Kanha have been absent from the start of the assembly.

*At the same time*

"Hm.... So this is the letter. They asked you to deliver it to Magadh Naresh Jarasandh?" Kanha asked, holding a message roll while Dhriti walked towards another clan of soldiers.

"Atleast anyone of you, ready to accept the fact that it was Gandhar Naresh Shakuni and Yuvraj Duryodhan's plan to attack Dwarka." Dhriti politely asked.

"Hey Panduputri, all of us are ready to tell you the truth that it was Yuvraj Duryodhan's plan to attack Dwarka. The four of them have been planning about this past so many days. But-but please don't ask us to act as a witness in the Raj Sabha. One step against them, and they'll threaten us and our families' lives. Understand our situation Rajkumari." One of them pleaded as the others nodded in return.

"Its sorted Priya. I've found what we actually needed. This letter to Jarasandh says it all." Kanha assured, holding the letter scroll.

"Wait Kanha!" Dhriti spoke turning back towards the sipahis.

"Who informed about this to Pitamah and Jyesth Pitashree? " Dhriti asked as Kanha chuckled at her habit of finding loopholes.

"The two of us Rajkumari. We were present when Maharaj wrote a letter as well." The men revealed as a smirk appeared on Dhriti's face.

"Great! What did he say?" Dhriti asked, hoping to find something.

"The sabha of Hastinapur greatly resented this step of Yuvraj and wanted Maharaj to remove him from the position of the crown prince.
Pitamah and Mahamantri advised Maharaj to write an apology to Dwarka but instead, Maharaj blamed you for the attack, turned the entire story the other way round and informed Maharaj Yudhishthir to send a letter asking you to apologize.
When he informed that Dhriti wouldn't do such thing, Maharaj reminded him that Indraprasth is still under Hastinapur and therefore he has to obey his orders.
Having no other way, Jyesht Kuntiputra along with Maharaj Dhritarashtra asked you to express your regret on whatever happened. " He went on to explain as Dhriti and Kanha thanked them as they walked towards the palace.

"I'm sure Mamashree Shakuni and Bhrata Duryodhan have started creating havocs with their lies. We need to be there in no time now." Kanha spoke as they entered the Palace doors, while he asked the sevaks, not to announce their arrival.

"I was smart to dig more into the matter otherwise I was ready to shower my disappointment on Bhrata Yudhisthir for blaming me." Dhriti patted herself as both of them laughed on it.

"Oh and yes Priye!" Kanha held her hand, stopping her as she looked around, making sure no one sees them.

"I want you to stay as calm as the ocean where my Shri was born.
Today, it's on me to protect you and your wise descisions at any cost.
Maharaj Dhritarashtra and his sons should know that it's not the best thing to test my patience." Kanha smiled, knowing that Dhriti had her complete faith on him.


"Why is everyone silent now. Tell us? Where are they? Trying to hide their lies?
And even if you don't believe us, I'm sure all of you must be believing Dharmaraj Yudhishthir.
Even he sent a letter to Dwarka asking Dhriti to apologize, didn't he Dwarkadheesh?" Duryodhan spoke getting up from his seat as Revati ought to speak something more but Dau stopped her.

"We didn't lie in the first place to hide them." Kanha and Dhriti entered the sabha, as they heard Duryodhan insulting the assembly while the ministers stood up, greeting them.

"Krishn, Dhriti, where were the two of you all this time?" Devki questioned.

"Finding proofs, because we knew Gandhar Naresh and Yuvraj would do this, Maate." Kanha smiled as his gaze shifted towards the four men.

"From the letter sent by Maharaj Dhritarashtra, to Mamashree Shakuni blaming me for pounding on them first, everything is false.
Also, the letter from by Jyesth Bhrata Yudhishthir was sent because Hastinapur's administration provided completely opposite information, diverting him from finding the actual truth." Dhriti spoke as she took her seat.

"Mamashree, your deeds have become more predictable these days." Kanha smirked walking towards Duryodhan, motioning him to take a seat.

"Bhrata Krishn! You can't speak in this manner with my mamashree. This assembly has not been set up to listen to your sweet, peace talks. Rajasabha requires proofs to settle an issue." Dushasan said in a fury.

"Say no more dear Dushasan." Kanha dramatically nodded, opening the scroll as Kritavarma turned towards Dhriti.

"What stone of proof did the two if you find?" He whispered.

"Stone? We found a gem Kritavarma, a gem." Dhriti whispered back as both of them suppressed their laughters.

The entire assembly hall was filled with mild murmurs discussing what proofs did Dhriti and Kanha find as Shakuni gulped looking at the scroll in Kanha's hands, knowing exactly what is about to happen.

"Silence everyone....
Now, I'll read out this letter infamously sent by Gandhar Naresh Shakuni and Yuvraj Duryodhan to......" Kanha spoke smirking at the two of them.

"Mahabali Magadh Naresh Jarasandh,
We are not particularly known about your relations with Dwarka and how to two of you ended up against each other, but we can assure you that, we would help you achieve your hidden secret agendas......." Kanha stopped reading as he looked around.

"So, Yuvraj and Gandhar Raj had written a letter to Magadh Naresh Jarasandh offering him to help achieve their 'agendas'.
Yes Yuvraj, we would like to know what hidden, secret agendas." Kanha raised his eyebrow.

"That's why its a secret Krishn, not meant to be revealed." Shakuni tried outsmarting Kanha. Wrong descision Mamashree.

"Alright then Mamashree. If you don't want to reveal, I won't force you. I'll read out the remaining part of the letter. I'm sure we'll finding something there." Kanha gave a comeback as Dhriti coughed, hiding her giggles.

"Uh... Um the letter was talking about the help we were about to offer Maharaj Jarasandh.
To. To find a groom for his daughter." Shakuni covered up patting Dushasan as the assembly broke out into laughter.
The four of them bore an expression of pure horror as they looked around, everyone ridiculing Shakuni's politics.

"Maharaj Jarasndh does not have a daughter, dear Mamashree." Dhriti loudly spoke as the ministers continued their laughs before Vasudev once again silenced them.

"If you really wanted to help Maharaj Jarasandh with the marriage of his imaginary daughter, then why did you mention about his relation with Dwarka?" Kanha asked, now completely pissed on the fact that Shakuni kept lying.

"Don't draw unnecessary conclusions Krishn." Duryodhan grunted as Dhriti tried to get up from her seat, but Satyaki and Kritavarma motioned her not to.

"Ofcourse I'm not. Therefore I've decided to read out the entire letter. Let everyone decide the truth and draw the conclusion." Kanha cleared his throat.

"Under Ashwamedha Yajna of Hastinapur's Crown Prince and my nephew Duryodhana, we can invade Dwarka on our free will but....... But I want you to gurantee us that if in case the almighty Narayani Sena of Dwarka declared a counter-attack on us, then Magadh and your other allies would enter the battleground to help us.
This would not only ensure Hastinapur's hold on Dwarka, but would also help you achieve your revenge for the killing of Maharaj Kans by Devkinandan." Kanha finished reading the letter as Vasudev stood up from his throne, with an expression of pure rage.

"Yuvraj Duryodhan! Gandhar Naresh, Angraj and Rajkumar Dushasan, if you would have not been the part of Hastinapur's royal family, I would have punished you for conspiring against Dwarka, that too, to achieve a personal motive." Vasudev declared, tensing up the atmosphere as he dismissed the sabha, leaving the final decision to his two sons and their wives.

Dhriti and Rohini took a deep breath as the two of them walked towards Dau and Kanha, facing the other four.

"Nothing is more insulting than returning, after the ashvamedh yagya, to ones own Kingdom....Without the horse.
Therefore, the only punishment they all can get is, empty handedly returning back to Hastinapur and Gandhar." Revati spoke.

"No no not Gandhar. Mamashree has settled in Hastinapur. Permanently. " Dhriti's stern voice still gave shivers to Dushasan.

"We hope the four of you would have a safe journey...... Without your weapons.
Satyaki, look into it." Dau spoke taking a leave as Karna nodded in disappointment.

"Pranam!" Kanha and Dhriti said in unision while they left as well.

"You are responsible for this huge disgrace and indignity to the four of us, Dhriti. I'll avenge for this insult. Someday or another you'll definately pay of it." Shakuni bitterly thought before leaving the empty assembly behind Satyaki.


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