Devraj Indra

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"Putro, I hope all of you would stay safe and in peace at Khandavprasth. If you feel anything's wrong, send a letter to Hastinapur without any second thought." Bhishma said patting the brothers as Dhriti and Kanha stood in a corner.

"Yes Pitamah" They said, trying to smile.

"Dhriti, Krishn...." Bhishma said looking at her.

"You both will be with them for some more time, won't you?" He asked patting Kanha.

"Yes we will until everything is sorted out and perfect." Kanha assured him.

"You may not consider Hastinapur as your home, but......" Vidur said with tears.

"But yours and Sulabha Kaki's Bhavan is still my home."  She completed him as all of them bent down to take their blessings.

"I know something  is bothering you. So tell me what's that?" Dhriti asked holding Kanha's arm.

"Indra Dev." Kanha spoke.

"Indra Dev? Must have given a boon to the wrong person." Dhriti asked.

"Yes. To Nagraj Takshak. That he won't let the rain water touch the land of Khandavprasth, but only the forest where Takshak and his praja lives.
Everyone gives boon to the wrong people and then we have to come down to mend it."  Kanha sighed.

"So do you need Hastinapur's Royal Palkhi to travel till Khandavprasth, Dhriti?" Duryodhan asked smirking.

"Hastinapur's Royal Palkhi?" Dhriti raised her eyebrow, faking a shocking face as Duryodhan pointed out towards the Palkhi for Kunti and Draupadi.

"No thanks. I have my own ride." Dhriti said climbing upon her horse as Kanha smirked at her.

"Last time, you didn't let me ride. Now I'm riding." She giggled.

"Alright Alright. I'll let you do that this time." He laughed back as everyone mounted on their horses with Kanha and Yudhisthir on their respective chariots.

"Proceed Krishn." Yudhisthir smiled.

"No Jyesht. You're the King now. You start , we'll follow you." Kanha smiled as Yudhisthir nodded.

"Dhriti! Dhriti!" Draupadi called , feeling out from the curtain of her carriage.

"Hm?" She asked looking around the large number of people on the streets.

"Why didn't you come in a Palkhi. What happiness do you get by riding with the wind's speed?"  Kunti asked.

"No Mata. I'm not made for these delicate Palkhis. Feels like I'm riding on a camel, taking eternity of reach where I want to." Dhriti spoke nonchalantly.

"Camel? When did you ride on them?" Kunti asked.

"Mate...." Narad chuckled.

"You're never going to change Priye. You're too chancal. " Kanha laughed.

"Um.. I did not ride them. No. Mata Gandhari told me how there used to be a lot of camels back at Gandhar. She told me about them yes." Dhriti covered up.

"Don't race away along with your brothers on the horse. Stay beside me and Mata." She said, or ordered to be specific.

"As you wish Maharani." Dhriti giggled slowing down the speed of her horse.

"Maharaj Yudhisthir ki.... Jai
Maharaj Yudhisthir ki.... Jai." The voices echoed throughout the streets as most of the people, with their families and belongings, stood out requesting Yudhisthir and Kunti to take them along to Khandavprasth.

"Rajmata, our lives have always been in the yours and maharaj Pandu's service. And now, its for the 6 of your children.
We're not residing in Hastinapur without them. So allow us to come with you all." One of them pleaded.

"Jyesht, I think we should take them along with us." Bheem said.

"No no no no no. We have to defeat Takshak first. Make everything safe for people to live and settle there." Dhriti said.

"You're right but what's the matter when we have Mahalakshmi to bless everything and everyone?
And also, IndraDev needs the taste of his own medicine. First his wrath on Vrindavan Vasis and now on Khandavprasth.
I saved the people by lifting the Gowardhan parvat. Now it's your turn." Kanha smiled turning back at her as she flustered, looking down.


"Hey IndraDev! Seems like you could not manage to keep your promises." Takshak fumed as a calm IndraDev appeared in front of him.

"You should be at ease Nagraj. No one amongst them can make me take back my boon. This territory belongs to you and forever will." IndraDev assured.

"Are you sure you're going to stop that Yadav Shresth Krishn and his wife Rajkumari Dhriti?" Takshak's close confidant raised his brow.

"Yadav Shresht? Yes I can. But......" IndraDev said looking down as reality struck him.

"But what?" The other one shouted.

"Rajkumari Dhriti is with them as well?" IndraDev asked as fear captured his tone.

"Yes and what about her? I've heard she's fierce and can slay an enemy but you're a God Indra. King of Gods? Why do you fear her?" Takshak reasoned.

"I maybe the king of Gods, but she's the Queen of Trilok. Trilok Swamini, how am I going to oppose her?" IndraDev mumbled before answering him.

"No worries Nagraj, I'll oppose her and her brothers as well." IndraDev said before disappearing to dev lok.

"Narayan! Narayan! Indra Dev, I'm sure you are well aware whom you are challenging." Narad said as Indra sat on his Throne.

"I'm fully in my senses Devarshi. Devi will understand. And firstly, I'm not going to face her. I'm going to oppose Arjun." Indra Dev explained.

"And Arjun is her brother. If Arjun fails to oppose you and stop your wrath,  Devi will step in and you know what might happen. And let me remind you, Prabhu Narayan had already warned you when he lifted the Gowardhan parvat, now he won't interfere or forgive you even if you plead him. I suggest you to take back that boon." Narad said.

"No Devarshi! I am not going to take my boon back. Not a single drop of water shall touch that land. Otherwise everyone will face my wrath once again! Be it Mahadevi or Pandavas. " Indradev stood up in rage.

"I shall leave you at your fate." Narad said in dismay as he took a leave.


"Dhriti, Draupadi come down, we shall do the bhoomi poojan. Khandavprasth is our land now." Kunti smiled holding a kalash full of water as Dhriti slowly got down, giving a knowing look to Kanha as he assured her.

"Devarshi, did you talk to IndraDev?" Dhriti asked as she walke dealing with the other two ladies.

"I left him at his fate Mate. He's not ready to take it back. Everything at your hands. He shall get a payback for his ignorance." Narad spoke as Dhriti sat down, touching the coarse soil as a smiled appeared on her face listening to Narad's words.

"Alright then Munivar. He shall get his lessons." Dhriti spoke.

"Once again!" Kanha chuckled as Kunti and Draupadi started chanting mantras in Ganesha's praise while others tagged along.

"Draupadi, pour the water and do the bhoomi poojan putri." Kunti smiled handing the kalash as Draupadi nodded and started pouring the water.

As soon as the water touched the coarse, dry lands with cracks, wind started blowing at an aggressive speed making everything almost impossible to see. Through a distance , the brothers saw the approaching army of Takshak , with poisonous snakes flying in the air.

"Everyone! Nagraj's army is approaching in our directions. Pick up your weapons . " Arjun instructed his siblings.

"Bheem, take cover along with me on the other side. Nakul, Sahadev! Be with the people following us. Krishn, Dhriti, stay here, control their increasing attacks. And arjun, ask Indradev for his presence and to control this." Yudhishthir ordered as Kanha got down from his chariot, weaponless, standing along side Dhriti with his smile.

"Never scared of snakes!" She said slaughtering few of them in her single attack.

"Not all of them are like as Sesh and Vasuki." Kanha laughed as he did not even budge amidst the attacks.

"Seshji and Vasuki are beyond comparison. What are these, trying to hurt people." Dhriti said taking a sword in her other hand as well.

"Matashree!" Both of them heard Draupadi's loud scream as they saw a huge snake in her direction.

"Yagyaseni will pick a weapon now." Kanha smiled as he held a snake by his hand, close to Dhriti's face.

"Don't lose your focus warrior!" He chuckled as they saw Draupadi slashing the snakes with the sword in her hands.

Arjun walked towards the huge multi-headed snake as he tightly held his huge bow in this hands.

"Go! He needs you." Kanha said taking the swords away from Dhriti's hands replacing it with her bow as he pointed at Arjun fighting Takshak all alone.

"Bhratashree...." She shouted, running towards him as both of them, shot multiple elusive arrows, forcing Takshak to appear in his original form as the aggressive winds and the showers of poisonous snakes stopped.

"Bua, Sakhi! are you alright?" Kanha said approaching the ladies as Kunti looked up towards him worryingly.

"We're fine. But, but what is all this!" Kunti said stiffining up.looking around as a tear slipped out of their eyes, looking at the lifeless bodies of people around them.

"Why! Why did all this happen. These innocent people, losing their lives just because they trusted the 6 of you.
Right said the people, the commoners have to always suffer for us! Royals." Draupadi shouted pointing at the six of them as she heavily cried.

"Arya! Govind! You all must know a way to get them back to life. Then why aren't you using them!" She said looking at each of them as Dhriti walked away from her.

Kanha smirked as he saw the growing  rage on Dhriti's face due to Draupadi's words blaming the 6 of them.

"These are the mayavi snakes Panchali! The people laying here can only be brought back to Life if takshak helps us." Yudhishthir spoke.

"Here's no one to blame! Bhratashree don't request Indradev to come down. Summon him!." She exclaimed as everyone looked at her.

"Impossible! Mahadevi has challenged me. She asked my son to Summon me! And Prabhu Narayan is not uttering a single word? Enough now! I shall appear before them. They can't defeat this Indra's vajra. " He said, disappearing in anger.

"No Dhriti, he's not ready to appear even after my constant requests." Arjun said turning towards his raging sister.

"There's a way to call him." Sahadev said stepping forward.

"He has his kripa on this forest. Bhrata Arjun, them shoot your agniastra burning down the entire settlement." Sahadev spoke as Arjun positioned his bow.

He pulled the string as a magical arrow took its place, waiting for Arjun to aim it. The entire forest started getting showered with gruesome flames shot from his arrows.

"Indradev! Do something. This Takshak won't spare you if my kingdom turns into ashes." Takshak said pointing at Indradev as the latter constantly tried to assure him.

"I'm the god of rain. I won't let these mere fires last for even one more second." Indradev raised his hands as heavy rain showers poured themselves suppressing the fires.

"That rainfall won't let the fire stay for long bhrata Arjun." Nakul said as Arjun huffed in anger.

After trying for multiple times, pleading Indra and asking him to make peace between both the parties without any outcome, Dhriti had it enough.

"Devraj Indra is synonyms to my Pitashree, but right now, it feels like he's insulting all of us." Arjun said pulling another arrow.

"Enough Bhrata! Indradev won't listen to any of this now." She said, stopping Arjun from shooting another agniastra as she walked closer.

"INDRADEV! HIDING IN TAKSHAK'S FOREST ASSURING HIM WON'T HELP NOW. REVEAL YOURSELF IN FRONT OF US." She shouted on the top of her lungs  as everyone widened their eyes at her tone.

"Krishn! Stop her. Devraj would pour his wrath on her." Kunti begged.

"No bua! Agreed that Devraj is the King of Dev Lok, but that does not give him the power to face her with his wrath." Kanha assured Kunti as he waited for Indra to appear.

Soon enough, the thunders started echoing as the sky was covered with dark clouds and elusive lightning. Indra's angry figure appeared in front of them as everyone except Kanha joined their hands while Dhriti glared at him with enough rage to break the mighty vajra into pieces.

"Bhagwan Indra! You solely hold the power to settle his poisonous battle. Therefore, I request you to take back the boon given to Nagraj and let us live and settle here peacefully." Arjun prayed with joined hands.

"No Dhananjay! You're my Putra. You're here due to my Kripa. I'm not a coward to take back my boon by someone's fear. Most importantly, I'm here cause someone challenged me.
Therefore Arjun! For me, you're just a mere child. Don't try to teach me the rules of Dharam, otherwise you need to face death." Indra said raging towards Dhriti.

"Indra Dev! You know what consequences you were about to face last time when you poured your wrath on Gokul. If it would have not been Devi Kamdhenu, you would have not been here to challenge her." Kanha spoke loudly yet his usual smile spreader on his face.

"Mahadevi! You asked to Summon me! By saying so, you have challenge this god of rain!" He said looking at her.

"Right Right Devraj! I don't know how does it work for you but if my innocent people are lying here lifeless then I shall punish Takshak for this. And yes, do not insult my Bhrata and my Mata by constantly hammering the fact that he is you Putra." Dhriti said as Indra closed his eyes. His mighty vajra appeared in his hands.

"Devi! If you want everything to be the way it was before, on the behalf of Takshak, I ask you and your family to turn back and leave Khandavprasth for the Nagrajs. Asking me to take my boon back is synonymous for you to accept your defeat." He said raising his weapon.

"Enough Devraj!" Dhriti said as a shine, brighter than Surya dev's rays, surrounded her and she appeared in the form of Dhairya Lakshmi, with her four arms holding a sword, a bow and arrow, a Chakra in each hand while her other hand resting in the abhaya mudra.

The shine surrounding her was so bright the no one other than Kanha was able to see Indra and Dhriti facing each other, ready to clash their weapons anytime.

"Dhriti! No...... Govind where is she. We can't see anything." Draupadi shouted as Kanha looked at her.

"Sakhi, you said it's all because of the 6 of them. Now let her do something about that statement." Kanha smiled.

"Devraj! Now let the fate in Vidhata's hands decide what's next." She said, raising her arm with the sword as the vajra fell down from Indra's hands.

"Trahimam Mate! Trahimam!" He said falling down, touching her feet as the blur in everyone's vision cleared out, showing the scene of Indra at Dhriti's feet as Kanha walked towards them.

"No Devraj! Get up." She said, asking him to rise up as the rage in her now replaced with tenderness.

"Prabhu! Mate! Forgive me. Forgive me once again. I had let my ego consume me. I had done the extremely wrong deed of raising my vajra on you Maate, how shall I ask for forgiveness." He said now joining hands in front of them as Dhriti looked at Kanha.

"Devraj, ask Takshak to give back these innocent people their precious lives." Kanha smiled as Indra nodded, walking towards Arjun.

"Putra! Forgive me for what ever I said earlier. I had no control over my rage. Ask putra. Your bravery has won my heart. Ask for whatever you want." Indra said patting him.

"Before asking for anything , I want to assure you that, we will always look after Nagraj and his Praja. We would take their lives in consideration. Your putra will never let you down." Arjun said as a proud smile appeared on everyone's faces.

"Putra, this time, you have proved your ability and smartness. Now ask, what do you want? " Indra spoke.

"Bhagwaan Indra, I request you to ask Vishwakarma to build a beautiful city on this land so that we can name it after you." Arjun smiled as Indra nodded.

"I will surely do that putra. But you could have asked for something else. Vishwakarma would have anyways presented himself for your service upon Prabu and Maate's orders."Indra smiled pointing at Kanha and Dhriti as he took sometime to realize what he had done.

"Are you pointing at Dhriti, Devraj?" Arjun asked confusingly looking at her.

"Uh, its its time for me to take a leave Putro!" He smiled at everyone joining his hands in front of the divine pair as he disappeared from the saga of chaos he would have caused.
While Arjun stood there, shocked from whatever just happened as his eyes gave a questioning look to Kanha, who in return walked towards him.


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