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"Surprisingly, Kritavarma isn't here to welcome us for the first time." Kanha smiled as he informed everyone about their arrival in Dwarka.

"I'm here Rajkumar. I'll never miss that." Kritavarma smiled as Dhriti and Kanha as everyone's chariot.

"Everyone! This is Kritavarma. Narayani Sena's Senapati. And Dau's favourite." Kanha chuckled introducing as everyone else greeted him.

"Sakhi, I think you should come out of your carriage. You wanted to see how Dwarka looks na." Kanha called Draupadi as she stepped out, slowing climbing on Arjun's chariot.

"Let's continue, shall we? Everyone is awaiting for the arrival of Maharaj Pandu's children ." Kritavarma chuckled back at Kanha as they resumed their journey.

"You see, no one is awaiting our arrival." Kanha whispered to Dhriti, jokingly faking disappointment.

"Well, can't complain about it. I'm Maharaj Pandu's kanya as well na." She laughed back.

"Finally my Bhratashree and Bhabhi are arriving. That too after soo many days." Subhadra squealed in excitement.

"Yeah. Even Arjun is arriving....... I mean all the Pandav brothers are actually." Revati wiggled her brows, teasing her.

"What... What do you mean Bhabhishree?" Subhadra tried to keep a straight face as they saw the nearing chariots.

The crowd of Dwarka was in immense joy. The arrival of Pandavas, Draupadi and Kunti contributed more to their happiness. Little petals of flowers were showered in their direction as Kanha and Dhriti smiled, looking at each other.

"So she's Maharani Draupadi?" Subhadra's dasi asked.

"Yes she is. Isn't she beautiful?" Subhadra beamed at her.

"Ofcourse she is. Really very beautiful. But not more than Rajkumari Dhriti. Look here she comes." The dasi replied smiling at the sight of Dhriti and Kanha getting down from their chariots as the little children ran towards.

"Indeed. Bhabhishree's beauty is unmatched. Just-just look at her....
Her flawless face that would even defeat the apsaras of Indra Dev, her fair skin radiating the shine familiar to gold, that small smile always present on her pink lips, her long and smooth hair perfectly half tied and half hanging down behind her veil, the elegant nose ring and the crown on her head representing Dwarka and Yaduvansh, those fingers nicely painted with bright red kumkum, that skilled sword hanging down her waist as every step she takes is a graceful walk of hers. Overall, she likes to keep the things as simple as possible.
I must say, Bhrata Krishn is a lucky man now." Subhadra spoke, adoring Dhriti's beauty to every bit as the ones who arrived, got down from their respective rides.

"Jiji, Jiji we missed you so much. The entire sena was all quiet without you." The little girl smiled at Dhriti's tall figure as the latter bent down, gently hugging her.

"Oh, is it? Then what about me?" Kanha said standing there as he smiled at the sight of lovingness in Dhriti.

"Yes yes. We did Bhaiya. Afterall we had no one to tell us stories and bring makhan for us." The boys said greeting him while the rest of Pandavas proceeded to be greeted by Vasudev and the entire family.

"Kunti....." Vasudev smiled at his sister as they had a small reunion.

"Pranam Rohini Kaki. Pranam Devki Kaki." The others greeted as the ladies blessed them.

"Oh where are my two grown up kids?" Devki asked looking out for Dhriti and Kanha.

"They are over there Kakishree. Talking with the actual kids." Draupadi smiled as she saw Dhriti and Kanha finally approaching.

"You walk first." Kanha nudged Dhriti

"No no, YOU walk first." Dhriti replied as they walked towards all others, specifically Devki.

"Please. Narayan is forever afraid of all his mothers." Kanha looked at her.

"Walk first or I'll tell Mata and Nakul that you were the one blowing off all his night lamps yesterday." Dhriti smirked.

"How do you win. Alright, ready to get scolded. Or worse, get our ears twisted again." Kanha chuckled as Dhriti walked behind him.

"Pranam Mata." Kanha gave his best smile to Devki as she blessed her.

"And where's the other one hiding? Dhriti?" Devki asked as Dhriti slowly stood in front of her, talking her blessings.

"Don't worry both of you. I won't twist your ears." She assuringly nodded as Dhriti and Kanha smiled at each other in relief.

"......Instead, I'll see the two of you tomorrow." She completed her sentence as the others laughed, entering the Palace.

"Yes about that, we need to discuss about Holi. We'll do that during lunch. You all should take some rest after this long journey." Dau smiled as everyone were escorted to their respective rooms.

"Revati Bhabhiiiiiiii." Dhriti excitedly ran towards Revati, who was talking with Draupadi as the younger one hugged her.

"Congratulations. I'm so excited and happy for both of you. Mothers-to-be." Dhriti giggled as the duo of Revati and Dhrit escorted Draupadi to her room and while Subhadra made surely everything was perfectly fine so that Draupadi does not have any trouble.

"Thankyou so much for this Subhadra. And don't worry, I'm sure I'll have no trouble. I'll join the two of you in sometime." Draupadi praised Subhadra as she nervously smiled and exited her chambers with Dhriti.

"Girls! Maa and Pitashree are calling both of you for lunch." Revati called from the hallway.


"The biggest rule. Dhriti and Kanha in different teams." Dau spoke standing in front of everyone as they rested themselves on large smooth rocks and a few chairs as cool breezes of the sea shore touched their faces.

"Yes yes, agreed. Two of them in a single team will be the end of the other one." Vasudev smiled looking at the younger ones.

"Alright then, Dau in my team." Kanha spoke getting up.

"No! We talked about this. Dau with me." Dhriti said, making everyone chuckle on their mini fight for Dau.

"I'm in Dhriti's team. That's final." Dau raised his hands as he smirked at Kanha.

"Okay then. All the 5 of them with me. Now say." Kanha crossed his arms smirking back.

"Fine Fine. Dau needs his bestfirend afterall. So Kritavarma on our side." Dhriti smiled as Kritavarma and Dau high fived each other.

"If Arya is on that side, I'll be on Krishn's team." Revati giggled as Dau nodded at her intentions.

"Subhadra and Yagyaseni......." Dhriti and Kanha spoke in unision, raising their brows.

"Ofcourse on her side." Both of them giggled as they sat beside Dhriti.

"Alright kids, we wanted to tell that Revati and Draupadi, both of you should take utmost care of yourself while playing. Your health is more important." Kunti spoke smiling at them.

"Yes Mata, we will." They assured.

"But you should still be careful Arya. I'm going to colour you any how." Revati warned Dau, making him chuckle.


"Alright, no payals, no bangles, no head piece ,no-" Subhadra continued giving instructions to Draupadi and Dhriti as they sat in a room, getting ready for today.

"You mean to say no sonorous things na?" Draupadi giggled as they started removing their jewelries.

"I'll go check if Bhratashrees Nakul Sahadev are up." Dhriti said swiftly walking, without making any sounds.

"The palace seems quiet. And I haven't even seen Dau, Revati Bhabhi and Kritavarma. I think they are already out there. Let's carefully make our way." Draupadi whispered as they exited the palace from the back doors.

"This is the perfect place Dau." Kritavarma spoke to Dau, sitting on two different trees holding a pot full of coloured water.

"Yes, waiting for the perfect people to arrive. I hope Bhadra knows what she has to do." He smiled looking out for Kanha and the Pandavas.

"Keshav! Where is everyone? We've been roaming around holding these colours since morning. " Arjun spoke as the 5 of them along with Kanha walked around finding everyone to get them coloured.

"Hm...So they're not here. From which door did they exit the palace?" Dhriti asked her dasis.

"They have told not to reveal this to anyone Rajkumari." One spoke as Dhriti nodded.

"Alright Alright, I'll find them. Happy Holi." She giggled applying colours on her dasis' cheeks as they smiled at her.

"This tree. Dau said this tree." Subhadra spike as she and Draupadi hid behind the tree waiting for Dau to pour the water.

"Kritavarma...." Dau whispered nodding at him as both of them poured the pots down on these 6 men, fully drenching each of them.

"Yes! Got you all first!" Draupadi and Subhadra laughed throwing colours towards them as Dau and Kritavarma got down.

"Got it! Now I know where Priya is." Kanha exclaimed, taking colours in his fist as he ran inside the palace.

"Rajkumari! Rajkumari! Devkinandan is coming inside the palace. He knows you're here. Run!" Subhadra's dasi ran towards Dhriti.

"Whaaaattt. Okay okay. Give that thali to me." Dhriti said as she started speed walking towards the back door.

"Happy Holi!" The 5 of them cheered, putting colours all over Draupadi's face as she giggled.

"And where's the other one! Subhadra wait! You can't run away." Arjun shouted running behind her as Sahadev nudged Nakul.

"Didi always misses it." Nakul shrugged laughing.

"For how long will you stay away from your Kanha? " Kanha smirked standing at the entrance of the back door.

"Kanha! Its not even been a lot of time and you are already drenched and coloured." She said getting into fits of laughter as Kanha stood there with arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah I'm already drenched. Now how can Kanha let his Priya be like this. Not coloured at all. So let me do the honours." He chuckled running towards her.

"No! I'm not losing this time. Not this time!" She laughed as she started running away from him.

"So everyone is coloured except Dhriti. I haven't even seen her since morning." Revati smiled as she finished fully colouring Dau while all of them gathered on the streets waiting for Kanha and Dhriti.

"No. No. No! Someone give me colours. I'm out of colours." She shouted, showering the entire thali filled with colours on Kanha.

"Now if you don't let me color you, even I'll tell Gauri that you secretly gave Ganesha and Nandi modaks that day." Kanha said making Dhriti stop on her spot.

"Prabhu, Devi Shakti will pull me as well. Afterall I was the one coveying his message." Narad spoke.

"Don't worry I won't do that Narad." Je assured.

Kanha grinned finally having a hold on Dhriti's wrist as he pulled her by her waist.

"You don't have any escape Priye." Kanha smirked applying colour on her face with both his hands as Dhriti stood , smiling at him.

"Not that I'm leaving you." She giggled covering his face and hands with multiple colours.

"Happy Holi....." They said profoundly smiling at each other, followed by a gentle hug.

"You're unrecognizable Priya." He laughed running outside as Dhriti ran behind him.

"Look! There they come. Love birds. Oh my god. Look at Didi! " Nakul said making everyone laugh as they approached the pair.

"So who wins?" Vasudev gave a wide smile looking at everyone's coloured faces.

"Hm.... For the first time, this Krishn has lost the game. Priya won. Love always wins." Kanha announced, whispering the last line as he held both her hands.

"I'm not done yet!" Yudhishthir and Arjun tried to keep a straight face as they soaked Dhriti in water with pichkaris.

"Jyesht! Wait." She rubbed the water out of her eyes.

"You can't spare yourself from me Parth." Kanha warned as the two of them ran behind the older brothers.

"Now let me equalize everything. You've roasted me a lot little sister." Yudhishthir said, drenching her once again.

"Now come here, I'll tell you who Brihannala is. You both have teased me a lot." Arjun sprinkling colours at Kanha.

"Bhrata Yudhishthir! Ugh the water is cold." Dhriti laughed pushing the water out her pichkari.

They continued running for some more time, reaching Dwarka's sea shore as they gradually came to a stop, sitting down to gather their lost breaths.

"Now, I don't care. Drench me, colour me as much as you want. I'm tired." Dhriti said panting, making Kanha smile in joy.

"You sure?" Kanha smirked, shifting towards her.

"Yes--" Dhriti took some time to realize until Kanha carefully rubbed some more colour on her face.

"Um... So the game is over. Now are we free?" Dau asked standing along with Kritavarma, Nakul, Sahadev, Bheem and Subhadra.

"Yes, but for what?" Kanha gave a smile as everyone except Dhriti got up.

"For this." Nakul said pouring water on Dhriti's little figure sitting down, as the latter put a her little hands covering her face.

"I knew it!" She laughed, finally getting up.

"I think instead of drenching Nakul, we should throw him the the waters. Pure bliss." Dhriti joked.

"Your wish is our order Rajakumari." Bheem and Arjun laughed picking Nakul up.

"Arey she was joking. Weren't you didi? Tell them!" Nakul said amidst his laughter as both of them layed him down in the waves.

"Hm.... Happy now?" Kanha asked putting a hand around Dhriti's shoulders.

"Beyond that. And your Raasleela is still left." She smiled, looking in his eyes.

"You'll dance with me na?" He spoke occasionally looking at everyone's banter as the two of them stood a bit away.

"Ofcourse I will. Raasleela is always incomplete without Lakshmi with her Narayan.
But for that, we need to go towards the main streets now." She chuckled calling everyone out of the waters.

"Bhabhi, do you know how to play in the Raas? Don't worry I'll teach you." Subhadra spoke holding Dhriti's hand.

"Ofcourse Subhadrae, who knows better than her?" Kanha smiled as Dhriti nodded at her innocence.


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