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"Then listen Priye, look here." Kanha said gently holding her shoulder.

"Is it good or bad?" Dhriti asked tensely looking at him.

"Remember Rishi Bhrigu's curse that in Siya-Ram avatar, Lakshmi-Narayan would suffer from separation ?" He softly spoke as Dhriti's grip on his arms tightened.

"What about that? Its done. That's the past. We've suffered enough separations and now I'm not going to let that happen." She spoke, her voice slowly cracking.

"And what if that's a curse yet to come....." Kanha said carassing her.

"Nobody has cursed us for this incarnation. And-and I would not let anyone do that. This world has always done that to Lakshmi-Narayan.
Wasn't the exile enough, wasn't Sita haran, her going to the forest again or she finally going inside the earth enough?
Or is there something more left for me to prove my love and devotion?" She asked now crying.

"Priya....." Kanha spoke wiping her tears.

"Who? Who is going to do that this time?" She said almost collapsing down as Kanha held her.

"You don't want to know that Priya. Now I won't even let you shed a single drop of tear. You'll know about it someday." Kanha said sitting beside her.

"I don't want to lose you once again Kanha. I can't bear the separation once again. No. My-my celestial form will leave this body-" She panicked crying into his arms.

"Priya!!" Kanha stopped her.

"Don't jump to conclusions like these. I never said that I'm leaving you. I didn't even mention about separation in this incarnation. I just revealed about the curse a certain someone would be merrily bestowing upon us without knowing the consequences." Kanha consoled her.

"You always say that, Vidhata has his own reasons while writing this in our luck. Then what? What is the reason behind this? And why? Why always us?" She asked.

"You're right. Everything has a reason. So does this curse. And why always us? Because Prajapati knows we can fight this and emerge out, even more stronger. Afterall, we're here to put a bench marks of various ideals aren't we.
And you are Shakshat Mahadevi. What are you apprehensive about? At times, you have the complete ability to take up your original form and slaughter the sinners. And remember my dear Chanchala, you're on earth to prove that women and no less than men. Infact they are more divine. You're here for dharmasthapana. To protect and empower the nari jati. " Kanha spoke, reminding her of her purpose as a small smile appeared on her lips.

"Yes, yes I'm here for a reason. I should not be affected by the the fascination about these earthly pleasures. We're above this." She said standing up as Kanha smiled at her.

"Yeah I forgot to tell you....." He spoke as they started walking.

"What?" She asked.

"You were looking pretty...... I mean as always." He chuckled.

"Hm..... Even I forgot to tell you something." She smirked with a red face.

"Yes yes what's that?" Kanha asked excitedly.

"Mamashree Shakuni is more impatient for Indraprasth's Rajsuya Yagya and all of us." She giggled as Kanha frowned.

"Well, I was expecting something else." He spoke.

"I know what you were expecting my Prince Charming." She laughed slightly pulling his cheek.

"Anyways, what I was thinking is, why can't we, I mean Bhratashrees can go and capture Gandhar.
There will be two benefits:
One, They will gain a state under their confidence,
Two, anyways mamashree Shakuni is not bothered about what's happening in his kingdom, by this he might actually put some interest over there as well." Dhriti said as Kanha chuckled at her idea.

"Great! Kakashree Vidur would be impressed with your Niti now.
But Gandhar has important family relation with both Hastinapur and Indraprasth. And attacking them would be against Jyesth's Dharma." Kanha explained as Dhriti nodded.

"Leave it. We have many other Kingdoms. Whatever it is, I want Indraprasth to be an independent Kingdom and Bhrata Yudhishthir the Chakravarti Samrat as soona as possible." Dhriti explained as Kanha smiled, nodding at her words.


"So four of them in four different directions, one at a time?" Yudhishthir asked as the brothers sat across a room along with Kanha, Dau and Kritavarma discussing their tactics ahead of the Raj Suya Yagya as yesterday's memories still laid fresh in their minds.

"Yes. I think the four of you are more than capable to take ove the other states with a few soldiers, singlehandedly." Dau spoke as Kritavarma started explaining with the map of Aryavart.

"The four of you together in diffrent directions would have worked but that would make Indraprasth a weak capital and anyone would easily attack us." He further spoke, gaining a nod of each on of them.

"But we have to do this before Bhrata Duryodhan's Ashvamedh Yagya. Because after that, some states would come under Hastinapur, and we could not attack them." Arjun built his point.

"That's right therefore, we should start with Arjun.
Arjun will conquer the Northern states. But remember Parth, North of Aryavart consists of Kingdoms with whom you don't need to necessarily wage a war with. You can get their confidence on friendly terms." explained to Arjun.

"Kuntibhoj,  Madra and Panchal will happily give all their support to their dear Pandavas. Therefore these three kingdoms should be the last to be visited by you. Cover other territories with warfare and end you expedition on friendly terms." Kanha suggested as everyone nodded.

So after Arjun arrives, an expedition should be sent to South." Dau spoke moving a pawn towards the south on the map.

"The South of Aryavart is a large part. Also, Southerners are extremely skillful swordsmen. Therefore I think, Nakul and Sahadev should go on this conquest. Two great swordsmen, to different regions of South." Kanha spoke moving one more pawn towards South.

"The eastern territories are the ones I think Bheem should be assigned." Dau reasoned as a smirk appeared on Kanha's face.

"The eastern kingdoms are known to fight on elephant back and also with bare hands without any weapon. That makes it more like wrestling and we all know you excel at it." Yudhishthir explained as Bheem nodded.

"Also, Bade Bhaiya is the King of Kamayaka region which also lies in the East. That implies two things:
One, you will obviously get the support of Rani Hidimba for the Rajsuya Yagya.
Two, the army of Kamayaka would always be at your service during the expedition." Kanha finally spoke.

Let's not forget about Magadh Naresh Jarasandh who is adored by Gandhar Naresh and Yuvraj Duryodhan." Kritavarma said.

"Ofcourse! How can we forget Jarasandh. He's the reason for the formation of Dwarka." Kanha chuckled.

"Winning over Jarasandh is not easy, but very beneficial for not only Indraprasth but for all of Aryavart." Kritavarma spoke.

"Magadh and Jarasandh would be the last ones. Jarasandh have captivated a large number of kings for some sacrificial purpose.
We'll meet each other for the next time when Pandavas march towards Magadh. Until than, I have a lot of work in Dwarka." Kanha chuckled.

"Yeah, a lot of work." Dau tagged along.

"Where is Dhriti the whole time? " Bheem asked.


".......And that's why fruits are healthy." Dhriti said presenting some fruits in front of Panchali.

"But I don't want to eat them." She pouted.

"But he wants to." Dhriti said, pointing towards her now visible belly.

"He?" Draupadi asked in excitement.

"Ha he I mean, the kid. It might be he or she. You never know na." Dhriti reasoned.

"What do you think?" Panchali smiled.

"What do you want?" Dhriti questioned back.

"Should be a boy." Draupadi beamed.

"Why?" Dhriti raised her eyebrow.

"An older brother for all his little siblings. Like arya Yudhishthir." Panchali smiled.

"Hm... But even older sisters are good you know." Dhriti looked around.

"The only elder sister I know is Shikhanhdi and I must say she's the queen of having a straight face without the slightest smile." Draupadi reasoned.

"Ha, Bhrata Yudhishthir laughs all the time." Dhriti spoke sarcastically as Draupadi playfully hit her.

"I'll tell this to Arya now." Draupadi joked.

"I know you won't. Also, you forgot that even I'm elder Nakul and Sahadev. And not to mention I'm an amazing older sister." Dhriti spoke as the ladies laughed.

"I like you more as a younger sister but." Draupadi pinched her cheeks.

"That's good now eat this." Dhriti smiled finally managing to feed her some fruits.

"Ugh Dhriti. Why?" Draupadi stopped her.

"I don't want to get my ears pulled by Mata yet again. So you better eat this if you love me." Dhriti reasoned as Draupadi sighed.

"You can't blackmail me." She giggled.

"Ofcourse I can. Now finish them before I come back. Maybe I'll ask Subhadra to be with you. She's nice for a loving company." Dhriti grinned leaving her room.

"Oh look who's here. Where were you the whole time?" Yudhishthir patted as Dhriti entered the armoury.

"I have been assigned to take care of your Panchali. So I was busy." She smiled picking up her bow.

"Yes yes, take up your weapons warriors." Kanha chuckled, announcing as he sat on the nearby bench.

"That's where I have made a bench mark. Look how far. I'm impressed with myself." Arjun laughed as Dhriti aimed her arrow, shooting it but immediately frowned as it did not hit the target.

She pulled one more arrow, shooting it but failing to hit the target once again.

"Dhriti! This time it did not even neared the target. What are you doing." Arjun nearly shouted as Dhriti looked down.

"There are so many thoughts flowing through your mind that even your body is being affected by it.
Free the mind form every single thought Priya. And then see the results." Kanha's voice ringed in her mind as she looked at him while he gently nodded.

Dhriti closed her eyes as he took a deep breath, draining down all the thoughts running through her mind.

"Sorry sorry. Now let me try again." Dhriti looked at Arjun as she aimed her arrow again in the same spot.

"Nice! Look there. You have few more targets to beat now Bhratashree." Dhriti spoke as she and Arjun ran towards where she shot the arrows.

"Great warrior. I was on the verge of scolding you for not being able to hit the targets." Arjun chuckled.

"Even Guruvar Drona never scolded us Bhrata. I can never forget how to skillfully use my weapons.
Anyways, which regions did the four of you get for the conquest before Rajsuya?" Dhriti asked her brothers as Kanha approached them.

"Bade Bhaiya to east, Parth in North and Nakul Sahadev in the south." Kanha explained as she smiled.

"Well, that's great. Bhrata Bheem if you're ever planning to go to Kamayaka, don't forget to take me. Its been ages since I met Ghatotkach and Bhabhi Hidimba." Dhriti beamed as Bheem nodded.

"So Nakul and Sahadev will meet Maharaj Vibhishan. Won't they?" Dhriti smiled at Kanha, as the two of them started walking out of the armoury.

"Yes they definately will. And I'm sure Mitra Vibhishan would be more than glad to welcome and help them. I wished to pay him a visit but that's not possible you see." Kanha smiled back.

"That was a promise to give him our darshan in every upcoming avatar of Lakshmi-Narayan." Dhriti reminded him.

"And that we'll surely do it Priya. Maybe soon." Kanha assured as they headed back to their chambers before lunch.


Sorry for been inactive for one whole day. That's a lot of time away from wattpad.

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