Preparations and a Day Out

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"Vidur, send a letter to Dwarka as soon as possible. Call Vasudev, Devki, Rohini , Balram, Revati and Subhadra here so we can proceed with the pre wedding rituals." Bhishma and Dhritarashtra said as all the family members sat in the common room.

"I'll finally meet Subhadra!" Dhriti thought smiling at Kanha.

"There'll be chaos when the two of you meet. Believe me." Kanha laughed back.

"I don't mind chaos at all. You know I have been containing the flowing excitement in my body since I put that garland around you. I have been like an obidient child since morning and now that's boring. And I want to know how did the two of you manage to enter here."  Dhriti said, almost in single breath making her cough.

"I know you're bursting with excitement internally." Yudhishthir whispered giving her a glass of water as she drank it.

"Alright kids, I think all of you should take some rest. Its been a real long day."  Vidur said eyeing Kanha and Arjun as they slilently giggled.

"You're right Vidur. We'll start with all the rituals and preparations once all the family members of Dwarka arrive at Hastinapur." Dhritarashtra smiled dissmissing the meet.

"Now bhratashree! Kanha! Tell me how did you manage to enter the Palace?" Dhriti asked clinging to Arjun's broad and tall arms.

"If I tell you, you'll laugh for two days and make fun of me." Arjun said walking through the hallways as Dhriti turned towards Kanha.

"No Keshav, you're not going to tell anything. No one is going to tell anything!" Arjun ordered.

"Oh! So everyone except me and Dhriti knows the story. Leave it on me! Atleast someone will tell the truth." Draupadi laughed.

"Fine fine. I'll narrate the whole story. Only if you promise me you won't laugh." Arjun said pointing at Dhriti.

"Why only me? Everyone laughs." She playfully frowned.

"Because Didi, you laugh too much. You laugh on anything and everything." Nakul said mimicking her.

"Whatever!" She said entering her chambers as everyone made themselves comfortable on her bed while she put those beautiful lotuses in a wide pot.

"There's a difference between making yourselves comfortable and shamelessly lying and rolling on her bed Arya putro." Draupadi said making Dhriti giggle.

"Oh you don't know Panchali how me, Sahadev and Didi used to hide under the blanket fort to scare Bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Yudhishthir."  Nakul laughed.

"There was absolutely no need to mention that." Yudhishthir said embarrassed.

"Also its not forget how I used to beat and chase Arjun and  Dhriti till they start crying when they used to steal my share of kheer. " Bheem said making Dhriti and Arjun laugh.

"And then we used to go to Pitamah and complain about Bhrata Bheem, and he used to tell us some bedtime stories in return, while Bhrata Bheem would get bedtime pastings from Mata." Dhriti completed.

"Govind, looking at your face I can figure out you were absolutely not innocent. Tell us stories about Vrindavan." Panchali smiled making Kanha chuckle.

"Ah ha, for that we need to wait for Dau and Subhadra to arrive. They'll spill the beans." Arjun said laughing towards Kanha.

"Until than, I'll spill the secret of Brihannala." Kanha mischievously grinned at Arjun.

"Brihannala? Who's she to Bhratashree?" Dhriti giggled as Draupadi's eyes shot up.

"Arjun's female version. A gopi." Kanha said laughing as Arjun got up and sat beside Dhriti.

"You promised you won't laugh. If you do I'll tickle you." Arjun warned her as she nodded trying to suppress her laughs.

"Since Priya left no other option, other than entering the hall, attending the Swayamwar and taking he blessings of everyone, me and Parth decided to disguise ourselves as Vrindavan Vasis and enter the Palace." Kanha started narrating.

" I just changed my appearance. Replaced my mor-mukut with a small turban and plain blue cloth instead of Angawastra. But....... But Parth draped a sari around himself, took that veil on his head, and he was turned into Brihannala. " Kanha said as everyone started laughing hard but Dhriti sat there coughing and suppressing her laughs.

"What is this unfair act Bhratashree. Let me laugh. Atleast a bit." She said smiling out.

"No! Once you start laughing, you won't spare me. I know very well." Arjun said laughing.

"Brihannala..... Really." Dhriti said as she finally let out laughing making Arjun's face turn red, both in embarrassment and anger.

"Dhriti...." He got up.

"Oh.My.God." she said getting up as Arjun chased her.

"Sorry sorry, leave it Bhratashree. Laughter is a good medicine. And you should spare your little sister. Afterall she's getting married in a few days." She said hiding behind Draupadi.

"You ungrateful Princess, I took that disguise just for both of you." Arjun said finally catching and tickling her.

"Oh thankyou so much. I'll repay your debts someday." She joked.

"You'll have to repay it someday Priya. We both have to." Kanha thought looking at both of them.

"Enough both of you." Yudhishthir said freeing Dhriti as Kanha and Draupadi laughed the whole time.

"Govind, I've got the best family, haven't I?" Draupadi turned towards her Sakha.

"Since when did you started jumping to conclusions?" He asked her back.

"What?" Her face bore a confused expression.

"I mean, now that Priya will bid a farewell to Hastinapur, Your five husbands won't be the same mischievous brothers they are right now. They'll be bestowed with responsibilities. And remember, Bhrata Yudhishthir has some rights on the throne. The matter is suppressed just because of our wedding. Once we move back to Dwarka, there will be changes in the kingdom Yagyaseni." Kanha explained.

"You and Dhriti would be there to help me right?" Panchali questioned.

"Even if I'm not there, always remember that Dhriti would be there for you and with you in every situation, good or bad. You both will protect each other and the five of them." Kanha smiled as both of them looked at Dhriti laughing with her brothers.

"She'll change after getting married. And I would miss this version of hers." Draupadi looked down.

"She won't change Sakhi, she won't. Although she'll know a lot more of truths she's unaware of, she'll remain the same- fierce, sassy, gentle and a child she is." Kanha assured as a smile grew on Draupadi's face.

"Alright everyone, we'll play gilli danda tomorrow. " Bheem announced.

"No no no no. That's a boring game." Dhriti reasoned.

"That's because you and Bhrata Nakul always lose." Sahadev laughed.

"We'll go horse riding. To Ganga Ghati. That's a beautiful place. And seems like Sakhi hasn't explored Hastinapur yet." Kanha said.

"Yes! That's great! Horse riding. After so long." Dhriti smiled at Kanha, who reciprocated it.

"Erhm.... Sorry to disturb, but at morning's 1st prahar, we're going to Ganga Ghati."  Draupadi said teasing Dhriti and Kanha.

"No more Sandalwood Turmeric Marination tomorrow?" Dhriti laughed asking Draupadi.

"Just sparing you for one day. Day after tomorrow onwards, I'll make sure you are dolled up everyday beforr the sun has barely rose." Draupadi rolled her eyes, laughing as everyone walked to their respective room, leaving Kanha behind.

Dhriti fondly smiled as Kanha turned to hug her.

"Good night!" He broke the hug pinching her nose as Dhriti tried to catch him.

"Haww! good night Kanha." She said smiling at him.


"Dhriti! One more time before we leave without you!" Panchali shouted outside Dhriti's chambers.

"Rajkumari, She's not in her room." The dasi informed.

"Oh. Any idea where she might be?" Draupadi asked turning around.

"Might be in the armoury." Bheem laughed standing behind her as both of them proceeded.

"I'll take this one. He's my favourite. Although he made me fall once long back. I love his white colour." Dhriti said patting her horse as Kanha fed him some fodder.

"And this is Nakul's dearest horse. He does not even let anyone touch him for long. Let alone ride on him." Dhriti said running a hand on his head making Kanha laugh.

"What do you think Priya? With whom will Sakhi ride?" Kanha smiled.

"Most likely with Bhrata Arjun. But she can ride on a separate one if she wants to. Afterall, riding alone is blissful." She said.

"Now what can we do, there are only 7 spare horses and some love their  husbands a lot na." Kanha teased.

"I know what you mean." She smiled crossing her arms.

"And still you won't ride with me." He grinned mounting on his horse.

"Because I like troubling you." Dhriti said mimicking him as she got on her horse.

"Oh Bhabhishree! What took you soo long?" Dhriti asked as she saw the 6 of them approaching.

"She was standing in front of your chambers, trying to wake you up. Then someone told here you're already up." Sahadev giggled as Draupadi laughed at her own silliness.

"Okay now how am I gonna come? I mean I can ride with someone but my other Arya putras will feel bad." Draupadi smiled as everyone expect her mounted on all the horses.

Dhriti's eyes tried to find another horse thinking that she would teach Yagyaseni how to ride , but she missed the fact that Kanha eyed something to Bheem as he cleared his throat

"Uh yeah yeah, Panchali is right. She can't be partial with us na." Bheem said as both him and Panchali eyed at Dhriti.

"You guys are real impossible!" Dhriti said getting down from her horse as Kanha grinned, giving her a hand to climb on his horse.

"I know you are the mastermind behind this." She said taking the harness in her hands.

"Ah ah, this time, I'm going to ride it." Kanha said taking the harness.

"Then I'll fall down Kanha. I'm not saying that you can't ride it, but I don't have anything to hold on." She laughed.

"Am I not visible to you Priye? You can hold me." Kanha said, his tall and large body, acting almost as a shield to Dhriti's comparatively little one.

"Ofcourse, ofcourse. How can I forget you." Dhriti said gently holding both his lower arms as Kanha giggled looking at her flustered face.

"So how's it going Bhabhishree. Riding alone and all." Dhriti asked as she saw Draupadi struggling a bit to manage but not showing it at all. That's how she was.
She and Dhriti were same in majority of aspects. They adored the men who respected women, who let them float in the ocean of their curiosity and learn new things. They were the two women who starting bringing up changes in the society defeating the rigid stereotypes and it was visible to almost everyone that these two fierce ladies would bring up more changes in the near future. Only if they could have figured out how intense things would.


"We're in a huge loss Pitashree!" Duryodhan exclaimed, straight away walking into Dhritarashtra's room.

"What happened putra? What loss?" His father asked.

"We've lost allies and supporters Pitashree. Were losing the confidence of numerous kingdoms." Duryodhan said.

"Can't you just directly state the problem? I'm simply not understanding anything." Dhritarashtra got up in anger.

"He means to say the Swayamwar and the wedding, Hastinapur Naresh. Think about it." Shakuni came in between.

"Now, Vasudev is not only the Pandavas's close friend but also our son-in-law. Dhriti is soon going to be the KulVadhu of Yuduvansh.
After killing Mathura Naresh Kans, Vasudev gained the wrath of Magadh Naresh Jarasandh.
Chedi Yuvraj Shishupal and Krishn are never on speaking terms because of some peculiar promise Krishn made to Yuvraj's mother.
Rajkumar Rukmi, Shishupal's closest friend can also be a threat because he doesn't get along with Dwarka as well.
And now, we've lost the support of powerful kingdoms like Magadh, Chedi and Vidarbha. Just for the sake of Dwarka." Shakuni continued.

"You're somewhat right Gandhar Naresh, but give me some time to think about it." Dhritarashtra said dissmissing both of them.

"Mamashree, we have successfully put Pitashree in doubt, but what now?" Dushasan asked.

"Now we've to gain back the trust of Magadh, Chedi and Vidarbha. But not for Hastinapur, for our personal reasons. Also, don't forget! How much ever we deny, Dwarka is a very powerful kingdom, therefore both of you have to gain back Balram's respect and trust.
Go apologize to him for what happened a few days back.
Balram is elder to Krishn, so if we manage to bring Dau on our side, Krishn has not option left other than obeying him." Shakuni explained with am evil smile but Duryodhan shook his head in denial.

"Impossible Mamashree! I'm not going to go and apologize to some one like a coward." Duryodhan said.

"Bhratashree! Think about it. If we try to take one step behind, we have Magadh, Chedi, Vidarbh and half of Dwarka on our side. Pandavas don't have anyone except Panchal, half of which belongs to your friend Ashvatthama." Dushasan explained finally succeeding.

"But mamashree , why are we gathering the trust and support of so many kingdoms, Hastinapur is not in a state if war." Dushasan reasoned.

"Who will be the Yuvraj of Hastinapur- Duryodhan or Yudhishthir, is still a question with has been under looked because of the hype of Dhriti's wedding.
But what after she gets married and relocates to Dwarka?
The Pandav brothers would definitely ask for their rights. That time, we need this support." Shakuni said playing with his dice as the three of them devilishly laughed.


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