Takshak's Attack and Arjun's Exile

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"Ah ah you can't start turning him against me." Dhriti chuckled as the siblings sat under a tree, watching little Prativindhya, now crawling.

"Putra, tell her, she has stayed here for too long. Now go to Dwarka. Your Kanha must be missing you." Bheem joked.

"I see, you can't bear that Prativindhya loves me, more the five of you combined." Dhriti snapped back, laughing.

"Where is your Mata and Pitashree?" Dhriti cheekily smiled, talking to Prativindhya.

"Really she has been talking to him since the day he was born as if he's going to answer back." Sahadev chuckled.

"Jyesht is with Panchali, probably playing chausar." Bheem spoke as Dhriti huffed.

"What's up with that game but?" Dhriti spoke.

"Only you don't like it somehow." Nakul shrugged as Dhriti looked away, playing with Prativindhya.

"Rajkumar! Rajkumari!" A sevak came running towards them.

"What happened?" Everyone got up with Prativindhya in Dhriti's arms.

"Takshak....Takshak has attacked on our citizens. The city is in havocs. And...." He let out.

"And what?" Nakul asked hastily.

"Revenge." Answered Devarshi.

"Pranam Maate. Nagraj Takshak's mind has been contaminated with Gandhar Naresh Shakuni's thoughts. He has been bribed to do this." He explained.

"Whom should I kill first? Gandhar Naresh or Takshak? My mind can't decide." Dhriti rubbed her temple as Munivar cracked a small smile.

"Rajkumar, there's a problem. Rajkumar Arjun is approaching towards Maharani Draupadi's chambers to take his Gandiv. One of you needs to stop him because Maharani has ordered that no other Pandu Putra, except Maharaj Yudhishthir shall enter her room." The sevak spoke as Dhriti jerked out of her thoughts.

"I'll- I'll go stop him." Dhriti spoke, handing Prativindhya to Bheem as she ran towards Draupadi's chambers.

"Bhrata Arjun! Wait! Bhrata Arjun!"She hastily ran towards her chambers as she called for him but in vain.

"Will you just wait Bhratashree!" She spoke loudly, running towards him, as she blocked his way.

"Let me go Dhriti. Indraprasth is in danger." Arjun spoke.

"You can't enter Bhabhishree's chambers Bhrata Arjun. Let me go, I'll bring it." She explained.

"No Dhriti! I'll go take it, with whatever punishment I have to face later." Arjun spoke, pushing her shoulders aside.

"What's wrong with me going in the and bringing your Gandiv?" Dhriti asked, making him stop yet again.

"Because I'm not sure if  you can pick up my Gandiv, Dhriti." He spoke, as Dhriti sarcastically laughed.

"What.did.you.say?" She bitterly asked.

"Exactly what you heard.  Plus, its my duty to protect my citizens." Arjun answered.

"Isn't it my duty as well? Am I not Maharaj Pandu's daughter anymore, your sister anymore or I just became a guest for Indraprasth after my marriage?" Dhriti asked, with tears in her eyes.

"Dhriti, Takshak is powerful. And you know it very well. Let me go in, take my Gandiv and put an end to this mess created by him." Arjun spoke, taking a deep breath, advancing towards Draupadi's chambers.

"I can come help you with it...." Dhriti slot let out.

"No need. I'm enough, capable of doing it. And what if something happens to you? No risk. Be here with everyone." Arjun ordered as Dhriti turned behinds, without a reply only to find Nakul and Bheem listening their conversation.

"Didi...." Nakul tired to stop her.

"Don't follow me!" She announced, tying her Angawastra around her waist as she left in opposite direction.

"Nakul, Bhrata Bheem? What happened? You both looked tensed." Arjun aake as he returned back, his mighty Gandiv in his hands.

"First, Panchali, as a punishment for entering hers and Bhrata Yudhishthir's chambers would send you on an exile for 7 years and second, She's gone and we dont know where." Nakul sadly spoke.

"I'm ready to take the punishment but who's gone where?" Arjun asked.

"Dhriti!" Bheem spoke as Arjun shook his head.

"Its not even safe to go out now. Where did she go! Madhav, do something." Arjun helplessly exited the Palace to face Nagraj.

"What happend so terrible that made Arya Arjun break his pledge?"  Draupadi worryingly enquired as she and Yudhishthir hastily walked towards them.

"Nagraj Takshak has once again attacked on Indraprasth and taken away the cows required for the rituals and Arjun has gone to clear the mess.
Arjun and Dhriti had an heated argument and now, Dhriti left somewhere we dont know." Bheem once again explained.

"Arya putro, please go and find Dhriti!" Draupadi looked at them with some hope.

"She has asked not to follow her." Nakul said, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Bhrata Nakul, we have to treat the injured soldiers. Let's go. We can't waste any more time." Sahadev enetered, taking Nakul away with him.

"I'll go and make sure the palace is protected." Bheem spoke.

"Wait Bheem! I'm coming. Panchali, be with Mata and Prativindhya." Yudhishthir joined, leaving Draupadi behind, trying to absorb everything at once.


"Takshak! Come out Nagaraj! Where are you hiding?" Dhriti shouted, as her horse slowed down, coming to rest.

"Look who's here to defeat me, Jagat Kalyani herself." Takshak laughed, appearing in front of her.

"Your Dau, Balram, avatar of AdiSesh, was not able to defeat me. What do you think, you'll defeat me..... Mahadevi?" Takshak spoke, approaching her.

"Hm..... So you know things beyond the earthly world. Who enlightened you?" Dhriti faked a smile raising her bow as she saw Arjun quietly approaching them.

"Dhriti...." Arjun spoke.

"Go free those cows and a few people he has captivated Bhratashree. I'll look after this one until you come back." Dhriti told him.

"Don't you try to raise any weapons against me. I have Devraj Indra's vardaan of having a place in DevLok." Takshak replied.

"Then kindly return under his shelter before I end your time on earth." Dhriti warned.

"You siblings don't know my powers." Takshak laughed, showering numerous snakes on her as she shot her astra, protecting herself while Takshak disappeared from her sight.

"Indra Dev!" Dhriti fumed, upon knowing about Indra's vardaan to Takshak.

"No Mahadevi! No. Try to understand my compulsion, my helplessness. He had tricked me and then saved my life.
Out of generosity, I granted him one wish, and in turn he asked for shelter in DevLok whenever he and his men need it." Indra dev explained as Dhriti glanced at each and every corner, trying to spot Takshak.

"Lakshmi devi?...."  Indra dev enquired, waiting for her reply.

"Funny how everyone around me are either helpless, tied to a promise or taken some severe pledge which just ends up with crisis that--" Dhriti was about to end her sentence when Takshak injured her from behind, making her fall down with her hands tied behind her back, with his snakes.

"Seems that you lost your weapons, Devi." Takshak spoke, throwing her sword and bow away.

"Nagraj Takshak! Leave her before I end you with my astras." Arjun strong voice echoed through the eerie noices made by the forest as Gandivdhari walked in front of them, with the freed cows behind him.

"Pandu Putra! Even your great sister was not able to defeat me. What do you think, you can?" Takshak spoke as Arjun positioned his astra.

"One Astra, shoot even a single astra on me, and I'll poison her. And let me assure you, no vaidya rishi can save her from Takshak's poison." He spoke as Arjun lowered down his Gandiv.

"I told you, don't come with me." Arjun spoke, sadly looking at her.

"I did not come with you Bhrata Arjun. I came here on my own. You better don't worry about me." Dhriti assured.

Dhriti put all her strength to free herself from he snakes, tightly locking her wrist as she finally succeeded, standing back on her feet, picking up her sword.

"You have broken the promise of not harming the snakes, Rajkumar!" Takshak pointed at Arjun.

"I did not harm any of your snakes. And she hasn't taken any pledge about that." Arjun pointed towards Dhriti, walking with her sword.

"Aha! Not so soon!" Takshak attacked her with his unusual sword.

"Think about it Mahadevi! AdiSesh the dear snake of your Narayan, and Vasuki, whom Mahadev wears around his neck.
You are going to affront and offend this mighty clan of snakes?" Takshak whispered.

"Nagraj, first of all, you stand no where to be compared with AdiSesh and Vasuki.
Second, you called me Jagat Kalyani, so it's my job to save earth from a tryant and oppressor like you." She smiled, clashing her sword, as she realized she needs to find a different way to overpower him.

"What even is this sword?" Dhriti acted to be unfamiliar with these kind of weapons, distracting Nagraj as she smoothly flicked away his weapon, knocking him down at her feet.

"She won't free you! Last time we did the mistake of forgiving you and your praja. Not this time." Arjun spoke, locking him as he walked  towards them.

"This does not seem like a plan deviced by you Takshak. So tell us, who helped you?" Arjun asked as Dhriti pushed Takshak further, walking away from him.

"Gandhar-Gandhar Naresh. Shakuni." Takshak replied, still catching his breath.

"Mamashree Shakuni?!" Arjun uttered in shock looking at Dhriti's calm demeanor even after hearing his name.

"Yeah, I mean what more do we expect from him?" Dhriti shrugged, walking towards her horse.

"What do you think?" She raised her brow at Arjun.

"That's exactly what's on my mind." He chuckled, shooting an Agniastra, circling Takshak's weak body.

"I'll call Indra Dev to my rescue. He shall free me from here." Nagraj's voice rose from the flames.

"Yes yes, go on!" Arjun crossed his arms as the siblings saw Devraj Indra appearing in front of them, his eyes not even rising up to face Dhriti.

"Pranam Bhagwan Indra." Arjun joined his hands as the Lord blessed him. Arjun's confused gaze shifted towards Dhriti, as he saw Devraj bowing down to her as she slightly nodded.

"Devraj! These siblings have done injustices to me. Take me and my men to your DevLok Devraj. Give us your shelter." Takshak pleaded as Dhriti squinted her eyes.

"Hey Prabhu Narayan, show me a way." Indra prayed.

"Lakshmi didn't stop you Indradev. I know my Chanchala won't do that. Take Takshak and his men along with you." Kanha assured as Indra disappeared along with Takshak.

"7 years, is it?" Dhriti turned towards Arjun.

"I don't know why I think, there is vanvas written in our luck." Arjun chuckled climbing up on horse as Dhriti put herself in a deep thought.

"Maharani Sunaina! After studying Putri Sita's Janma Kundali, it is predicted that only exile is written in her entire life from now on." The royal astrologer entered the chambers, as Dhriti remembered the shock on Sunaina's face after hearing the news.

"Mata, its just a prediction. He did not assure you that this is what going to take place in the future. I don't want to see you shattered just because of one prediction." The now grown-up and matured Sita assured her mother as a smile grew on Dhriti's lips.

"Dhriti! Dhriti! Let's go, shall we? Its almost morning now." Arjun shook her out of her thought as Dhriti absentmindedly nodded, riding on her horse.

"There won't be a Rajsuya Yagya for the next seven years and I strongly believe even this is another ploy of Mamashree Shakuni." Dhriti spoke.

"Madhav was saying......" Arjun continued.

"Now now, don't go and tell this to your dear sister. Let it be a surprise." He remembered Kanha's words.

"Yes, what was he staying?" Dhriti smiled.

"Nothing. I mean that's what! I haven't heard Madhav saying anything. Like, we haven't met for so long." Arjun covered up.


"Krishn! Both you and Dhrito don't have any love for writing and informing us about your arrival." Kunti smiled, looking at him as he entered the Palace.

"Yes Govind, atleast give us some time to arrange everything for you." Draupadi smiled, cradling Prativindhya.

"I came here to meet Prativindhya. And also, to take my Priya back to Dwarka. Even I'm alone na." Kanha chuckled, picking Prativindhya up in his divine hands.

"I don't think he would let her go now." Yudhishthir laughed.

"Then I might take him and Bhabhi with me." Answered Dhriti's voice as everyone turned in their direction.

The delighted smile on everyone's brighten up the atmosphere as they walked towards the two siblings.

"What!? I didn't knew this?" Dhriti giggled, almost running towards Kanha.

"Surprise...." Kanha grinned.

"My little warrior, did you miss me?" Dhriti smiled, pinching Prativindhya's nose as he vigorously moved his hands, giving a small titter.

"Obviously not! You were away just for a few hours." Bheem spoke as everyone laughed.

"Bhrata! We have brought all the cows and captivated people back to Indraprasth safely." Arjun smiled at Yudhishthir while he patted him.

"Stay safe." Yudhishthir softly let out as Arjun smiled, walking towards Bheem.

"You know you have this awesome chance of visiting each and every place and try all their food items." Bheem laughed, lightening up the atmosphere as Dhriti walked towards Draupadi.

"Its not your mistake....." Dhriti gave a small smile, wiping her tears as Draupadi hugged her.

"I'm not letting you down Bhrata Bheem. Obviously I'm going to try all the items and stay so healthy." Arjun laughed back, as the brothers hugged each other.

"Bhrata...." Nakul and Sahadev spoke in a low voice as both if them touched their feet.

"Don't cry, Favourite kids." Arjun chuckled patting both of them.

"I can't let two of my children leave on the same day." Tears escaped Kunti's eyes as Arjun touched her feet.

"Ayushman Bhava Putra. May you successfully complete your Tapasya and return back safely." Kunti blessed him.

"Where are you planning to go for your Tapasya, Parth?" Kanha smiled.

"Have heard a lot about the divinities in the east. Especially Manipur. I'll go there." Arjun smiled.

"Definately go there. But don't forget to visit the Somnath temple near Dwarka in the end. Maybe your Tapasya would be completed there and--" Kanha smirked.

"And we have something to do." Arjun whispered as they embraced each other.

The smile in his face turned into a sorrowful look as he turned towards his Panchali.

"Forgive me Panchali. I should have respected the pledge I had take earlier." Arjun looked down.

"Arya, your decision has saved Indraprasth from any further harm. Please don't ask for forgiveness." Draupadi gave a light smile.

"Dasi.." Draupadi called as her maids arrived with the costume of a tapasvi for Arjun while Draupadi gently collected all his ornaments.

"Let no barriers ever come in your way Arya. I'll always wish for your saftey." She spoke with tears running down her beautiful face, joining her hands in front of him as Arjun gave her an assuring smile, turning behind.

"Did you forget me Bhrata?" Dhriti slowly asked, stopping her voice from cracking.

"How will I forget you, sister?" Arjun turned around, tightly hugging her.

"This is the first time, I am exiled all alone. Without anyone of you." Arjun cried as all the brothers walked towards them.

"Ofcourse. But this is the right time, to embrace your inner self Bhrata. Meditate and discover what your soul actually wants. Away from the worldly pleasures." Dhriti explained breaking the hug as she watched all of them crying.

"Now do I need to wipe everyone's tears?" She smiled.

"We dont mind at all." Sahadev sobbed as Dhriti gladly wiped their tears with her hands making everyone bear a small smile on their faces as all of them bid a farewell to Arjun.


Now, I know the exile was fir some 12 years. But I'm soo sorry I wanted to shorten it, because I have things in store. Sorry if that somehow offended you.

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