Karan the Kidnapper

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Karan carried her to the car and buckled her into the passenger seat before making his way to the driver's seat. He didn't think of the consequences of what he was doing, all he knew was this was the only way to help Roo and Sameer. With that thought in mind he headed home.

As he approached Luthra house her phone rang... he quickly looked for her phone knowing full well that by now the residents of Arora house would be going crazy looking for her. He should have guessed that her sister would be the one to call! The phone rang for a few seconds and then stopped before ringing again. He decided to turn it off completely – he couldn't afford to have anyone interfere and if they found out that he'd taken her to Luthra house against her will, Sarla aunty would be here in no time and would definitely drag her home before he had the chance to speak to her.

Putting the phone into his back pocket he walked round the care and carefully lifted her out and walked towards the house. If the security guards and the house help found there boss carrying the unconscious Arora into his house they didn't show it and continued with their work. After struggling to ring the doorbell with her in his arms Karan waited impatiently for someone to answer the door.

In the house the residents were sitting in the living room waiting for Karan to return. After his abrupt reply to Ramona before he left she had been utterly pissed, in one day not only had her 'best friend' insulted her but Karan had also managed to get under her skin. To make matters worse Mahira had started to sob which did nothing to improve Ramona's mood.

Sherlyn who was present at the time had then used this as an opportunity and had added more fuel to the fire which had resulted in another argument between Rakhee and Ramona. Kareena had tried to support Ramona, but Rakhee had held her own. She had realised that in this mad house the only way she would be heard was by not allowing others to bully her.

Eventually Rishabh had to intervene; he was sick of people talking to his mother like she was the maid especially people like Ramona who he felt shouldn't even be living in their house – and that is exactly what he'd told her. The argument had finally died down when Dadi stepped in and decided that she would speak to Karan about his behaviour but she would not have anyone, especially Ramona speak to her daughter-in-law with disrespect!

Hearing the sound of the doorbell Rakhee moved towards the door, it was just the opportunity she was looking for to get away from the suffocation she felt sitting with everyone.

As she opened the door Rakhee smiled seeing her son, but very quickly her smile turned to concern as she noticed the unconscious girl in her sons arms, "Shrishti!" was all she could say.

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