How long

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Lucy's POV
It's been a few weeks now Natsu is completely better but karma and her dad still haven't woken up yet. Natsu has say by karmas bed ever since had could sit up. Luckily she is alive.
Karmas POV
Where am I? Every thing is dark. What happened, and who am I? Am I in some sort of room or building? Why can't I move? Am I alone or is someone here? Then all of a sudden a large light shined in my eyes. What is happening? Am I dead, am I dying?
"Ugh" I gran as I open my eyes to a wight ceiling. I roll over and see a pink puff ball. Then it moved. And I try to back away.
"Karma?" Said I guy with the pink hair.
"Who are you get away from me" I say at the boy. His eyes get wide but I don't know why.
"You really don't remember me." He asked and I just shook my head.
"Oh" he sighed and got up walked away. Then he came back in with a blue haired boy.
"Karma!" Yelled the blue haired boy. He came running and tried to hug me but I backed away before he could, can you blame me I don't know who he is.
"What's wrong karma?" Asked the blue haired boy
"Who are you?" I ask and his eyes get wide then he turns around.
"This is all your fault Natsu! If you didn't let her leave I would have my sister!" He yelled at Natsu, I guess was his name.
"Did you say sister?" I asked and looked at the boy.
"Yes I did, don't you remember me?" He asked
"No I don't" I say and he starts to cry.
"Oh I'm sorry plz don't cry." I say softly.
"Its fine" he said softly and he turns around but I could tell he was lying. He was almost at the door when.
"Jellal" I say loudly. Then he stops and turns to me with wide eyes.
"Jellal is sorry I wish I could remember" I say loud enough for him to hear me.
"You do remember" he said as he starts to walk back over to me.
"What?" I question
"I never told you my name, you remember me!" He said loudly.
"Well I guess so but I still don't really remember who you are just you name." I say as I look to the wight sheets on my bed.
"You will, you will." He said in a soft tone. The he walks away, and Natsu comes over.
"I know you don't remember me but would you mind if I help you up and take you out to the guild?" She asked
"Wait I'm in guild?" I ask
"Yes you are" he said nicely
"I would love for you to show me around." I say with a smile. But then when I said that I could see a familiar sparkle in his eyes. Then he helps me up and we walk toward the door. When we get to the door he opens it for me, I still have one arm over his shoulder because I couldn't stand on my own.
"Karma!" Every one yells. i was so scared of every one yelling I  buried my head in Natsus chest, the warmth of my head in his scarf was again very familiar.
"It's ok karma" he said trying to calm me down.
"Guys she doesn't remember any thing or anyone." Natsu said looking out at every one.
"Oh" said a girl with blue hair like mine.
"You'll remember one day" said a short little man sitting on the bar next to a tall wight haired lady.

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