Jackle part 3

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We were about to walk up to the door when an explosion went off and smoke filled the air.
"Lucy!" Gray and Natsu yell.
"Ugh I'm fine" I say as I try to sand up but can't see anything with all the thick smoke.
"Stay were you are Lucy I'll find you." I can barely hear Natsu.
"Ok." I say and stand still till I feel hands in my shoulders and I jump.
         "Hay it just me, Gray." He said and I can slightly see him. Then another set of hands touch mine and Grays.
         "Is that you guys?" Natsu asked
         "Yeah it's us." Gray said then the smoke cleared we could see a figure in the distance getting closer.
         "Who is that?" As I asked that Natsu and Gray both block me with an arm. When the figure was close enough to see Natsu and I both growled.  No one moved the figure stood there and so did we.
         "What are you two waiting for?" Gray said as he approaches Jackle. But before we could stop him he punched Jackle and another explosion goes off.
"Gray!" I yell
"You should have stoped him." Jackle smirked. Gray is laying on the ground barely conscious.
         "Stay here Lucy." Natsu said as he approached Jackle.
         "Oh I wouldn't get any closer." As Jackle said that he put Gray in a floating orb.
        "Put him down." Natsu said sternly.
        "Huh. Oh. I have a great idea. Why don't we play a game." As he said that he turns and looks at me and my eyes widen.
         "Leave her alone! I'm your fight!" Natsu yelled.
         "I think not." As he said that he put a magic circle around me. And Natsu turns to look at me. But when he turns his back to Jackle he gets put into  an orb like Gray.
          "NO!" I yell and reach for a key.
          "I wouldn't if I where you. Don't you remember the rules?" He smirked
          "Yeah no magic or they both go boom.yeah remember." I say with sass
          "Good so you remember that you only pick one. Your choices are the injured or your boyfriend." He said as he looks at both then to me.
          "He's not my boyfriend!" I yell
          "So you chose the injured?" He smirked
          "NO! I didn't say that!" I yell
          "Lucy I'll be fine Grays already taken a hit choose him!"  Natsu yelled.
          "No I cant choose!" I yell.
          "It's either one or none sweets." Jackle Smirked again.
          "30 seconds." Jackle stated. Then I look up at him with an idea.
          "Do you know where we are?" I ask and Natsu looked confused.
          "That's doesn't mater, 20 seconds." Jackle stated again.
           "Oh but it does." In say with a smirk.
           "No it doesn't! 10 seconds!" This time he yelled.
           "9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2-" Jackle counted down.
           "I've made my decision." I say calmly.
           "Then who is it?!" Jackle yelled and I just smirk.
           "I, choose..." I pause
           "Come on or they both die!" Jackle yelled and Natsu eyes widen.
           "Erza." I say quietly.
           "Who?" Jeckle looked at me confused.
          "Dont you know the all mighty Titania, Queen Of Fairies..." I pause again.
          "That's pathetic. Fairies don't exist." Jackle said
          "Well I didn't think annoying demons existed." Erza said as she showed up on the roof of the building behind us.
          "And I said I choose... Erza." As I say that she requiped into the heavens wheel. She took down Jackle just like that and Gray and Natsu dropped to the ground and the magic circle under my feet vanished. I ran to their sides. Natsu was fine but Gray had gone completely unconscious.

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