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        About an hour has gone by and Jellal still hasn't talked to me and I don't like it. What if I tell him will he understand? I don't know if he does that would be awesome but if he doesn't I just don't know.
         "Jellal can I talk to you." I ask shyly
         "What is it?" He sounded kind of annoyed.
         "I- I just wanted to say I'm sorry." I say and look towards my feet.
         "You should be." As he says that I look up at him and he now seemed angry.
          "Here plz look at this and try to understand why I didn't tell you anything" I say as I pull out the note and hand it to him. I could tell he was reading it because I could see his eyes scanning the paper.
           "You still could have told me" he said as he look up from the note.
           "No I couldn't it was either tell you and have Jewel be killed in a instant or don't tell you and, well... this. You just ignore every word I say, barely make eye contact with me, and care fir Jewel but not even ask how I'm feeling after witnessing that!" I yell at him in the middle of the guild.
           "I don't care we could have worked it out! I'm your brother I can help!" He yelled
            "Yeah you right! But you know what? she's my sister and she needed help! I'm sorry for letting my long lost sister live instead of asking for help from my controlling brother! Just so you know I'm not a little girl anymore I'm 16! I can take care of myself and others with out you breathing down my neck!" I yell again.
           "Controlling? That's what you think of me? Controlling?!" he asked
           "Yeah I do!" I yelled and he grabs my arm and pulls to the guild doors.
           "Let me go!" I yell at him and struggle to break from his grip.
           "No." he said sternly.
           "See there you go controlling me! Don't you see it? Do you even know your doing it?" I ask. Then I feel a hand on my free arm. I turn to see Natsu.
           "Let her go."  Natsu said calmly.
           "No" Jellal said again but this time he punched Natsu. Witch didn't end well all it did was lead to a fight. Then every one started to fight for no reason. Eventually my leggs gave out and I fell to the ground and start to sob.
           "STOP! EVERYONE STOP!" I yell and every one freezes and stares at me a 16 year old girl sobbing in the floor.
            "I can't take it anymore! Please stop! Jellal I'm so sorry please forgive me. Please I don't want to be alone. I need my big brother!" I yell and he stoped pulling Natsu's hair and walks over to me. He bend over and hugs me. Then every one comes over and we have a huge group hug. Minutes go by and eventually people break off and just stand around and watch. When it was just me and Jellal left he pushed on my shoulders so our eyes locked. Then he leaned in a placed his forehead on mine and I felt his tears drop onto my lap.
         "I'm so so so sorry." He whispered.
         "It's fine" I say calmly
         "No it's not you were just protecting our sister and I overreacted. Please forgive me" Jellal whispered again.
         "Just shut up." I say as I wipe his tears away and lean in to hug him harder then before. Im pretty sure we sat there hugging all night. Even when the guild lights went out we didn't move. I eventually fell asleep on Jellal's shoulder and he didn't bother to wake or even move me we just fell asleep hugging.

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