Kill our name

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          "And I said I choose... Erza." As I say that she requiped into the heavens wheel. She took down Jackle just like that and Gray and Natsu dropped to the ground and the magic circle under my feet vanished. I ran to their sides. Natsu was fine but Gray had gone completely unconscious.
Time skip
         It's been a few hours and we are resting in my old apartment. Gray is in the bed still unconscious. I'm starting to get worried it's been 4 hours. Natsu had been pacing and Erza has been silently siting and I guess thinking. And I, well... I've been thinking also. About many things. I just need a break, why can't there be peace but still be friends. I usually find that I at ease when my friends aren't around and I hate it. Like when we disbanded I hated it but I found a new job and career, I was happy. But I'm even more happy with my friends but when I with them something always goes wrong.
       "I'm going for a walk." I say as I stand up.
"No you can't go out there alone he might still be out there!" Natsu yelled
"I'll be fine I have my keys." I say and start to walk away till I feel his hand on my wrist.
"Plz don't Lucy." He said
"I already told you I'm going" I say and yank my arm away and walk out. I walked down the street in the chilly midnight air. I didn't see or hear anyone. All i could hear was the whistling wind and my feet on the side of the wall next to the river like old times.
          "You shouldn't be out here all alone sweets." I heard a voice that I knew. I reach for my keys right away.
"What do you want." I say with a firm voice.
"Want do I want? What do I want?! I'll tell you want I want! I want to avenge my master!" Jackle yelled
"How will you do that!" I yell.
"I will kill every last member of fairy tail! And I'm almost done too all I have to do is kill your pathetic little team you have going on here." Jackle said with a growl.
"What. No! You couldn't! They can't be gone!" I yell and fell to the ground. I'm sit in my knees clutching my face.
Flash back start
"Come join fairy tail...hi I'm Mira what color mark would you like...Natsu look my guild mark...phantom lord... hi Im Wendy... GMG... gotta help me save him...come going fairy tail karma...I remember...tartarus...
disbanding?...who is that...Natsu?...Gary!...
Flash back end
          "No,no,no they can't be gone. They can't be! They, they just can't!" I yell.
          "Well it's time to check the next person off the list. Any last words?" Jackle asked
           "Yeah! You can kill, murder, and harm everyone I'm close to and kwow. You can even kill me but You will never, and I mean never! Kill the name fairy tail! So kill me I don't care just know you won't ever kill our name! You won't erase our memories! You womt erase the marks we all wear that call us family!" I yell and Jackle looks surprised but then he just gets ready to attack and I just sit there waiting for heaven to call me home.
          "Now, you die!" Jackle yelled I let my head fall and just wait. But nothing ever happens. I look up and see gray.
          "Gary?" I say with shock.
          "Get up." Gary said with anger in his voice. But I don't think he was angry with me.
          "Now you." He slowly turns to Jackle.
          "So you mean to tell me you have killed every other member of fairy tail. The same people who beat you and all your friends once before." Gray said
          "Yes every last one, well except for you 5." Jackle said 
          "I don't believe you." Natsu said as he walks up next to gray.
          "Yeah none of us do." Erza said. I turn around and see everyone. And I mean everyone. I stand up and walk to Jackle.
          Natsu reaches his arm out to stop me but I signal for him to stop.
          "Now. Jackle. We can do this two ways. Either everyone here gets even more mad then they already are and we all end up having another fight. Or you can walk away now and never show you face again. You chose we are all fine with either." I say and look back at everyone. When I turn my back to Jackle I feel him put his arms around my neck and trap me.
            "Jackle! Let her go!" Karma yelled. Then I see everyone get fired up.
           "I'm fine clam down." I say
           "Jackle. Let me go please." I ask Nicely
           "Why should I. Yeah your right I wanted to kill everyone but killing one will be fine." He said and he holds a sparking, yellow ball in his free hand.
          "Now anyone move and she gets it!" Jackle yelled. No one  moved. Then Jackle started walking backwards.
          "What are you doing?" I ask.
          "Where are you taking her?! Get back here!" Natsu yelled.
          "Where are we going?" I ask calmly.
          "That not for you to know" Jackle said.
          "All right enough. You've gone too far." I say and start to struggle.  
          "Your not going any where." Jackle said with a stern voice.
          "Actually I think I'm going to go with my family." I say as I break free from his grip and reach for my keys.
          "Open... gate of the lion! Leo!" I yell and Loki spears next to me.
          "Take him down." I say and point to Jackle
          "Of corse Lucy." Loki said with a twinkle in his Eyes and a smile across his face.
Time skip
         The fight didn't take long, no we didn't kill him we just scared him off hopefully for a while. We all hang out a have fun for the rest of the night.

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