Life is good

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Karmas POV
So it's been about a month and I have spent lots of time with Natsu, Lucy, dad, Jellal and Jewel. We go on missions together all the time. Oh, and guess what! I got my guild mark! I got it on my hip, and it's teal! My favorite color!
             Every thing has been going smoothly no phantom lord, no memory losses, no spilled information, life is good. Well almost I have been getting the same nightmare every now and then about that faithful day. The day I thought I lost my whole family, my mom, dad, Jellal, Jewel, Missy(our dog) and Penny( our cat). I'll wake up almost every night crying. But then Jewel sits with me till I fall asleep again. I at least have Jellal, Jewel, dad and all of my fairy tail family, so i know I'm never alone.
             So many things have happened. We all went on missions together, I even took one with just Natsu, Lucy and happy. I know I had done it once before, but it wasn't... well, me. I've meet so many new people. Like every one in fairy tail, lots of people from the sabertooth guild also even made some friends around Magnolia. Oh and also my birth day is coming up, I'll be 16! Wow I can't believe it! 16! I'll actually be 16 in 3 days!
             Those 3 days go by quick and its now my birthday.  I wake up with out a care I the word. I was in such a good mood, I hadn't had the nightmare last night. When I woke up and walked to the kitchen To fine a little note on the table that said...
Dear karma,
So I do know that today is your 16th birthday but unfortunately I'm on a mission with Jewel. I'm sooo sorry I had to miss your big day but Jewel really wanted me to go on this mission with her. I wanted to take you with us but you where still asleep when we left and we wanted you to have some time to sleep in today. I'll see you soon I promise, love ya sis.
                    Again so sorry
           "Oh" I sigh as I put it down with a small frown cross my face. I wonder what's up with dad, Jellal didn't mention him in the note. I go upstairs to get dressed in my favorite out fit.

This is the outfit karma is wearing. Again I didn't draw her my cuz did. Also he is a great  artist at and writer, go check her out...ArtCat13 and FairyTailFreaks13
         I decide to go to the guild but I wasn't in a rush I wanted to take my time and enjoy the fresh air. It feels good be able to walk alone with out being knocked over by some evil wind. I passed some of my friends from town and they wished me happy birthday and Malissa from the flower shop gave me a free Bouquet. They smelled amazing. When I reached the guild doors I couldn't hear any body screaming or yelling, actually it was pretty quiet. When I opened the doors the lights were off and it was silent. I couldn't see anything so I started to kind off  feel my way around. I eventually got kind of lost, in my own guild hall how crazy is that!
         "Is anyone here!" I tell hoping to hear an answer, but nothing. Then I hear something move and my heart starts to thump harder then usual.
        "Hello? Is any one there?" I say as I reach for my keys on my belt. Then all of a sudden...
       "SURPRISE!" I hear everyone yell and the lights turned on and I could see everyone and the whole guild was decorated and there was even a banner that said 'happy birthday karma'.
       "Awwww, you guys I love it thanks so much." I pause
       "Now don't ever do that again!" I kind of yelled. Every one was shocked.
       "Because you scared me." I then say and every one giggles. Then I see Jewel and Jellal walk in holding a cake.
       "What?! I thought you two were on a mission?" I say and they just smile.
       "No We wanted to surprise you so we throw this little party." Jewel said with a  huge smile across her face.
      "Little? What are you talking about this is huge! Streamers everywhere, confetti on the Flores and tables, balloons, food-" then I get cut off
      "Did you say food?" Natsu asked with wide eyes and a huge smile. I started to laugh and so did everyone els.
       The day went by pretty fast. We all had a good time and no one had a care in the world. We were all happy. But Little did we know the that those blue sky's would turn to gray in a blink of an eye.

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