Thanks giving(special)

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Hey peeps so sorry this is a day late but who cares not me. It's still the week of thanks giving. Hope you enjoy.
So...About a week has gone by since the whole Bo- well you know. Oh... Guess... What?! So... there are 3 days that I love the most in a year. 1 my birthday. 2 thanks giving. And 3 Christmas. I love them all and one of them is tomorrow. So you know it's not my birthday because that was that was a few chapters ago.(a/n how do you know that?! What ever just stay ion track) ok, ok, I will. So anyway I cant wait for thanks giving.
Time skip
         I wake up with a slow yawn and my arms stretched out. I get up and run down stairs to see Natsu Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Jellal, Jewel and dad. When I enter the room Natsu just stares at me.
        "What. Don't stare at me!" I yell then look down to see I was in my over sized shirt and really short shorts. I turn around and bolted up stairs. And put on my favorite out fit.

        I walk back down stairs. Natsu still stares at me but I felt better when being in actual cloths.
        "Hay quit staring at my little sis." Jellal said and snapped his fingers in front of Natsu's face and he snapped out of it.
          "Hey guys" I say to every one.
          "Hey karma." Lucy said sweetly and got up and hugged me. I hugged back then let go and walked over to Natsu. He stood up and hugged me. I hugged back then sit down in the seat next to him.
           "So when do we eat in staring and my stomach is screaming for some turkey right now" in say and we all share a laugh.
          "Soon sister, soon" Jellal said with a smile.
          "Ok call us when the bird is done." As I say that I grab Natsu's hand and run out side. When we were all out there we don't stop we keep running to the huge open field. The others weren't far behind us, dad stayed back to work on the food.
          "Come on!" I yell with a Natsu smile on my face as I look back.
          We hung out in that fields for hours just playing games, talking and singing. We had so much fun.
Time skip
          We just finished eating and we all decided to spend the night together. We also decided not to sleep in side we decided to sleep in that big field under the stars.
         We had so much fun that night. We all feel asleep under the moon and millions of stars.

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