"I'm not who you think I am..."

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Name: Himiko Kurumi
Age: 17
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: Himiko has lied all her life, this coupled with her violent tendencies has gotten her into massive amounts of trouble. Her parents have given up on her and sent her to a boarding school.
Looks: media
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: student
Negative traits: dishonesty, killer
Backstory: Himiko had a normal childhood, some would even call it a happy one. But one day that all changed, on her 8th birthday she had a mental breakdown, no one knows exactly what happened in that house to make such a cheerful little girl change her demeanor but everyone agrees it must have been horrible. That day she was taken to the hospital and assigned some medication before being allowed to return home.
Other: she hates her medication, it makes her forget things.

You had just been enrolled in a famous boarding school, upon making your way to your classroom you encounter a strange girl standing at the end of the hall, three other girls surrounded her, calling her names like, freak, bitch, and dumbass. You...?

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