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Jacob is an arrogant rich only child, who is devilishly handsome with bright blue eyes, tall with biceps and a great body posture, his platinum blonde hair lay nicely on his face, as he struggles to push the fringe backwards with his hands, from his face like he was trying to get a better look at me.

I wonder why this wanna be white walker is looking at me. Jacob and I have a weird history that anytime we see each other, a huge lump grows in my throat and trys force it self to erupt. I mange to stay calm as we both glare at each other like two dangerous wild animals fighting  for dominance.

"Well well,look who made it out, where have you been Tony...., JUVI or......." Jacob says, sarcastically with a loopside smile, his Thick English accents dance melodiously on his tongue, especially when he says my name.
Before Jacob could finish, I see Greg and Luna bobling up with anger, but i mange to calm them with a nod to assure them i can handle Jacob on my own.

"hey rehab you prick......" I blurt out, i intended to go easy on him and just brush it off, and walk away... but my words betrays me.

"potatoe, potaatoe" he says,making a dramatic gesture with his hands.

"But you should know I missed you Tony".... Jacob teases me, he is fond of this flirtatious behavior, I know he is trying to get on my nerves.

"Go.... trip....over...a.. kinfe" i say each word slowly as i lean forward.
Let's go guys this dick head shouldn't rewind the night" I say to my friends, and they nod glaring at both Jacob and his friends, I turn to move then I felt a had pull me and turn me back around. then I'm met face to face with jacob ,few inches apart as he leans close, too close that I could smell the liquor from his breath and I can also smell his body scent mixed with his cologne, it gave out a sweet minty smell.

"I just want to say Happy birthday" he smiles, as his words fell out from his lips, making his thick British accent even more intriguing and sexy. With his hand still glued to my arms.

I lean even more closer, that with a single motion my nose will be brushing his, and I whisper calmly while smiling.
"Do you still need this arm, because i will advise you take them off from me".

He smiles back at me and moves away, taking his arm with him.

we walk away fast enough to avoid any more drama from unfolding. I could hear Greg and Andrea curse under their breaths, how much they hate the blonde devils.


My nervs are getting high I need something strong enough to keep me calm. I reach for the red up I saw everyone at the party holding earlier, and a girl with a crimson hair tips appears from no where, she smiles and pour into some liquid in my cup,  she did the same the  boy beside me....I  feel the liquid in cup getting colder on my palms, I sip it, it burns abit in my throat, but it not strong enough for me. I want something stronger.
Andrea, Luna and Greg are out of sight, and I'm on my own, great. I climb the stairs, the hall way with several doors.
The first door was open, I peep inside and saw a brown haired girl grinding on a dark skin guy, seems he is in his 20s, she sit between his legs with her legs wide open and curved back behind her, she grinds slowly down on him in a perfect rhythmic motion, while he makes weird gestures with his face, his hands on her butt like he was guiding her while she moans softly, with her right hands buried in this thick black hair, while  her other hand on his shoulder gripping him tightly. Her short leather skirt, looks uncomfortably tight, her red bra has badazzle on it. I watch them both without to taking my eyes off, even if i badly want to. A tap on my sholders that saved me from the sight.

It's Samantha from math class "omg Anthonia Michaels" she calls out my full name formally in surprise. "Is this really you?" she cried out,  reaching in  for an embrace without a warning.

lol no it's your dead grandma Boohoo.

"Yeah, me, hi Sam". its all  manage  to say reluctantly, I pull her off from the embrace.

"how are you, how have you been, will you be coming back to school anytime soon? you should come back."
she stresses with a worry on her face.
"school is shit without you." We were never close but we talk sometimes in math class, sometimes I help her out with math, so she can help me get Meth from her drug addict brother. Samantha Harvey is nosy and very talkactive but she cares about people she knows ,but she never butt out from other's personal matters.

I missed 182 days of school, after i O.D'd, everything was not the same anymore, after coming home from rehab I never cared about shit , my mother wouldn't force me, she thinks I am just ashamed of going back to school, because I fear what people might do, might think, might say.......but its actually far from the case , I just don't care, I just lost interest in life, in living, and on the future.

"So you are going come back to school tomorrow yeah?" she keeps pushing, and I have no way of not being rude, because its a touchy subject, plus what ever I say she will keep pushing.

"ur hmm ....I mean urhm...." I stutter before Andrea as always saves me.....from trying too hard to respond.

"There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you...come on let's go" Andrea Interrupts us, more like saving my ass from this nosy ass.

"Nate said he has the good stuff...." Andrea is never in support of me being clean, more like she just wants me to be myself again, drug happy. She didn't notice Samantha with me.....she paused after finishing her sentence.
And without a word she drags me hurriedly with her, leaving Samantha behind her face drain with confusion. I give her an apologetic smile, and follow Andrea.


The room is down the hall with two boys on the couch, and a flat plate on a squared shape table, the curly haired boy leans down and sniffs a white powder using a rolled dollar bill. When he gets up, his left nostril is stained from white powder he sniffed, he cleans it with the back of his hands, and presses both nostrils together and inhales deeply....and lets out a laugh that sounds surprising hideous coming from a pretty boy like him

"Tony....!!!, girllll...where have you been? Come here, sit down you are missing, I have the real shit." Nate says his words staggering on his lips, i can tell he is high. He use be my drug dealer. Before i went to rehab. The way he stresses my name and the wide smile and invitation is just a sellout that he is cloud 9 high.....

I walk to the direction of the two boys, he tape the curly haired boy to make make room for me while I sit between them, Andrea sits on his legs leaning her body close to him and playing with his hair like some Delilah.

The curly haired boy lined the powder on the flat plate and hands me the rolled dollar bill, he was using earlier. I lean down with the rolled dollar on my right nostril, and inhale directly on the powder, I felt it go through my nose to some internal organ that I never remembered existed ....and it hit me so hard like a sweet headache but the headache that only relaxs and calm every nerve and  in my body, like an ice cream in summer, hot soup in winter, the exact feeling you expect, the Satisfaction that only you can explain. leaving you with a hideous smile on your face, but happy enough not to care, actually there are no accurate words to describe the ecstasy drugs brings. I know we are not allowed to say it, but drugs are really really cool.

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