Q&A with Nagisa

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Disclaimer:Assassination Classroom and Yuri on Ice characters and plot do not belong to me but to their rightful owners and this story is for pure entertainment.

"Hey guys! Welcome back to the blog and today not even I know what this video is going to be,"

Nagisa is walking down the street holding his camera and blogging.

"So, as you guys know today is the anniversary of when I first started making videos and you guys have been so awesome with all of your support,"

Nagisa smiles at the camera as he pulled his jacket around him tighter to keep warm.

"Speaking of your endless support, I asked you guys yesterday to tweet me some questions for a Q&A, so why don't we start,"

Nagisa pulled out his phone from his coat pocket and pulled up the Q&A section on his Twitter.

"Our first question is from 'Ghost of the Stars' who asks "I love your channel and I wanna know what are you planning for your channel moving forward?"

"thanks so much for watching my channel and I've been thinking of maybe incorporating challenges into my videos, if you have any challenges you would like to see me do leave it in the comments below,"

Nagisa snickered at the idea of some challenges to do with Karma. "Okay okay next question,"

"Our next question is from 'SnakeWatcher47' who asks "You and Karma are a really cute couple, how long have you guys been together?"

"Aww, your so sweet, Karma and I have been going out for quite a few years now, we started dating in our 2nd year of high school and have been together ever since."

Nagisa smiles sweetly at the camera as a light dusting of pink grew across his cheeks. He was thinking back to when him and Karma got together and how it was the best day ever.

Nagisa coughed a bit awkwardly and chuckled rubbing the back of his neck "a-anyway moving on to our next question from 'JackleSmile' who asks 'I'm going through school right now and it has a lot of ups and downs so I wanna know what was the best and worst parts of your school life?"

Nagisa smiled gently and as he read the question and his eyebrows furrowed as he though. "Well I'm gonna have to start with the middle school I went to they had a policy where you become ranked on your grades, I ended up not being able to keep up and I fell to the bottom of the bottom, in Class E."

He smiled sadly as he remembered the horrid policy that tortured the students endlessly. "Karma was in the class too, but he got put in there cause of his behavior..." Nagisa trailed off as a frown dripped on his face as he recalled the fights Karma used to get into.

He shook his head "anyway it was pretty bad, the main campus students treated us like dirt and we let them, we had no backbone in us..." he thought about it back then once again on how they were treated but then a smile grew on his face.

"But one day we got a new teacher..." he smiled joyfully "and he changed our lives completely, he made us believe that we had potential and that we weren't nothing, he wouldn't only teach us on the things we struggled with but also helped us with our personal lives," he smiled blissfully "yeah he was the best thing that ever happened to us,"

Nagisa sighed and shook his head "anyway to continue our next question is from 'IceSkate44' who asks "I've seen your videos of your reactions to Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov's skate competition. And to my understanding you like all of the skaters too, also your videos of you trying to skate are really funny. But I was wondering on your opinion of Yuuri and Viktor's love story and if you'd ever want to skate professionally?"

Nagisa got a big grin on his face and he blushed lightly "I absolutely love their story so much it's so cute and sweet seriously every time I hear and read about it I just can't help but be so happy! And don't even get me started on their skating it's so beautiful and cool!" He face was bright now as he went on a tangent and noticed people were staring at him weirdly.

"Hehehe..." he chuckled nervously and blushed even more red than before as he picked up his pace. "S-sorry about that I let my fanboy side out, hehe," he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well as for skating professionally I don't think I ever could, I paid for lessons once and I just couldn't get it. I'm happy just skating around on the ice rink, though I do wish Karma would skate with me, he never wants to and just sits on the bleachers as I skate around,"

Nagisa pouts on camera "I don't know why..." he trailed off and then a look of realization comes onto his face "oh! What if that's the surprise, he's gonna finally skate with me! Oh I hope that's it!" He grinned happily at the prospect of Karma joining in on the fun for once.

And it was then he realized that he arrived at the Ice rink "We have arrived!" He grinned "that ends our Q&A but the video's not over yet we still have to see what Karma has in store for me so let's go!"

He smiled to the camera one last time before turning it on the door to the ice rink and walked in.

Author:Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter, what ever could Karma have in mind for our dear Nagisa?

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