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i. there's blood on the side of the mountain 


Thick, frosty clouds of mist shrouded the large mansion, painted in dark shades of gray. A small child runs through the grass, hands gliding against tall strands of grass and white roses. Her little  white dress flowing in the rapid waves of wind.

The spring had rains wash up into the dirt, purifying the ground. The evergreen trees that had began to rot away slowly, blackened branches. The place looked almost dead just from one look at the place.

Kincade watched carefully as the young spirited girl, rifle laid in his right hand. How lively the younger girl seemed to be compared to her parents. Reading in the weeds, singing as she played the piano, and always running through the plants.

She was too young to know that nothing stays the same. How flowers wilted and died away like peoples happiness did in stories. Like how he was growing older just as anybody did.

The boy that sat beside him though seemed rather keen on keeping track of his little sister. There was a an age difference of 7 between the two, but the boy always watched her carefully. The children had always been quite odd to him.

Maybe it was due to their parents, who were on a trip at the moment. The parents were rich, but didn't spoil their children as hard as others. They seemed on keen on teaching lessons to the children.

The little girl giggled, her hands brushing against the weeds. She turned to look at the large house from where she stood, how it seemed to be like a mountain in the clouds. The dark building blurring into the sky.

Her smile froze as she saw cars right by the house. Red and blue blinking lights flashed, worry fixed her face. Her gaze turned back to Kincade and her brother who were sitting outside.

"Kincade!" She called, "Who are they?"

Kincade froze, getting up from his seat. His swift movement signaled the ten year old boy and he rushed to Kincade's side. Their eyes caught the sight of the the Bobby out of his car of flashing red and blue lights. 

Kincade studied the figure, seeing a grim look on his face. This wasn't about breaking the law.....something was wrong.

"What are they doing here?" The young boy questioned Kincade.

"James. Get inside. Get your little sister too," Kincade ordered the young boy.


The Police man stood outside the door, talking to Kincade. James kept an eye on his little sister who was playing with an old toy. Beaten up and ancient looking like this house was.

James hated this house with a pure hatred. He never liked how it creaked nor did he like the color of the house. Everything about this house was what he hated and never wanted in house when he was older.

"I'm very sorry," The police man said, handing Kincade a silk black scarf. Stained with bits of blood, causing Kincade a bit of shock.

"What will happen to the children?" Kincade asked.

"One man has already volunteered to adopt them. You aren't necessarily their parental guardian, you're the keeper of the house," The police man responded

"It's going to be hard to tell them. Especially, Amelia," Kincade spoke, his tone shifted to grim and grief.

"I'll give you today and tomorrow morning to prepare them for the trip to Poland. I bid you farewell," The police man. 

Kincade closed the large dark oak door, slowly. His face looking at Mrs. Bond's scarf that was pinpricked with bright red blood. The lightness of the scarf felt almost like a boulder on him as he filled himself with grief.

They were gone.

He looked over to Amelia and James. The boy must've over heard the conversation, he was looking at Kincade with sorrow. Amelia was busily playing with the battered up old doll, placing its legs delicately on the floor.

Kincade cleared his throat, "James. Amelia."

The two children both had their eyes on him now. The weight on his shoulders seemed to choke the words inside him. He didn't know exactly how he could say they parents were dead, he couldn't break Amelia's spirit.

"You'll leave for Poland tomorrow morning," Kincade spoke, bitterly.

"But mother and father said..." Amelia began.

"That doesn't matter. Pack up your bags now," Kincade ordered.

"What's going on?" Amelia pleaded, wondering what was going on.

"Don't you get it!" James snapped at her. Amelia starred at her older brother, terrified by his new tone. Her eyes were like a deer fearfully staring at its predator that was ready to launch its claws at them.

"James!" Kincade voice sounded firm and angry at the boy.

"Our parents are dead! They're never coming back!" James declared for the whole house to hear. Tears ruptured and flew down Amelia's small face. A sense of burning and aching in her body broke out.

"No! You're lying!" Amelia screamed at him. She ran at him, pounding her tony fists onto his taller body. 

"Both of you stop!" Kincade pulled the two apart, "If you can't stand each other, you'll be separated. Be glad you still have a piece of your own family."

His voice rocked the children like thunder sending the both looking at him. The little gurl's cheeks had reddened with tears. Her life was never going to be the same in Poland.

"Are you coming too?" Amelia asked, her voice barely audible.

"I'm afraid not. This a journey you two must go alone on."


ii. there's writing all over the walls


"Welcome to the the 000 program, Ms. Bond......or should I say 008?" 

Amelia's stomach squirmed, wondering if these words were really true. After all these years of training and following in her brothers footsteps had come to an end. She was in front of her brothers boss and knew she had to say something.

The office smelled of earl gray tea and crumpets. Windows paneled the room towards the outside of London, England. It was dark and fogged with petals of snow falling to the ground. 

"Thank you," Amelia finally got out of her mouth. For a split second, she saw a smile appear on M's lips, disappearing before she could even make sure if it was real.

"It's not very easy for someone of your skills to get into the program. Your one of the lucky few who has made it. Despite your youth and being related to 007, we expect you to be on higher levels of maturity and intellect," M stated in the bleak dark gray room of her office.

"Understood ma'am," Amelia responded.

"Good." M replied, "You may leave now-"

The doors of her office swung open to a young man. He was dressed in a full black attire with a black gloves came in. His hair was a dark brown and he looked at the two women, realizing he had interrupted their meeting.

"M," The man nodded to M, looking at Amelia, "You are?"

"That would be 008, Mr. Rowling," M uttered, her voice sounding bitter at this man.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, 008," Rowling extended his hand towards Amelia, who briefly shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too," Amelia said with a small smile.

"May I inquire you are James Bond's younger sister?" Rowling asked.

"I am," Amelia nodded.

"William!" M voice rose and sunk back as she realized she called Rowling by his first name, "005, please allow 009 out."

"Yes, M," Rowling nodded, acting like M was his mother or some sort of parental guide. Amelia took that cue as for her to leave the two to talk. She felt a huge sense of honor being placed in the same agency as her brother.

Skilled in weapons and many arts of fighting, her hard work had come off. Just by taking down a crazed man who was using his fame against other to take over the world. She had shown bravery and had been selected to be the next agent for the program.

She opened the single door office to see James standing right by the wall. She almost jumped back in surprise. Not expecting to see her brother would be there waiting for her.

"You in?" James simply asked.

"Yes," Amelia answered.

"Good job," James responded, quickly adjusting his suit, "You better get used a place like this."

iii. my footsteps on the ground


"I wasn't expecting to see you here," An older Macanese woman said to a younger woman. She was draped in warm clothes, a scarf covering her mouth. Her hair sprinkled with white flakes of white snow.

After being dropped off on a helicopter on the edge of a secret facility on the French Alps, her day was getting stranger. Information and secrets she had just uncovered for M16's agent.

"I wasn't expecting a rouge agent to be in France," The younger woman commented, "What did you find Zhen?" 

"If you'll follow me, 008," Zhen gestured to the underground makeshift tunnel. Amelia detached her gun from her ledger and kept a finger tucked on the trigger. 

Zhen opened the hatch before jumping in. Her boots hitting the ground with a loud thud. The room echoing from her entrance, the blue lights glitching.

Amelia hopped down, her feet hitting the ground with less noise. She moved up her gun to holding it in front of her. Zhen looked at the gun before leading the way down a series of underground hallways.

The air smelled like gunk and sewer water, not quite pleasing as they thought. Melted snow patches were now puddles on the ground, splashing as the women stepped in them. The grayish, blue painted hallways glinted in vibrant white light.

Zhen unwrapped her gray scarf from her mouth, loosening it around her neck. Her eyes were keen on the exact room she had left hours ago. But it was hard with having all the doors as the same shape and color.

"Are you absolutely sure this place isn't booby-trapped or even closely guarded?" Amelia questioned Zhen.

"Believe me, kid. I would've seen a guard being oblivious if I saw one," Zhen responded, turning a corner, "You know you can put the gun down."

"Better safe than sorry," Amelia answered.

Zhen found a door slightly ajar from the corner of her eye. Twisting the door knob ever so slightly to find a dusty room of controls. Red and blue faded into grays of d wimpy lit control room.

Amelia followed in after seeing the controller room. The room seemed more ancient the Egypt itself. Looking like porcelain that would be shattered immediately if you touched it.

She put the gun back into her puffy coats large pocket. The guns shape seemed hidden inside of there as she looked around the room, Who knew that an underground base was on a mountain range?

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" Amelia ventured.

"It is," Zhen responded, her voice was stern and calm, "Tell me if I'm correct, your parents died on the French Alps."

"Yes. When I was three years old." Amelia explained to Zhen.

"Did you know what mountain range they died on specifically?" Zhen asked.

"No, why?" Amelia questioned Zhen.

She watched as Zhen clicked on a few buttons, the ground began quivering with vibrations underneath them. She watched as snow cleansed off the windows that had been clogged from daylight.

The golden hues of sunlight peaked through as did numbers on several screens did. Zhen typed in something while Amelia watched her friend. She had to keep an eye on whatever she was doing.

"Does this date look familiar?" Zhen pointed to the screen blinking back the time. Amelia squinted her eyes at the labeled date when the base was last used. Her eyes widened at the dates letters.

Her eyes wandered over to Zhen, who gave her sorrowful look, "So this is the exact mountain side they died on? But what is this place?"

"Someone caused an avalanche with this tech. Making it look like an accident happened," Zhen explained, pointing over to all the controls.

"Who owned this place?"

"A conman named Harrison Colfer."


A/N: such a long chapter 😅. But I wanted some background information on her and some characters. I had to do something in her childhood  as well as when she was selected to be in the 000 program. I used some lyrics from Cant Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo because it's such an iconic song by her.

I also tried it accurate when James lost his parents in his movies. Including Kincade because he needed some backstory. But I hope you like the Prologue before act one (firestarter) begins. I'm going to have to think of various countries and places she'll go to! 

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