KarmaxNagisa { Lost you }

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A/N - HAHhahHahah long time
no update
im here
with a feelsy chapter
bc i just made an am and i had a great idea for an AU
so i was like lets do it
of course one of them die but we arent talking about that atm so yeah

Nagisa's Point of View

I heard my phone go off, but chose to ignore it. It was probably just Kaede asking me some questions I didn't want to answer.

Oh how I was wrong.

It was Karma, the message he sent made me break inside.

I regretted not checking my phone.

My mom heard my loud cries, and came to check on me. When she saw me sitting on my bed, crying my eyes out, she rushed over and asked me what was wrong.

I didn't have he strength to respond to her.

I just continued to read the message he sent, over, and over, again.


If you're reading this, I'm already gone.
I'm in a better place, so please don't blame yourself for what I did.
But, I couldn't take my pain anymore.
I needed it to stop.

I love you, Nagisa.

My tears continued to fall down my cheeks as I reread it.

He may have no pain anymore,
but that doesn't mean I don't.

Karma, I love you too.

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