1.Wrath of Alamvusha

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- "Destiny prevails in every choice"-


Sky was in Chaos so was the climate ..

People were confused about the ongoings and even sages were impotent to comprehend the sudden and vigorous changes in climate.
Revered sages, through their meditations and yogic powers have grasped a silhoutte of ongoing events.

Alamvusha - a destructive  Asura has launched an attack on the heaven.

Alamvusha was a great devotee of lord Shiva, and he was proud of that title. He introduced himself as 'Ditisut' and 'Shivbhakt'.
Diti was a loving and caring mother for her children. But her unconditional love and her inability to say no to her children has paved way for the incorrigible behaviour of their's. Her heart has never once allowed her to deny her child's wish harshly and that has led to the birth of a stubborn habit in him of taking whatever he considered his, irrespective of literally anything.

Alamvusha's thirst for power overruled his mother's teachings one day. Armed with the skill sets on spears and knowledge of illusion taught by  Acharya Shukracharaya, and fueled by the boon he received from Chandrashekhara ; he forged a destructive Army towards the Heavens to defeat the king of Gods- Indra, adamant to prove his(Alamvusha's ) superiority.

He has received a boon from his Aradhya- mahadev , that he can only be killed by someone,
who can hold all five elements in him and can find the balance between them , and that shouldn't be any of the Trinity.

Except the Destroyer- Lord Shiva and the preserver- Lord Vishnu , nobody was capable of controlling all 5 elements let alone maintaining the balance between them . So Alamvusha considered himself to be immortal and started wreaking havoc across  various realms.


People were distressed by the sudden uproar changes in climate.

It rained cats and dogs and yet sun rays beated down harshly the next moment. Storm raged and wrecked havoc .

Alamvusha's army was facing the Devtas and their army of skilled warriors - Gandharvas, without an ounce of fear. They were confident in their leader's prowess, their
king - Alamvusha.

All the Gandharvas were mounted on their respective Vritras. Vritras were majestic ,elegant and ferocious species. They can spit fire as hot as the lava, and can freeze any boiling water  with just one blow of their cold breath. They can fly higher than any winged creature and can accommodate to any size of their desire , they can acquire their celestial form (human like form) when they are not on the battle grounds according to their preference.

Vritras were used as Battle mounts , one among them were enough to wipe out an entire army. Such powerful creatures were they.
They are smart enough, but their morals and principles made them likely to submit themselves to the gods , especially assisting the deities in the battle fields.
Thus they were always under someone's command. Great power often came with shackles, they say.

A disastrous war broke out . Asuras were adamant on gaining the superiority over the Devtas and Devtas were stubborn to not kneel in front of an Asura . Even after being immortals , they were entangled in the webs of illusions weaved by emotions ; jealousy, gluttony , lust , arrogance, wrath and sloth ruled their concious.

Even though the Vritras were falling and lots of innocent warriors were being sacrificed, neither of the sides were ready to stop the war.

War went on for weeks , and as an after effect , earth and it's beings suffered terrible loss just like other realms.Their please and cries were painful and heart breaking.

Bholenath's meditation broke, hearing the agonies of his devotees.

He was disappointed by Devtas and Asuras . They were acting irresponsible.
He decided to interfere in the battle to put an end for the occuring devastations and the cries of many lives.

(Bholenath- another name of Lord shiva - innocent one )


Divine sound of Damru echoed in every ear and mind , battle cries seized and all the eyes that were once lit in fury , frantically searched for the divine sight of the Almighty.
Mahadev appeared and every single being bowed down to him in reverence.
(Damru - a rhythmic instrument)

His words were final for both Devtas and Alamvusha , thus the battle was rushed to peace .

'This peace will be a beginning for something huge ; forced peace will always be an unsettled one , non will find it appealing until the uproar of fury rise, that was smoking under the suppressed heat.'
Thought Shiva.


Few years passed,

Eventually , Alamvusha started feeling frustrated.
The Devtas were growing powerful by each day , and he couldn't do anything. He knew that the existence of a deity becomes meaningful and thus powerful by the devotion of his devotees.
So he decided to weaken their source of strength - Mortals on earth.

He initiated onslaughts on Rishis and their ashrams , killed many people who prayed or conducted Yagnas. Thus became a fear in the hearts of humans. Mortals stopped worshipping, in the fear of loosing their lives.
Devtas once again felt weakness seeping through their bones.
Situation was going out of hand , innocent lives were being tormented and deities were becoming weaker day by day.
(Devtas- deity)

Thus , all the devtas decided to find a solution for the problem that is Alamvusha.


The preserver of all existence was leaned back into the comfort of his brother Sheshnag's lap . His eyes were closed and a serene smile adorned his lips. He knew the reason for their visit yet choosed to pretend like he didn't.

-Pranam Narayan
All the deities offered their respect to the supreme being.

Leeladhar opened his eyes. The whole cosmos was condensed into two beautiful pools behind those lotus petal like eyelids, and those orbs were a sight to behold. His smile widened as he acknowledged their reverence with a humble nod.

-May I know the reason for all the anxiety hanging in the air!!
Narayan asked with an amused smile.

-nothing is hidden from you Palanhar ,
We shall put an end to the distruction that Alamvusha is causing, he is being more intolerable each passing day.
His atrocities are unbearable and after the fall of Vritras we are absolutely weakened in the battle field.
Said a worried Indra.

(Palanhar - preserver)
(Vritras- a fictional creature)

- A solution shall be obtained, for his end , we would need someone capable of achieving the impossible, capable enough to fulfill the conditions of Alamvusha's obtained boon. And Mahadev will be the one to have a proper solution for this problem.
Narayan explained.

Lord Shiva adviced for the combined efforts of all 5 elements - Fire , Water , Air , Sky and Earth , in the evolving of a new deity, who will maintain balance among all five fundamental elements forever and will preside as the one to ensure the victory of righteousness in every war that will ever happen in the existence .



Are fictitious creatures of this story , I just made them up taking huge inspiration from Dragons 😁😛.

They can take human like form. They have wings and can fly really high even in space.
(Name is inspired from a demon, he was the personification of drought and was killed by Indra's Vajra . Just a little extra info.)

How was the chapter ?!

Nt: This has been edited.
Let me know your thoughts through your comments.

Images used in this chapter are not mine credit goes to its owner(s) I got it from Pinterest 😁 (as always ; not a good editor so yaa ... I appreciate people who can do these edits and drawings they are just phenomenal 🥲😭 I am just so bad at it 🙂😁)

1157 words in total ..

target : 20 votes 😊 and some comments


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