9.To Motherland

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Dedicated to Krishna_7313

-"All that matters, is to trust and keep the trust of a few who finds a home in you"-



Song : Aaj ibadath..


Dwapara yug
Kingdom Tritheya
5 months later

Ensure everything is done on time , and I do not need anything misplaced or undone while Gurudev's return.
Vaagdatha ordered the maids and servants .
May be with a solution to all our problems . He mumbled to himself.

Chithravardan one of the trusted courtiers and friend of Vaagdatha walked up to him ,
Relax my friend, all of this is gonna fall in place by the time Guruvar reaches. We have 2 or 3 days ahead.
Chithravardan placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, a gesture to calm him down.

Vaagdatha's only problem was that he can get anxious at times . And the anxiety would get the best of him. He was never anxious in a battle field while facing his enemies, he would roar at them with all the battle fury , scaring even the bravest.
But his knees would wobble if he was supposed to talk to a mass of people. He get nervous, and thus his orating skills were almost pathetic, and Vaagdatha knew it. So he tried to keep his talking limited almost all the time , except with his friends and family.

Chithravardan was one of those trusted friends who helped him in such nerve wrecking situations with his skillful words. His words could do magic . Worst of the situations would easily submit under his palms if he used his orating skills.

Tritheya's courtiers where excellent, but after the decline of the Krivya Dynasty which reined on the throne of Tritheya; the future of the historical nation is entirely mysterious. The Queen fervently prayed to their Kuldevta - Vaikarthana , to find a solution for their dilemma before her demise.


Dwapara yuga
Kingdom Tritheya , southern border
2 days later (3rd dawn)

A new dawn broke out from the darkness of yesterday.
Vaagdatha was visibly patient as he waited for Sage Paraha at the borders near their army barracks with a chariot ready to take him to the capital Ashtashikha , with Chithravardan and few soldiers beside him.

As Paraha caught up to the range of their sight. Vaagdatha felt glee filling his entire being. 'Oh! How long they have been waiting for their teacher's arrival'. He thought.
But Vaagdatha's sharp onyx eyes noticed a child alongside the sage. The kid seemed barely into his childhood, he is radiant and very well composed for his age, Vaagdatha noticed.

'Who was the kid ?! And why was he with Guruvar?!'
Vaagdatha mused.
Is that a child walking alongside Guruvar?!
Chithravardan questioned aloud.
Vaagdatha hummed in response.

The kid looks different. But what is a kid doing with Guruvar. And where did he got the child?! Mahadev knows what all of this is about ! Wasn't he supposed to search for some 'Abandoned light' according to sage Durvasa.
Chithravardan sighed  to himself.
And he quoted the last part.

Now the 'abandoned light' is a kid?!
Chithravardan muttered to himself.

Be patient Chithra , let's ask Guruvar about it later. Now he must be tired from the journey .
Vaagdatha kept his composure.

As they neared , Paraha was welcomed with all the warmth. The old sage smiled serenely as he saw his disciples at the borders. Paraha assumed them to have several questions and worries about the unknown boy , but he gestured them to be patient. They mounted the chariot without much discussions near the army barrack and headed towards Ashtashikha.

Serene would be an understatement,
Karna never felt so belonged before. This place felt like a home to him. It was beautiful with its landscapes,
huge mountain ranges where visible in every farthest corner. Their cap adorned with pure white snow , the sight creating a pleasant chillness in the beholder's eyes. The wheather was pleasent even though there was always a slight chillness in the air. Chants from the temple and from households or riverbanks reached his ears, like the whole city was designed to have these chants reach and  reverberate through every corner. Sun light peaking out of the mountain ranges to illuminate little dew drops and every corner with its light. The streets were getting busy , but not so much yet.

The hustle bustle of markets preparing for another busy day , hymns and chants from priests and devotees heading to the temple , and joyful shrieks of children who were headed towards their Gurukul , everything filled his ears with glee.

This country was different , Karna felt it. It isn't like the strained and tensed atmosphere the Hastinapur had , nor it was like the dull and materialistic vibe the Panchal had. Tritheya was different and pleasent.

Paraha found his mind filled with a particular joy. He felt like a 5 year old again in his mother's lap. This place never failed to remind him of his mother and her warmth. He felt the coldness and uncertainty in his heart being washed aside .


Dwapar yuga
Tritheya , Ashtashikha
Palace gates
Same day , almost noon.

The sun was almost at its zenith, they passed the drawbridge of the castle around the palace as the chariot and the horses came to a halt at the gates of the glorious palace of the Krivya's. The Queen and other courtiers were at the palace gates to welcome their KulGuru.

Karna was astound with the prosperity of the kingdom , for a 3 year old, this world around him felt magnanimous. The glorious Palace and the Castle surrounding it, stood like it's doms touched the sky , and it's foundations were rooted in the core.
Karna's jaw dropped in amazement. His curious glances reached every corner possible as he walked alongside the sage. Flowers were thrown at them and people gathered at either side of the pathway to welcome Guru Paraha.

Karna tugged tightly at Paraha's robes in nervousness. All of it was a lot to take in, and the little Karna struggled to keep up with the palpable atmosphere .
Paraha noticed the child's unease and pulled him closer. And Karna just stood close to the sage while still tugging at the ends of the saffron robe.

His gaze went to the ground he walked on and saw short looking shadows , he turned his head upwards to see the sun shine right over him , and he felt the usual calmness slithering its way into his heart. He smiled at the afternoon sun without flinching or narrowing his eyes a bit. It reminded him of the  friendly man he met few months ago, who bothered to play with him.

The Queen observed the child beside Paraha. she found the kid weird, because the child was staring at the sun without blinking. It was unusual and crazy in her opinion.

He had an expensive looking earrings adorning his ears , she noticed. The kid is not poor?! She mused.
But his clothes and stature suggested otherwise. He looked a little malnourished and the clothes looked ragged with all the washing . He might only have a pair of them , she assumed . It was just like Parah , the old sage carried a pair of saffron robes and that's it , ate whatever was provided , or nothing at all if not given. A minimalistic way of living, and seems like the boy had to live with that.
Suddenly the Queen felt bad for the little one , she kept the sceptical thoughts aside. And welcomed them with proper ritualistic ways.

Karna bent down to seek her blessings. A smile crept its way upto her lips , which was barely visible on the prideful face of the elegant queen. She blessed the boy wholeheartedly.
Ayushmaan Bhava! (Long live)
And the Queen Malini took blessings from the sage.

Later when everyone departed , after all the discussions they had to have with the Kulguru , Vaagdatha couldn't wait anymore as he literally sprinted across the hall to his teacher.

Pranipath Guruvar!
(Greetings teacher)
Vaagdatha bent down to seek blessings.

Kalyan ho Datha..
(Stay blessed , Datha)
Paraha said , his words sincere .

I hope your journey was comfortable, and successful.
The commander said.

It was indeed child , may be not so comfortable for the kid. But it was as usual, a knowledgeable one for me.
Paraha replyed.

By the way, who is this kid , and why is he not uttering a word upon asking??
Vaagdatha queried.
The Queen was taken aback at the audacity of this 3 year old for not answering her.
Vaagdatha pointed out.

Queen asked you something Karna?!
Paraha turned his attention to Karna.
And Karna nodded his head in a yes.

Paraha questioned further.
Karna made a gesture.
Your name?!
Paraha mentioned, understanding the kid's gesture.
Karna nodded a 'yes' again.

Is the boy deaf or mute?!
Vaagdatha asked his teacher in a hushed tone.
Karna giggled.

If he was deaf will he be answering my questions child?! He is mute . But I haven't nailed a reason for that yet .
Paraha sighed.

The commander felt sympathetic towards the boy and smiled at him.
Karna returned it with his brightest smile which could lighten up any room.
Vaagdatha chuckled at his cuteness.
Then what was his name again?!
Dathan asked.
Karna .
Paraha said.

Then I shall inform the queen about it. We don't need any misunderstandings here. do we?!
Vaagdatha said as he got permission from his teacher to leave .


Dwapar yuga
Tritheya , Dharmasthali
An year later.

Karna was a 4 year old now . It has been an year since he came to Tritheya, and it's been a good 7 months since he has been settled in Dharmasthali with his Guruvar.

First few months they were at the palace in Ashtashikha, Paraha being the Kulguru had a lot of matters to take care of . Once he was done with the pending work , he could do his job anywhere in Tritheya as he pleased.
So after a good few months of continuous working , Sage Paraha left Ashtashikha and the comforts of a palace to stay in the temple premises of Dharmasthali . In the land of Harihar .

After being bored in the huge Palace, Karna was more than glad to be in Dharmasthali . If Ashtashikha was the place of Materialistic Marvels , smart brains and historical wonders; Dharmasthali was spiritually ginormous , and is a cultural asset. The chants and temple bells rang in every ears and mind, always maintaining a strong sense of spirituality .
The atmosphere was serenely joyous.

And that was the first reason for Paraha to take Karna here. He hasn't informed anyone about the details of the boy. When each courtier asked him about his quest of an 'abandoned light' , he has told them that he had found the 'abandoned light' , and that the light will shine brighter when it's time. 

Everyone viewed the orphan kid Karna through sceptical lenses , and Paraha knew it , so he took the boy away from the palace and it's politics.
So that he can grow up into a better human being rather than just a King or a leader. Paraha wasn't gonna raise him like those spoiled brats in the name of prince. But a man who can understand the people around him and as a human who can relate to another human. And the land which worshipped Narasimha Swami and Sharabheshwar equally was perfect for it.

Karna lived in the Gurukul attached to the Harihara temple. Paraha and a few other Pandits taught Vedas and shastra there.
And Paraha also had training grounds for martial arts, for the talented youngsters who yearned to serve their country as soldiers irrespective of their cast. Only best of the best were selected to train under Sage Paraha.

Paraha was one of the obscured  students of Parashurama , Paraha had learnt Martial arts under the tutelage of Bhargava. And thus Parashurama was one of his teachers.
Paraha had earned knowledge in various other fields from other revered sages , and only Martial arts from the student of Mahadeva.

Paraha upon the advice of Bhargava Rama , started spreading the knowledge of Martial arts in his motherland , and thus there was a group of warriors other than the huge army , who were invincible in the battlefield  and that was one of the main reasons why Tritheya's borders remained untouched even after the King's demise.

Karna had started his basic education under a scholar, named Bhaskara as per the suggestion of Paraha. With a few other children around his age, Karna was latest to the class for  Sanskrit and scriptures.

As he was a mute child , he was often bullied by his classmates.
But there was a kid named Raghavaram , who sympathised with the boy and offered friendship. Eventually when he learned Karna's language , the little Rama was literally inseparable from his friend Karna.

Rama was an year older to Karna , and had his lessons ahead of his friend in the beginning. But after a few months, now they were equal . And Rama was happy and surprised due to the smart 4 year old.

Karna was sharp , he absorbed everything that was taught with such keen interest. And Pandit Bhaskara could see a scholar in him. And thus Bhaskara encouraged him to be a Pandit like him in the future.
Karna was happy , seeing his Gurudev happy at his progress.


-"Peace could be found even amidst utter chaos if you are truly searching for it"-


*This chapter has been edited on 25/4/24*

Word count: 2330

This chapter is dedicated to another family member Krishna_7313
Thankyou for the support and love ❤️

That's it for today guys...

I was taking way too long to update I know .. it's just health issues , and my mood went down.🙂

Images used in this chapter are not mine , credit to the owners , stolen from Pinterest 😊

Stay healthy and happy friends... Don't catch a cold ..☺️🥰
See you all soon...👋😇


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