A/N Asagisa rant... and others

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Sooo..... This aint a rant about me hating on this ship its actually the complete opposite!!

I have started liking this ship:
Asagisa or Asano Gakushuu X Shiota Nagisa

Now before you haters try and crusify me or something, let me just rant my opinions freely without letting them go up your asshole and be a bunch of dicks to me....
Asano Gakushuu

Ace of Class A

Son of the principle Asano Gakuho

Has a manipulative father who expects him to be the best (I guess :V
I can never understand the guy)
Shiota Nagisa

The heart of class E and is the best assassin in the class (pure assassin as they say)

Son of Shiota Hiromi (Is that her name?)

Has a crazy ass mother who expects him to be the person she wanted to be.
Dont ya think they're quite similar?!

Ya know!! Asano looking through the students files and notices that Nagisa's going through a family problem, kinda like him but kinda not like him. So since he doesnt discuss about being pissed at his father to others... Maybe talking to someone who has a crazy parent would help (and thus relationships blooming!!)


Asano thinks that since Nagisa is like... The heart of the class, he can transfer him in his class and the class E would change when a classmate, especially Nagisa, is no longer studying alongside them. But then Asano ends up being close to him

Or!!! Or, or...

Asano gets transfered to E class (not because of his grades ofcourse) so that he could learn about the class' secrets (since he really wanted to know). And when he arrives everyone hates him except for Nagisa (which is so kind might I add). And Nagisa being Nagisa will try and befriend the guy. So they start to get closer and OMFG look at those story ideas!!! (sorry not writting those... This is a KaruNagi oneshots book after all)
Also I am still putting KaruNagi as best ship ever... But I can actually see Gakushuu as like... A third wheel... Or something... (I think you guys already know that from some of my stories)

I love it when Nagi has a harem lol...

Someone random whispers: what about Yuuji?

Author-kun: boy shut the F up! He's just a side character to me... (mob character.. Sorry Yuuji fans)
Author-kun: Hey Nagi!

Nagisa: what?

Author-kun: give Karma and Asano a nickname

Nagisa: Karma is Ka-chan! (bnha?)

Karma: Ka-chan?

Nagisa: Asano is Shuu-chan! (from his name Gakushuu)

Gakushuu: Shuu-chan?

Nagisa: eh, you two dont like it? *looks at them with cute puppy eyes

Karma & Gakushuu: *freezes* Its perfect!!

Author-kun: you two finally agreed on something

Karma & Gakushuu: s-shut up!!!

Dont worry!!!
Your lovely (*coughs* says noone ever) author is still loyal to KaruNagi!!

カルマ ♡ 渚

Also if you talk to me about
Karma x Asano I will murder you

Dont know if you notice (but if you really didnt then I guess you're a dumbass) but I absolutely HATE that pairing!!! (but I hate OkudaXKarma more.. Okuda's for Takebayashi only just sayin)

So try not to talk to me about those two ships.... Or I'll end you

(Im neutral towards Nagikae: NagisaXKayano)

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