My precious kitten: Are you Keichii?

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Keichii's POV

Ah.. Please dont cry Nagisa-chan...

I thought as I saw my dear master crying while holding me so tightly, begging me not to leave.

The man in a white coat said that I had a short lifespan.

I knew this would happen, and so did you Nagisa-chan.

I love you, and you love me.. So isnt that enough?

Although I have to be honest.. I really wanted to atleast see the ocean with you, maybe even the sunflowers, or cherry blossoms. I have so many places I want to see with you but.. As long as you're here I dont care where we are.

God, please, grant me atleast one wish.

I wont wish for a longer lifespan, just please, let me be there for him.
Third person

Ever since Keichii's death Nagisa has been locking himself in his dorm room occassionally getting out.

The last time he went out was to meet a woman who run a cremation business for pets.

"Here, Keichii's collar. We will call you immediately once the cremation is done. Better treasure that."

The woman said as he gave Nagisa Keichii's red collar that had his name on it.

As the truck for tge cremation service went away Nagisa held the collar tightly in his hand.

Of course I will treasure this, you dont have to tell me that

Nagisa went back in his dorm room.

For the past week the only thing Nagisa did was sleep.

He was thinner than before and his room was a mess.

Nagisa went to his bed and collapsed on it, going directly to sleep.
As the sun went up Nagisa started to wake up, but before he could open his eyes he felt something fluffy on his face, which reminded him of how Keichii would always sleep on Nagisa's bed right infront of his face.

Nagisa opened his eyes only to be met with amber ones.

"Good morning Nagisa-chan"

Nagisa blinked, and blinked until he had a clear view of the red haired teenager on his bed, with his arms around him

At this point Nagisa started to panic

"W-who are you?!"

What the hell is this person doing here?!

Nagisa looked at the red haired boy with amber eyes infront of him.


He said tilting his head a bit

Nagisa flinched and looked around the room. He found his phone by the bed, he jumped to it to grab it

T-this guy is weird!! I need to call the police!!

But before he could the red head slammed his hands on the wall behind Nagisa, his arms right beside his head.

Nagisa froze as he looked at him

"Dont you recognize me? Im Keichii"

Nagisa flinched at the mention of Keichii's name, he grabbed the nearby pillow and started hitting him with it

"S-Shut up! Do you think its fun to mess around with people?!"

Nagisa kept on hitting him

"This is why I hate humans!! Keichii's gone! They cremated him until he was turned completely turned to ash!! Thats why he's..."

Nagisa stopped hitting him and froze

"...not coming back.. He's gone"

Nagisa sobbed

Then he looked up when he felt a hand grab his wrist

"Hey Nagisa-chan.. Do you know what day it is today?"

Nagisa looked at him dumb founded


"Aww.. You're pretending to forget."

The red head let go of Nagisa's wrists

"Its Tuna tuesday"

Nagisa's eyes widened but the red head continued

"You always come back home on Tuesdays from the supermarket, you told me that the only reason Tuna tuesdays were on tuesday was because that day's name was the closest to tuna and to be honest you're childish attitude makes me happy"

He continued rambling the things Nagisa and his cat does together

"On friday night until Sunday morning, you would just hang out with me. We would go to the park, pass by your school, or just watch a movie. Whenever you came home from school you would always ask me 'What were you doing when I was gone?'"

Tears started to form in Nagisa's eyes, everything this stranger just said were true, those were the things he and Keichii enjoyed doing.

The red head looked at Nagisa with a loving look

"Im sure I was being a good boy"

Nagisa's tears started to flow down

Is this a dream,

"Im always waiting for you infront of the door"

or an illusion


Or maybe just a delusion


Nagisa went closer to the red head

I dont care anymore

As long as I can embrace you one last time
"Hey Nagisa!"

A classmate walked up to the bluenette obviously startling him

"Wanna come with us? We're going to the arcade!"

Maehara... I think his name was

"Sorry but I have plans today"

"Oh really? Alright then! Have fun I guess"

How can he be so social...

Nagisa thought as he saw 'Maehara' walk up to... Ummm... Isogai? I believe thats his name

Arcades? Hanging out with classmates? Thats just a waste of time

Nagisa walked to his apartment with a bag in his hand

He just bought a whole box filled with tuna.
It might not be Tuna tuesdays.. But today is still special

Nagisa opened the door to his apartment and was greeted with a red head reading a book

"Welcome home!"

The red head got up and came closer to Nagisa wrapping his arms around his shoulders from behind

"Whats for dinner?!"

He said excitedly

"Umm.. T-tuna"

Nagisa said placing the box on the table while hearing his companion yell excitedly

"Do I really get to have as much tuna slices as I want?!"
The red head said while Nagisa nodded his head

"Of course you can"

It feels like nothing has changed..

The only thing that did is his appearance..

Why is he human now?

Nagisa thought as he looked at the read head's face

His face looks handsome...

"Nagisa-chan? Whats wrong?"

"Huh... Oh! N-Nothing.."

The red head turned his attention from the tuna to the bluenette

"Then.. Why are you staring at me?"

Nagisa started to panic

"O-Oh.. Umm... I guess your new appearance is quite suprising..."

The red head pouted

"Are you saying you prefer my cat form?"

Nagisa watched him as he slowly went closer to him

"No its just... I think I need time to get used to it... Other than that I dont care about what you look like.. As long as I get to be with you again..."

The red head stared at him before going closer again.

Nagisa looked up and was suprised at how close their faces were, he could see his face better now.

"K-Keichii... What--"

Before Nagisa could finish the red head pulled him in for a kiss.. Nagisa's eyes widened and felt the other's tounge lick his lips, asking for entry.

Nagisa, suprised, gasped and felt a tounge enter his mouth.

Nagisa moaned a bit, feeling both their toungs dancing in sync.

After what felt years the two finally broke apart


The red head said panting, out of breath

Nagisa was the same only his face started to turn red

Nagisa flinched as the other tackled him in a hug

"Sorry that was a bit sudden..."

Nagisa smiled and hugged back

"Its fine.. Im happy you're here"
Whoo!! Not including this author's note story consists of 1234 words
What a coincidence!!

this story is based off of a yaoi manga I read.. So its not an original plot...

I just wanted to let you guys know.. Just in case you find the manga and tell me Im a cheap plot stealing maniac (I aint cheap nor am I an internet thief... Just a maniac)

BTW if you're gonna ask.. No I do not remember the original manga's title... Im sorry

Have a nice day/ night idk

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