Random KaruNagi stuff! :P

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Koro-sensei: Ok everyone!! Its time to make some desserts!!

Everyone: YAAAA!!!!

Koro-sensei: So, Give some suggestions to what we should make!

Kayano: We should definitely make pudding!!

Okajima: I think making jelly is good!

Rio: you're just thinking that it might be the same smoothness as Bitch-sensei's skin! You pervert!

Maehara: How about Takoyaki!! Koro-sensei would be fine with it!

Isogai: Let's make something that doesnt involve expensive ingredients

Nagisa: how about sushi?

By now everyone except a certain red head has given their suggestions

Koro-sensei: Karma-kun, you're the only one who hasnt given any suggestion.. What food do you want to make?

Almost everyone gulped, thinking Karma would pick something dangerously spicy, hard to make etc.
So the class was suprised that the devil said

Karma: How about a white chocolate cake?

Maehara: T-That's something unexpectedly normal coming from you

Koro-sensei: A simple dessert huh? What makes you pick a white chocolate cake, Karma-kun?

The class, and Koro-sensei, turned to Karma waiting his reason for picking a simple cake. They all flinched when they saw the infamous smirk on Karma's face.

Karma suddenly glanced at Nagisa making the class and their teacher look at Nagisa then back to Karma

Karma: Because.... I can pour the cream all over Nagi~ making me want to eat him up even more~ if you know what I mean

Karma winked at Nagisa making him burry his head in the book, embarrased.

The whole class started whistling and saying 'ooohhhh!~' at the two
How to Wrap a present

It was class time and Koro-sensei taught them about different types of knots and ways to tie up ribbons and stuff

Everyone was a bit confused as to why Koro-sensei wanted to teach them about that

Rio: Why do we need to learn about that?! Its completely useless

Koro-sensei flinched a bit at her tone and started whining

Koro-sensei: W-Well... I want all of you to wrap up your gifts for someone neatly!!!

Actually the real reason was because a couple of weeks ago the class shared gifts they got from vacation with each other and well... Lets just say that Koro-sensei didnt like the way they wrapped their gifts

The class sweat dropped at this, knowing exactly why their teacher was upset

All of the sudden the doors to their room opened and showed the class' devil Karma with a huge smirk on his face.

What'll he do this time

The class thought

Koro-sensei: Karma-kun! Stop ditching class! And do you know where Nagisa went?

Karma: Sorry.. I couldnt help but get bored with your lesson.. I mean seriously? 'how to wrap a present'? That already sounds boring so I decided to make it more interesting~

Koro-sensei: What do you me--

Karma: concerning Nagisa~

Karma went out the room for a while and brought back an almost naked Nagisa wrapped tightly in a long silky ribbon, his mouth was shut with the same ribbon along with his arms and legs that are also wrapped tightly. His hair was down

Karma was holding him bridal style as he walked in the room

E-Class: NAGISA?!

Koro-sensei: Karma what did you do to Nagisa?

Karma: Now this... Is how you wrap a delicious looking present~
Waking up the Devil

Koro-sensei was teaching the class when he noticed that Karma was sound asleep at the back

Koro-sensei instantly came up behind the red head making the class turn to him

Koro-sensei: Karma-kun, I do not tolerate students who sleep during lessons

Koro-sensei said while shaking him roughly on the shoulder

The octopus started making a racket that the class was annoyed about but unfortunately didnt wake up the sleeping devil

Thats when an idea came to Koro-sensei's head

Koro-sensei: whoever gets to wake up Karma-kun gets to have a heads up on an assassination attempt!

Now the class was determined

At first the class made a bunch of noise that the students at the main campus could probably hear them.

Karma's still asleep

Then they made flashing lights infront of him

He's still asleep

Terasaka poured cold water on him

He's still asleep?!

Rio: Just how much longer can this guy stay asleep for? Is he actually awake and is just messing with us?

Koro-sensei: Nope... I am 100% sure that Karma-kun's asleep

Sugino: How is it possible that he's still asleep after the noise and the flashing lights we did?!

Okuda: I even made an explosion right next to him!

Kayano: I placed a pudding on his table thinking he would be hungry and get up to eat it! Unfortunately I ate it myself...

The class sweat dropped at Kayano's plan

Terasaka: I even poured cold water on him! How is he STILL asleep?!

Isogai suddenly stood up making the class look at him

Isogai: Why arent you helping Nagisa? This is a big opportunity to kill the octopus!

The class looked at Nagia who was writing something on his notebook

Nagisa sighed at the attention he got

Nagisa: Karma, if you keep sleeping through out the period Im not coming to your house and have a sleepover

Nagisa said calmly, without even looking at the red head

The class raised an eyebrow and looked at Karma

Their eyes widened at the sight of Karma looking at Nagisa pouting

Karma: Im up, Im up

Koro-sensei: alright everyone!! Lets talk about disguises!

E-class: Disguises?

Koro-sensei nodded vigorously making his round head wobble a bit, the class forced themselves not to laugh at the sight

Koro-sensei: yes! As you all know disguises are important in the assassination world!

Sugino: But disguises would be useless against you

Koro-sensei: Just shut up and let me see all of you in different outfits!!

Their teacher whined making the class sweat drop

He just wants to see us in different clothes...

Rio raised her hand making the class turn their attention to her

Rio: although.... I do want to see Nagisa in a girl's outfit again!

Nagisa: Eh?!!!

The class remembered that time when Nagisa cross dressed, not gonna lie he looked pretty.

The boys started shaking their heads reminding themselves that Nagisa was a guy and they werent gay

Irina: I heard someone talk about outfits!!!!

E-class: what are you doing here Bitch-sensei

Before Irina could say anything Rio and Koro-sensei whispered something to her

Irina: you've come to the right person!

Irina grabbed Nagisa by the arm and dragged him to the faculty room

A few minutes later the doors suddenly opened

Irina: Im back!!!

Isogai: Where's Nagisa?

Irina smirked and pushed Nagisa to the room

E-Class: ! ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ !

Nagisa: Why did you force me to do this...

Nagisa was wearing a beautiful blue dress that compliments his hair, that was now sitting on his shoulders, perfectly

Maehara whistles

Maehara: Didnt know you could look so cute Nagisa-chan!~

Nagisa: Im still a guy you know

Maehara laughed at his reply

Karma: Sorry I ditched Tako----!

Karma froze as he entered the room, there standing infront of him was his Nagisa in a beautiful dress

Nagisa: K-Karma?!

Karma just stared at him before running off and coming back with a white sheet

He walked up to Nagisa and covered him with the sheet before glancing at the class

Karma: sorry, but this sight is for MY eyes only

Karma said as the class finched at the glare he held

He's being possessive.... Again

The class thought and Nagisa just looked down and sighed

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