Scales Across the Seasons

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A KaruNagi parody of an amazing and heart warming vocaloid song
'Feathers across the seasons' (highly recommend it!! Btw I changed a few things from the song to fit the story better)

Enjoy!...... the cringe
There is a rare species of snake, where its scales are light blue, sharp, and is considered much more expensive than that of a diamond. Even if you just sold one single scale you get a ton of money.

Although, people would dismiss it as a myth since hardly anyone has ever seen it.

But people who are greedy or simply needs the money, sets traps in the forest in hopes of catching the rare/mythical creature.
There was a house, far away from the town, where a couple resides in.

Shiota Nagisa and Akabane Karma cuddled near their fireplace to avoid the freezing weather the winter season is offering.

Nagisa covered his head on Karma's shoulder as the latter plays with his beautiful blue hair.

"You have beautiful and silky hair Nagisa

Nagisa sighed happily at the touch before asking

"If one day my silky hair is no more... Would you still love me?"

Karma chuckled at the question, embracing his beloved tightly he said

"Of course I will"
Nagisa went outside and heard birds chirping, as if helping the plants grown this spring season.

Nagisa started singing along them, he was engrossed in the song that he was startled when he heard Karma

"You have such a beautiful and soothing voice Nagisa"

Nagisa smiled at the compliment

He walked up to Karma and asked

"If one day my soothing voice is no more.... Would you still love me?"

Karma leaned down and kissed Nagisa

"Of course I will"
It was summer

Nagisa was helping Karma with harvesting the crops, he turned to see how Karma was doing.

His eyes widened when he saw Karma cough up blood


Nagisa ran up to him and took him back inside the house.

He layed Karma down on a futon, placing a wet piece of cloth on Karma's forehead.

Once he did, he felt Karma place a hand on his cheek

"You... Have such... Beautiful and glossy eyes.. Nagisa"

Karma managed to smile while caressing his partner's cheek before continuing

"So dont cry, it just makes your eyes look dark and dull

Nagisa wiped away his tears before saying

"If one day...My glossy eyes are no more... Would you still love me?"

By this point Karma had both of his hands on either side of Nagisa's face

"Of course I will.."

Nagisa looked at the trees, the leaves fell beautifully to the ground.

I wont let your life fall like these leaves, Karma.

Nagisa went back inside.

Nagisa's skin started to leave nasty scars to which Karma did not like.

The red head head would constantly see Nagisa go out to town to do something and would come back with medicine.

A couple living far from town are poor, we dont have money to buy medicine.

Karma thought as Nagisa went up to him and offered him the medicine.
Once Karma drank it Nagisa started to get up to leave but was stopped when Karma grabbed his hand and caressed his injured fingers.

"You still have such beatiful and soft fingers, Nagisa"

Nagisa placed his free hand on his mouth trying not to cry at the sight of his sick lover caressing his injured hand

Though he managed to say
"If one day, my soft fingers were no more...Would you still love me?"

Karma looked at Nagisa before placing a chaste kiss on the bluenette's hand

"Of course I will..."
as the trees were stripped off of their leaves the cold nights came indicating that winter is coming (game of thrones reference).

Nagisa looked down on the pale face of his beloved

As tears rolled down Nagisa's cheeks a large hand wiped them away

Nagisa looked at Karma and was met with a smile on his face

Karma, still bedridden, looked outside to see snow start to fall from the heavens

"I remember the first time we met it was snowing a bit harsh wasnt it?"

The red head said remembering an important memory

Karma walked outside only to be met with a harsh snow storm he looked around to see if everything was fine when he saw the color baby blue in the distance

He walked towards it to see a beautiful looking boy with stunning and long blue hair holding a piece of clothing over his small figure

Karma decided to let him stay with him seeing as the smaller boy had no place to go

As months went by the two fell inlove and was content with their life

Karma sighed

"But that wasnt really our first time meeting right?"

This caught Nagisa's attention but the red head didnt say anything else
Nagisa started crying as he sold off his precious scales

He went back home and was greeted by an empty building.

He held the last remaining scale in his hand making him bleed a bit, but he didnt care

Nagisa went outside and looked up at the beautiful night sky remembering how he and Karma would always star gaze at night

Tears started flowing down his cheeks

"If one day I'm no longer human,... would you still love me?"

Being greeted with silence Nagisa started crying more

The question being left unanswered as his grip on the remaining scale started fading... before he felt two arms wrapped around him gently

A soft breeze of wind carried his long silky hair as he heard a soft whisper in his ear

"Ofcourse I will" Karma said as his arms tighten around him
"You who has damaged your precious skin"

"I still remember that time when I freed a beautiful blue snake from the shackles of a trap in the woods"

Karma continued talking while Nagisa did nothing but listen

"I remember how its scales looked so beautiful under the moonlight, how its pearly eyes looked at me as I released it"

Nagisa started crying as he wanted to hold Karma too but... he knew he couldnt

"And no matter who or what you are... I will always love you"

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