Chapter 5: Professor Big Ego.

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So after... that. It was time for Defense Against the Dark Arts. And if it wasn't enough to have a big shot "celebrity" teaching us. The whole Classroom was filled with glorified pictures of the man. He walked down from the stairs and reached for Neville's copy of Travels with Trolls. And he held it up to show his winking face.

"Me." Lockheart pointed to his winking photo and winked as well. Gilderoy Lockheart. Order of Merlin, Third Class. Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award, After all I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!"

There was cricket chirps all throughout the classroom. And a Banshee is nothing. Try fighting the Minotaur like Ethan did. That alone tops anything that Lockheart could try to do. 

"I see you've all bought the complete set of my books. Now I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about, just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in." 

Malaka. I barely read one of them. Well... I'm going to fail.

He handed out the test papers to the front of the class. "You have thirty minutes. Go!"

I looked down at the paper. "What is Gilderoy's favorite color? His secret ambition? Greatest achievement to date? These don't seem like real questions to me. I just guess.

Half an hour later and Lockheart collected the papers. And he looked so disappointed. "Hardly any of you remembered that my favorite color is lilac. I say so in Year with the Yeti..." I drown him out. And I could tell Ryan was doing exactly the same. "These isn't real Defense Against The Dark Arts stuff. This is about him." I said to Hermione.

But Hermione told me to be quiet as she was awestruck by Professor Big Ego. You know for a girl who's supposed to have a lot of intellect, you'd think Hermione would know better then to listen to a big ego. Come to think of it, Lockheart sounded an awful lot like that Vampire guy in Ethan's class. Victor or something like that. 

"But Miss. Granger knew my secret ambition to rid the world of hair care potions. Clever Girl." Lockheart praised.

Hermione beamed with pride. "Oh, please." Ryan muttered. "He's just like Emily." 

Lockheart moved on to the next lesson. "It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to Wizard kind." He then pulled out a cage on his desk. It was rattling. "You may find yourselves facing your worst fear in this room. But fear not. No harm will befall you whilst  I am here. I must ask you not to scream." He grabbed the curtain over the cage. "It might provoke them." 

And over the cage was several small blue winged creatures. 

"Cornish Pixies?" Seamus asked confused. 

"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies." Lockheart corrected. 

"Oh, sorry." I laughed it off.

"Laugh if you will, Miss. Bauer." Lockheart replied. "But-" 

"You don't have to tell me that Pixies can be trick little blighters. I already know that." I interrupted.

"Kassie. Don't be rude." Hermione punches my arm. 

But Lockheart smiled. "Oh, it's quite alright, Miss. Granger. Miss. Bauer here is a smart girl. Now let's see what you make of them." And he started to open the cage.

"Um... I don't think that's a good idea, Professor." Ryan interrupted. "We got an infestation of Pixies in my house a few years ago. It was horrible." 

"Haven't I told you before, Mr. Tyler. That no harm will befall you?" Lockheart asked. He then released the cage latch. 

And the Pixies all swarmed lose. Like a swarm of Locusts. And they all swarmed towards us. 

"Come on now, round them up. They're only Pixies." Lockheart told us as the Pixies began taking the "textbooks" and using them against us. 

"Heads up, Kassie!" Ryan whacked a Pixie over my head with a Beater stick. 

"Hm. Does it say anything about stopping Pixies in his textbook Hermione?" I asked.

"Not now, Kassie." Hermione replied trying to shoo away the Pixies. 

But that wouldn't be the worst thing the Pixies did. They hung Neville up to the lights on the ceiling. 

"Neville!" I shouted trying to get to him. But the Pixies grabbed at my hair. "Get off me!" 

But Ryan shot some of the Pixies away. "Flipendo!" He waved his wand. 

"Don't worry, I'll handle this." Lockheart took out his wand. "Peskipiski Pesternomi!" He yelled and waved his wand around like an idiot.

But a Pixie zoomed forward and snatched his wand away. 

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Because it's not a very good spell." I asked. 

Hermione glared at me. 

"I'll just leave you all to nip the rest of them back into their cage. Bye!" Lockheart ran towards his office and locked himself in. 

"Oh, sure. Leave us to our fate." Ryan called. 

I also noticed that everyone else was gone. Except for Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ryan, and myself.

"You got an infestation in your House once, Ryan?" I asked. 

"Yeah. They tugged at Emily's hair and she screamed for hours." Ryan answered. 

"Then how did you get rid of them?" Harry asked annoyed as the Pixies kept tugging at his robes. 

"Okay. Okay." Ryan tried to remember. "The only way to get rid of them was to freeze them where they stood." 

"You mean like this?" Hermione asked. She took out her wand. "Immobulus!" And a blue light shined out. 

The Pixies were all froze instantly. 

"Well, we used the Petrificus Totalas. But this works too." Ryan answered.  

"Why is it always me?" Neville asked as he hung from the ceiling. 

"Hang on, Neville." I helped him down. 

"Thanks, Kassie." Neville thanked me. 

I still couldn't believe all the chaos that just happened. 

"So that guy is supposed to be some sort of Big Shot Hero?" I asked. 

"He just wants to give us some hands on experience." Hermione justified.  

Um, what?

"Hands on?" Harry asked just as bewildered as I am. "He didn't have a clue on what he was doing." 

"Rubbish." Hermione scoffed. "Look at all the amazing things he did in his books-"

"He says." Ron muttered. 

"Don't believe everything you read, Hermione." Ryan interrupted. He then looked at the time. "Um... listen. I need to go do something really important. I'll be right back." He then ran off. 

"Where's he going?" Harry asked. 

I decided to follow him.

Where Ryan went to was the Training Grounds. I followed him to see Wood blasting Bludgers with a beater stick. Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell were also there. 

"Um... Oliver? Captain?" Ryan asked a little hesitantly. 

Wood stopped beating. "Boy. Rath really wasn't kidding when she said it gave her a work out." He said. He then noticed Ryan standing behind him. "Oh, hello Ryan." He greeted smiling. "What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if- I wanted to tell you- No, wait-" Ryan was trying to find his words. 

The Girls just looked at him.

"Find your words, Ryan." Wood calmly said to Ryan. "Take your time." 

"I want to be on the Quidditch Team." Ryan finally said. 

Wood put the stick down. I thought Wood would tell him off. Or that he wasn't serious. Or anything to that effect. But he just looked at Ryan. "Thought so. What position?" He asked.

"Beater." Ryan answered. 

"Good." Wood took Ryan over to the Dummies by the wall. "But first. I want to see if you got what it takes to play Beater. Hit those bludgers at the dummies, and then we'll talk." He was about to give Ryan a Beater stick. 

"No thanks. I brought my own." Ryan took out his own Beater Stick.

"You can do it, Ryan." I shot him some words of encouragement.

But Angelina and Katie walked up to Wood. "Be nice, Wood. You know after he-"

Wood looked at Angelina. "After he what?" He asked.

"You know, in case this goes south." Katie answered. "I mean, his tryout-"

"Let's see what happens." Wood insisted. He threw a bludger right at Ryan.

Ryan whacked it right at the dummy. The dummy didn't budge all that much. Wood shot a few more bludgers at Ryan, which Ryan shot at the dummies. They weren't the best shots. But Ryan wanted to make sure that they were. "Ha!" He would shout with conviction. He kept doing it over and over. Keeping his eye on the bludger. 

I almost began to worry a bit. Ryan's got a lot of passion for this, but Wood wants perfection. And what if he doesn't think that Ryan is any good? I know how badly Ryan wants this.

Angelina and Katie looked at Wood who was just observing Ryan and not the Dummy. "Wood?" I asked.

"Sh." Wood hushed. "I'm watching him." That's when he walked over.

"Here we go." Angelina sighed. I don't think she thought that Ryan had a chance.

"Ryan. I'm going to stop you right there." Wood interrupted.

Ryan looked at Wood confused. He had crossed his fingers. Must've been bracing himself for the worst. And Wood grinned. "You're in." He declared.

Angelina looked confused. "He is?" 

"He is?" Katie also asked.

I smiled happily for Ryan. "Be at practice on Saturday. First thing in the morning." Wood instructed.

"Thank you!" Ryan shouted. "But um... I don't have a broom stick." He admitted.

"Not to worry. I might have something you can use." Wood assured. "Just make sure you're there at Practice." 

"Yes, Sir." Ryan replied.

"What are you up to, Wood?" Angelina asked.

"We may need a backup. And Ryan seems to fit that category." Wood answered walking away.

I was happy to see Ryan succeed. Now we had Myself, Fred and George, Wood, Angelina, Katie, Harry, and now Ryan on our team. All we needed now was Ginny, or even Ron on the team and really make it a party. 

Meanwhile... (3rd P.O.V)

"The Diary has been administered. My Lord." Fletcher Snyde reported to Voldemort. 

"Malfoy succeeded after all. And I had my doubts. This pleases me, Snyde." Voldemort replied. 

"It's almost too easy, My Lord." Snyde laughed evilly. 

"And you know the best part, Snyde? The Defense Against the Dark Arts is an even bigger fool then Quirrell could ever be, before I took over his mind." Voldemort laughed. "They're making this took easy." 

"And to think. My Daughter might've even been more dumb if he had taught her." Fletcher thought out loud.

"Be thankful that Rakepick was somewhat competent." Voldemort suggested.  

"Hmph." Fletcher grunted. "For all the good it us. I still remember when they dragged her into the cells. How she pleaded for mercy. Told the Authorities how it wasn't Rowan Khanna that was supposed to die. But that Mudblood. Ben Copper." 

"Ah, yes. Which was only delaying the inevitable. The Mudblood died anyway at the hands of another. Derek Slayton." Voldemort said.

"Goes to show how savage the Mudbloods are. They even turn against their own." Fletcher added. 

"Indeed." Voldemort agreed before getting back on topic. "The time is coming, Snyde. My Pet is ready." Voldemort said. And at that point, a Snake had slithered past Fletcher's feet. It carried a Porlock in its clutches. "It will squeeze Hogwarts, and Squeeze hard." 

"Yes, My Lord." Fletcher started to leave. "And what of the Mudblood students?" He asked. 

The Snake had started to squeeze the Porlock to death. "Kill them all." Voldemort answered. 

Fletcher laughed at that. "As you wish My Lord. Hogwarts will be cleansed of its sin. Mudbloods."

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