Chapter 9: Bludgers must really hate Harry.

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It wouldn't be the first time I've broken into the Restricted Section of the Library. Harry and I did it last year at Christmas. Madam Pince was sitting at her desk. She was a thin irritable woman who looked like a vulture. And eying everything like a hawk. 

"You think maybe we should've done this at night?" I asked. 

"Not with Filch probably watching the corridors with an even bigger fury." Ryan answered. 

"No wonder he's grouchy. He never gets any sleep." I thought out loud. 

But I got shushed by Pince. I rolled my eyes. I got warned by my family that Pince was a very strict person. Especially when it came to noise. 

"So, how are we going to get that book without Pince noticing?" Harry asked

"I've got an idea. I've done things like this before back in Greece. It's all in the distraction." I answered. I looked at Pince. "Okay, you guys need to keep Pince busy while I look for the book." 

Hermione I think must've been an expert on how to get Pince upset. She did spend a lot of time in the Library after all. "Leave it to me, Kassie." She declared. "As soon as I drop one of the books from the top shelf, we scatter." 

Before anyone could say Hermes, Hermione dropped the book on the table from the top shelf. 

"What was that?" And I could hear Pince jump out of her chair to investigate the noise. 

"Go." We all split up from the book. Ryan and I go over to the Restricted Section. The only problem was that there were students by the area. We'd never get in without anyone noticing. 

"Oh, that's just great." I groaned. Someone could tell Pince, and I would be in trouble. 

Ryan then saw Pince coming towards the area. "Okay, which one of you did something to that book?" She interrogated everyone in the library. 

Everyone looked around. Ryan and I looked too, so we wouldn't draw any suspicion. 

That was when we heard more books drop. "Oh, no you don't!" Pince jumped on it right away. 

It also got everyone else's attention as they wanted to know what was going on as well. I took the opportunity right away. I went over to the Restricted Section. I may have been breaking a few rules. But sometimes you have to get muddy if you wanted the world to stay clean. "Alohomora." I entered the restricted section. 

It seemed just as dark as last time. It was going to take awhile to find the book I needed. Look in the Ms. That was a start. I could hear some thumping of books from outside. It had to be somewhere around here. 

That was when I was looking on the M section. "Um..." I saw this one moldy large book. "Most Potent Potions. Got it!" I yelled. Crap. I think Pince might've heard that. 

"What was that?" I could hear the voice of Pince. That was when I heard another large loud thudding sound. And the sound of also somebody dropping on the ground. 

I quickly got out of the Restricted Section. And when I got out and relocked the Restricted Section. But when I got out. The whole student body were standing over an unconscious Pince.

"Um... how did that happen?" I asked Ryan who had run over.

"Well... Pince was coming over. And I sort of needed to buy you time..." Ryan answered. "And well..." He motioned a slam on his hands. 

"You knocked out Pince?" I asked. 

"Sort of." Ryan answered. "No one saw me do it." 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all walked up to us. "Oops." Harry said. 

"We should probably get out of here before Pince wakes up." Hermione suggested.

"Good call." I replied. And I quickly put the book in Hermione's bag.

Five minutes later, and we hid in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. It was the last place anyone would think to look for us. Plus, Myrtle was ignoring us. And we were ignoring her. 

Ron still had his objections, obviously. But I reminded him that it was a place no one would never ever show up. 

"Be careful. It looks moldy." Ryan commented to Hermione.

And Hermione opened the book very carefully. This book was in the Restricted Section after all. And for good reason. Some of the Potions in that book just seemed way too gruesome based on their illustrations. One of them was about a man who seemed to have been turned inside out and a witch sprouting several extra pairs of arms out of her head. But on the bright side, we found a way for Barnaby Lee to get his third arm he always wanted. 

"Here it is." Hermione pointed to a page about the Polyjuice Potion. And it was decorated with people transforming into other people. I really hoped that illustration of the looks of pain was only imagined. 

Ryan was looking at the book himself. "This doesn't look so bad." He said. 

"Huh?" Hermione asked confused. "What are you talking about, this is the most complicated potion I've ever seen." 

"Oh, give me that." Ryan grabbed the book. "Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, knotgrass, powdered horn of a bicorn, shredded skin of a boomslang. No worries." He shrugged off. 

"Some of them are tricky to get though, Ryan." Hermione pointed out. "And of course, we'll also need a bit of whoever we want to change into." 

Ron reacted like Hermione had just said she wanted to kiss Draco Malfoy. "Excuse me? What do you mean a bit of who we're changing into? I'm not changing into anything if it has Crabbe's toenail in it." 

"Well, let's not worry about that just yet." Hermione said. "According to this, it just says that we need to add in that ingredient last." She assured.

"Um, Hermione? Do you realize how much we're going to steal? I mean we can't get a shredded skin of boomslang from the student cupboard." Harry pointed out seeming hesitant. 

"Snape has them in his Personal Storage." I commented. "If you guys want to chicken out. Fine. But we have to save the day somehow." 

"Alright. Let's do it. But we're not using toenails." Ron decided. 

"How long will it take to make, anyway?" Harry asked. 

"Well, the fluxweed has to be picked at a full moon. And lacewing has to be stewed for 21 days... So all in all, it should be ready for about... a month." Ryan assumed.

"A month?" Ron asked in disbelief. And I was thinking the same thing. 

"But Malfoy could attack almost half the Muggle Borns in the school by that point!" I protested.

Hermione sighed. "I know, Kassie." She said softly. "But it's the best plan we've got." 

"Um... I'd hate to be that guy... but... we might have a slight problem." Ryan pointed to me.

"What?" I asked. 

"Um... we'd also have to impersonate the voices of the people we're impersonating. And let's just say that Draco Malfoy might... um recognize your voice and get sus. No offense." Ryan answered hesitantly. 

I'm not insulted. He's right. "Oh, right. I guess my voice is obviously Greek, isn't it?" I asked. 

Hermione gave me a sympathetic look. "Merlin's Beard. Why didn't I think of that? That's on me, Kassie. I'm sorry. But I don't think you can help us with the infiltration into the Slytherin Common Room." 

"That's okay. I understand." I replied sadly. I hated being so worthless.

"Don't worry, Kassie. You've already done enough by getting that book out of the Restricted Section." Harry assured. "We'll take it from here. Ryan can infiltrate in your stead." 

It was Saturday now. I sat in the Changing Room looking at my broom. We were playing Slytherin. And Slytherin had the best brooms money could buy. Not to mention what Wood would say if we lost. Well... we'd better not lose, that's all I'm going to say. I could see Ryan playing with some tape as he was fidgeting his fingers. 

But we all listened to Wood's pep talk speech. "Slytherin's got better brooms then us. No point denying it." Well that makes me feel better. Not really. "But we've got better people on our brooms. We've trained harder than they have, we've been flying in all weathers. And we're going to make them rue the day they let that little bit of slime, Malfoy, buy his way onto their team." 

"Yeah! Let's show Slytherin who the real masters of the brooms are." Ryan declared.

"And we will, Ryan." Wood assured. He then pulled Ryan to the side. "I'm starting Fred and George this game. You'll be in at backup in case something happens." He said. "You've gotten better then when you tried out. But I'm not taking any risks. You understand?"  

"Yes, sir." Ryan nodded.

"Good." Wood replied. He then turned to Harry. "Harry!" Harry turned to Wood. "It'll be down to you, to show them that a Seeker has to do something more than a rich father. Get to that Snitch before Malfoy or die trying." He ordered.

"So, no pressure, Harry." Fred joked. 

I also had to do my part and get as many goals as Chaser as I could. 

I was about to go on the field when Ryan grabbed my arm. "Be careful up there." He said.

"Eh, you know me." I grinned. 

We all got on the Pitch. And I was greeted by a roar of cheers from the Gryffindors, as well as Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. They wanted to see Slytherin destroyed. Apparently, and this was according to Wood, Slytherin had been bragging that Ravenclaw had not had a team since Erika Rath graduated. Unfortunately, I heard the Slytherins boo and hiss at us. I couldn't wait to send that Slytherin Team to Hades. Oh, and um... I will also add that when Flint and Wood shook hands, they did it with very intense stares.

Hooch tossed the Quaffle in the air. "On my whistle... One... Two... Three...!" She blew the whistle. And we all charged after it.  

Wood was right about the Nimbus 2001s being faster then our brooms. The Slytherin Chaser used it to grab the Quaffle before I could. I was seriously hoping that Fred and George would be able to stop him. But he came barreling at the Hoops. And he managed to pull a fast one on Wood before he tossed it right into our hoop and scoring 10 points. 

Already 10 seconds in and the Serpents had a goal ahead of us. 

"Wood. You were right about those brooms being faster then us." I commented. 

"They got a lucky shot. Shake it off." Wood told me. "But now we know what we're up against at least." 

I turned to take the Quaffle. I was able to speed my way up. But the Slytherins were ganging up on me. Guess they figured how fast I could get. All I had to do was try to remember those maneuvers that Wood made us learn. Too bad he made them all complex! They ganged up on me and took the Quaffle back scoring again. Now it was 20 to 0.

"Dammit!" I yelled. I'll also add that Fred and George were nowhere to be seen in their formations. 

It also didn't help that it happened again. It's almost as if the Serpents are just knowing our moves before they even happen. 

I got the Quaffle again, and I tried to pass it to Angelina, but I noticed something catch my eye. Harry was up there. And he was straight up being attacked by a Bludger. And by attacked. I really mean attacked. Like it was using its full concentration on Harry. Fred and George were doing their best to protect him. Which was kind of how the Serpents were able to steal the ball with no trouble again. And score... again. 

"This is not going well." Angelina commented. 

"What's wrong with that Bludger?" I asked.

"No idea. But we've gotta get in this game, or we're getting smoked." Angelina replied. 

"We're not getting smoked already?" I thought. 

Angelina started with the Quaffle again. She managed a pass to me. We would have to use some trickery if we were going to win this game. As soon as I headed for the goal, I braked. Tossed the Quaffle right down towards me where I knew Katie could grab it easily. We fooled that Keeper and he darted straight for Katie. But as soon as I tossed it down. I did a dive and then tossed it up and into the Quidditch Hoop. We were now at 30 to 10. Still not a lot, but at least it wouldn't be a blow out. 

Despite that though. And thanks to the Rouge Bludger, and the Nimbus 2001s. The Slytherins were leading 60 to 20. We scored another goal thanks to some quick thinking from us. 

Wood had to signal for a time out. And I heard Hooch blow the whistle. We all huddled together. 

"I'm sorry, Wood. I tried to close the gap!" I quickly said. I wonder if that's why Wood called the timeout. And that he was mad at me for not doing a good enough job. But that wasn't it. 

"Not your fault, Kassie." Wood turned to the Weasleys. "What the hell's going on?! We're getting flattened!" He snapped.

"We were twenty feet above you guys stopping the other bludger from killing Harry!" George explained angrily. "It won't leave Harry alone. Someone's fixed it! I bet it was those Slytherins!"

Someone rigged the Bludgers?

"But the Bludgers have been locked in Madam Hooch's office since our last practice. And there was nothing wrong with them, then." Wood pointed out.

"Well... there's something wrong now." I chimed in. "What are we going to do? The Slytherins have those new brooms, and they've got this game rigged in their favor." I asked anxiously. 

That's when Harry decided to take the lead. "Alright, listen." He turned to Fred and George. "With you two flying around me all the time, the only way I'm going to catch the Snitch is if it flies up my sleeve. Go back to the rest of the team and let me deal with the Rogue one." 

That's not a good idea. "Harry, it could kill you." I protested. 

"We're not losing to Slytherin just because of a Crazy Bludger!" Harry shut me down.

We heard Madam Hooch come up to us. "Are you ready to resume play?" She asked Wood. 

"Give us a second." Wood answered. I could see how dedicated Harry was to this. Almost as if he was as dedicated as Wood was. Go figure. "You heard him, Fred and George. Let him deal with the Bludger on his own!" He ordered the twins. 

"Um... Can I just say that this is a bad idea?" I asked.

"You might." Harry answered. 

"Kassie. We're going to need some more trick plays if we're going to get more points." Wood told me.

I looked at the Slytherins. They were all laughing at us and mocking us. And pointing their fingers at Harry. They looked almost as prideful and gleaming of triumph in battle as Ares himself. Ares himself... That's when it hit me. "I've got an idea." 

Marcus Flint came striding back in his big ego. "Ready to play now, Bauer?!" He asked me.

But I had grinned. Something which confused the Serpents. "Oh, were we playing? I thought you were just warmed up!" I mocked.

The Serpents weren't grinning now. They all stared at me. And they charged their brooms forward to our goal. But with Fred and George now with us. It was going to be easier for us. And I put my plan into motion. "Hey, Slytherin! I'm a big fat Snake who slithers on his back all day!" I mocked and I blew a Raspberry at them. One of them flew up right to me, completely forgetting about the Quaffle in his hands that was getting stolen by Angelina. We scored again. 60 to 30 now.

I kept this up for some more. I trailed behind Flint who was trying to get the Quaffle through the hoop. "Huh? I've got some slow traffic in my way!" I shouted to him. 

"Hey! Cut that out!" Flint snapped trying to kick me from behind. 

Katie Bell had managed to bump into him and knock the Quaffle into my hands. "Thanks. Don't mind if I do!" I took that Quaffle and scored again. 

I went up to another Chaser. "I don't know why. But I thought you would be better than Skye Parkin!" 

"Stop that!" Flint yelled at me rushing towards me. 

"Uh, oh. Someone's angry!" I shouted.

"I'm not angry!" Flint angrily yelled at me. 

"It's okay to be angry sometimes." I mocked. "I thought you had a sense of humor or something. After all, you've all got funny looking haircuts." 

Flint yelled in rage. And the rest of the Slytherin team converged on me. They had almost ignored all the other Gryffindor Players. And we all scored again. It was now tied at 60 to 60. 

We managed to tie the game. All we needed was another goal scored and we would have the advantage. I was about to get the Quaffle again, when I heard a loud smash on the ground. I looked down. It's Harry! He's got the Snitch! We win!

"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" I heard Lee Jordan yelled. 

I flew down to make sure that Harry was okay. He had a really serious case of bad luck with being off his broom whenever we played Slytherin. Go figure. Only this one looked more serious then last year. 

"Are you okay, Harry?" I asked. 

"My arm's messed up- Hit the dirt!" Harry yelled to me as he was looking up. I dodged out of the way as the Bludger had tried to attack Harry again. It tried smashing into Harry again, and again. And if Harry hadn't moved his body parts, it would've probably killed him or something.

Hermione ran up to the field. "Finite Incantantem!" She shot it at the Bludger blowing it up. 

"Well... that happened." Harry groaned. 

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked Harry. 

"I already told Kassie that my arm was messed up." Harry answered.

"No. You said your arm was messed up and then you told me to hit the dirt." I reminded. 

"You know what I mean." Harry replied in pain. 

That was when we saw Lockheart come towards our direction. "Not to worry, Harry. I will fix that arm straight away." He vowed.

Uh Oh.

"Not you." Harry quickly denied. "Anyone but you." 

"Doesn't know what he's talking about." Lockheart informed to everyone as the crowd of Gryffindors moved towards us. 

"Um... Professor. Shouldn't we get Harry some help. Professional Help?" I asked. 

"I am Professional Help." Lockheart shot back. 

"Not that kind of Professional!" I quickly yelled. "I mean a real professional!" 

He shouted some spell I didn't recognize. When Harry opened his eyes. I could tell something was wrong. Lockheart moved Harry's arm. Except... it didn't move like an arm at all. It moved like a piece of string. And it flexed in positions it shouldn't have. At all!

"Ah." Lockheart said like it was no big deal. "Yes. Well that can happen sometimes. The important thing is that you can't feel any more pain. And the bones are no longer broken." 

"Broken?! There's no Bones left!" Hagrid roared in disbelief.

"Well... he's much more flexible now." Lockheart commented while the arm moved like a wet noodle. 

Before anyone could do anything. Harry is brought up to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey quickly moved to Harry. "You should've been brought straight to me!" She raged. "I can mend bones in a heart beat, but growing them back-" 

"You will be able to, won't you?" I asked nervously. 

"I'll be able to, certainly, but it will be painful." Pomfrey answered. "You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing Bones is a nasty business." She told Harry as she gave him a vial of Skelo-Gro.

Harry takes a swig of the Skelo-Gro and immediately spits it out. "Well what did you expect? Pumpkin Juice?!" Pomfrey scolded. 

I turned to Hermione. "Now can we say Lockheart is an idiot?!" I snapped. 

"Anyone can make a mistake." Hermione denied. Still in denial. "And it doesn't hurt anymore, does it, Harry?" She asked. 

"It doesn't do much either." Harry answered flapping his arm like a mad man.

Ryan sighed. "What's wrong, Ryan?" Harry asked. 

"Nothing. I just wish I could've been the one in that game." Ryan answered. "But Wood insists on keeping me as backup. Says it's to let me study more of the Gryffindor formations." 

"You're still a rookie, Ryan." Harry assured. "And trust me, all that time of studying is just going to help you get better." Even in the most painful of moments, Harry could look on the bright side of things. 

"Oh, by the way." Ryan added. "I saw Marcus Flint yelling at Malfoy earlier on the Pitch after you were brought in. He said that the Snitch was right over Malfoy's head and Malfoy didn't even notice it. He looked pissed." He smiled with that. 

The door of the Hospital Wing burst open. And all the Gryffindors on the team entered. They brought Harry some of their cakes, sweets, and bottles of Pumpkin Juice. It was as if there was a party in the Hospital Wing. Wouldn't that be a sight? 

At least it was until Madam Pomfrey got angry. "This Boy needs rest! He's got about 33 Bones to regrow. OUT! OUT!"

We were all pushed out of the Hospital Wing. Literally... pushed.

That night. I decided to go check in on Harry. He was my friend after all. I snuck out of bed and through the Portrait over to the Hospital Wing. "Chare, Harry." I greeted. 

Harry was already awake. "Oh, Hey Kassie. This a dream?" He asked.

"Um... no." I answered.

"You would not believe how boring it gets here." Harry told me. "And painful." 

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"Well... my arm feels like it's in full splinters, so... hurt." Harry answered. 

"Just be glad it's not a full limb." I said. "I was threatened to have my hands chopped off by thugs many times when I was a street rat." 

Harry shrugged. "Well, there's that." 

"How could Malfoy have fixed that bludger?" I asked.

"I'll be sure to ask him when I see him next." Harry answered. 

"Sorry I can't be able to help you. It would expose us though with my Greek Accent." I apologized.

"You're helping with the Polyjuice Potion." Harry reminded giving me a smile. 

I smiled as well. "I should... probably go back. You know before-" 

"You get caught?" Harry asked. 

"Yeah." I answered. I took another step, but that's when I see another image. It's one where I see some Slytherins meeting in what looked like their Common Room. I stopped. I feel my head getting heavier. 

"Kassie? What's wrong?" Harry asked. "Is it more images?" 

"Yes." I croaked. I saw another image. It was blurry, but it looked like Ron, Harry and I were in Hagrid's Hut. And then we were in front of Spiders. They flashed before my eyes. 

But then my vision returned back to normal. And so did my head. "That just gets stranger and stranger." 

"What did you see?" Harry asked. 

I told him what I saw. 

"That makes even less sense then the Snake." Harry commented.

"I know." I replied. "Alright. Harry. Just be careful, will you?" I asked.

"Will do. See you in the morning." Harry thanked.

I started to walk away and back to my Common Room, and also trying not to run into Filch. But that was when I heard some footsteps coming forward. And it seemed to be in a frantic pace. I quickly hide behind a door. 

That was when I saw Dumbledore along with McGonagall carrying what looked like a statue. Except it wasn't a statue. 

I had to see what was going on. So I followed them back to the Hospital Wing. And I slid underneath one of the beds. "Get Madam Pomfrey." Dumbledore instructed McGonagall. 

McGonagall reappeared suddenly with Madam Pomfrey. 

"What happened?" Pomfrey asked. 

"Another attack." Dumbledore answered. Another attack? "Minerva found him on the stairs." 

"There was a bunch of grapes next to him." McGonagall added. "I think he was trying to sneak up here to see Potter." 

Oh no. I have a hunch on who it is. And my suspicion is correct when I saw Colin Creevey. I want to gasp, but I can't expose myself. He's also got his camera. And his eyes are open wide.

He's been Petrified. 

"Do you think he managed to get a picture of his attacker?" McGonagall asked. 

Dumbledore opened the back of his camera. But the Camera hacked and hissed and smoke came out. I think Colin might need a new camera. 

"Melted." Pomfrey realized. "All melted." 

"What does this mean, Albus?" McGonagall asked. I had never seen this side of McGonagall before. And I didn't like the sound of it. 

"It means..." Dumbledore said with a sad expression. "That the Chamber of Secrets has been opened again." 

So it does exist. If it wasn't for the fact that Colin was petrified, I would so tell Binns in his face.

"But Albus... surely... who?" McGonagall asked.

"It's not who. But how." Dumbledore corrected. 

I get this really bad thought in my head. And I think about that image I saw at the Death Day Party. With Petrified Students on the beds of the Hospital Wing. What if this is only the beginning of it? I really should tell someone about this.

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