Prologue: I guess I just miss my friend.

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Kassandra (P.O.V)

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I raised a small rock in the air with my wand in the backyard of my home. It was going very well too. I was doing such a great job. 

I could hear the sounds of clapping from behind. It had come from my Mater, Caroline. But I just called her Mater. "That's amazing, Kassie!" She commented. "You're doing such a great job!" She hugged me. "Did you see that, Ethan?" 

I turned over to see my older brother Ethan also clapping his hands. "She's got it down, Mum." He agreed. "And she's only had one year under her belt." 

I did a little bow to them. Just to be funny. 

Now, if you're probably thinking: 'Why am I using spells outside of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Oh, no. The International Statue of Secrecy!' Well, it turns out, I just couldn't do it in front of Muggles. At least that's what Mater told me. I trusted her, so... her word was good.

"And if she's got that by her first year, just imagine what she'll know by her 2nd year." Ethan added. 

"I just hope it's not going to involve a Dark Wizard living underneath a Professor." I said. That was definitely a highlight of last year.

I had told my family everything that had happened in my first year. Meeting my friends. Going on those crazy adventures. The Traps to protect the Philosopher's Stone. Voldemort. Harry saving me.

"I wouldn't worry too much, Kassie." Ethan told me. "Professor Dumbledore told me that he's done a thorough background check for potential candidates. One of those qualifications being you can't have the ultimate evil living off the back of your head." 

"That's good to hear." I said. 

That was when I saw someone exit our house. She had blonde hair, blue eyes. That someone was Ethan's girlfriend, Penny Haywood. "Hey guys!" She greeted. 

"Chare, Penny." I greeted.

"Sweetheart." Ethan smiled. "You seeing what Kassie's been doing? She got the levitation charm down." 

"Has she been able to make potions?" Penny asked hopefully. 

Penny was an expert Potions Student. It was her specialty. Sadly though. It was not mine. "N-no." I answered. "Sorry."

But Penny looked at me. "Don't be sorry, Kassie. Potions were never Ethan's best subject ever." 

"Hello? I'm right here. And for the record, Snape wasn't exactly helpful as a Professor." Ethan reminded.

"I know." Penny replied. "Oh, I don't mean to interrupt a lesson, but Athena got a letter for Kassie." She informed me.

"Oh, boy!" I ran over. It was a letter from Hermione. "It's from Hermione!" I read the letter. It was just Hermione telling me how great her Summer was. How she was doing. She was doing good. Muggle Life was never the same as it had been before. At least that's what Hermione told me. 

But there was just something else. Something that made me sad. 

"What's wrong, Kassie?" Mater asked me noticing my mood. 

"It's just that..." I started to say. "I've had letters from all of my friends. But I still haven't heard anything from Harry." 

I was referring to my friend, Harry Potter. The famous Boy Who Lived. He defeated Voldemort when he was only a baby. And he became my best friend last year. And I had sent him letters, but he hadn't sent me any letters. It made me sad.

"Is... Is there something wrong with me?" I asked. 

"No, Kassie." Ethan assured me. 

"But I haven't had any letters from Harry. And I've been sending him letters." I pointed out. "He'd still want to be friends with me, right?"

Ethan hugged me. "Of course, Kassie. People are lucky to have you as their friend. If you ask me, I'd say that Walrus, Vernon Dursley is intercepting your letters." He suggested.

"Why would he do that?" I asked concerned. Didn't he know it was illegal to steal letters?

"Because he's an asshole." Ethan answered. 

I was half expecting Mater to scold Ethan for language, but I don't think she could argue that fact. Especially with what I saw at the Hogwarts Cross Station. 

"Alright, well. We'd love to stay and chat some more, but we've got to run back home." Ethan announced half heartedly. 

"Okay. Bye, Ethan." I waved goodbye. 

"Bye, Kassie. Bye Mum." Ethan said goodbye. "And keep up the good work, Kassie." He told me. "Harry will write to you soon enough." 

But that was when Larry flew in with a paper. Penny grabbed the paper. "Oh, Ethan. It looks like they found a new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor!" She announced.

"Who is it?" Ethan took the paper and read it. When he put it down, he looked so frustrated. "Ugh! Not Gilderoy Lockheart!" 

"Who?" I asked. 

"Just some Pretty Boy Wizard who thinks he's better then everyone else." Penny answered. 

I didn't know about Lockheart. But... is he a bad guy or something? He didn't sound like one. Still, I doubt he could be any worse than Voldemort.

I sat in my room with Athena by my bedside. I don't like putting her in her cage. So I left her out. Ethan told me that Harry would write to me soon enough. But I haven't heard anything. I hope he got my letters. "You think he's gotten my letters, Athena?" I asked.

Athena hooted. While I did write to Ron and Hermione. And they wrote back to me. Harry was always so silent. I guess I just miss my friend. 

I went back to my room. This had been going on for a while now. 

On my birthday, I sent an invitation to Harry for my 12th birthday, but he didn't show. I told him what I was doing over my summer. But he didn't respond. I asked if he wanted to get together. But he didn't respond. It made me sad. Half the time, I wondered if Harry still wanted to be my friend. I hope he still wants to be my friend. It's near the end of July now.

I was sitting at dinner with Mater one night. And I was eating rather slowly "Still thinking about Harry?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I answered half heartedly  still eating my chicken. "Mater. I'm kind of getting worried. I've sent all those letters to Harry and he hasn't responded back." 

"Hmm." Mater thought out loud. "Molly said that Ron had told her the same thing too." That didn't sound good. 

Then Mater made a decision. "Well, you know what they say, if the Mountain won't come to Mohammad. Then Mohammad must come to the Mountain."  

"Huh?" I asked.

"Let's just go to Harry ourselves." Mater clarified. 

I looked shocked. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked.

"Yes." Mater answered immediately. 

I felt rejuvenated at Mater's words. I was going to see Harry again. It felt like a dream come true. I finished my dinner, and we both left for where Harry lived. He gave me his address before he departed. 

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