Chapter 10: Who will enter for Glory?

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"I don't believe it!" Ron kept on saying in his stunned voice, as we filed back into the castle behind the Durmstrang party. "The man! The myth! The legend! Viktor Krum!" 

"Ron, you have a God of Egypt living inside of you, and this is what tickles your fancy?" Hermione asked. "He's just a Quidditch Player." 

Ron scoffed at that as if Hermione just said one of the Unforgivable Curses. "Only a Quidditch Player?" He asked outrage. "Hermione- he's NOT JUST A Quidditch Player. He's one of the best Seekers in the world! I had no idea he was still at school!" 

"Well, I think Harry's the best Seeker in the world." I chimed in.

"Thanks, Kassie." Harry grinned at that. 

We reached across the entrance hall with the rest of the Hogwarts Students and people were freaking out about Krum. Several six year girls frantically searched for quills. 

"Oh, I can't believe I haven't got a single Quill on me! D'you think he'd sign my hat in lipstick?" One Girl was saying. 

"Get over yourselves." I heard Beatrice say and not at all impressed. It was nice to know that Beatrice wasn't as fooled with just good looks. 

And then I saw a bunch of other girls who were fighting over lipstick. 

"I'm getting his autograph if I can." Ron informed us. "You haven't got a quill, have you, Kassie?" 

"No." I answered. "And don't ask for Lipstick either." 

"Get over it, Ron." Ryan said. 

"Anubis-" Ron started to say.

"If you're not careful, you're going to be wearing lipstick and you won't like it." Anubis interrupted. 

We walked over to the Gryffindor Table and sat down. And it looked like Ron's dreams were crushed because the Beauxbatons students came to sit at our table. And the Durmstrang students sat at the Slytherin Table with Malfoy and his goons.  

Wanting to be nice, I scooted over to say hi to them. "Chare." I greeted. But they all stared at me funny. Guess they don't know Greek. And also they were clutching their scarves  and shawls around their heads.

"It's not that cold." Hermione commented. "Why didn't they bring cloaks?" 

I also noticed that Ron was just glaring at the Slytherin table. "Yeah, that's right, smarm up to him, Malfoy. I bet Krum can see right through him, though... bet he get people fawning over him all the time... Where'd you reckon they're going to sleep? We could offer him a space in our Dormitory, Harry... I wouldn't mind giving him my bed, I could kip on a camp bed."

"Ron, I think you might be going about this all hectic like." I told him.

"What makes you think that?" Ron asked.

Well, at least the Durmstrangs kids sounded happier than the Beauxbatons kids were who were shaking their heads in disappointment around them. Like they were expecting to see Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, and instead got to the movie theater and found out it was that Captain America Movie that came out in 1990. 

The Durmstrangs stared at the starry black ceiling with expressions of interests, and impressed by all of our stuff like Golden Plates and Goblets. Maybe that's because Durmstrangs was like the equivalent of a dark and dreary castle you would read about in Fantasy Stories.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and- most particularly guests." Dumbledore greeted, beaming at the foreign students. "I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope you trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable."  

I heard one of the Beauxbatons girls give a laugh at that. By Hades. Talk about High Maintenance. 

"The Tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast." Dumbledore informed us. "I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!" 

As always, the dishes in front of us were filled with food. And of course it tasted delicious.

"What's that?" Ron asked, pointing to a large dish of some sort of stew. 

"Bouillabaisse." Hermione answered. 

"What's that?" I asked. 

"It's French, Kassie." Hermione answered. "I had it on holiday, summer before last, it's very nice.

And the Hall seemed much more crowded. There were only twenty extra students. And many of the different colored uniforms stood out clearly against our black Hogwarts Robes.

"Hey, Kassie?" Beatrice asked from the other table. "What do you think of all these different Schools so far?" 

"I don't know." I answered. "I've only gotten a first impression on them." 

"Well, these Beauxbatons sound high maintenance, if you ask me." Cedric said. 

"It's West Europe. It's like that." Beatrice told him. 

"Aren't we considered Western Europe?" I asked. Even though I'm technically Greek which was in Eastern Europe.

"No, we're British." Beatrice answered. "You know, Kassie... Penny had a Pen Pal from Beauxbatons." 

"Did she now?" I asked.

"She did." Beatrice answered. "Aurelie Dumont, was her name if I recall." 

I also saw Hagrid skid into the hall through a door behind the staff. He slid into his seat and waved at us with a heavily bandaged hand.

"Chare Hagrid." I greeted. "Skrewts doing okay?" 

"Thriving." Hagrid answered.

"I think they might've found food." Anubis said. "Hagrid's fingers." 

"Excuse me, are you wanting ze bouillabaisse?" A voice asked. 

It was that Girl who laughed at Dumbledore's speech. She had long silver hair that fell down to her waist and big blue eyes. Ron went purple and stared at her with wide eyes.

"You can have it." I said to her. 

"You 'ave finished wiz it?" The Girl asked. 

"Yeah." Ron answered breathlessly. "It was excellent." He still had that gogglingness in his mouth. "Okay, she's got to be a Veela." He said as soon as the Witch was gone.

"Oh, of course, she isn't!" Hermione said tartly. "I don't see anyone else gasping at her like an idiot!" 

Hermione in this case was wrong. Because I saw a lot of boys turn their heads at the Beauxbatons girls, the same way that Girls here looked at Krum. I also noticed that girl eating the whatever it was. "English don't know how to make French Dinners at all. Well, at least it is better zan zat Wine ze Italians make."  

A fellow Beauxbatons Girl was laughing.

"They don't make em like that at Hogwarts." Ron commented.

"They make em okay. But we do have some good looking ones." Harry replied. As she was starring at Cho Chang the whole time. 

"Ryan?" I asked. But Ryan was looking at Parvati.

"Well, when you've all put your eyes back in. You'll see who's just arrived." Hermione said.

"Are you jealous?" I asked her.

"What? No." Hermione answered a little shocked. But her expression said otherwise.

I noticed at the staff table, that Ludo Bagman now was sitting there, with Mr. Crouch and Percy. 

"What are they doing here?" Harry asked. 

"They've organized it, didn't they?" Ryan asked. 

Soon after, the plates were wiped clean after dessert of a wide variety of Ice Cream, Eclairs, and of course Chocolate. Say what you will about the Beauxbatons students, but they knew their chocolate craft so well. and Dumbledore stood to address us again. This was it. It was time. 

"The moment has come." Dumbledore announced. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket-" 

"The what?" I asked.

"Sh." Hermione shushed me. 

"Just to clarify the procedures which we will be following this year. But firstly, let me introduce, for those who do not know them, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Head of Department of International Co-operation and Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports." 

The Applause was bigger for Bagman then it was for Crouch, probably because Bagman was the bigger celebrity than Crouch was ever. 

"Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly over the last few months on the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore continued. "And they will be joining myself, Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxine on the panel will judge the champions' efforts. 

Right at the mention of the word: Champion. Everyone sharpened up. Eager to see who would be the Champions.

"The Casket, then, if you please, Mr. Filch." 

Filch who was lurking in the far corner of the hall, approached Dumbledore, carrying a wooden chest encrusted with jewels. It looked very old. Like a lost artifact or something. 

"The instructions for the tasks the champions will face this year already have been examined by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman." Dumbledore explained as Filch placed the chest carefully on the table before him. "And they have made the necessary arrangements for each challenge. There will be three tasks spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways... their magical prowess- their daring- their powers of deduction- and of course, their ability to cope with danger." 

I could do all those things. But if Ethan was still in Hogwarts would've been the perfect candidate for the Tournament. 

"You got that in the bag, Bea." Cedric grinned at Beatrice.

"As you know, three champions compete in the Tournament." Dumbledore went on calmly. "One from each of the participating schools. They will be marked on how well they perform each of the Tournament tasks and the champion with the highest total after task three will win the Triwizard Cup. The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector... the Goblet of Fire." 

Dumbledore took out his wand and tapped three times on the top of the casket. The lid creaked opened slowly. Dumbledore reached inside and pulled out a large, golden cup. It also had bright blue flames dancing from the tip. 

"Woah." I said in awe.

"Woah." Ryan also said in awe as well. 

"Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment, and drop it into the goblet." Dumbledore explained to us. "Aspiring champions have 24 hours in which to put their names forward. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the Goblet will return the names of the three it has judged most worthy to represent their schools. The Goblet will placed in the Entrance Hall tonight, where it will be freely accessible to all those wishing to compete. And to ensure that no underage students yield to temptation. I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once it has been placed in the Entrance Hall. Nobody under the age of 17 will be able to cross the line." Dumbledore looked at Fred and George at this. 

"Finally, I wish to impress upon any of you wishing to compete that this Tournament is not to be entered into lightly. Once a Champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, He or she is obliged to see the Tournament though to the end. The placing of your name in the Goblet constitutes a binding magical contract. There can be no change of heart once you have become champion. Please be very sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you drop you name into the Goblet. Now, I think it's time for bed. Goodnight to all of you." 

"An Age Line?" Fred exclaimed. His eyes glinting as we made our way across the hall. 
"Okay... no matter, we can easily fool that with an Aging Potion. And once you're name's in the Goblet of Fire, you're laughing- it can't tell whether you're 17 or not." 

"But I don't think anyone under 17 will stand a chance." Hermione tried to say. "We just haven't learned enough..." 

"Does anyone truly learn enough?" Horus asked. "No matter what age you are, we are still learning." 

"Ethan didn't learn enough." I stated making everyone focus on me. "He was only a second year, and he fought the Ice Knight. And in his fifth year, he fought a Hungarian Horntail." 

"You going to try and get in, Kassie?" George asked. 

"I want to. But I can't. I'm underaged." I answered sadly. "And I've got to accept that."  

"What about you, Harry?" Fred asked. 

Harry didn't say anything. 

Though, I do wonder how angry Dumbledore would get if someone younger than 17 did find a way to get over the Age Line.

"Where is he?" Ron asked, who wasn't listening to a word of our conversation. "Dumbledore didn't say where the Durmstrang people are sleeping, did he?" 

But he got his answer when Karkaroff bustled up to his students.  "Back to the ship, then. Viktor, how are you feeling? Did you eat enough? Should I send them mulled wine from the kitchens?" He asked like Viktor was some prized Olympian Athlete or something.

"Wonder who's going to be the Durmstrangs Champion." Ryan muttered sarcastically. 

Krum shook his head as he pulled his fur back on. "Professor, I vood like some vine." One of the other Durmstrang students said.

"I wasn't offering it to you, Poliakoff." Karkaroff snapped. "I noticed you have dribbled food all down the front of your robes again, disgusting boy. If you want some, go talk to those Italians at Beauxbatons. Fat pigs that they are." Well, that wasn't very nice.

Karkaroff then turned and led his students toward the doors, reaching them as the exact same time as we did. I waited for them to walk through. 

"Thank you." Karkaroff thanked us and then he glanced at Harry. Then froze. Like he couldn't believe his eyes. Behind their Headmaster, the students came to a halt too. Karkaroff's eyes moved slowly up from Harry's face and fixated upon his scar. The students also stared curiously at Harry too. 

"Can we help you?" Ryan asked. 

Then I heard some mumbling from the other students. "Yeah, that's Harry Potter." Came the growling voice of Mad Eye from behind Karkaroff. 

The color drained from Karkaroff's face at the sight of Mad Eye, whose magical eye stared unblinkingly at him.

"You!" Karkaroff stared straight at Mad Eye with an expression on fear.

"Me." Mad Eye replied. "And unless you've got anything to say to Potter, Karkaroff, you might want to move on. You're blocking the doorway." 

Ryan also made some car honking noise. From a toy horn he pulled out. 

And it was true, half of the students were waiting behind us. And, without another word, Karkaroff swept his students away. Mad Eye watched him march out of sight, intense dislike dawning on his face.

Being Saturday, we would have breakfast later. Except for Ryan. He always liked to eat his breakfast at a certain time and had a set routine he liked. Which was early, truth be told. When we entered the hall, there were at least twenty other students around, all examining the Goblet of Fire. It had been placed in the center of the hall on the stool that usually houses the Sorting Hat. A thin golden line had been traced on the floor, forming a circle ten feet around in every direction. 

"Anyone put their name in yet?" Ron asked. 

"All the Durmstrang lot." A third year answered. "But I haven't seen any Hogwarts kids yet." 

"I wonder if they did it last night after we had gone to sleep." Ryan suggested. "Less pressure. That's what I would do." 

"Say... Anubis? Do you think we could past the age line?" Ron asked.

Anubis took over Ron and tried to walk through, but it didn't work. 

"Sorry, Ron. It looks like Dumbledore put a restriction on the body and not the God." Anubis said. 

"Argh!" Ron growled. "That figures." 

"Also, the other students must be given a fair fight." Anubis added. "We already went out on a limb with what happened at the Quidditch Final last year." 

"Well, Slytherin cheated and went after us. All rules were out the window at that point." Harry pointed out.

From behind us, somebody gave a loud laugh. I turned to see Fred, George, and Lee Jordan hurrying down the staircase, all three of them looking beyond excited.

"We've done it." Fred announced. "Just taken it." 

"The Aging Potion?" I asked.

"That's right, Kassie." George answered. "One drop each." They both rubbed their hands together with glee. "We only need to be a few months older." 

"We're going to split a thousand Galleons between the three of us if one of us wins." Lee added.

"It's not going to work." Hermione told them. 

The twins of course, ignored her. "Ready?" Fred asked the other two, quivering with excitement. "C'mon then- I'll go first-" 

Fred pulled a slip of parchment from his pocket, bearing his name, and walked right up to the edge of the Age Line, and stood there, rocking back and forth on his toes. Then, he took a great breath and stepped over the line.

"By Zeus, they did it." I said. George thought so, he let out a cry of triumph and leaped after Fred. 

But within seconds, there was a loud sizzling sound, and both twins were hurled out of the Golden Circle. They landed ten feet away from the Goblet on the floor. "Next time, we ask Penny to brew it for us." George grunted. 

But when they got up. They both sprouted identical long white beards.

The entrance hall rang with laughter. It was really funny to see. Even Fred and George joined in. 

"I did warn you." Came the deep amused voice, and we all turned to see Dumbledore coming out of the Great Hall, he surveyed the twins, his eyes twinkling. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss. Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Mr. Summers of Hufflepuff whom decided to age themselves up a little, too. Thought I must say, neither of their beards is anything as fine as yours." 

"Can't top yours though, Professor." I said.

"Well it is a very high standard to reach." Dumbledore replied.

Fred and George set off for the Hospital Wing along with Lee Jordan who was howling with laughter. 

"Also... sorry Ryan and Ron." Dumbledore said quietly to them both. "But I'm afraid we can't let the Gods compete in human matches either. We have to give the other Schools at least a fair fight." 

"Called it." Anubis commented. 

"Dang it." Ryan grunted. 

"This is because of that Stone Boat incident, isn't it?" Horus asked quietly. 

"There's a rumor going round, Warrington got up early and put his name in." Dean told us as we sat down at the Gryffindor Table and sat down with Dean and Seamus who were discussing Hogwarts' possible champion. Same as us.

"That Slytherin Chaser on the Quidditch Team?" I asked. Were we going to have a Slytherin Champion for Hogwarts?

"We can't have a Slytherin Champion, least of all Warrington!" Harry protested.

"And all the Hufflepuff are talking about either Diggory, or Haywood." Seamus added. "But I wouldn't have thought Diggory wouldn't want to risk his good looks. Haywood though, I can see happening as Champion." 

"Isn't' she your sister in law or something, Kassie?" Dean asked. 

"She's the sister of my sister in law. So in a way, yes." I answered. But more than that, Beatrice was very strong and honestly, she was the best candidate for Hogwarts a champion.

People then began cheering outside in the Entrance Hall. We swiveled around and saw Angelina Johnson coming into the hall, grinning. She would've been Captain this year for Quidditch if it didn't get canceled. 

"Well, I've done it." Angelina sat down. "Just put my name in!" 

Nice. We could have a Gryffindor Champion. 

"You're Kidding!" Ron commented impressed.

"Are you 17?" Hermione asked.

"Course, she is. Can't see a beard, can you?" Ryan asked.

"I had my birthday last week." Angelina told us.

"Gryffindor represent!" Ryan preached. "Good luck. Hope you get it." 

"Thanks, Ryan!" Angelina thanked. 

"Better you than Pretty-Boy Diggory." Seamus said, causing several Hufflepuffs that passes us to scowl.

"Hey, Cedric is cool." I snapped at him.

And right on cue. I saw Beatrice walk in. She had scribbled her name and Hogwarts on her parchment. "You sure about this, Bea?" Cedric asked running behind him. 

"I'm positive." Beatrice answered. "I've made up my mind about this." She threw her name in the Goblet of Fire. The flames turned from Blue to Yellow briefly. The Hufflepuffs cheered. That's when Beatrice turned to the others. "Years ago, my Brother in Law, Ethan Bauer defeated Iosef Trotsky right here in these halls. My Sister, Penny stood by his side. He saved Hogwarts and the world from a terrible fate. I feel it only fitting that I serve Hogwarts in a similar way as he did! This is my last year! If I get chosen, I will put my wand to use one last time! For Hogwarts!" She chanted.

All the Hufflepuffs cheered for Beatrice. 

"Well... Cedric?" Beatrice asked. 

"For Hogwarts." Cedric tossed his name into the Goblet of Fire. The flames turned yellow as well.

And more cheering came from the Hufflepuffs.

"So, what're we going to do today, then?" Ron asked as we left the Great Hall. 

"I was just going to draw more Cartoons and work on my Toon Magic." Ryan answered. 

"We haven't been down to see Hagrid yet." Harry replied.

"Okay, As long as he doesn't ask us to donate a finger to the Skrewts." Ron said.

And that's when a great excitement suddenly dawned on Hermione face. "I've just realized- I haven't asked Hagrid to join S.P.E.W yet!" She brightly realized. Until there was Communist Music blasting from somewhere. Then she turned to Ryan with a CD Player. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing." Ryan answered turning the music off.  

"Wait for me, will you, while I nip upstairs and get the Badges?" Hermione requested. And then she ran up the marble staircase.

"Um... I just remembered. I need to do something." I quickly left not wanting to be a part of Hermione's spew. 

That was when I saw the Beauxbatons students surrounding that Veela Girl. 

Madam Maxine entered the hall behind her students and organized them into a line. One by one, the students stepped across the Age Line and dropped their slips of Parchment into the Blue Flames. All making sparks and turning briefly red. 

A couple of the Beauxbatons Witches looked at me. "Are you lost, little girl?" One of them asked.  

"No." I answered. 

"She sounds Greek." Another student noticed.

"Hogwarts takes Greeks now?" One Girl asked. And then she laughed.

That's when Maxine came over. "Watch your tongues!" She scolded. "You're speaking to Kassandra Bauer. You owe her Brother your lives." 

The Beauxbatons students then all looked at me. "Did she say Bauer? She looks nothing like a Bauer. I didn't know Ethan had a little sister." 

"Right... well, later." I left. 

I saw Beatrice and Cedric walking towards the Artefact Room. "Hey, Bea? Do you think I've got a good shot at winning if I get chosen as Hogwarts Champion?" Cedric asked. 

Beatrice looked at him. "Is that some sort of joke? You've got a better shot than those Europeans. I'll tell you that much." She answered. "None of them know the spells like we do." 

"I suppose so. But I guess if I'm being honest here-" Cedric then saw me. "Hey, Kassie." He greeted with a smiled. 

"I can come back later." I offered.

"Stay. This isn't a Hufflepuff Only club." Beatrice insisted. 

I came to them. "I-I saw you guys enter your names." I told them. 

"You saw that?" Beatrice asked. She then laughed. "Well, I think we gave Hogwarts something to look forward to." 

"So... what were you saying about being honest, Cedric?" I asked.

Cedric sighed. "If I'm being honest, I think that Beatrice should be our Hogwarts Champion. She's got the best chance of all of us." He admitted.

"You really mean that?" I asked surprised. I mean... I knew that, but Cedric openly admitting that it should be Beatrice caught me off guard.

"Well... Ethan assigned Beatrice as Leader of the Circle of Khanna. And he taught Bea all forms of Combat Magic." Cedric answered.

"Cedric. He taught you too." Beatrice pointed out. "And you were a good student. And when Madam Pomfrey was petrified... you helped Chiara in the Hospital Wing." 

"It was mostly Chiara." Cedric countered. 

"But that doesn't mean you're any less important." Beatrice replied to Cedric.

"So... Cedric. If you get chosen?" I asked.

"Then I will do what I can for Hogwarts." Cedric answered. "I'm a Hufflepuff. We value Loyalty and Honor. And that's what I intend to do." 

"I can see why so many girls like you." I replied. "You have that honor of a Greek Hero or something." 

"Nah." Cedric shrugged off. "Ethan's the real hero. Harry is also the real hero in this era. And the great Sean Cormag... well... need I say more?" 

"So modest too." Beatrice said in a joking tone. 

"Oh, ha ha." Cedric sarcastically laughed. 

That was when a Beauxbatons Girl came in. "What is zis place?" She asked.

"Off limits." Beatrice answered. The Beauxbatons girl stood back. "Nah. Just kidding. It's not off limits. Unless you want to get at Kassie." 

"I have no intention." The Girl assured.

"Good." Beatrice replied.

"It's just zat... I've never been at 'ogwarts before. My Sister once came here as a Pen Pal to a student years ago." The Girl said. 

"Yeah. I remember the first time I saw it." I said. "Really big. Going across the Black Lake... and all of that. You know what I mean?"

"No." The Girl answered. "Oh, where are my manners? Danielle Dumont. At your service." She introduced herself.

"Dumont?" Beatrice asked raising an eyebrow. "Huh. That's funny. My Sister had a Pen Pal named Aurelie Dumont when she attended Hogwarts." She said.

"She is my older sister. Um... Half Sister." Danielle informed.

"Get out." Beatrice said and she went up to Danielle. "Beatrice Haywood. I'm... Penny's younger sister. This is Cedric Diggory." She showed Cedric.

"Pleasure." Cedric greeted.

"And this is my Sister in Law, Kassie Bauer." Beatrice introduced.

"Chare." I greeted.

"Well... it is nice to meet you. I saw you enter your names for ze Goblet of Fire." Danielle said. "I just threw my name in. I hope I get chosen." 

"Well, if that's the case. We look forward to competing against you." Cedric declared.

Meanwhile (Ethan's P.O.V)

I haven't been able to get the thought of being a Father out of my head. Dad. I was soon to be called that. I haven't had a Dad since he was killed. I was home now. I looked at my wife, Penny who was sitting at the couch. If you had told me in my first year that I was going to marry that witch who I had a crush on since I laid eyes on her, I would have probably said: "In my dreams." But that's not what happened. Penny and I were together. My Wife. My Wife. I had it better than most. I have my Brother back in my life, I have Kassie as my sister, and she is the cutest little button you'll ever see. My Mother still alive and loving us. And I was going to have a son. Another Bauer in the family. 

Penny's belly was getting bigger with every day. She was five soon to be six months into her pregnancy. And it kept me thinking about everything. I hoped that Kassie was enjoying herself at Hogwarts. Given the Tri Wizard Tournament.  

Penny was grinning while rubbing her stomach. She knew I was there. "Do you think they'll still have the Tri Wizard Tournament when our little one goes to Hogwarts?" She asked. 

"I don't know." I answered. "If we're lucky. You know the European Schools showed up yesterday." 

Penny nodded. "And they're going to have their champions, tough luck trying to stop us." She smiled. I loved that smile. "I even hear that Beatrice is going to toss her name into the Goblet of Fire." 

"You think she'll be Champion?" I asked.

"If we're lucky." Penny answered.

I then looked at Penny's stomach. "What?" She asked me.

"It's the baby." I answered. "I don't want anything bad to happen." 

"What brought this on?" Penny asked.

"I just get those feelings. You know." I answered.

Penny nodded. "Ethan. I know you're worried. But don't be." She held my hands. 

"Do you think I'll be a good father?" I asked. 

"I have faith in you." Penny answered. 

I knelt down to Penny's stomach. I then kissed her stomach. "Daddy's here. Daddy's not going anywhere." I told the baby.

"And neither is Mommy." Penny giggled. "I mean, I am carrying you." 

I laughed at that joke. 

Meanwhile (Kassie's P.O.V)

So after talking with Beatrice and Cedric, and also Danielle, I met back up with the others. Ryan still worked on his Cartoons. And Hermione looked defeated.

"I told you he wouldn't go into it." Harry commented. 

I kind of figured out what was going on. "Hagrid didn't join Spew?" I asked. 

"No." Hermione answered. "He says that House Elves enjoyed their work, and it was in their nature to work. They must've brainwashed him like the House Elves in the Kitchens. Well, I will not give up this fight for the House Elves! Until they are free from the cold chains of slavery!" She declared. 

And then suddenly I heard that Communist Music playing in the background as Hermione said all of those things. 

"Thank you, Ryan. Now please shut that off." Hermione said as Ryan stopped playing the song from the CD.

"Hermione? In all seriousness... Don't you think this is going a little extreme?" Ryan asked.

"Not at all, why would you say that?" Hermione asked.

"Well, for starters, there's a big sign you made called, Free the House Elves you drew in the corner." Ryan pointed to the sign that Hermione made.

"Well... big changes call for big signs." Hermione countered. "And if you and Kassie are going to continue to slack off like this, I'll just have to do it myself." 

"Hermione, we're probably the only people in here thinking about Spew, and we didn't even want to be a part of it." I said. 

"And I resigned." Ryan added.

"Oh, and I think that Hagrid fancies Madam Maxine." Ron added wanting to change the subject.

"He does?" I asked. Madam Maxine seemed like a nice lady. He should give it a shot.

Well, we all later headed off to the Great Hall which was now almost full. "I hope it's Angelina, or Beatrice that gets chosen." Harry said as we all sat down. 

"So do I!" Hermione nodded. "Well, we'll know soon." 

The Halloween feast seemed to take much longer than usual. Maybe it was because it was our second feast in two days. But most people were more interested in the Goblet. Even Nearly Headless Nick came to watch instead of his Death Day Party. 

Finally when the golden plates cleared themselves, again. Dumbledore rose. Anticipation sweeping across the room, following absolute silence.

"Well, the Goblet is almost ready to make its decision." He announced. "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions names are called, I would ask them to please come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through the next chamber, where they will be receiving their first instructions." 

Dumbledore then took out his wand and gave a great sweeping wave with it; at once, nearly all the candles were extinguished, and we were all plunged into a state of semi darkness. The Goblet shined more brightly than ever. We all watched. This was it. It was time. And all the tension could be filled in the room. Who would be the Champions. 

"Any second." Lee whispered. 

The Flames inside the Goblet turned Red, and sparks flew from it. Next moment, a tongue of flames shot into the air, and a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it- everyone gasped.

Dumbledore caught the piece of Parchment and held it at arm's length, so he could read it using the light of the flames.

"The Champion for Durmstrang. Viktor Krum!" 

"No surprises there!" Ron yelled, as a storm of applause and cheering swept over the hall. Krum rose from the Slytherin table and slouch up towards Dumbledore, and then into the mysterious chamber.

"Bravo, Viktor!" Karkaroff boomed. "Knew you had it in you!" 

I wonder if Karkaroff had purposely rigged it so that the Goblet would pick Krum. He was clearly the favorite.  

The clapping and chattering died down again. And now everyone's attention focused on the Goblet again. Which lit bright red again. The second piece of parchment shot out of it propelled by the flames.

"The Champion for Beauxbatons! Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore announced. 

"Hey, look Ron. Your lady friend!" Ryan pointed to that Veela from yesterday's feast stand. Her silver hair flowing like a wave down her back. Ron turned bright red. 

"Oh, look, they're all disappointed." Hermione said over the applause and was looking at the Beauxbatons party.

Understatement, Hermione. Many of the girls were outright sobbing. Though if this was Hermione's definition of disappointment, then what was her definition of full sadness?

When Fleur had vanished though, silence returned to the Great Hall again. The only difference was that now, it was full of stiffness from excitement. It was time for the Hogwarts Champion. 

The Goblet turned red once more. Spark showers coming out of the end of it. The tongue of flames shot high into the air, and Dumbledore pulled the third and final piece of parchment. 

"The Hogwarts Champion is..." 

This was it. Who was it?

"...Cedric Diggory!" 

"Cedric?!" I asked in excitement looking at the Hufflepuff all exploded into applause. They screamed and stamped for Cedric. 

"Well done, Cedric." Beatrice congratulated hugging him. 

"Thanks, Bea." Cedric thanked. "For what it's worth. I still think you should've been champion."

"Go kick their asses." Beatrice told him.  

"Cedric!" I ran over to hug him.

"Easy, Kassie." Cedric smiled at me while ruffling my hair. I then saw him approaching the side chamber. I didn't care if Ron thought it wasn't right. 

Angelina didn't seem too disappointed either. 

"Excellent!" Dumbledore called happily, once the streaming calmed down. "Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you contribute in a very real-" 

But then Dumbledore stopped speaking again. Sparks flew out from the Goblet of Fire again. A long flame shot into the air. And another piece of parchment came out. 

"Huh? Another Parchment?" I asked confused. I thought there were only supposed to be three.

"Must be a malfunction or something." Ryan thought out loud. Malfunction?

"Ryan, the Goblet of Fire doesn't just Malfunction." Hermione said.

"Then what's going on?" Ryan asked. 

But as Dumbledore reached out for the Parchment. There was a long pause, during which he stared at the slip in his hands, and everyone was staring at him. Until he cleared his throat and read the parchment aloud. 

"Harry Potter." 

Wait... What?

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