Chapter 14: The First Task.

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I woke up on Sunday Morning. I had hoped that Athena could get to Ethan in time to give Harry some ideas on how to take down a Dragon. 

I waited out by the Great Hall, only to see Ginny sitting there, eating her breakfast. "Ginny, have you seen Harry?" I asked.

Ginny looked up at me. "Yeah. He was just here. Hermione and I were talking and he said he needed to speak to Hermione. He waited until Hermione was done with her porridge first." She answered.

"Did they say where they were going?" I asked. "I need to talk to him about Tuesday for the First Task." 

And that was when I saw Athena come back. It had a letter from Ethan. When I opened it, it contained everything that was needed to know about how to fight a Dragon.

Dear, Kassie. 

Got your letter in the middle of the night. Now normally I'd say that you were absolutely insane for trying to letter me before the sun had even risen. But seeing as how you're trying to help your friend. I'll let it slide. It doesn't shock me that the first task is a Dragon. In fact, now that I am writing this, you probably did the right thing in writing to me about your problem. Yes... it's true that I did face off against a Hungarian Horntail. Not that it was easy, but I managed to do it. Bill and Charlie were there for it. As were Merula, Ben, and Penny. But there is a way to do it alone like the way I did during my trip to help Bill in Romania...

I read more of the letter. And Ethan explained to me what to do. "That's it." I said. "THAT'S IT!" 

"What's it?" Ginny asked.

"I know how to help, Harry!" I yelled. "I have to go!" 

"Good luck." Ginny gave me a thumbs up.

"This is your plan, Kassie?" Harry asked as I found both him and Hermione in the Library and explained my recommendation.

"Yes." I answered. "It's crazy, but it works. It worked for Ethan very well in Romania. And here's hoping it can work on the Dragon in the Task." 

Harry nodded. "At this point. I'll take a Slingshot if I knew it would help with the Dragons." 

And that's when Hermione saw Viktor looking at more books. "Oh no, he's back again. Why can't he read on his stupid ship?" She asked irritably as Viktor slouched in, cast a surly look at us and settled himself in a distant corner with a pile of books. "Come on, Harry, Kassie. We'll go back to the Common Room... his fan club'll be here in a moment, twittering anyway..." 

"I'll meet you there." I said deciding to know what Krum was up to. Given our conversation with Sirius Last night. He could be a crony hired for Karkaroff. Just like Rakepick was for Trotsky. 

For all I knew... Karkaroff set up Harry and put his name in the Goblet of Fire as per the orders of Voldemort himself. Probably so Karkaroff could make amends for putting Voldemort's followers in Azkaban.  

"Chare." I greeted going up to him.

Viktor looked surprised to see me walk up to him. "Ah, hello. Can I help you, Miss...?" He was looking for a name. 

"Bauer." I answered. "Kassandra Bauer." 

"Viktor Krum. At your service." Krum replied.

For a Bulgarian Playboy. He had nice manners.

"Um... thank you." I thanked.

"You are Greek, are you not?" Krum asked. "I recognized your accent. Such a beautiful country."  

"Yes." I answered. "To... all of your comments.

"And you are here as a Hogwarts Student too? How did you end up here, if it's not too much to ask?" Krum asked.

"Well. I was living off the streets for most of my life. Ethan Bauer found me and raised me as his sister." I answered.

"Ethan Bauer?" Krum asked. "As in the Ethan Bauer. The same Ethan Bauer who defeated Iosef Trotsky." 

"The same." I replied.

"Then you are a very lucky girl to have him as your big brother. His tales of heroism are well known throughout Durmstrangs. I was only a 3rd year when I heard of the Siege. I have great admiration for him." Krum explained.  

"I was there for it." I replied. "The things my brother was able to do. You wouldn't believe it unless you saw it." He seemed to be pretty decent. He didn't come off as a snobbish jerk. He seemed pretty down to earth. Certainly not working for Karkaroff with that attitude. "I saw your match in the Quidditch World Cup. You were pretty good in that match." 

"Thank you." Krum thanked. "Though, it wasn't our best performance." He admitted. "Perhaps if we hadn't come in with too much force..." 

"You could've relied on more speed and more grip and played Ireland on their weakness." I said. And I also noticed Krum was saying the same thing.

"You know your Quidditch Well." Krum noticed. "You play?"

"Yes." I answered. "Chaser. For Gryffindor. My Brother Ethan was also a Chaser as well. And my friends, Harry Potter and Ryan Tyler are also on the team. Harry's a Seeker, while Ryan's a Beater." 

"Important positions." Krum replied. "Then again, it is a Team Sport. I know everyone thinks that when it comes to Quidditch, I'm the all star. But it's more complicated than that." He admitted.

"We're the best at what we do." I added. "Good luck trying to get anything past Ryan's Bludgers and Harry can catch a Snitch in his sleep." 

"Very interesting. I'd love to play a match with you three sometime." Krum noted.

"Yeah. Maybe when this whole Tournament is over." I agreed. "We had a strong core build last year too. We even won the Quidditch Cup for our School." 

"Ah yes, I remember now. I saw your Quidditch trophy as I passed the Trophy Case in the Main Hall. The 1993-1994 Gryffindor Quidditch Champions. Your names on it." Krum replied.

"Well... nice to speak with you, Viktor. But I've got to go help Harry with something." I said deciding to get out of there. 

"Very well, Miss. Bauer. Good fortune to you and your friends." Krum waved.

"Same to you." I replied. 

Krum seemed a nice guy. As I walked out, I saw a gang of girls just shocked that I spoke to Krum just like that and didn't even have a fan girl moment or anything. I also think Viktor Krum just liked speaking to someone who treated him like a normal person instead of Gawking all over him.

Monday, came and we were now one day away from the Tournament. I got another letter from home. Penny was still pregnant. And Ethan said Penny was having strange cravings. And that she had to be kept healthy so that the baby could be so too. In the meantime, Harry continued to be a nervous wreck.

But then Harry noticed Cedric leaving the Hufflepuff table. Cedric didn't know about the Dragons. And most likely Madam Maxine and Karkaroff both told Fleur and Krum by this point. Anything to give them an edge. That's how it usually worked in this Tournament. Beatrice was also with him. And I thought it was also a good idea to tell them both about Karkaroff too.

"Hermione, I'll see you in the Greenhouse." Harry said, coming to his decision as he watched Cedric leaving the hall. "Go on, I'll catch you up" 

"Harry, you'll be late, the bell's about to ring-" 

"This is serious, Hermione." I interrupted. "And besides. I need to talk to Beatrice about Karkaroff anyway." 

So Harry reached Cedric who by that point was at the top of the Marble Staircase. He was with a bunch of his friends. The same friends who quoted Skeeter's articles at Harry every time they saw him.

"Ced! I've got to talk to you!" I yelled.

Cedric looked at me. Beatrice was also there. And so was Beatrice's new French Friend: Danielle Dumont. "Tell Flitwick I'm coming, go on..." Cedric requested.  

Cedric's friends left at that. Then Cedric looked at me. "Hey, Kassie. What's going on?"

"I need to talk with you both about something." I said. "And also... Harry's got something he wants to say first." 

Harry started to lower his wand back into his pocket.

"Thanks by the way for not ripping Cedric's bag in half, by the way, Harry." Beatrice said to Harry.

"How did you-?" Harry started to ask. "Nevermind. Dragons. That's the First Task." 

"What?" Cedric asked." 

"Dragons." Harry answered quickly. "They've got four, one for each of us, and we've got to get past them." 

Cedric stared at Harry. And I'm pretty sure he must've been panicking too. I could see it in Cedric's eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Absolutely." I answered.

"But how did you find out?" We're not supposed to know..." 

"Kassie saw it in her visions." Harry quickly answered knowing that Hagrid would be in trouble if we told him the truth. "But I'm not the only one who knows. Fleur and Krum will know by now. Maxine and Karkaroff both saw the Dragons too." 

"Yeah, that makes sense. Fleur and Krum are prized pupils. They'll want to give every advantage they can to their champions. I know competition." Beatrice believed Harry, no problem. That was a good sign.

"And you would be correct." Danielle confirmed. "Madam Maxine talked over here about how she would do anything in her power to see zat Beauxbatons wins a Tri Wizard Tournament over 'Ogwarts."  

"And why are you telling me this?" Cedric asked. 

"It's just... fair, isn't it?" Harry answered. "We all know now... we're on an even footing, aren't we?" 

"Oh, joy. Dragons." Cedric commented. "Well, Ethan fought a Dragon in his 5th year. So it's not so far fetched."  

"Far fetched, eh?" We heard the sound a familiar clunky noise behind us. Mad Eye emerged from a nearby classroom.

"Come with me, Potter." Mad Eye growled. "Diggory, Haywood, Bauer, um..." He was looking for a name.

"Dumont." Danielle answered.

"Right. Off you go." Mad Eye shooed away. 

"Er- Professor. Kassie and I are supposed to be in Herbology-" Harry tried to say.

"Not anymore, Potter. In my office, please..." 

I saw Harry go away. 

"Mad Eye's getting more paranoid than ever." Beatrice commented. 

"Is he always like zat?" Danielle asked.

"In many ways." Beatrice answered. "You get used to it." 

"Well... I should go." Danielle said. "You are so funny by ze way, Beatrice Haywood." She laughed.

"Thanks." Beatrice replied. "Dad always did say I was the jokester of the family. But um... don't tell Penny I said that. She likes to think she's funnier than me."

Danielle laughed. And she walked away.

Beatrice looked nervous just then.

"Beatrice?" I asked.

"Bea." Cedric snapped his fingers.

"Oh, sorry." Beatrice apologized. "Danielle is a really cool witch, no? And she's so sweet too." 

"You and her have been spending quite a lot of time together, lately." Cedric noted. "Don't think I haven't noticed."

"Well, we just both have many things in common." Beatrice said. "We both are adventurous, we've got a knack for wanting to help people." And then she looked at Cedric. "Um... Ced... you know that when you talk to someone and get to know them and you and that person..." 

Cedric nodded his head. "I know." He said. 

Beatrice then looked at me. And it looked like she was wanting to change the subject. "So what did you want to meet with us about, Kassie?" She asked. 

"It's about Karkaroff." I said. "But I should-" 

"Hey, Bea. I've got to run to Charms. If I'm late, I'm a dead man." Cedric informed.

"Okay, go on ahead." Beatrice waved off.

And Cedric took off.

"Bea. I should go, Professor Sprout-" I tried to say.

"You can show up late, I'll smooth it over with Sprout." Beatrice assured. "Now what's up with Karkaroff."  

So I told Beatrice about how it might be possible that Karkaroff was responsible for putting Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire on Voldemort's orders.

"That's a bold accusation, Kassie." Beatrice said. "But you've got any proof?" She asked.

"No. It's more like bold speculation. But Karkaroff is up to something. Pater caught him years before. But he got out because he weaseled out his fellow Death Eaters." I answered. "Sirius said that Trotsky put a bounty on his head. That's probably why Karkaroff stayed hush hush. But now that Trotsky's dead, Karkaroff's ready to make his move." 

"He would have the means." Beatrice admitted. "Maybe we should keep an eye on Karkaroff in case he tries anything funny." 

"Bea... Harry and Cedric are going to be against Dragons in the First Task. They're going to have to fight that?" I asked.

"They're going to have to fight that." Beatrice answered. "The Boys will be okay if they play to their strengths. Trust me, I know Cedric and his strengths and weaknesses. Harry should be able to do the same." 

Speaking of Strengths and Weaknesses. I joined Harry and Hermione as Harry kept working on his Summoning Charms. Apparently Mad Eye and Harry had a conversation about ideas that could help him in the Tourney. We skipped lunch and instead sat inside the empty classroom, as Harry tried to perfect the charm. He kept having difficulty. It was like Luke Skywalker trying to lift up the rocks on Dagobah with Yoda.

"Concentrate, Harry, Concentrate..." Hermione said.

"What d'you think I'm trying to do?" Harry asked angrily. "A filthy great Dragon keeps popping into my head for some reason... okay, try again..." 

Harry suggested on skipping Divination to keep practicing. I agreed. But Hermione refused and strode off to Arithmancy class. She also reminded me that I missed out on Herbology already to talk to Beatrice. So we endured a good hour with Trelawney, who spent half her lesson telling everyone that the position of Mars in relation to Saturn in this moment meant that people born in July were in great danger of a sudden, violent death. 

"Well that's good." Harry said sarcastically. "Just as long as it's not drawn out, I don't really want to suffer that much." 

Ron looked for a good moment. He sounded like he was going to laugh. But Harry didn't seem to notice. The First Task was Tomorrow. I also noticed that Harry was spending a lot of time in the class trying to use the Summon Charm with his wand. Trying to get a fly to come near him, or something like that.

After a force down of dinner. Harry continued to work on his Summoning Charm.

It was 2:00 am now, and the three of us stood near the fire, still practicing the Summoning Charms. Harry finally got the hang of it.

"That's better, that's loads better." Hermione praised looking both exhausted and very pleased.

"And now, I know what to do the next time any of us are struggling with a spell." Harry said grinning. "Accio Dictionary!" 

The heavy book soared out of Hermione's hand and flew across the room and he caught it.

"You've really got it!" Hermione delightfully said.

"I knew you could do it, Harry!" I claimed.

"Want to try it, Kassie?" Harry offered.

"Accio!" I grabbed the Dictionary from Harry's hand. "It's just like using the Force!" 

"Just as long as it works tomorrow." Harry replied. "My Firebolt is going to be much farther away than the stuff in here, it's going to be in the castle, and I'm going to be out there." 

"Well, you can do it, Harry." I informed. "I believe in you. And don't forget the tactic that Ethan recommended." 

"Thanks, Kassie." Harry said. "And don't worry. That's still my strategy." 

"That doesn't matter." Hermione replied firmly. "Just as long as you're concentrating really, really hard on them, they'll come. Harry, you better get some sleep... you're going to need it." She suggested. 

"Right." Harry decided to go up to bed. "Hey, Kassie." 

I walked up to Harry. "Yeah?" I asked. 

"Thanks for having my back through all of this." Harry answered.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Fine. I'm just fighting a Dragon tomorrow." Harry answered. "I should probably get my rest on. Be a responsible champion." 

"Yeah... Yeah..." I agreed. "Responsible champion. That's you." 

Harry nodded. I nodded. 

"...Will things ever be the same again? It's the Final Countdown!" We both sang Karaoke in the Common Room. Good thing for those Sound Proof Charms on the Dorms. "The Final Countdown!" 

"We're heading for Venus!" Harry sang. 

"And still we stand tall!" I sang as well. "'Cause maybe they've seen us! And welcome us all, yeah!" 

"With so many lightyears to go! And things to be found!" Harry sang.

"To be found!" I also sang.

"I'm sure that we all miss her so!" We both sang. "It's the Final Countdown!" 

Well, I figured it was good song before you fight a Dragon.

I woke up at sunrise. Harry and I probably shouldn't have sang Karaoke last night. But what the hey? We needed to do it. Today was the big day.

Harry was gone already. It seemed all the panic was coming at us. Lessons stopped at midday, giving all the students time to get down to the Dragon Enclosure. Harry was already in his Tournament Uniform. Black Tights, Red and Gold Tournament Shirt. Long sleeved and had his name on the back of the shirt.

"Harry?" I asked sitting next to him at lunch. Right as people were either wishing Harry good luck or hissing: 'We'll have a box of tissues ready, Potter.' 

"I'm off to go fight a Dragon." Harry said. 

"If Ethan can do it, so can you." I told him. 

"I know that feeling." Horus said sitting next to us. 

"Horus?" I asked.

Horus looked at Harry. "I felt the same way when I first fought Set in that battle for Egypt." 

"What was that like?" Harry asked.

"Exhilarating, but terrifing." Horus answered. "I knew I had to emerge victorious, or Egypt, my lands, my people would fall to darkness. The Fate of the World on my head." 

"Well, good thing Harry doesn't have to worry about that." I shrugged.

Harry looked at me. "That was a joke." I told him.

"I know." Harry replied. 

"Don't worry, Harry. Rumor has it, you don't fight the Dragon. Just get an egg." Ryan assured.

"Which is still guarded by a Dragon." Harry pointed out.

"Well, there's that." Ryan admitted. 

We then saw McGonagall hurrying over to Harry. 

"Potter, the champions have to come down into the grounds now... you have to get ready for the First Task." 

"Okay." Harry said as he got up.

"You scared?" I asked. "I am." 

Harry looked at his hand. It was shaking. "I must be." 

"Good." Horus commented.

Harry looked at Horus. "How is that good?" He asked.

"It means you're not stupid." Horus answered. 

Harry walked out of the Great Hall. And I couldn't follow. 

"He'll be fine, Kassie." Horus assured.

"I hope you're right, Horus." I replied. Because I had no idea if Harry was going to be okay or not. I was on the verge of crying. I know Harry was going to do everything in his power to keep himself safe, but it was still Dragons. 

I also noticed that Beatrice was also sitting alone. 

"Chare, Bea." I greeted. "Where's Danielle?"

"Hey, Kassie." Beatrice replied. "Danielle's over with the Beauxbatons carriage. And Cedric left already. We'll see em later in the Tourney." 

"You nervous for Cedric?" I asked.

"I have faith in him." Beatrice answered. "Just as I had faith that Ethan would rescue my sister from Mexico." 

"And as I had faith that Ethan would get us out of the Labyrinth." I added.

"Now you're getting it." Beatrice grinned. 

The rest of the students were led out to the stadium. I sat next to Beatrice, Ron, Hermione, and Ryan in the stands. The Stadium itself was surrounded by the trees on the edge of the forest. A low round arena. And filled with stone.

"Where are the Champions?" I asked.

"They must be by another area." Ron answered. He looked nervous too. 

"Are you nervous?" I asked. 

"No. But..." Ron answered.

"Yes you are!" Anubis yelled.

"Okay. I admit it." Ron replied. "I'm scared for Harry. What is he thinking? Trying to take on Dragons like this." 

"It wasn't his idea." I tried to tell him. 

The whole thing was making me nervous. I could only imagine what Harry must be going through right now. 

"Kassie. There's nothing more we can do." Hermione tried to tell me. 

"Oh... I can't take it anymore!" I yelled running down to where the Champions probably were.

I ran into the Tent. And the Champions looked around like they were Gladiators. I managed to make myself scarce. Ludo Bagman was also there. He had pulled out a small purple bag. I also saw Cedric nod, his pacing was making him look slightly green. Fleur and Krum didn't react at all; maybe they were too afraid to react. Or it was because they volunteered for this. Harry didn't.

"You probably could've handled this better than I could've, Bea." Cedric muttered.

I saw Bagman open the small purple bag to Fleur. 

"Ladies first." 

Fleur put a shaking hand inside of the bag and drew out a tiny model of a Dragon. The Welsh Green Dragon. It had the number two around it's neck. She didn't show any shock or surprise.

"Harry." Cedric whispered. "You were right. She barely reacted." 

Harry nodded. 

I knew it. Madam Maxine did tell Fleur. And that must've meant that Karkaroff told Krum too. 

Speaking of Krum, pulled out a Chinese Fireball. With the Number Three around it's neck, and like Fleur, he didn't flinch either. "Better that than a Lamya." He commented.

Cedric pulled out the Blueish Gray Swedish Short Snout, the number one around it's neck. 

Malaka. I know that that means. Harry pulled out the Hungarian Horntail, and the number four. 

"Well, there you are!" Bagman shouted. "You have each pulled out the dragon you will face, and the numbers refer to the order in which you are to take the Dragons, do you see? Now, I'm going to have to leave you in a moment, because I'm commentating. Mr. Diggory, you're first, just go out into the enclosure when you hear a whistle, alright?" 

I quickly slipped a note into Harry's hand. I wrote: 'The Gods are with you' on it. And then I went back to my seat. 

I got back and sat next to Hermione. 

"Is he nervous?" Hermione asked.

"He's fine, I hope." I answered.

"He'll be fine, Kassie." I then noticed Ethan sitting by the sides. 

"Ethan? What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"You really didn't think that I was going to miss Cedric's and Harry's Tournament, did you?" Ethan asked.

"No." I answered. "I suppose not." 

"Go Hogwarts." Jacob said. He was here too. So was Lizzie.

"So... Dragons. Good thing it's not an Oni." Lizzie commented.

"You speak from experience?" Beatrice asked.

"You better believe it." Lizzie replied. 

"Oh, yeah. That." Jacob remembered. "Hey, you wanted to come to Japan with us, Lizzie." 

"And am I glad you did. I don't know how you two survived Mexico without me." Lizzie replied.

"Well... I do remember you helping us get out of there and back to the United States." Ethan said. 

"You're welcome, by the way." Lizzie said. 

And just then. The Short Snout emerged from the gate with a giant egg it was guarding. 

Cedric came out of the gates too.

"And now for your first Champion! Cedric Diggory!" Bagman announced. 

The whole Stadium cheered for Cedric. It had now begun. 

(Cedric P.O.V.)

This was going to be messy. I felt more green than I'd ever been before. Like the leaves in Herbology. The Short Snout was in front of me. So this was what it felt like. To look danger and destruction right in the eye. I looked up at the stands. Beatrice was giving me the thumbs up. And Ethan and Jacob were with them. 

They took on a Hungarian Horntail. And they were only 5th years. And I could take this Dragon. Defeat him or her. I wasn't sure if it was a male or female. I'm not the Dragon Expert. That's Charlie. And I also knew some battle magic from my time with the Circle. Ethan trained me and I never forgot the lessons. 

"Okay, Ced. Here we go." I said. 

I approached the Dragon. It was guarding the Egg with a passion. All eyes in the Stadium were on me, wondering what I Would do. 

"Don't notice me. Don't notice me." I begged.

The Dragon looked at me. "He noticed me." I mouthed. And then the Dragon proceeded to breathe fire. 

"Woah!" I ran for a better position. Then I created an Ice Shield to protect me from the Fire. Then I blasted it right at the Dragon. It knocked the Dragon back. But it never lost its hold on the egg. Which was the objective. To get the egg. I couldn't take the chance for a direct attack. While it was stunned, I took cover from another rock. "Think Cedric. Think." I told myself. "What else can I use?" Then I saw a rock. And then I looked at Professor McGonagall. Transfigurations! That's it! So I looked at one rock. "Ready to play a game of fetch?" I turned the rock into a dog. 

The dog looked frightened. Not that I could blame it. But it did look as frightened as that one Niffler that I was told about when Ethan tried to use it to bait out Tim the Wampus on Red Dust. Long story there. No Nifflers were harmed though. 

So then the Dog ran over. The Dragon took the bait and walked over. "Sucker." I said.

But I stepped on a twig. The Dragon noticed. "Uh oh." It breathed its fire on me. I was too late to create another Ice Shield as it burned my face. "Ow!" It's fine! Shake it off! I told myself to do that. That burning sensation felt horrible. I turned to see Ethan feeling that pain too. He got burned in the face when he was my age thanks to Slayton.

"Okay. Screw it." I declared. I then transfigured up some thick chains. "You're not doing that again!" I then created a large smoke spell around the arena. Then in the cover as the Dragon tried to clear some of it out just so it could see me. But where was I, you might ask. I was directly underneath the Dragon. And trying to make sure it couldn't see me. It looked around and tried to smell me. And then I remembered the Chains. "Accio!" I yelled the chain to come to me. And I wrapped it around it's leg with my wand. The Dragon noticed me. Then I shot a few more spells. "Depulso!" I launched it over the Dragon. "Accio!" I then shot the chain back to me. I did this more. What I was trying to do was tie up the Dragon. "Depulso! Accio! Depulso! Accio! Depulso! Accio! Depulso!" I did this process over and over until it was weighed down by the chains. "Alright, Dragon! Let's wrap this up!" Then I used a spell to tighten the grip on the dragon. And prevent it from breathing fire. Just as Ethan did to the Hungarian Horntail in the Cursed Vault. 

 I grabbed the egg. I win.

And as soon as I did. The whole stadium erupted into applause. "How about that folks?! What an incredible performance from Cedric Diggory! And now the marks from the Judges! One down, three to go!" Bagman yelled

(Kassandra P.O.V)

Cedric did it! Cedric did it! He really did it!

"That's our boy, right there!" Ethan yelled. 

The way he fought that Dragon! He used the same strategy that Ethan used. And it worked. I mean, it took him about 15 minutes to do it, but he did it. 

We gave our clapping to Cedric. He earned it. I was happy for him of course. I really hoped that Harry could have the same success as Cedric did.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was insane!" Ryan commented.

"Oh my god! He's lost his mind trying to fight a thing like that!" Ron yelled. 

They took the Short Snout out of the arena. And in coming next was the Welsh Green Dragon. And Fleur to face it.

"Miss. Delacour, if you please!" 

Fleur stepped into the stadium. And a Welsh Green Dragon stood back at her. "You're are big. I've fought bigger." She declared. "Okay. Not really. But, you get ze idea." The Dragon stared at here. "I believe you need a nice little snoozle. She then began chanting something in French. Like it was a lullaby. Couldn't really make out the words. But it did put the Dragon to sleep. "Pleasant Dreams." But while retrieving the golden egg, the dragon snored and let out a jet of flame that set her skirt alight. She had to extinguish the flames. "Next time I'm adding in Snore repellent. Sounds like my Grandfather's snoring." She snuffed out a flame on her skirt. "Feels like it too."

There was clapping for Fleur now. "That was impressive." Ethan admitted.

"Should've waited until she knew that Dragon would snore and breathe fire first." Beatrice noted.

"It was a good plan." Hermione admitted.

"It's Krum's turn, now." I said. 

Then it was Krum's turn to come out. The Welsh Dragon was replaced by a Chinese Fireball. A Massive Red Dragon. 

"Alright. Let's go!" Krum declared. He then in an expert maneuver pulled the Conjunctivitis Curse to blind the dragon. "Ha ha!" He yelled out. 

"Very daring!" Bagman yelled and the Chinese Fireball let out a piercing shriek. "That's some nerve he's showing!" 

But as Viktor grabbed the Egg. The Fireball wailed around and started to jump all around. It would've clobbered Viktor had he not gotten out of the way. But the Fireball smashed half of the eggs it had.

"That's not good." Krum said. But he did grab one good egg.

"And yes! He's got the Egg!" Bagman shouted. 

"He's defiantly losing points for that." Jacob noted.

"But didn't he grab the egg?" Beatrice asked.

"Yeah?" I added. 

"But half the eggs got smashed." Ethan pointed out. "Look." 

Applause shattered the air regardless though. With three Dragons down, that meant all that was left was one more.

"And now! For our final Champion! Harry Potter!" Bagman announced to people's chanting. 

And the Chinese Fireball was moved out. And in its place, was the Fiercest Dragon of them all. The Hungarian Horntail.

"Hello, Horntail." Ethan commented. 

"Horntail?" Ron asked nervously. 

The Horntail entered the arena. It roared with a passion. 

"Harry's got to go through that?!" Hermione asked in disbelief.

"There's no way." Ron commented. "I knew Harry was crazy. But this really takes the cake. There's no way he could've signed up for the-" And I think that's when it hits him. "Oh, Gods. What have I done?"

I saw Harry enter the arena. And on the opposite side of the enclosure, was the Horntail, crouched low and over its eggs. We all made a great deal of noise. "Gods, help, Harry." I pleaded. 

"We're right here. But I'm afraid Harry is on his own." Anubis said. "I'll have the scales ready to judge his heart." 

"Let's see what happens first." Ryan said crossing his fingers. And he also might've been taping them together. 

I breathed heavy.

"Kassie. Don't worry. He'll be fine." Ethan held my hand. "You told Harry of the way to beat the Horntail right? The one we discussed?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered. I just hope that Harry knew to do it. 

"Accio Firebolt!" I heard Harry shout. 

Nothing came. 

"What?" I asked.

"Where is it?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Oh sometimes it takes a minute." Lizzie answered. 

An the Firebolt shot to Harry

The crowd got louder. And Bagman shouted something I couldn't make out. 

Harry got on the broom and soared upward. 

"Go, Harry!" I shouted.

He dived on down. The Horntail's head following Harry and anticipated what Harry was going to do. It breathed fire right as Harry pulled out of the dive. That was a close one.

"Cover up!" Ethan yelled. 

"Great Scott, he can fly!" Bagman yelled. "Are you watching this, Mr. Krum?"

Harry soared higher in a circle. It's head revolving on its long neck. Soon enough it had to get busy, it had to. 

"It's baiting Harry into wanting to come to him." Ethan said.

"Is Harry going to rush for it?" I asked. 

My answer was met when Harry plummeted down as the Dragon. He dodged the fire.

"He dodged the Fire!" I yelled happily. 

"Yeah, but he better watch that tail, or this isn't going to end well for him." Beatrice noted.

"Ethan?" I asked.

"Give him a minute." Ethan answered.

And sure enough, the tail from one of the spikes sliced into Harry's shoulder. 

"That's going to leave a mark." Ethan commented. 

Jacob groaned. "He can take a hit. I'll give you this guys. He can certainly take a hit." 

"Well he is the boy who lived." Lizzie reminded. 

The Horntail didn't want to seem to take off.

"The Horntail's not moving. It wants Harry to come to it, so it can swat Harry like a fly." Ethan told me.

"Harry's got to make a move. So what is it?" Hermione asked worried. 

"Come on, Harry." I started to breathe very heavy and was also gripping Ethan's arm very tightly.

"It's okay, Kassie." Ethan assured me.

Harry began to fly again. First one way. Then another way, not near enough to make the Horntail breathe fire to stave him off, but still posing a sufficient threat to ensure that it kept its eyes on Harry. The Head swayed one way and then the other way. 

"There he goes... there he goes..." Ethan grinned. 

Harry was doing it. He was doing it.

"Will it work?" Lizzie asked.

"50/50. Depends if the Horntail takes the bait." Ethan answered. 

As Harry rose into the air. The Horntail's head rose with him. It's neck to its fullest extent, still swaying, like a Python before prey. 

Harry rose a few more feet. And the Horntail let out a roar. It shot fire into the air.

"Oh no. It's going to burn Harry!" I realized.

"No it's not." Jacob assured me. 

And as the Horntail spread it's wings, which were the same size as a small airplane, Harry dived. He spread towards the Ground as fast as he could go. Like he was diving for the Snitch. Towards the egg now unprotected by the clawed front legs. 

"Finish it!" Ryan yelled. 

"Do it!" I yelled. 

Harry grabbed the Egg. And with a huge burst of speed, Harry soared over the stands. The Egg under his arm. He then gave us a big high five as he flew to us. 

"Look at that!" Bagman yelled. "Will you look at that! Our youngest Champion is the quickest to get his egg! Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr. Potter!" 

The Horntail was subdued as Harry flew to the ground.

"Harry! He did it! He did it!" I screamed out loud. 

"I know. I saw." Ethan replied. 

I ran down over to hug him. 

"See, Kassie. That wasn't so hard." Harry laughed. 

"That was excellent, Potter!" McGonagall cried as she, Mad Eye and Hagrid, as well as Ethan and Jacob reached Harry. "You'll need to see Madam Pomfrey before the judges give out your score... over there, she's had to mop up Diggory already..." 

Harry looked over at Ethan and Jacob. 

"Nice job, Harry." Ethan commented. "Least you won't be stuck in a portrait like Jacob over here." 

"Ha. Ha." Jacob said to Ethan. 

"E. We're right here." Beatrice reminded.

Oh, right. Beatrice was also trapped in a Portrait. 

"Yeh, did it, Harry!" Hagrid said hoarsely. "Yeh did it! An' agains' the Horntail an' all, yeh know Charlie said that was the wors'-" 

"Thanks, Hagrid." Harry thanked. Just to ensure that Hagrid wouldn't blunder on. 

Mad Eye looked very pleased about the whole thing too. "Nice and easy does the trick." 

"Right then, Potter, the First Aid tent, please..." McGonagall bayed.

I saw Harry leave for the Hospital Tent. I hoped that he and Cedric were okay. And Fleur and Krum too.

"Kassie. Be with your friend." Ethan insisted.

I followed Hermione, Ron, Ryan, and Beatrice to the Tent.

Beatrice went over to Cedric to make sure he was okay. That left Harry with the rest of us. 

"Nice trick, Ced." Beatrice commented.

"Well, I had to think of something." Cedric replied while laughing. "Now I know how Ethan feels with the burn scar." 

"I think it makes you look cool." Beatrice said.

"Harry! You were brilliant!" Hermione said squeakily. "You were amazing!"

"It was great!" Ryan added.

"Thanks, guys." Harry said. "Hey... Kassie... thanks for the suggestion. It worked just like it did for Ethan, right?" 

"It worked to perfection." I answered. 

"Brilliant." Harry admitted. Then he looked at Ron. And Ron looked at him. He also looked very white.

"Ron? Is there something you want to say to Harry?" Anubis asked, before he let Ron back in. 

"I want to... apologize." Ron began. "Whoever put your name in that Goblet- I-I reckon they're trying to do you in!"

You don't say?

"Caught on, have you?" Harry asked rather coldly. "Took you long enough." 

Hermione stood nervously in between us. I think Ron was about to apologize. But suddenly, Harry didn't need to hear it. 

"It's okay." Harry finally said. "Forget it." 

"No." Ron replied. "I shouldn't." 

"Forget it." Harry finally said. 

"So. Does this mean that the feud is over?" Ryan asked hopefully. 

"And you and Harry are friends again?" I asked. 

"Oh, just hug you two!" Anubis yelled.

And Harry and Ron hugged each other.

I breathed heavily. And Hermione burst into tears.

"Why are you crying?" Ryan asked. 

"Those two are so stupid!" Hermione shouted, stamping her foot, and tears splashing down her face. Then before we could stop her, she gave both Harry and Ron looks and hurried away, howling.

"You know, sometimes, I think she can be barking mad." Ron commented. 

"Yeah, well you can be barking mad sometimes too, Ron." Harry replied. 

"Hey, don't you know two wrongs don't make a right?" Ron snapped at Harry.

"Should I make it three?" Harry asked.

And for a moment I got nervous. Were they going to fight again?

"Maybe we should let this go." Ryan suggested. "Maybe fighting is just their way of telling each other they love each other." 

"Huh." I said. "I just hope they don't think of me like that." 

And then Harry and Ron both laughed. "Oh, forget it." They both said. 

"Harry. We should take a look at your scores." I suggested.

"She's right." Ron agreed.

We ducked out of the tent. Feeling great that everything was back to normal. At least Normal to us.

"You were the best, you know, no competition." Ron said. He then recapped to Harry what the other champions did. Cedric with the Dog, Krum with the Curse, and Fleur with the Song.

I could see the edge of the enclosure. The Horntail wasn't there anymore. And I could see the Five Judges sitting together on seats draped in gold.

"Its marks out of ten from each one." Ryan explained as I squinted to see Madam Maxine's score. It looked like it was eight.

"Okay. Eight. Not horrible." I said.

"Probably took two points off for that shoulder." Ron noted.

"He should be getting more points for that." Ryan commented.

Mr. Crouch came next. He shot the number nine in the air.

"Thank you." I said. At least he was reasonable.

"Looking good!" Ron cried patting Harry's back. 

Next, Dumbledore. He gave us a 9. The crowd cheered louder than ever. We all did a dance.

Bagman gave a Ten. Yes!

"Ten?!" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Oh my Gods!" I yelled.

"But how? I could injured." Harry said.

"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Harry." Ryan shut him up.

But then get Karkaroff raised his wand. And gave the score of four.

"Four?!" Ron shouted. "You lousy biased Scumbag!" 

"I'll give you four across the back!" Ryan yelled at Karkaroff.

"What did he give Krum?" I asked.

"10." Ron answered.

"Sounds right." Harry replied. "Come on. Let's get out of here." He said.

"You're tied in first place, Harry! You and Krum! Cedric's behind by one point." Charlie hurried to meet us we set back off towards the school. And he told us. "Listen, I've got to go and send Mum an Owl, I swore I'd tell her what happened- but that was unbelievable! Oh yeah- and they told me to tell you you've got to hang around for a few more minutes... Bagman wants a word back in the Champions' tent." 

So we waited outside for Harry while he met with Bagman.

I also noticed Ethan and Charlie talking about something. "You know... Charlie. They could've just gotten the Dragons from the Magical Creature Reserve." Ethan commented.

"Oh, yeah." Charlie said. Then he smacked his head. 

"Well considering that Hogwarts Mystery came out in 2018, and the Books themselves were written by J.K Rowling in the 2000s... oh forget it." Ryan commented. 

I also saw Beatrice walking up to Ethan. 

"Oh, hey, Beatrice." Charlie greeted.

"Hey, Charlie. Talk about action for the Second Task." Beatrice replied.

"You said it." Charlie agreed.

"Hey, Ethan... can I talk to you about something?" Beatrice requested.

"Yeah, sure." Ethan answered. "What's up?"

"Um Ethan.... can we talk... alone?" Beatrice asked.

"Sure." Ethan answered and they both walked off.

It was at that moment that Harry left the tent. "Well, what did he say?" I asked.

"The next task will take place at Half past Nine on the Morning of February 24th." Harry answered. "And..." He looked at the egg in his hand. "He said this Egg contains a clue for the second task." 

"Egg contains a clue for the Second Task?" Ryan asked.

"That's all he would tell me." Harry answered.

"Let's figure it out later." Ron declared. "I don't know about you guys, but I could do with getting some food." 

"But you're always hungry." Ryan pointed out.

But right as we walked around the edge of the forest. A Witch leaped out from behind us. 

Skeeter, dressed in her acid green robes. And her Auto Quotes Quill.

"Congratulations, Harry!" She beamed at Harry. "I wonder if you could give me a quick word? How did you feel about that Dragon? How do you feel now about the fairness of the scoring?"

"Ah!" Ryan bashed her head with a frying pan. "Oh. Sorry Skeeter. Didn't see you there." Even though I think we all knew he knew she was there.

"Um... Guys. The Auto Quote Quills are still writing." I said.

"Should we just run away?" Horus asked.

"I've got a better idea." Harry said. "If you're still listening to this, Skeeter. Yeah. You can have a word. Three, actually. Go *beep* yourself." 

And then we set back off to the Castle. 

Meanwhile... (3rd Person P.O.V)

Voldemort had heard the reports of the First Task. "So Harry Potter has made it threw the First Task. Excellent. All is going according to Plan." He commented to Snyde and Pettigrew. 

"And he has conquered a Hungarian Horntail, no less." Pettigrew noted. "Even I could not accomplish that task." 

"Because you ran like a scared little girl when you saw the Horntail and left Rakepick and Jacob Bauer to their fates." Snyde noted. 

"Can you blame me? The Horntail is a lethal monster." Pettigrew asked. "And I made sure to cover my tracks. I obliviated Jacob Bauer's memories of me. And no one would ever take the word of Rakepick that I was alive." 

Snyde was about to hack at Pettigrew for being stupid about not Obliviating Rakepick as well, but he remembered that no one believed Rakepick when she was thrown into Azkaban. After torturing Merula and killing Rowan. No one would believe her. 

He also remembered Sirius laughing on how Rakepick trusted Pettigrew for anything. 'You got fooled too, eh? But what do I expect from Worms and Rats working together?'

And Snyde also remembered Bellatrix laughing. She always laughed in Prison and acted like she was the Boss of the whole place. 

Then the conversation continued back to Voldemort. 

"The Second Task will take place in February, My Lord." Pettigrew informed. 

"Then we have time." Voldemort said. "See to it that Harry survives the next two tasks. That is important that we ensure his survival for the ritual." 

"Of course..." Snyde said. "And if one of the other champions..." 

"Crouch Jr. will ensure that Harry Potter wins the Tournament." Voldemort said. "I am not worried. He has already made sure that there will be no intrusions from the spare by tampering with the Goblet." 

"I still don't see the reason why we needed to swap out the Hogwarts Champion, My Lord." Pettigrew noted. "After all..." He pointed to the Goblet sitting in a nearby corner. They had managed to grab the Goblet from the Ministry and swap it out for a fake so as to not arose suspicion. "...what was the point of swapping out the True Hogwarts Champion this: Beatrice Haywood for Cedric Diggory?" 

"I dare not take the chance that Beatrice Haywood could have beaten Harry Potter in the Tournament. She is very powerful in magic and very strong. Trained by Ethan Bauer himself. Mr. Diggory was the better bet." Voldemort explained. 

That was when Crouch Jr. apparated into the building. "My Lord." He knelt.

"Well done in ensuring Potter's survival of the First Task." Voldemort praised. "Now the time has come to commence Phase 2."

"Yes, My Lord." Crouch Jr. replied. "And I switched out the names of Beatrice Haywood for Cedric Diggory's as per your orders." He remembered right as he hoodwinked the Goblet into drawing Harry's name that he also learned who the other Champions would be. He saw for Beauxbatons that it would be Fleur Delacour, for Durmstrangs that it would be Viktor Krum. And for Hogwarts, that it would be Beatrice Haywood. When he reported back to Voldemort. Voldemort ordered him to swap out for Cedric. 

"You've done well." Voldemort grinned. "Now... commence Phase 2." He ordered. 

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