Chapter 2: Getting the Boot.

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Kassandra P.O.V

I slept pretty peacefully in Ginny's room. It looked just like Ron's room, minus the Egyptian Stuff. Until I got up and Hermione was on top of me. 

"Oh, Kassie. I was just about to wake you up." Hermione said. 

I was already up. And so was Ginny. "Time to go." She mumbled groggily, dressed in her jeans and her pajama shirt. She was pretty tired to change any faster. 

Me on the other hand. I was already fully awake. I was very excited. We were going to go to the Quidditch Cup today! I could barely contain my excitement. But... it seemed I was the only one though. The boys despite being awake, looked just as tired as Hermione and Ginny did.

 "Ugh." Ron groaned.

"Oh, wake up and drink some coffee." Anubis told Ron.

Ethan, Penny, and Mater were wide awake just like me, though.

"Why do we have to be up so early?" Ginny asked, rubbing her eyes.

"We've got a bit of a walk." Mr. Weasley answered. 

"Um... why do we have to walk to the World Cup?" I asked. "Couldn't we just apparate to our location?" 

"Oh, we're not walking to the World Cup." Mr. Weasley assured me while he was smiling. "We only need to walk a short way. It's just that it's very difficult for a large number of wizard's to congregate without attracting Muggle attention. We have to be very careful about how we travel at the best of times, and on a huge occasion like the Quidditch World Cup-" 

"George!" Mrs. Weasley suddenly said, making us all jump. 

"What?" George asked in an innocent tone. Even though it fooled nobody. Believe me, I know that look.

"What is that in your pocket?" Mrs. Weasley pressed. 

"Nothing!" George denied. When he said nothing. He meant something. 

"Don't you lie to me!" Mrs. Weasley pointed her wand at George's pocket and said: "Accio!" And several small, brightly colored objects zoomed out of his pockets; he tried to grab them but he missed and they sped right into his mother's outstretched hands. 

"Oh boy." Ethan could see where this was going.

"We told you to destroy them!" Mrs. Weasley furiously roared, holding up the lollies. "We told you to empty the lot! Empty your pockets, go on, both of you!"

And in a pretty chaotic scene; the twins evidently tried to smuggle as many toffees out of the house as possible, and it's only with the use of the summoning charm that Mrs. Weasley was able to confiscate them all. She kept on shouting out: "Accio!" just to confiscate all the toffees from under the Weasley Twins. 

"We spent six months developing those!" Fred protested as Mrs. Weasley threw all the toffees away. 

"Oh, a fine way to spend six months!" Mrs. Weasley shrieked. "No wonder you didn't get more O.W.Ls!" 

I sank behind Harry. O.W.Ls were already scary enough. Would Mater yell at me when I failed them? I just knew I would. 

Well, I would tell you that atmosphere in the house was friendly when we departed. But it wasn't. Mrs. Weasley was still glowering as she kissed her husband on the cheek. Though not nearly as much as Fred and George, who both hoisted their bag up onto their backs and left without a word to her.  

"Well, have a lovely time." Mrs. Weasley said. "And behave yourselves." She called after the Twins retreating backs, but they made no indication on whether they heard her or not. Couldn't blame them really. They seemed pretty mad.

"I'll send Bill, Charlie and Percy around midday." Mrs. Weasley also announced.

We all set off across the dark yard, and it felt cold. "Hey, Mater. If it's still summer, why is it cold outside?" I asked.

Mater looked around her. "Global Warming." She answered.

"Okay." I replied. I looked over at the Twins still grumbling. 

But Ethan was walking very close to Harry. Closer than usual. But it didn't seem that even Mrs. Weasley being mad at her sons couldn't bother him. 

"Mrs. Weasley can very scary sometimes." I commented.

Mater looked at me. "Well, at least her anger isn't to you." She said. "She's still on the fence with the twins. Hasn't forgiven them for the O.W.Ls-" 

"Can we please not talk about O.W.Ls, Mater? I'm stressed out enough." I interrupted.

"Kassie. It's not till another year." Mater told me. 

"I know... but O.W.Ls will determine how you do in life. They're very scary." I said.

"No it won't. That's just what the Ministry wants you to think." Mater replied to me. "Your brother, Jacob was expelled from Hogwarts, and didn't even take his O.W.Ls and he turned out fine. Those exams are all just a bunch of crap anyway." She said to me. "And don't worry about it. When the time comes. Just do the best you can do." 

I nodded my head. "He got trapped in a Vault, though." I pointed out. 

Mater nodded her head sadly. "Mrs. Weasley had a talk with me about it." She admitted. "She said that she wished that Fred and George could be very well behaved boys. But they're not. And she doesn't exactly approve of their paths in life. I could only speak from my experience about it. Don't reject your children. Or you might never see them again." She explained.

And I could see where Mater was going with this. "You mean... with Jacob?" I asked. 

Mater had her head down. "When Jacob...left..." And I could tell how she chose her sayings carefully. "I couldn't help but wonder how it came to that. Your Father was gone... we were on our own. And then... Jacob was gone. I didn't realize what I had, until I lost it. One minute... everything is there in your life, and the next... it's just taken from you." 

But then Mater looked at me. "But he's back now. My Jacob came back to me. Most people don't get that lucky." She smiled. "And then our family was complete when you came into our lives." 

I gave Mater a hug. I figured that she deserved it.

Then I looked at Ethan and Penny. What exactly were they doing to make them so happy?

We didn't have any time for breathing or anything like that as we began to climb Stoatshead Hill, stumbling occasionally on hidden rabbit holes and slippery tuffets of grass. It reminded me of the Anglo Saxon Ruins back home.

"Whew." Mr. Weasley panted. "Well, we've made good time-we've got ten minutes." 

Harry was right next to me and he was panting. "Talk about a climb, huh?" He asked me. 

"You want to talk about a climb. Try spending time walking through 2 deserts and a humid jungle, and then talk to me about climbs." Ethan said.

"Or go through the Labyrinth and try to dodge poison gas and living skeletons. Or in my case, be trapped in chains in a cage." Penny added.  

Hermione breathed in and out. "Merlin's beard. I wish I could've done that. The rescue at the very least." She told Ethan. "How did you even do that, anyway?" 

"Count yourself lucky you don't have to." Ethan replied. 

"Now we just need the Portkey." Mr. Weasley continued as he squinted on the ground. "It won't be big... come on..." 

I had no idea, what we were searching for. But Mr. Weasley said it could be anything. But that was when I heard a shouting. 

"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!" 

Five figures were silhouetted against the starry sky on the other side of the hilltop. I recognized my big brother, Jacob, and his girlfriend Lizzie, along with Beatrice Haywood, Penny's sister. And also Cedric as four of them. There was also an old man with them, who I assumed must've been Cedric's Pater.

"Amos!" Mr. Weasley greeted. Smiling as he strode over to the man who shouted. We all followed him. 

"Jacob!" Ethan shouted.

"Ethan! How's my favorite little brother?" Jacob greeted giving Ethan a hug.

"Hey!" I complained.

"I said, favorite little brother." Jacob pointed out. "You know you'll always be my favorite little sister, Kassie."

"Hey!" Beatrice and Penny complained. 

I smiled as he hugged me. 

"Chare, Lizzie." I greeted.

"Hey, Kassie." Lizzie greeted. "You doing great?" She asked.

"Of course." I answered.

Lizzie then went over to Ethan. "Ethan!" She greeted.

"Hello, Lizzie." Ethan greeted with a smile.

"Mrs. Bauer." Lizzie politely nodded. 

"Hey, Lizzie." Mater greeted.

"Um... I'm also Mrs. Bauer." Penny reminded. 

"I know." Lizzie smirked.

"Hey, Penny." Jacob greeted. He then started to greet all the other Weasleys.

I turned over to look at who Mr. Weasley was talking to. 

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone." Mr. Weasley announced. "Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?" 

Of course I knew, Cedric. He was the Seeker and Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, and member of the Circle of Khanna along with Beatrice. His tousled brown hair and deep brown eyes, and a smile that would make all the girls swoon with a smile. Except for Beatrice who was like a sister to Cedric. And myself. 

Ethan went up to Cedric. "Good to see you again, Cedric." He said.

"Ethan." Cedric smiled back. "How've you been?" He asked.

"Living, breathing, working. You know how it is." Ethan answered. 

Cedric laughed at the joke. "Kassie. Good to see you." He said.

"Chare, Cedric." I greeted. 

Hermione and Ginny held in their giggles. 

"Hey everyone." He greeted to everyone else.

We all responded with a hello. Fred and George gave a mere nod. Looks like they still had yet to forgive Cedric for beating us last year. 

"Come on, guys. We won the cup. What does it matter?" I asked the twins. 

"Long walk, Arthur?" Mr. Diggory asked. 

"Not too bad." Mr. Weasley responded. "We live just on the other side of the village there. You?"

"Had to get up at two, didn't we, Ced? I tell you, I'll be glad when he's got his Apparition test. Still... not complaining...Quidditch World Cup, wouldn't miss it for a sackfull of Galleons, and the tickets cost about that. Mind you, looks like I got off easy..." 

"We ran into Amos and Cedric on our way over here." Jacob explained. "Figured we could all meet you guys on our way." 

"Wasn't a big deal to get our tickets." Lizzie said to both men. 

"Rich Muggle Family." Mr. Weasley explained. 

"Of course." Mr. Diggory nodded. He then peered good naturally around the three Weasley boys, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and I.

"All these yours, Arthur?" He asked. 

"Oh, no, only the redheads." Mr. Weasley pointed out his children. "This is Hermione, a friend of Ron's, And Kassie here is Caroline's daughter." 

"Caroline?" Mr. Diggory asked. 

"That would be me." Mater stepped forward. "I'm also Ethan and Jacob's Mother. You may remember my Husband. Daniel Bauer." She added.

Mr. Diggory looked serious then. "Ah, yes. I knew your Husband. He was a good man." He said to Mater.

"He was." Mater agreed. 

"And this is Harry Potter." Arthur introduced to Mr. Diggory.

"Hello." Harry greeted.

"Merlin's beard!" Mr. Diggory said with his eyes widening. "Harry? Harry Potter?" 

"Er... yes." Harry answered looking awkward. He seemed rather used to people looking curiously at him when they met him. 

"Ced's talked about you, of course." Mr. Diggory said. "Told us all about playing against you last year... I said to him, I said- Ced, that'll be something to tell your Grandchildren, that will... You beat Harry Potter!" He seemed to boast about Cedric's achievements a lot.

Yeah. Because all it takes is Dementors to do that.

Harry didn't seem to know how to respond to that. He remained silent. Fred and George both scowled. And Cedric looked slightly embarrassed. 

"Harry fell off his broom, Dad." Cedric muttered. "I told you... it was an accident." 

"Yes, but you didn't fall off, did you?" Mr. Diggory roared genially, slapping his son on his back. "Always were a modest one, our Ced, always the gentleman... but the best man won, I'm sure Harry'd say the same, wouldn't you, eh? One fall off his broom, one stays on, you don't need to be a genius to tell which one's the better flier!" 

Cedric gave us an apologetic look. "Sorry. Dad tends... to do that type of stuff." He said. I recall from a couple of years back when Cedric said that his father boasted about his achievements. Come to think of it, Mr. Diggory sounded like Narcissus at times. Always would go on about his accomplishments. Or his own son's accomplishments. 

"I told you I wasn't exaggerating." Ethan said to us. But mostly Penny.

"Great." Anubis sarcastically commented. "It's going to be another one of those days."  

"Must be nearly time." Mr. Weasley quickly pulled out his watch. "Do you know whether we're waiting for any more, Amos?" He asked.

"No, the Lovegoods have been there for a week already and the Fawcetts couldn't get tickets." Mr. Diggory answered. "There aren't any more of us in this area, are there?"

"Not that I know of." Mr. Weasley replied. "Yes, it's a minute off. We'd better get ready..." He then took out the Portkey which was a boot. 

"A boot?" Ethan asked.

"Best we could get at a moment's notice." Jacob answered. 

"We're going by a boot?" Harry asked confused as if it was some sort of joke. 

"It's a Portkey." I explained to them. "It transports you wherever you go. All you got to do is touch it. All it requires is a finger.

And with a bit of difficulty, thanks to our big bulky backpacks, we all crowded around the old boot held by Mr. Diggory.

I haven't done a Portkey since I left Greece.

We all stood there, in a tight circle, a chill breeze sweeping over the hilltop. None of us spoke.

"Eh, look on the bright side." Ethan commented. "At least this time, we don't have to transport a bunch of Golems with us." 

"That only happened once." Jacob reminded. 

"Three..." Mr. Weasley muttered. "Two... one..." 

Now when Traveling by Portkey, I can tell you that it's certainly not like anything you've ever experienced before. There's a howl of wind, and swirling colors all around you. It's like you're being sucked into a tornado. Holding onto dear life a certain item in the center. I looked at my family. 

"Let go, Kassie!" Mater yelled at me. 

I let go. The next thing I knew, I fell onto the ground and right on Kassie. Ron staggered on me and he fell over. The Portkey hit the ground near our heads with a heavy thud. 

"Next time, we're teleporting ourselves." Anubis commented. 

I looked at Harry. "You have very green eyes." I said. 

"That's nice, Kassie." Harry replied kindly and very casual. "Now please get off." 

I quickly got off Harry, and then held him up, and brushed off the dirt and other things. "Thank you, Kassie. Thank you. That's... not necessary." Harry quickly said embarrassed. 

"Sorry." I apologized. 

We looked up to see Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory, Cedric, Ethan, Jacob, Lizzie, Mater, Penny, and Bea all floating down and landing gently. 

"Ha! Stuck the landing this time!" Ethan yelled. 

"Well, at least the last two times, we landed on something soft." Jacob pointed out. 

"Yeah, but Tonks landed on me one of those times." Ethan reminded. 

"She didn't land that hard." Jacob pointed out.

I looked up at them. 

"Don't worry, Kassie. You'll get used to it." Mater assured me.

"You okay, Penny?" Ethan asked. 

"I'm fine." Penny answered. "We're both find." 

"That's a relief." Ethan sighed. 

I looked around to see a stretch of misty moor. In front of us, were a pair of tired and grumpy looking wizards, one of whom was holding a large gold watch, the other a thick roll of parchment and a quill. They were dressed in Muggle clothing, albeit inexpertly. 

"Morning, Basil." Mr. Weasley greeted as he picked up the boot and handed it the wizard who was wearing a kilt, and threw it into a large box of used Portkeys beside him; Harry could see an old newspaper, an empty drinks can, a punctured football. And a bunch of other misc. stuff we don't need to mention. 

"Hello there, Arthur." Basil said wearily. "Not on duty, eh? It's all right for some... We've been here all night... You'd better get out of the way, we've got a big party coming in from the Black Forest at 5:15. Hang on, I'll find your campsite... Weasley... Weasley..." He looked at the parchment list.

"We have campsites?" I asked.

"Yeah." Ethan answered. 

"About a quarter of a mile's walk over there, first field you come to. Site manager's called Mr. Roberts. Bauer. Looks like you're also first field you come to. Diggory... second field... ask for Mr. Payne." 

"Thanks, Basil." Mr. Weasley thanked. And he beckoned everyone to follow him. 

"See you, Basil." Ethan replied as I held his hand. 

We all set off across the deserted moor, unable to make out much through the mist. After about twenty minutes, a small stone cottage next to a gate came into view. Beyond it, I could make out all the shapes of hundreds upon hundreds of tents. The gentle slope of a large field toward a dark wood on the horizon. We said goodbye to the Diggorys and approached the cottage doors.

A man stood in the doorway, looking out at the tents. He must've been the only real Muggle for several leagues. We heard his footsteps, and he turned his head to look at us. 

"Morning!" Mr. Weasley said brightly.

"Morning." The Muggle said back. 

"Mr. Roberts?" Lizzie asked. 

"Aye, nice to see you again, Miss. Maxson." Mr. Roberts greeted with a smile. 

"You know this guy?" Mater asked.

"Yeah." Lizzie answered. "He was our family's Public Relations Worker. Until... he had a nervous breakdown." 

"I was exploring creative differences, Miss. Maxson. Your Grandfather and I smoothed that over." Mr. Roberts corrected. "Now who are your friends?" He asked. 

"Weasley- two tents, booked a couple of days ago?" Mr. Weasley said. 

"Aye." Mr. Roberts answered, as he consulted a list tacked to the door. "You've got a space up by the wood there. Just the one night?" He asked.

"That's it." Mr. Weasley answered. 

"You'll be paying now, then?" Mr. Roberts asked. 

"Ah, right, certainly." Mr. Weasley said.

"Oh, move over." Anubis went in front of Mr. Roberts and he pulled out some gold

"Um, Anubis. You need some Muggle Money." Ron reminded. 

Anubis looked at Ron funny. Then he looked at the Muggle. "Old habits. Sorry." He then transfigured it into rolls of Muggle Money. "I trust then that they're won't be any problems." 

"No problem with me." Mr. Roberts replied. He actually seemed kind of generous to recieve that much. "At least you're not as bad as the other ones. "I had to two try earlier and pay me with great gold coins the size of hubcaps ten minutes ago." 

"Did you really?" Mr. Weasley asked nervously. 

Mr. Roberts rummaged around for a tin for some change. 

"Never been this crowded." He said suddenly looking out over the misty field again. "Hundreds of pre-bookings. People usually just turn up..." 

"Really?" Jacob asked playing along. 

"My boyfriend." Lizzie said to Mr. Roberts. "His name's Jacob." 

"At least he's not as crazy as the others that show up. Loads of foreigners, weirdos, you know? There's a bloke walking around in a kilt and a poncho." Mr. Roberts went on. 

"Shouldn't he?" Mr. Weasley asked anxiously. 

"Oh, great. He's panicking." Mater sighed.  

"Mr. Roberts seems..." I started to say. 

"I was referring to him." Mater pointed to Mr. Weasley. 

"Arthur. Play it cool." Ethan advised.

But just then. A wizard in plus fours appeared next to Mr. Roberts front door. "Obliviate!" He said sharply, pointing his wand at Mr. Roberts.

Mr. Roberts's eyes slid out of focus, his brows had that dreamy unconcerned look on his face. 

"A map of the campsite for you." Mr. Roberts said placidly to Mr. Weasley and Lizzie. "And your change." 

"Thank you very much." Mr. Weasley approved.

That wizard went up toward the gate to the campsite. 

"Did you really have to do that?" Lizzie asked annoyed at the Wizard.

"Yes." The Wizard answered. "Been having a lot of trouble with him. Needs a Memory Charm ten times a day to keep him happy. And Ludo Bagman's not helping. Trotting around talking about Bludgers and Quaffles at the top of his voice, not a worry about anti-Muggle security. Blimey, I'll be glad when this is over. See you later, Arthur. You too, Ethan." 

And then he Disapparated. 

"Shocker." Ethan commented with sarcasm in his voice. 

We all looked at him. "With Ludo. He barges in the Auror Office almost every Monday with talks of Quidditch." Ethan explained. 

"I thought Mr. Bagman was Head of Magical Games and Sports." Ginny said looking surprised. "He should know better than to talk about Bludgers near Muggles, shouldn't he?"

Mr. Weasley, Ethan and Jacob all laughed. "Ha. The only time you see the words Ludo and know better than to talk about Bludgers near Muggles in the same sentence, is if the word: doesn't is in between them." Jacob joked as we were led through the gates to the campsite. 

"But Ludo's always been a bit... well..." Mr. Weasley started to say.

"Lax about security?" Mater asked. 

"Darn straight. You couldn't wish for a more enthusiastic head of the sports department though. He played Quidditch for England himself, you know. And he was the best Beater the Wimbourne Wasps ever had." Mr. Weasley answered.

"My Mum worked in that Department." Penny said. "She was trying to find what sports Muggles played. When she learned about the Olympics. She learned about the sport; Hockey. She met Dad there, fell in love. And they had me and Beatrice." 

"How interesting." Mr. Weasley commented. 

We trudged up to the misty field between the long rows of tents. They looked pretty Muggle like as possible. But there were even some that looked like they had Chimneys, or bellpulls, or weather vanes. But there was a tent in between them that was so obviously magical. No wonder Mr. Roberts became sus from time to time. One of them even had a confection of striped silk like a miniature palace, with several live peacocks tethered at the entrance. There was also a tent that had a front garden attached, complete with a birdbath, sundial, and a fountain.

"Malaka." I commented. "That's a lot of tents."  

"We like to show off sometimes." Jacob explained to us. "Especially when all of us come together. Arguably what you might call the biggest Tailgate in history." 

"Always the same." Mr. Weasley agreed. 

"Ah, here's us." Lizzie pointed us to a spot that said Bauer.

A couple of spots away, Mr. Weasley could see his spot. "Couldn't have a better spot! The Field is just on the other side of the wood there, we're as close as we could be." 

I looked at our spot, and after setting up our tent. We had to do it by hand and no magic. Fortunately, Ethan and Jacob knew how to do it. They had experience with it. Lizzie was also a pretty well experienced camper. She was pretty much telling my Brothers on where to set up camp. Even Penny knew how to camp. And so did Beatrice.

I preferred to keep back and let them do the work. I didn't want to be a nuisance to them.

"You camp, Lizzie?" I asked.

"Used to." Lizzie answered setting up a pole. "Kind of stopped doing it after well... I got my business going of course. But I still kept the skills."  

Finally, Ethan pulled out one last thing with his wand. "And I think that's everything." 

"At least it's not in the middle of desert this time." Penny grinned. "Or you know... sleeping with a Falak ready to devour us..." 

"Or Giant Scorpions." Jacob added. 

"You know those were missions. They don't... technically count." Lizzie pointed out.

Ethan then went over to Penny and reached out his hand. "May I?" He asked.

"But of course." Penny said while giggling and taking Ethan's hand. 

Lizzie held Jacob's hand as they both entered the tent.

I didn't go in. "Um, Mater? Doesn't it look small for all of us?" I asked.

Ethan popped his head out. "Coming, Little Sis?" He asked me.

"Isn't this a little too small?" I asked.

Ethan smiled. "See for yourself." 

Mater grinned at me. "Go on." 

I went inside. And I could see how big the tent was on the inside. I had just walked into what looked like a three room flat, complete with a bathroom and kitchen. Certainly looked like our home alright. The first part of the house at any rate.

"What do you think, Kassie?" Ethan asked me. 

"It's certainly different." I answered. 

"Well, it's not permanent. But it'll do for this match." Mater said.

Lizzie clapped her hands. "Okay. We've got to get some things done. Since we've got 7 people among us, I figured that we can divide it into 3 sides." 

Mater nodded. "Seems reasonable. Say... Couples sleep together. Or in Ethan's case, Spouses sleep together." 

Ethan raised his hand. "I was... going to say the same thing. But Mum beat me to it." 

"But... where do I sleep?" I asked. 

"On Mum's side of the tent." Jacob answered.

"Oh, okay." I replied. I looked around wondering what to do. 

"Hello?" Beatrice asked.

"And Beatrice." Ethan added. "You're sleeping with Mum and Kassie." 

I must've looked lost, because Mater went up to me. "What's wrong, Kassie?" She asked.

"Well... I've never been camping before." I admitted. "Am I doing something wrong?" 

"Not at all." Penny answered. "You're not doing something wrong." Then she laughed. "You sound like Beatrice." 

"That hurt." Beatrice said.

"Well, I'm saying it like it is. I mean, every time we went camping with Scarlett. You always would go on wondering if you did something wrong." Penny replied. 

The sun had just started to rise. And I followed Ethan to go get some water. Jacob and Lizzie were going to look for some firewood. 

And with the mist leaving, I could now get a good close view full city of tents that stretched out in every direction. It looked just as big as the Persian Army when they tried to invade Greece. "Woah!" I shouted.

"Pretty hectic, don't you think?" Ethan asked. 

"Uh, huh." I answered as we made our way through the rows of tents. "Are they all from the British Isles?" I asked Ethan. 

"All over the world. Jacob wasn't kidding when he said this was the World's Largest Tailgate" Ethan corrected.  

"You've been all over the world." I said. 

"Yeah, and believe me. Each one has their own set of magic and beliefs." Ethan explained. "And also how they interact with Muggles." 

"So which was the coolest to you?" I asked. "And England doesn't count." 

Ethan shrugged. "Eh, I didn't really get a good impression of Greece. The only thing good that came out of that was getting you for a sister. The Middle East, everyone and everything wanted to kill me. Mexico, I was focused on getting Penny back above all else. So... I would say the coolest at the very least was Japan." He answered.  

"What was it like?" I asked curiously. 

"Well... it's very different." Ethan admitted. "Especially their Magical Creatures, their Yokai. Or their other things." 

Fellow campers started to wake up as well. First to stir were the families with their small children. There was one who was no older than two, holding a wand and poking happily at a slug in the grass, quite contently too, until his Mater came hurrying out of the tent. 

"How many times, Kevin? You don't touch Daddy's wand! Yeuch!" 

She treaded on the giant slug which burst. I could hear her scolding, mingling with the little boy's cries of: "You bust slug! You bust slug!" 

Ethan seemed to be noticing more than I. "Ethan?" I asked.

"It's nothing. Let's keep moving." Ethan said. 

That was when I also noticed Harry, Ron, and Hermione walking behind us. 

"Chare, guys!" I said.

"You guys all set up?" Ron asked.

"We are. You guys?" Ethan replied. 

"We would've done better if it wasn't for Ron's father interfering." Anubis explained. 

"Cut him some slack, Anubis. Dad's never done the Muggle way of camping." Ron justified. 

"He didn't help much, you know." Anubis shot back. 

Ron groaned. 

"Well, sorry. I would've helped but I've never done camping either." Harry also put in. "You know the Dursleys." 

"That's just sad, Harry." Hermione commented.

"No wonder Fred left behind that toffee for Dudley to chew on." Ron thought out loud.

"We're getting some water." Ethan told the others.

"So are we." Harry replied. 

A shot way further on, and we saw two little witches, barely older than that Kevin kid from before, who were riding toy broomsticks which rose only high enough for their toes to skim the ground. As we passed, a Ministry Wizard spotted them and hurried forward, muttering under his breath.

I wish I could've had that, you know. Ethan also looked at that. He seemed to be noticing the families and their young children more than usual.

That was when I noticed a large patch of green right in front of me.

"Ethan, everything's green." I said. 

"Oh great. How many times do I have to tell those other gods?! NO MORE LOCUST SWARMS!" Anubis roared. 

The tent patch we walked through turned out to be all covered with a thick growth of shamrocks and clovers. And the sound of Bagpipes and Flutes playing songs. 

"Irish Supporters." Ethan informed. 

"Harry! Ron! Hermione! Kassie!" Came the voice of Seamus Finnigan. He sat in front of his own shamrock-covered tent, with a sandy haired woman, and Dean Thomas.

"Chare, Seamus." I said. He looked like he didn't blow himself up this time.

"Like the decorations?" Seamus asked. "The Ministry's not too happy." 

"Ah, why shouldn't we show our colors?" Mrs. Finnigan asked. "You should see what the Bulgarians have got dangling all over the tents. You'll be supporting Ireland, of course?" She said to us like we had to do it and it wasn't an option. 

"Of course." Ethan answered. And that earned a generous smile. Ron and Harry seemed to quietly agree. They must've been Bulgarian supporters. "Ireland is like family to the British Isles. You know, that Cousin who lives off your couch." 

Mrs. Finnigan looked at Ethan with awe. So did Seamus and Dean. "Are you Ethan Bauer?" She asked.

"The one and only." Ethan answered.

"Merlin's beard!" Seamus yelled. "LOOK WHO IT IS, EVERYBODY! ETHAN BAUER IS HERE!" 

And all the Irish Wizards all cheered for Ethan. And chanted out: "BAUER! BAUER! BAUER!" In their heavily Irish accents.

We continued on. It made me wonder what decorations the Bulgarians had. And Harry must've thought the same thing. 

"Let's go have a look." He said, pointing to a large patch of tents up field, where the Bulgarian flag, Red, Green, and White, which was fluttering in the breeze.

"I though the Flag of Bulgaria was Black, Yellow and Orange." I said.

"No, that's Belgium." Ethan told me.

Thy didn't seem bedecked with plant life like Ireland. Lame. But instead they all had the same poster attached to each of the tents. A poster of a surly faced man with heavy black eyebrows. All it ever did was blink and scowl.

"Krum." Ron said quietly. 

"What?" I asked.

"Krum! Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker!" 

"That guy?" Ethan asked not too impressed. 

"He looks really grumpy." Hermione noted, looking at the Scowling Krums surrounding us.

"Really grumpy?" Ron raised his eyes to the heavens. "Who cares what he looks like? He's unbelievable. He's really young, too. Only just 18 or something, He's a genius, you wait until tonight, you'll see." 

"I'll believe it when I see it." Ethan rolled his eyes. 

"What? You don't think that Viktor Krum isn't all that?" Ron asked in disbelief.

"I don't think he's all that." Anubis commented.

"Nobody asked you, Anubis." Ron snorted. 

We reached the tap, and there was already a small queue formed. And a group of men were having a heated argument. 

"Who are those guys?" I asked. 

"Must be some fans of the Quidditch Teams. Sports Competition can turn people crazy." Ethan answered. 

I already knew how true that was. The Quidditch Matches in Hogwarts alone could go to crazy lengths. But from the way Ethan would describe it, it sounded like it would make Hogwarts rivalries look like small food fights.

That was when I saw someone getting water. With his brown hair and blue eyes. "Ryan!" I shouted. 

Ryan Tyler was our friend from Hogwarts, fellow Gryffindor and holder of the God Horus. 

Ryan looked at us and he grinned. "Hi, guys!" He greeted, as he came up with a water pan. And then he hugged us. "Here to watch the Quidditch Matches, too?" He asked. 

"You better believe it." I answered. 

"Awesome." Harry replied. 

"Hello, Ryan." Anubis greeted.

"Lord Anubis." Ryan greeted back. 

And then Horus took over Ryan's body. "Gentlemen, Ladies, Brother." He greeted. 

"Chare, Horus." I replied. 

"How are things with you, Ryan?" Hermione asked.

"Good." Ryan answered. "I'm finally away from Mother, which I think is good." 

Ryan's parents got divorced over the Winter Holiday in our 3rd year. Ryan didn't really talk about it much. 

"Well, I better get this water back to our tent." Ryan said. "Have fun at the Quidditch Match." But then he noticed the whole crowd. "Oh great. A crowd of Bulgarians." He grunted.

"Is that bad?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm supporting Ireland. They're like our cousins to Britain." Ryan answered. 

"Told ya." Ethan smirked at the boys. 

But Ryan also hesitated seeing all the chanting getting louder. He hated very loud noises and crowds. Not that I blamed him. 

"I'll take over." Horus insisted taking over Ryan. "I believe I can handle this crowd much better." 

Ethan looked over at Ryan. "He's a good friend, Ethan." I said to my brother.

"I've got no problems with Ryan." Ethan replied. "It's his older sister Emily, I don't like." 

He had a point. Emily Tyler had a run in with Ethan and Penny when they were in Hogwarts. Good thing History didn't repeat itself with Ryan and us. And certainly now that Emily was serving time in Azkaban for embezzlement. 

We reached the front of the line and we were able to return to our campsite. Along the way, we saw Oliver Wood. He graduated last year and now played for Puddlemere United. 

"What was that like?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm not the Captain anymore." Wood answered. "But it is great to finally play with the big boys in Quidditch." 

"Glad to see you're doing well." Ethan said.

"You could've been a Quidditch Star, yourself, you know." Wood said to Ethan.

"The sound of Auror called louder." Ethan replied. 

We also ran into Cho Chang. That Ravenclaw Seeker whose ass we kicked in Quidditch last year. First time Ryan took to the field. And he dominated.

Harry also pointed out a large group of teenagers whom we had never seen before.

"Who'd you reckon they are?" He asked. "They don't go to Hogwarts, do they?" 

"Spect they go to some foreign school." Ron answered. "There are others. Only one I really knew by reputation was the Shimamotos from Japan. And Bill had a pen pal at Castelbruxo in Brazil. Years ago. And he wanted to go on an exchange trip, but Mum and Dad couldn't afford it. His pen pall got all offended when Bill said he wasn't going and sent him a cursed hat. It made his ears shrivel up." 

That wasn't very nice. I felt bad for Bill. 

"You know, I think Charlie knew about a student from Castelbruxo." Ron thought out loud.

"We did. Her name was Alanza." Ethan noted.

"So... there are other Wizarding Schools?" Harry asked intrigued. 

"Yep." Ethan answered. "Did you think that Hogwarts was the only one?"

I looked at all the different Wizard Nationalities that were there. There certainly were a lot.

And that was when we also saw a big muscular woman with blonde hair along with an older man who looked just like her. "No..." Ethan said. "No." He walked over. And I followed him. "Erika Rath?"

And the woman turned at us, and I saw the blonde faced of Erika Rath. A Fellow Member of the Circle of Khanna. Ryan's Hero. And also Quidditch Player. "Bauer!" She yelled giving Ethan a death hug. 

"What are you doing here?" Ethan asked excited.

"You know we have to beat Bulgaria, Ethan." Rath answered.

"Erika. You're Welsh." Ethan reminded.

"But Ireland is like our long lost cousin." Rath countered. "And Kassie. Good to see you again." She turned to me.

"Chare, Rath." I greeted.

"I heard about your performance in the Quidditch Cup at Hogwarts. Hell of a match." Rath praised.

"Thanks." I thanked. Getting praise from Erika Rath herself. 

That was when Ryan walked over. And Horus. "Thanks, Horus." Ryan said. "Sometimes... big crowds and... loud noises can be-" 

"I understand." Horus assured.

"Oh, hey guys. Again." Ryan said to us. 

"Friend of yours?" Erika asked me.

Ryan stopped dead in his tracks. And stared at Rath. His eyes wide open. "Oh. My. Various Gods. Is that-?"

Timidly I spoke up. "Rath. This is... Ryan Tyler. He's a Quidditch Beater. On our team." 

"Hm." Rath thought out loud. "Ryan Tyler... Oh yeah, heard about it in the paper. Crazy game that was for the Quidditch House Cup. You had a great performance." 

Ryan breathed in and out trying to contain his excitement. "Wow. You rock. I am a big fan!" He finally said.

"Appreciate it." Rath said. 

We returned back to our tent to see Jacob finally get his fire lit. 

"Chare." I greeted. 

"You two were gone a while." Lizzie said.

"Long line." Ethan explained. "And talking to some old friends. You know how it is." 

"Understandable." Jacob said. "You never know who you'll run into out here." 

"I feel bad for that water. A bunch of people are all over it." Penny commented. 

"Eh, what are you going to do?" Mater asked. "That's camping for you. Couldn't be any worse than that time me and my old dormmates in Hufflepuff tried camping out in the Forbidden forest." 

"You camped out in the Forbidden Forest?" Ethan asked.

"Wasn't our best idea. It was all on a dare." Mater admitted. "And then we all got detention afterwards." And then she turned to Ethan. "And this is coming from my son who camped out in Romania in a Dragon Sanctuary." 

"Heh." Ethan laughed.

"You camped out in a Dragon Sanctuary?" Lizzie asked.

"It was to help Bill on a Gringotts assignment." Ethan answered. 

Shortly later, we saw that Mr. Weasley had finally got his fire lit. And for the heck of it, we all decided to join our fires together. Because... you know, friends do that. 

I could also see Ministry members hurrying past, and they greeted Mr. Weasley along with Ethan and Jacob, as they passed. Mr. Weasley doing most of the talking. 

"That was Cuthbert Mockride. Head of the Goblin Liaison Office... here comes Gilbert Wimple, he's with the Committee on Experimental Charms, and he's had those horns for a while now... Hello, Arnie... Arnold Peasegood, he's an Obliviator... member of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, you know... and that's Bode and Croaker... they're Unspeakable..." Mr. Weasley explained.

"That's a lot of workers." I commented.

"And I don't even keep track of half of them." Ethan replied.

"Who?" Harry asked. 

"From the Department of Mysteries. Real tight security freaks." Jacob answered. 

We ended up cooking up a plate of eggs, and sausages for lunch. And that was when Bill, Charlie, and Percy came strolling out of the woods towards us.

"Just apparated, Dad." Percy said loudly. "Ah, excellent, lunch!" 

As soon as they sat down; Ethan, Bill, Jacob, Penny, and Charlie all seemed to be talking about things they did. Charlie was giving us tales of his time in Romania with the Dragons. Bill kept talking about his work with Gringotts, and one assignments with the Shaman of Africa.

We were about halfway through our plates when Mr. Weasley jumped to his feet, waving and grinning at a man who was striding towards us. "Aha! The man of the moment! Ludo!" 

I then got a good look at Ludo Bagman and he was easily the most noticeable person. With his long Quidditch robes in thick frontal stripes of bright yellow and black. An enormous wasp was splashes across his chest. He also had the look of a powerfully built man, but he looked out of shape almost. That was just my opinion. 

"Ahoy there!" Ludo called happily. "Arthur old man." He puffed as he reached us. "And you Ethan and Jacob! What a day, eh? What a day! Could we have asked for more perfect weather? A cloudless night coming... and hardly a hiccough in the arrangements... not much for me to do!" 

He sounded like Wood before a Quidditch match.

"That's nice, Ludo." Ethan replied. 

Percy hurried forward with his hand outstretched.

"Kiss up." Ethan grunted.

Ludo looked at me. "And who is this young woman, may I ask?" He asked. 

"This is my sister, Kassandra." Ethan answered. 

"And this must be your wife." Ludo said looking at Penny. 

"Penny Bauer. Pleasure to meet you." Penny greeted.

"Ah, yes." Mr. Weasley said grinning. "This is my son, Percy, he's just started at the Ministry. And this is Fred, no, George, sorry- that's Fred- Bill, Charlie, Ron, my daughter, Ginny. And Ron and Kassie's friends, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter." 

Bagman did the smallest of Double takes when he heard Harry's name and his eyes performed the familiar flick up to the scar on Harry's forehead.

"Everyone." Mr. Weasley continued. "This is Ludo Bagman, you know who he is, it's thanks to him we've got such good tickets-" 

Bagman beamed and waved his hand dismissively.

"Oh, please." Beatrice groaned. 

"Fancy a flutter on the match, Arthur?" Ludo asked eagerly, jingling a large amount of gold in his pockets. "I've already got Roddy Ponter betting me Bulgaria will score first. I offered him since odds, considering Ireland's front three are the strongest I've seen in years- and little Agatha Timms has put up half shares in her eel farm on a week long match." 

"Oh... go on, then." Mr. Weasley agreed. "Let's see... a Galleon on Ireland to win?" 

"A Galleon?" Bagman asked looking slightly disappointed. "Very well, very well... any other takers?"

"They're a bit young to be gambling." Mr. Weasley said. "Molly wouldn't like-" 

"We'll bet thirty seven Galleons, Fifteen Sickles, three Knuts." Fred eagerly said as he and George quickly pooled their money. "That Ireland wins, but Viktor Krum gets the Snitch. Oh, and we'll throw in a fake wand." 

That sounded like a bet. I could see Penny whisper something into Ethan's ear.

"You don't want to go showing Mr. Bagman rubbish like that-" Percy hissed, although Bagman seemed to think quite the opposite. He took the offer from Fred, and when the wand gave a loud squawk and turned into a rubber chicken, Bagman roared with laughter.

"Excellent! I haven't seen one that convincing in years! I'd pay five Galleons for that!" Ludo declared. 

Percy froze in an attitude of stunned disapproval. 

"Let's make it interesting." Ethan suddenly decided. "I'll take the same bet that Fred and George made. Ireland wins, but Krum gets the Snitch... say... 50 Galleons." 

Percy's eyes went wide. 

"You sure about that, Ethan?" Mater asked concerned. 

"I have faith in the Irish." Ethan answered. "Plus it was Penny's idea." 

"Boys!" Mr. Weasley said under his breath. "I don't want you betting.. that's all your savings... your mother-" 

"Don't be a spoilsport, Arthur!" Bagman suddenly boomed. "They're old enough to bet what they want! You reckon Ireland will win, but Krum will get the Snitch? Not a chance, boys, not a chance. I'll give you excellent odds on that one... we'll add five more Galleons for the dunny wand, then, shall we..." 

"Well, if that's the case, you've got nothing to worry about." Ethan smirked. 

"You've got a deal." Bagman declared as Mr. Weasley looked on helplessly as Bagman whipped out a small notebook and began jotting down names. 

"Cheers." George said, taking the slip of parchment from Bagman and pocketing it. "Hey... Kassie? Is that what's going to happen?" He whispered to me.

"I don't know." I whispered back.

"But you can see the future." Fred whispered.

"It doesn't work that way." I shot back.

Bagman turned cheerfully to Mr. Weasley. 

"Couldn't do me a brew, I suppose? I'm keeping an eye out for Barty Crouch. My Bulgarian opposite number's making difficulties, and I can't understand a word he's saying. Barty sure to be able to sort it out. He speaks about a hundred and fifty languages."

"Mr. Crouch?" Percy asked. While completely forgetting his look of disapproval. "He speaks over two hundred! Mermish and Gobblegook and Troll..." 

"Language Translator Charm." Lizzie explained to me. 

"But can he recite the scriptures of the Priests in Ancient Egyptian?" Anubis asked. 

Percy shot a dangerous stare at Anubis. 

"And can he also speak in Old English, I wonder." Jacob said in his Old English tongue. 

They also began talking about Bertha Jorkins. And that was also when Barty Crouch showed up.

And Barty Crouch honestly, looked Vice Versa of Bagman. 

"Pull up a bit of grass, Barty." Ludo offered.

"No, thank you." Crouch said with impatience in his voice. "I've been looking everywhere for you. The Bulgarians are insisting we add another twelve seats to the Top Box." 

"Doesn't surprise me." Ethan replied. "You know Bulgarians. They love a good match from the top." 

"I thought the chap was asking to borrow a pair of tweezers. Bit of a strong accent." Ludo said.

"Mr. Crouch!" Percy said breathlessly. Barty Crouch must've been his boss. Leave it to Percy to do ANYTHING to get into anyone's graces. If Zeus came down and commanded Percy to do something, Percy would do it without a second thought. Blind loyalty. Which isn't really a good thing. At least in my opinion. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Oh." Mr. Crouch looked taken aback by it. "Yes... thank you, Weatherby." 

Fred and George chocked into their own cups. Percy looked very pink around the ears, busied himself with the kettle. 

"Oh, I've been wanting a word with you too, Arthur." Mr. Crouch added. "Ali Bashir's on the warpath. He wants a word with you about your embargo on flying carpets." 

Mr. Weasley heaved a deep sigh. "I sent him an owl about that just last week. If I've told him once, I've told him a hundred times: Carpets are defined as a Muggle Artifact by the Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects, but will he listen?"

"I doubt it." Mr. Crouch said as he accepted a cup by Percy. "He's desperate to export here." 

"Well, they'll never replace brooms in Britain, will they?" Bagman asked. 

"Ali thinks there's a niche in the market for a family vehicle now that peace has returned to the Middle East and High Sage Karim now sits on his rightful throne." Mr. Crouch said. 

"I remember my grandfather had an Axminister that could seat 12. But that was before Carpets were banned, of course." He added.

Ugh. Sounded like he wanted to make sure that everyone knew that no ancestors of his broke any laws.

"Don't tell the Carpet that." Ethan said.

"The Carpet?" Crouch asked raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh, yeah." Charlie spoke up for everyone. "You know, Dad. It's kind of funny you call Carpets those words." 

"Because of the Carpet you found in the Middle East that was sentient and flying?" Mr. Weasley asked. 

"And also had a hand in getting Bill out of Iraq." Ethan added. 

"Well, you've been busy." Beatrice commented to Mr. Crouch.

"Fairly." Mr. Crouch replied dryly. "Organizing Portkeys across five continents is no mean feat, Ludo." 

"I expect you'll both be glad when this is over?" Mr. Weasley asked knowingly. 

Bagman looked shocked. "Glad! Don't know when I've ever had more fun... still, it's not as though we haven't got anything to look forward to, eh, Barty? Eh? Plenty left to organize, eh?"

Mr. Crouch raised his eyebrows. "We agreed to make the announcement after all the details-" 

"Oh, details!" Bagman shot back. "They've signed, haven't they? They've agreed, haven't they? I bet you anything these kids will know soon enough anyway. I mean, it's happening at Hogwarts-" 

"Ludo!" Ethan yelled. "It's a surprise." 

"Ludo, we need to meet the Bulgarians, you know." Mr. Crouch reminded. "Thank you for the tea, Weatherby." 

"Weasley." Ron corrected. 

Crouch and Ludo left. "See you all later!" Ludo said. "You'll be up in the Top Box with me. I'm commentating along with Murphy McNully!" He and Mr. Crouch Disapparated away.

"Murphy?" Ethan asked surprised. "He's going to have a field day." 

"That analytic who planned the strategy of our defense with the Siege?" Mr. Weasley asked. 

"The same." Ethan answered. "Can talk for hours about stats. But that's Murphy for ya." 

I looked over at Ethan. "What did that mean? What's happening at Hogwarts?" I asked.

"I think I'll let Dumbledore explain. You're going to love it." Ethan assured me.

"It's classified-" Percy started to say. 

"Weatherby. No." Jacob cut off.  

"What did they mean about High Sage Karim? Isn't that the same guy, you guys met years ago?" Fred asked.

"Oh, yeah." Jacob answered. "The little kid is now the High Sage of the Magi."  

"Well, he's Kassie's age, and I wouldn't consider him little anymore." Ethan pointed out.

"Well, Kassie will always be our baby sister." Jacob informed as he ruffled my hair. 

"Did Barnaby say if he was coming home?" Penny asked.

"No." Ethan answered. "All I got out of him was his recent Owl." He pulled out a letter: "It says: Hey, Ethan. It's been a long time, in terms of seeing you in person. I mean... I've sent you letters, and I don't know if you received them. It took me forever to find a Quill and Ink. Again... and when I did find it, I dropped it in an oasis." Ethan then looked at us. "Barnaby has about 5 more pages on the Quill and Ink. I'll just cut to the chase." 

Ethan continued on reading. "So... Saahira and I have fallen in love, and we've decided to marry. It's a good fit. I'm a Pureblood Wizard and she is of noble blood. Probably Gran will like that. And I will also be staying with Saahira and Hakeem to help stabilize the government. I've already passed a law for a Holiday for Knarl... my pet Knarl. Anyway... I need to beat the Magic Carpet in Chess. I've got a good shot this time. Uh.... Barnaby Lee. But you already knew that." 

Penny chuckled. "Never change, Barnaby. Never change." 

Barnaby Lee was an old friend of Ethan. After he graduated Hogwarts, he left to go help Saahira and Hakeem take their home back from Rogue Sages. From what I could gather of Barnaby, he was always happy go lucky. 

That's when Ethan had something he liked to say. He looked at Penny and she nodded her head. "Well, speaking of Baby, and that sort of stuff. Penny and I have something to say." 

We all looked at Ethan and Penny. "We were going to wait to announce it after the Match. But... what they hey? We're all friends here." 

I wondered where this was going. 

"What?" Lizzie asked anxiously.

"Penny and I are going to have a baby." Ethan announced just like that. "She's pregnant." 

Penny nodded her head.

Mater looked shocked. "Oh, my God." She said. "That's... that's..." 

Jacob fell back on Lizzie. 

Lizzie had a smile on her face. "Holy, Mother of Mercy!" 

I didn't know what to say. And Mater. I thought she would be angry. But then she went up to Ethan. "Oh, my god, Ethan! That's wonderful!" She hugged him and laughing and crying tears of joy. 

Beatrice hugged Penny. "You're going to have a baby!" She said. 

"That's right, Bea. You're going to be an Aunt." Penny happily replied.

"Aunt Bea. Sounds strange." Beatrice commented. "Do Mum and Dad know?" She asked.

"We'll tell them after the Quidditch Final." Penny answered. 

"Way to go, little brother." Jacob hugged Ethan. 

"Ethan?" I asked. "Can I hug you too?"

"Of course." Ethan answered as I hugged him. Penny was Pregnant. I was going to be an Aunt as well. 

The Weasleys were also happy with the news. "That's great, Ethan." Mr. Weasley was the first of them to say so. "I remember when Molly said she was Pregnant with Bill. I'll never forget it." 

"Congratulations." Hermione said as Harry gave a thumbs up. 

Mater looked beside herself. "Oh, my god. I feel like I'm getting grey hair already. I'm going to be a Grandmother." She said. 

"Well... not yet, Mum." Ethan said. 

"I've got to give birth, first." Penny reminded.

"I know how it works." Mater laughed.

As the hours passed. Excitement was in the air. Not just for the fact that we were going to have another Bauer in the family soon. But also for the Quidditch World Cup. By dusk, the signs of magic were everywhere. Everyone was having their own little parties. Lizzie called them tailgates. That's when everyone crowds around the stadium before a big match and has a party. Cookouts, Camping, you name it. Muggles do it at sporting events. And the Ministry seemed to have raised the white flag in concealment. 

Salesmen were going around ever few feet, carrying trays and pushing carts full of merchandise. Luminous rosettes among them. Green for Ireland, Red for Bulgaria. Pointed Green Hats, Bulgarian scarves, and flags for both countries. 

There were even tiny models of the Firebolts, which really flew, and collectible figures of famous players.

"Been saving my money all summer for this." Ron told us as we strolled through the salesman. "Or at least, my legitimate money that Anubis doesn't have to pay off. Ron himself purchased a dancing shamrock hat and large green rosette, and also a small figure of Viktor Krum. 

"Wow, look at these!" Harry said suddenly looking at large brass binoculars, except they were covered in all sorts of strange knobs and dials.

"Omniculars." I said.

"That's right." The Salesman grinned. "You can replay action... slow everything down... and they flash up a play by play breakdown if you need it. Bargain- ten Galleons each."  

"Wish I hadn't bought this now." Ron groaned as he stared at the Omniculars.

"I can." Anubis announced throwing 10 Galleons at the Salesman. 

"I'll take three." Harry said getting a pair each for him, Hermione, and myself.

"Thanks, Harry." I thanked.

"Thanks, Harry." Hermione also thanked. "And I'll get us some programs." 

I returned to my tent later, and I could see from the Weasley tent that Bill, Charlie and Ginny gout their own green rosettes. And Mr. Weasley carried an Irish Flag. As for my tent. I could see that my family had their own souvenirs. Irish Green Hats. Even one for me. 

I put mine on. And that's when I heard a booming gong sounded somewhere beyond the woods. And at once, Green and Red lanterns blazed to life in the trees, lighting a path to the pitch.

"Ready?" Mater asked.

"Yes!" We all answered with excitement.

"Let's go." Ethan nodded.

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