Chapter 28: Harry vs Voldemort.

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Pettigrew had untied Harry. 

"Harry?" I asked. "Are you s-sure about this?" I didn't want to lose him too. We already lost Cedric. 

I think that Harry for a split second considered running. But Harry seemed to already have an injured leg, probably from the maze given that he was limping a little. 

And Harry stood on the overgrown grave, as the Death Eaters formed a circle around us and Voldemort so that no gaps existed. Wormtail walked out of the circle to where Cedric lied and returned with Harry's wand. And he thrust them in Harry's hand. But also refusing to meet Harry's eyes. 

"Traitor." I hissed at Pettigrew.

"Listen, Kassie. If I don't get out of here, get to the Portkey the first chance you get. Go back to Hogwarts and tell Dumbledore what happened." Harry instructed.

That was not happening. "No, Harry. I'm not going to leave you." I insisted. "I nearly lost you to the Basilisk, I'm not losing you this time." 

"Kassie! Just do it." Harry told me. And his look told me that I couldn't argue with him this time.

"You've been taught to duel, Harry Potter?" Voldemort asked. His Eyes glittering through the darkness.

"I've had a few teachers." Harry replied. He'd been taught to duel by the Gods, of course. I just hope that Harry was a good student of them. And he seemed that way when we trained him up. But this wasn't a Tournament. This was... a real duel. With one of the Darkest Wizards of this Age. 

"First, we bow to each other, Harry." Voldemort bowed to Harry, but he kept his snake like face up to Harry. "Come, now. Dumbledore would want you to show manners... bow to death, Harry..." 

The Death Eaters laughed again. 

Harry didn't bow. "The only Death, I'll bow to is Hades himself." He looked at me with a confident look. "But I guess I can bow to you this once." He bowed at Voldemort.

"Make him swing and miss. He'll tire." I whispered.

"Kassie? Do I win this duel in this vision?" Harry asked.

"Yes." I answered, even though I didn't know how this duel would end. But if Harry believed he could. It would boost his confidence.

"Very good." Voldemort replied. And then he raised his wand. "And now you face me like man... straight backed and proud, the way your father died..." 

I got out of the way.

"And now- we duel!" Voldemort declared. He shot the first spell. "Crucio!" 

And Harry got hit hard. I couldn't imagine what pain he was in. "Harry! You know what to do! You were shown this! Fight it!" I shouted.

And Harry rolled over and scrambled to his feet. But he managed to fight out of it. 

"So... you did learn to fight it after all." Voldemort noted. "But no matter. As soon as I've killed you, Snyde will kill your little friend." 

"And once I've killed the Greek Brat, I'm going to find Ethan Bauer and kill him too. And his Wife!" Snyde declared.

That tore a new one for me.

"You are no man!" Harry yelled thinking the same thing. And he shot some Dark Magic at Voldemort. Dark Fire had surrounded all over Voldemort and fired all around him. Voldemort shielded himself, but looked stunned.

"Where did you learn that?" Voldemort asked stunned. 

"I told you before. I had many teachers." Harry answered grinning. "Kassie taught me how to do this." He drew out his wand like a blade. It turned into the Khopesh style blade of the energy sword.

"Energy sword eh?" Voldemort pulled out his own wand. "Not bad. I'll play your game, then." He then made his own energy sword. Which appeared to be a very thin sword. Like a Rapier. He pointed it at Harry. 

Harry moved forward on his injured leg. "Come on, Harry." I thought. "Remember the Sword training." 

Harry made the first move. He hacked the sword at Voldemort. But Voldemort parried quite easily. From the sound of things, it looked like Harry's sword fighting was more hack and slash, given the style of the Khopesh. Where as Voldemort's fighting style was more noble like. Calm and on his feet. 

Voldemort stabbed and swung. Harry had to be brought on defense. Using his blade for both Defense to block the swings. And Voldemort stabbed at Harry, but Harry dodged out of the way. He slashed at Voldemort's head. but Voldemort parried again, and also hit Harry on his bad leg. 

"Ah!" Harry fell down. And Voldemort brought his blade down on Harry's. 

"Harry!" I yelled. 

But Harry fended off Voldemort by a launching spell that launched him into the air.

Harry got up and shot an magic missile spell at Voldemort. Voldemort casted an entire shield charm in front of him. And then he shot a Shadow beam at Harry. 

Harry dodged that to the side. And then countered with a Fire Ball Spell shot at Voldemort. But Voldemort linked his arms and repelled the spell. 

Harry breathed heavy. Voldemort launched a lightning spell from the sky and then casted it down on Harry. Harry felt that spell coming. It hit him. And he yelled in pain. But then he raised his wand like it was lightning rod. It took in all that power. It looked all charged up. And he grinned. "How about that." He thought. 

He then shot a Fire Lightning Combo Spell right at Voldemort. Three balls of Electric Fires from different sides. Two of them, Voldemort deflected on his sides. But the third one hit him right in the face, knocking him down. 

Harry then used a wind spell to shoot it at Voldemort. But Voldemort suddenly got up just like that, and used a shadow fist to launch right at Harry. Shadow Magic was one of the most powerful magic, and one of the most painful. Harry launched out of the way, shooting up with a wind spell. But some of it hit his leg. His injured one. Which Harry had already put a lot of pressure on, already.

He fell bad to the ground. And Hard. "Harry!" I yelled. Harry got back up, using his energy sword to help him stand up. 

"You're mine!" Voldemort yelled in triumph. No way was he going to let this opportunity go. He launched a fury of spells. One made of Fire that almost singed Harry's shirt. And also one where an Icicle Dirk shot at Harry and pierced his skin. "Die!" He then launched another Shadow Spell at him.

"No!" I ran over in front of the blast. "Protego!" Despite me casting a shield charm. It still wasn't enough to absorb the impact. My shield was not strong enough. And what I could describe was very painful. Frankly, I don't even remember that pain I was in. But I guess it was bad. I fell to the ground, feeling the shadows consume my energy and my life. I was still alive, but only barely. I groaned on the ground in pain.

"Kassie!" Harry limped over to me. "Why did you do that?"

"I couldn't... let anything bad happen to you." I whimpered. "Not like Cedric." 

"Fool." Voldemort commented. "You entered this duel in violation. Now you'll get to die with Harry Potter." He drew nearer. There was no choice now. 

"Harry... you have to get up." I begged. 

Harry got up. And I could tell what he was thinking. He wasn't going to die. If Voldemort wanted a fight, then Harry would give him one. No hiding, no running, no cowering like little children. "If you want a fight, I'll give it you." Harry declared. He was still limping on his one leg.

"You have a plan?" I asked still in pain.

"Just one last spell." Harry answered.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort yelled. 

And as Voldemort launched his spell. Harry used his Energy Sword to deflect the shot away. And then he turned his sword into red energy which he fired right at Voldemort. The wand shot forward. I saw, Harry's red energy beam come out of his wand the two collided in a bright flash. 

I tried to reach my wand, but I couldn't even reach it. I could barely even get up. That Shadow Spell had packed a serious punch. 

"Now you die!" Snyde ran over to shoot his wand at me.

Well, this was it. I was going to die here. I saw my life flash before my eyes. Living with my Parents. Taken by Larisa in Greece. Meeting Ethan and Jacob, their friends. Ethan keeping me safe from the Labyrinth. Watching Daedalus craft Ethan's wand. Stepping foot in Britain for the first time. Going to Hogwarts. Getting sorted into Gryffindor. Meeting my friends. My Patronus Charm. Going to the Yule Ball with Harry. All of it. I closed my eyes. "I love you." I said to my family. Even if they couldn't hear me. "On this day, I go to Hades." 

"Avada Kedavra!" Snyde shot at me. 

But I don't think anything could've prepared me for this. The Curse was deflected away. "What!?" Snyde asked in disbelief. 

"Huh?" I opened my eyes. And I noticed that I was floating in the air with Harry and Voldemort. We were all in this bubble of golden light. Gliding away from the tombstone of Voldemort's Pater. and came to rest on a patch of ground that was clear and free of graves...

"What is this?!" Snyde yelled. "Sir?"

Voldemort was still trying to kill Harry, not paying attention.

The Golden thread connecting Harry and Voldemort splintered; but the wand remained connected. And a thousand more offshoots arched high over us, and crisscrossed all around.

"Um, Harry?" I asked. 

"I swear, I am not doing this on purpose!" Harry yelled. 

We were in  a dome shaped web, a cage of light, beyond which the Death Eaters circled around. 

"Do nothing!" Voldemort shrieked to his Death Eaters as he tried to fight the thread that still connected his wand with Harry. "Kill the Girl!" 

"We can't break through!" Snyde yelled. 

And then I felt an unearthly and beautiful sound fill the air...

That every thread of light vibrated around us. The sound of the Phoenix. A great sound of hope. And for once, I was glad to be in this crossfire. "Harry! Whatever you're doing, keep it up! Don't break the Connection!" I yelled.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?" Harry asked. The beam looked different as well. As if large beads of light slid up and down the thread connecting the two wands. The direction of the beam's movement was now towards him, from Voldemort. 

As the beat of light moved towards Harry's wand tip. "Oh, that feels hot!" Harry commented. He concentrated the beam to Voldemort. 

It made Voldemort's wand vibrate extra hard now... Voldemort looked astonished, and almost fearful...

And the bead of light from Voldemort's wand quivered. And Harry forced that bead back into Voldemort's wand... and slowly... very slowly... it moved along the golden thread... it trembled for a moment... and then connected.

At once, Voldemort's wand began to emit echoing screams of pain... then- Voldemort's red eyes widened with shock- a dense smoky hand flew out of the tip and vanished... the ghost of the hand he had made Pettigrew... more shouts of pain... and then something much later blossomed from Voldemort's wand tip, a great, greyish something that looked like it was a hand made from smoke.

I looked at the spirit of Cedric Diggory. 

"Cedric?" I asked.

Cedric's spirit emerged from its entirety from the end of Voldemort's wand, as though it squeezed  itself out of the end of a very narrow tunnel... Cedric stood up and looked down on the thread of light.

"Hold on, Harry. Protect Kassie." Cedric said.

His voice was distant and echoing. I looked at Voldemort... his eyes were still shocked. 

"Do something!" Snyde yelled to the Death Eaters. 

But the Death Eaters remained there. Prowling the edges of the Golden Dome.

I also heard more screams from the the wand. And soon another spirit emerged from the tip of the wands. And old man who pushed himself out, and surveyed the scene with mild surprise.

"He was a real wizard, then?" The Old Man asked, his eyes on Voldemort. "Killed me, that one did... you fight him..." 

"What is happening right now?" I asked confused. So far, the only thing I could really see was that right as Voldemort was going to unleash his Final Move, Harry used his magic to start a magic energy beam battle. And now spirits were involved.

And then another spirit emerged. This wand was a woman, both arms shaking now. It must've been the shadow of Bertha Jorkins or something. She surveyed the battle before her with wide eyes.

"Don't let go, now!" Jorkins cried. Her voice echoing like Cedric's. "Don't let him get you, Harry. Don't let go!" 

She and the two other shadowy figured began to pace around the inner walls of the golden web, while the Death Eaters were doing everything in their power to break it. And Voldemort's dead victims all called out to Harry. 

And on THAT note... another head emerged from the tip of Voldemort's wand... and may I just add that this one looked exactly like Harry. Except for the eyes. And Harry's arms shook madly now, as he looked right at his Pater. 

"Your Mother's coming." He said quietly. "She wants to see you... it will be alright... hold on..." 

And then another head emerged. But it wasn't Harry's Pater. It was mine. "Pater?" I asked. 

Pater looked at me. His spirit. "You must be Kassie." He greeted with a smile. "Don't worry, sweetheart. It's going to be okay." 

"Pater?" I asked a little nervously. "Can I call you that?"

"Of course." Pater answered. "You're my little girl, after all." 

And finally came another head. That must've been Harry's Mater. Her head, her body... a young woman with long red hair, the smoky shadowy form of her, blossoming from the end of Voldemort's wand, fell to the ground, and straightened like her husband. She walked close to us, looking down at Harry. And she spoke in that distant echoing voice. But softly so that Voldemort couldn't hear it. 

"When the connection is broken, we will linger for only a moment... but we will give you time... you must get your friend to the portkey, it will return you to Hogwarts... do you understand Harry?" She said to Harry.

"Yes." Harry gasped, as he tried to keep control of his wand. 

"Harry, Kassie..." Cedric whispered. "Take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my parents..." 

"I will." Harry replied. 

"Cedric, I'm-" I tried to say.

"Kassie. There's no time! Go! Don't worry about me! I'll find my way to the afterlife!" Cedric yelled. 

"Do it now..." Harry's Father whispered. "Be ready to run... do it now..."

"Kassie! Tell your Mother and your brothers I said Hello. And my Grandson too." Pater told me. "I'll deal with this." 

"I will!" I replied.

"Let go. Sweetheart, you're ready! Let go! Let go!" Harry's Mater yelled. 

"NOW!" Harry yelled; he pulled his wand upward with an almighty wrench, and the golden thread broke; as did the cage of light, and the phoenix song died. Everything was gone except for the spirits who closed in on Voldemort, shielding Harry from his gaze.

"Come on, Kassie!" Harry picked me up and ran with all of his might. I didn't know he could be that strong. 

"You're not leaving this place alive!" Snyde yelled pointing his wand and standing in the way of Harry. 

"Out of my way, Purple Eyes!" Harry yelled as he shot a dark spell at Snyde knocking him back. 

He dodged curses and graves, pelted towards Cedric's body and put me down. 

"Stop them!" Voldemort yelled.

I looked at the Cup. "Harry! Get us out of here!" I yelled. 

Harry slashed at one of the Death Eaters that dared to some close. He slashed that person down. And also deflected shots with his sword. He then used an Earthquake Spell that made all the Death Eaters fall on the ground. And then used his wand to make a Lightning Spell that shocked all of them, like the Emperor in Star Wars to his victims. Except this one was on our side. 

"He is mine!" Voldemort yelled. 

But Harry had gripped Cedric's arm. And also mine. "Where's the Portkey?!" He asked.

"Over there!" I yelled. I took out my wand as Harry gripped my arm and Cedric's. The pain was killing me. But I had enough strength for this. "Accio!" I yelled bringing the cup over to us. And we vanished away. Getting as far away from the Graveyard as possible. 

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