Chapter 4: The Dark Mark.

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I layed in my bunk in our tent when we came back and looking at the replay of the whole game on my Omnioculars. I couldn't stop thinking about the game.

"Wow." I said. "You think I'll be on that stage for England one day, Mater?" I asked Mater. 

"One day." Mater answered. "Maybe." 

"Ethan? Did you see that play with the-" I was so hyper, and I loved it.

"I saw. I was there." Ethan answered. 

"I mean, the way they play. It's something, isn't it?" I asked. 

"You're telling us." Lizzie answered. "Irish are pretty tough opponents." 

"And they won it all the way this year." Ethan announced. 

"Say... Mater? Did you ever... ever play Quidditch for Hufflepuff?" I asked.

Mater shook her head. "No. I was just a spectator, Kassie. Your father was on the team. But he was more 2nd String. I think my skills were more into the Dueling Club. I was a very accomplished duelist myself, as was your Father." She answered.

"Which kind of explains why Jacob and I are so good at dueling." Ethan added.

"To Irish Victory then." Beatrice raised her glass.

We all clanged our glasses. 

From the other side of the campsite, we could hear much singing and that odd echoing bang noise. It must've been the Irish celebrating. 

"Can't say I blame them, really." Mater commented on the noise. 

"Yeah, that's the Irish for you. They like to throw a party and celebrate. Really celebrate." Penny said. 

"Are you going to end that noise, Ethan?" Beatrice asked.

"Nah. I'm off the clock." Ethan said getting to bed. "Besides. I don't want to be the one to tell the Irish they've got to stop celebrating." 

"Why not?" I asked.

"Have you ever asked an Irish to stop celebrating?" Ethan asked. 

I got in my bunk. "It was awesome. It was. I'm telling you. They'll be talking about it for years and years!" I declared. "Something that the Tales will speak of. And I'll be the one to tell them. Just as Homer and Plato did." 

"I look forward to that day." Jacob replied.

Mater went up to me and laughing. "First things first, Kassie. We have to at least let the night end. And you need to get sleep." She told me.

"Yes, Mater." I sighed. And reluctantly, I went to sleep.

Between finding out that I was going to be an Aunt, and watching the Quidditch Match, I didn't want this night to end. It was too much. And I was certainly going to be swapping stories with my friends tomorrow. But Mater said that I had to go to bed. So I had to do that. 

Half the time, I wanted to get on my own Firebolt. I'm not sure why Wood didn't think of that. Maybe we would've even beat Hufflepuff. Oh, well. We won and that was that. 

Nothing could ever top this night. And nothing could ruin it. Nothing!

You know... I really got to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes. 

I woke up from the sound of some noise. It didn't sound like singing. Instead I heard screaming. And not the good kind.  

Ethan, Jacob, Lizzie, Penny, and Mater were still awake. Beatrice had just woken up too. 

"What was that?" I asked. 

Ethan took out his wand. "Stay here." He took a look outside. 

Jacob got up. 

"Either, Bulgaria is rioting because they lost... or this is very bad news." Lizzie said taking out her wand. 

We heard an explosion go off. I was fully awake now. "Mater?" I asked a little nervous. 

Ethan came running back into the tent. "We got a problem." He informed. 

"What kind of problem?" Jacob asked.

"Bulgarians?" Lizzie asked.

Ethan shook his head. By the time we all ran out of the tent. The whole Tent City sounded like it was in the middle of a war zone. Fires were everywhere. 

And a crowd of wizards, tightly packed and moving together with wands pointing straight upward, was marching slowly across the field. Hooded figures, with face masks were moving towards all the spectators and sending everyone in chaos, as they began funning towards the woods.

High above them, floating in midair, were four struggling figures being contorted into grotesque shapes.

More Wizards were also joining the marching group, laughing and pointing up at the floating bodies. Tents crumbled and fell around us.

I saw above us, four floating people were suddenly illuminated as they passed over a burning tent and one of them...was... Mr. Roberts!

The other three were his wife and children. 

"Son of a bitch!" Lizzie grumbled.

"Ethan?" I asked. 

Ethan turned around. "Alright. Get yourselves to safety. Jacob and I can take care of this." He ordered us.

"I'm staying with you, guys." Lizzie said. And there was no second thoughts in her voice about it.

"I figured you would." Ethan replied. 

"I'm staying too." Penny insisted.

"No!" Ethan shouted. "If you die and we lose our baby, I'll never forgive myself."

Penny nodded her head. "Okay. Then I can at least help these people get to safety." She said.

"Alright." Ethan decided. "Mum. Think you can help protect the spectators?" He asked. 

"Ethan!" I realized another thing in horror. 

"What?" Ethan asked concerned. 

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ryan! They could be in trouble too!" I exclaimed.

"Okay. Let's find them." Ethan said. 

"Thanks." I thanked. 

We saw Mr. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, and Percy running towards us. 

"Ethan! Jacob!" Mr. Weasley yelled. 

"We've got hostiles!" Ethan informed.

"I can see that. All around us." Charlie commented. 

"Well, they're going to regret they ever came here." Jacob readied his fists for battle. 

"Jacob. We need a plan of attack." Bill pointed out.

"I have a plan." Jacob replied. "Attack." He charged forward. 

Ethan grabbed my hand and we both moved. And in the meantime, I could see Mater and Penny trying to get everyone to safety. 

"Everyone this way!" Mater shouted. "Come on!" 

Ethan looked at me. "You remember what I taught you about battle magic, right?" He asked me. 

I nodded my head. "Um... sort of..." I admitted.

 "Good. Then follow me." Ethan ordered. 

We both traversed through the crowds. "Ryan! Harry! Ron! Hermione!" I called out. Ryan was probably fine, I mean... he had a God living in him. So did Ron. But I still wanted to make sure they were okay. And Harry and Hermione too. 

A bunch of those Dark Figures approached us in their masks and their flames. And their chanting. 

As they launched another Fire spell at a crowd of Americans, Ethan deflected the blast and shot it right back on the crowd of those Dark Wizards. 

"Who did that?" One of them asked as they all stopped their chanting. 

But that was when they saw Ethan. He pointed his wand. 

"It's Bauer!" The Dark Wizards shouted. And they all started to panic and run off. 

But Ethan shot a wall of fire surrounding them on all sides. "You picked the wrong event, bubs." He said. 

The Dark Wizards all tried to fight back, but Ethan just deflected their attacks like it was nothing. Then countered with a few Fire Spells and then some Wind Spells to scatter them and send them through the air. All at once, I will add. 

But that was when I saw One Dark Wizard tried to flank Ethan, but I noticed him. "Expelliamus!" I shot my spell. It disarmed him, and I then used an energy sword to stab him. 

Ethan turned to me after I took my sword out of the Dark Wizard. 

"Nice job, Kassie." Ethan told me. 

It was the first man I ever killed. It felt strange. But he would've killed me and Ethan had I not done something. "Ethan. I killed a man." 

"It was you or him." Ethan said to me. 

But that was when I heard shouting. From beyond. And I could see a whole conflict of spells being shot all over the place. And Dark Wizards being launched into the air as well. And I could see Jacob in the air kicking their asses all, as he pulled off a lot of expert maneuvers and smashing all the Dark Wizards there. 

"Well, I think Jacob's got those guys taken care of." Ethan commented.

"You think we should help him?" I asked.

We then saw Lizzie in the air as well, and just freezing everyone then smashing them like they were Icicles.

"Nah, they got this." Ethan answered.

I then heard some shouting from up ahead. It could've been Ryan for all I know.

We followed the sounds of screaming. And it seemed another crowd was trying to escape from the Dark Wizards. "Come on, move it. Move it!" Ethan yelled out trying to get everyone to safety. And then we saw Charlie run up to us. 

"Hey, Ethan." Charlie greeted.

I then saw some other fighting between Death Eaters and also 2 more Wizards. I then turned to see a Death Eater getting smacked by a Beater Stick, and then shot into the Air with a Wind Spell.

"Ethan! Charlie!" Rath ran up to us. Along with her Pater. 

"Hey, Charlie. Hey, Erika. Feels like old times again, doesn't it?" Ethan asked trying to make a joke. 

"That might be either really good or really bad." Charlie replied. 

"Well, probably not considering that we're in the middle of flames of war." Ethan said.

"And they didn't even bring Dragons." Charlie groaned while taking out another Dark Wizard. "If you're going to go to all this trouble of setting things on fire, at least bring a Dragon." 

"We've got bigger things to worry about than Dragons, Weasley." Rath reminded.

"Yeah, I know." Charlie replied. "I'm just saying." 

"It's just how Charlie works, you know that, Rath." Ethan said.

"True." Rath admitted. 

And then I saw another thing that happened. I saw some light being shot at.

"Come on!" Ethan grabbed my hand and we ran for where that came from. 

And I could see a bunch of Dark Wizards surrounding Ryan and what appeared to be his Pater. His Pater looked unconscious. But Ryan seemed to be backed into a corner. 

"How dare you attack these innocent people!" Ryan roared. Or more accurately, Horus did. He then shot out these Magic Long Falcon Wings that looked like they were made of Pure Magic, and used them to strike at the enemy, and even did a spin in the air. 

Ethan could see what was going on. He threw me to the ground. Charlie did the same. I looked up to see Ryan spinning fast in the air. And his wings spinning like blades and chopped off all the heads of the Dark Witches and Wizards.

Ryan then stood up and looked at us. "What?" He asked. 

"Ryan? Did you just... kill all these people?" Ethan asked. 

"Horus did it." Ryan said. "But um... Dad..." 

Ethan ran up to Ryan's Pater. "Let's get him out of here." He said picking him up. 

"Who's that?" Ryan asked pointing to Charlie. 

"Charlie Weasley. I'm Ron's brother." Charlie introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Ryan replied. "I wish I had brothers. But all I got are sisters." 

"Yeah, my sister Ginny is the opposite." Charlie said. 

"Oh, believe me, you don't want my older sister for a sister." Ryan countered.

"If it's Emily, I can understand that." Charlie said. They helped Ryan's Pater up.

"Nice work, kid." Rath praised Ryan. 

I looked around to try to keep a lookout for any more Dark Witches and Wizards. The only thing I did see was one in a Dark Mask. "Ethan." I said.

Ethan turned to me. And the Dark Wizard looked at us both. But mostly at Ethan. "Hello... Ethan Bauer. You look just like your Father." He greeted in a booming voice. 

"Who are you?" Ethan asked pointing his wand while also keeping me behind him. 

The Dark Wizard laughed evilly. "I think you know who we are, Ethan. Or have you forgotten already?"

I didn't know what he was talking about, but Ethan did. "A Death Eater." He said. "Thought a good majority of you were rotting in Azkaban." 

These people were Death Eaters? Death Eaters were the followers of Voldemort the Darkest Wizard of his age. 

"Most of us at any rate. Not all of them." The Death Eater explained. "We had to go to Albania to get more followers. Honestly, do you have any idea how difficult it is to have to get followers like that, Bauer?" He asked in an annoyed tone. 

"It's Difficult, I imagine." Ethan admitted in all honesty. "But not my problem. And you know how it works. You send a bunch of followers and we stop you." 

The Death Eater chuckled. "You've stopped nothing. This has only just begun. I've already sent a message to the Mudbloods with this attack. And to Muggles as well. And now-" 

"Yeah, I know." Ethan interrupted. "Time to kill me as well." 

"Not yet." The Death Eater informed. "While I would love to kill you and do what Trotsky could not... I'm under orders to let you live for now. This attack was just to send a message. And from the looks of things, It's gone exactly as I've planned." 

And then I heard a noise. "MORSMORDRE!" And something vast, green, and glittering erupted from the patch of darkness in the sky. 

I looked at the Green wisp of energy to see a Colossal skull, and a serpent protruding from its mouth like a tongue. It rose higher and higher until it etched against the black sky as if Urania had decided to become evil and make a new constellation out of fear. 

Ethan starred at it. But then he turned to that Death Eater who was long gone. "Hey! Where'd he go?!" 

Charlie shrugged. "He must've apparated."

And just then... my head felt heavy. "Ugh." I felt like I had a very bad headache. And I could see more images. "Oh, not now." I groaned.

And the things I saw. A Graveyard, Peter Pettigrew, that traitor standing above a large Cauldron. Harry helpless to stop him. And the signs of a Bald Man with no nose rising up. And the Red Eyes of Voldemort.

By the time I came back, I was in Ethan's arms as he carried me. 

"Ethan?" I asked.

Ethan put me down. "You fainted." He told me.

"Sorry." I said guiltily. "I had another Vision." 

"I figured." Ethan replied. "Was it a bad one?"

"They're usually bad." I said. And I told him what I saw. "It was him. I saw him come back. And he had Harry as a hostage." 

Ethan seemed shocked at that. "Did you see anything else?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"Okay." Ethan sighed. 

Whenever I had a vision. It came true. So whatever was going to happen with Harry. It couldn't possibly be good. And my visions were always right. They were right with the Basilisk, they were right about Sirius Black, and Lupin as a werewolf.

"Ethan? What was that?" I asked. 

"A Dark Mark." Jacob answered walking up to us with Lizzie. "Voldemort's sign." He then went up to me. "Are you guys, okay?" He asked.

I also saw that Charlie, Rath and Ryan weren't there.

"Charlie and Rath got Ryan and his Dad to safety." Ethan answered me before I was ready to ask. "They're all okay." 

I breathed a sigh of relief. But then I had another thought and I was nervous again. "But what about-" 

"Mr. Roberts and his family are safe, too." Lizzie assured me. "And those Death Eaters won't be doing stuff like that, ever again." And she spoke with such assurance about it too. 

"Ministry's going to have a field day with this one." Jacob grunted. 

"So what happens now?" I asked. 

I heard some shouting up ahead. It sounded like it was coming from over by the Campsite. "STUPEFY!"

"That." Ethan answered as we ran down over. 

I ran with Ethan to see where that noise came from. I could see the blinding lights. It was my friends! Harry, Ron, and Hermione! Why were they being attacked?!

"ETHAN!" I yelled. 

Ethan ran over. "Stand down! STAND DOWN!" He yelled over to a bunch of Ministry Workers that were firing spells at my friends.

I could also hear the sound of Mr. Weasley running over. "STOP! THAT'S MY SON!" He yelled. 

"Guys!" I yelled running over to them. 

"Kassie!" Hermione ran over to me. And she gave me a hug. "Are you alright?" 

"I'm fine, Mione." I answered. 

"Ron, Harry." Ethan ran over. "Hermione. Are you okay?" He asked. 

"Out of the way, gentlemen." Came another cold curt voice.

Mr. Crouch came over. He and the other Ministry workers were closing in on us. And his face looked taut with rage.

"Which of you did it?" He snapped at us. "Which of you conjured the Dark Mark?"

"We didn't do that!" Harry pointed out.

"We didn't do anything!" Ron also stated. "What did you want to attack us for?"

"And for the record, I could've-" Anubis started to say. 

"Not now, Anubis." Ron hissed.

"Do not lie, sir!" Mr. Crouch shouted. His wand was still pointing directly at Ron, and his eyes were popping. Like Weasels. "You have been discovered at the scene of the crime. Arrest them! All of them!" 

"Ignore that order!" Jacob ordered. "They're just kids, Crouch. And I don't need to remind you that one of them is Harry Potter, you know, the one guy that Voldemort wants to kill." 

Crouch grunted. "Alright, point taken." 

"We saw the Dark Mark in the sky too." I added. 

"It's true." Ethan said. "And I don't think that it could've been these kids." 

"So where did it come from?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"Over there." Hermione shakily pointed to one location. "There was someone behind the trees... they shouted words- an incantation-" 

"Oh, stood there, did they?" Mr. Crouch, turned his eyes to Hermione now. "Said an incantation, did they? You seem very well informed about how that Mark is summoned, missy-" 

"Because she's brilliant. And she reads a lot about spells and other things." I interrupted. 

Barty glared at me. "Consider yourself fortunate you are your Brothers Sister, Young Lady." He said to me.

I stuck my tongue at him when his back was turned. 

Lizzie in the meantime looked at the tree line. "Well, whoever it was. They're gone now." 

"I don't think so." The voice of Amos Diggory said. "Our stunners went right through those trees... There's a good chance we got them..." He started to go for the tree lines. 

"You're going out there, are you nuts?" I asked.

But Mr. Diggory seemed to be on a mission. 

And about 23 seconds later. He yelled out. "Yes! We've got them! There's someone here! Unconscious! It's- but- blimey..." 

"You've got someone?" Mr. Crouch asked. 

"Who is it?" Ethan asked. 

I heard snapping twigs, the rustling of leaves, and then crunching footsteps as Mr. Diggory reemerged from behind the trees. He carried a House Elf in his arms. And not just any House Elf either.

"Winky?" I asked confused.

Mr. Crouch and Mr. Diggory didn't speak. All Mr. Diggory did was leave Winky on the ground at his feet. Everyone else was all starring at Mr. Crouch. 

"This- cannot-be. Mr. Crouch said jerkily. "No-" He moved quickly around Mr. Diggory and strode off toward the place where he had found Winky. 

"Let's not jump to any conclusions yet." Jacob said trying to calm everyone down.

Too late. Mr. Crouch looked like Darth Vader when someone failed him for the last time.

"There was no one else there." Mr. Diggory said grimly while looking at Winky's unconscious form. "Really embarrassing. Barty Crouch's house-elf... I mean to say..." 

"Come off it, Amos." Mr. Weasley dismissed. "You don't seriously think it was the elf? The Dark Mark's a wizard's sign. It requires a wand." 

"Yeah." Mr. Diggory replied. "And she had a wand."

"What?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"Here, look." Mr. Diggory held up a wand and showed it to Mr. Weasley. And to the rest of us. "Had it in her hand. So that's clause three of the Code of Wand Use broken, for a start. No non-human creature is permitted to carry or use a wand."  

"House Elves don't need wands to use magic. Did we all lose track of that?" Ethan pointed out.

His words fell on deaf ears, because Ludo Bagman Apparated right next to Mr. Weasley. He looked discombobulated himself. And he stared at the emerald green skull. "The Dark Mark!" He panted, almost trampling Winky as he turned to us. "Who did it? Did you get them? Barty! What's going on?"

Mr. Crouch looked so uncomfortable with all of this. I didn't blame him one bit. 

"And where the hell did you go off to, Crouch?" Lizzie asked. "We didn't see you at all during the match." 

"I've been busy, Maxson." Mr. Crouch answered. "And my elf has been stunned." 

"Stunned?" Ludo asked confused. "By you lot, you mean? But why?" And then he suddenly had a thought. As if he was playing connect the dots and they all led to Winky. "No." He said. "Winky? Conjure the Dark Mark? She wouldn't know how? She'd need a wand, for starters!" 

"And she had one." Mr. Diggory pointed out.

"Um... hello?" Ethan called again. "House Elves don't need wands to use magic." He reminded.

"Well... you have a point." Mr. Diggory admitted. "But maybe we should at least hear what Winky has to say for herself."

I wasn't sure if Mr. Crouch had heard Mr. Diggory, but nevertheless, he got Winky to wake up. "Enervate!" 

Winky stirred up feebly. I could only imagine what that must've been like. Waking up and getting watched by a bunch of silent wizards.

She caught sight of Mr. Diggory's feet, and slowly, tremulously, raised her eyes to stare up into his face; then, more slowly still, she looked up into the sky. And then she proceeded to burst into terrified sobs.

"Elf!" Mr. Diggory said sternly. "Do you know who I am? I'm a member of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures!" 

Winky rocked backward and forward on the ground. Sort of like when I messed up in front of Larisa.

"As you see, elf, the Dark Mark was conjured here a short while ago. And you were discovered moments later, right beneath it! An explanation if you please!" Mr. Diggory interrogated. 

Anubis examined this as well. 

"I-I-I is not doing it, sir!" Winky gasped. And she sounded so terrified too, it made me want to cry. "I is not knowing how, sir!" 

"You were found with a wand in your hand!" Mr. Diggory barked as she showed the wand in front of her.

"They don't need wands to use magic." Ethan reminded yet again. 

"So then why did Winky have it?" Lizzie asked. 

"Hey- that's mine!" Harry suddenly interrupted. 

And everyone looked at him. Smooth, Harry. Real smooth.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Diggory asked. 

"That's my wand!" Harry clarified. "I dropped it!" 

"You dropped it?" Mr. Diggory asked like he thought that might've been the lamest excuse he ever heard in all of his life. "Is this a confession? You threw it aside after you conjured the Mark?"

"He would never!" I shrieked.

My brothers also approached Mr. Diggory. "Amos, Come on. Harry Potter conjuring a Dark Mark?" Jacob asked.  

Mr. Diggory sighed. "You're right. Sorry. I got... carried away. It's been a long night, you see."

"Is Cedric-" I started to ask nervous.

"Cedric's fine. He's with the other spectators and helped to protect them. He's so talented." Mr. Diggory answered.  

"I didn't drop it there, anyway." Harry jerked his thumb towards the trees beneath the skull. "I missed it right after we got into the wood." He explained. 

That was apparently all Mr. Diggory needed. "So. You found this wand, eh, elf? And you picked it up and thought you'd have some fun with it, did you?" 

"I is not doing magic with it, sir!" Winky squealed with tears streaming down the sides of her face. "I is... I is... I is just picking it up, sir! I is not making the Dark Mark, sir, I is not knowing how!" 

"Uh... Mr. Poor Listening Skills? I keep trying to tell you! House Elves don't need wands to use Magic!" Ethan reminded. And he sounded really exhausted about it too. 

"It wasn't her!" Hermione suddenly said. "Winky's got a squeaky little voice, and the voice we heard doing the incantation was much deeper!" 

They must've heard the incantation too, just like we did. And Hermione also looked at Ron and Harry for support. "It didn't sound anything like Winky, did it?"

"No." Harry added. "It didn't sound like an elf." 

"Yeah, it was a human voice." Ron agreed. 

"How do we even know if Winky even made the Dark Mark knowingly. For all we know, she could've been under the Imperious Curse." Ethan theorized. "It wouldn't be the first time it's happened." 

Mr. Diggory stroked his chin. "True..." He didn't sound impressed, but at least he was seeing reason. "But there's a simple way of discovering the last spell a wand performed, elf, did you know that?"

Winky trembled and shook her head frantically. 

Mr. Diggory raised his own wand again and placed it tip to tip with Harry's.

I got a bad feeling about this.

"Prior Incantanto!" 

I heard Hermione gasp, as a gigantic serpent tongue erupted from the point where the two wands met, but it looked like a replica. Just like the one in the sky.

"Malaka." I thought. 

"Deletrius!" Mr. Diggory shouted and the smoky skull vanished in a wisp of smoke.

"Damn." Lizzie commented. Everyone looked at Lizzie. "Everyone's thinking it, I'm just saying it." 

"Well, well. Looks like we've got our culprit." Mr. Diggory declared with a kind of savage triumph. 

"I is not doing it!" Winky squealed with her eyes rolling in terror. I is not, I is not, I is not knowing how! I is a good elf, I isn't using wands, I isn't knowing how!" 

"You've been caught red handed, elf!" Mr. Diggory roared. "Caught with the guilty wand in your hand!" 

"Mr. Diggory! There's got to be some sort of mistake... I mean, a House Elf, making the Dark Mark?" I asked. 

"Amos." Ethan shot up. "You know as well as I do, that only a few wizards know how to do that spell." 

"Where could she have learned it?" Mr. Weasley asked as well.

"And she could've been under the Imperious Curse." I added.

And that's when Mr. Crouch shot up. And in cold anger too. "Perhaps Amos is suggesting. That I routinely teach my servants to conjure the Dark Mark?" 

There was a deeply unpleasant silence. And Mr. Diggory looked horrified. "Mr. Crouch... not... not at all..." 

Suddenly Jacob stood up. "Enough! We should be finding these Death Eaters! Not pointing fingers at each other!" He yelled being the voice of reason. 

Everyone seemed to calm down after that. 

"Jacob is right. This bickering is pointless." Mr. Weasley agreed. 

"Whoever conjured that mark could have Disapparated right after they'd done it. Otherwise their wand would've betrayed them." Lizzie said. "And Winky was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And picked it up." 

"But then, she'd have been only a few feet away from the real culprit!" Mr. Diggory said impatiently. "Did you see anyone?" 

Winky began to tremble worse than ever. "I is seeing no one, sir... no one..." 

It was such a sad sight to see. Ethan held my hand. 

"So... we're back to square 1." Ethan figured.

"Okay, everyone. I will deal with Winky here." Mr. Crouch informed us. 

Deal with her? What's that suppose to mean?

We all looked at Mr. Crouch now. 

"You may rest assured that she will be punished." Mr. Crouch added coldly.

Uh oh. Now I knew what that meant.

"M-m-master..." Winky stammered, looking up at Mr. Crouch, her eyes brimming with tears, "M-m-master, p-p-please..." 

Mr. Crouch stared back, his face sharpened with not pity in his gaze.

"Winky has behaved tonight in a manner I would not have believed possible." He said slowly. "I told her to remain in the tent. I told her to stay there while I went to sort out the trouble. And I find that she disobeyed me. This means clothes." 

"No!" Winky shrieked. Prostrating herself at Mr. Crouch's feet. "No, master! Not clothes, not clothes!" 

I remembered what Winky said about Clothes and being freed. It wasn't a good thing for her. And this just made me even sadder about Winky as I saw her sobbing over Mr. Crouch's feet.

"And now we see how humans carry their judgement." Anubis commented clearly sounding disgusted. 

"But she was frightened!" Hermione burst out angrily. "Your elf's scared of heights, and those wizards in masks were levitating people! You can't blame her for wanting to get out of their way!" 

I was about to say something, but Ethan stopped me. "Don't bother." He told me. "When Crouch has made his decision. He's made it and there's no reasoning. Believe me. I know." 

"I have no use for a House Elf who disobeys me." Mr. Crouch said coldly. "I have no use for a servant who forgets what is due to her master, and to her master's reputation." 

"Her Master's Reputation?!" I asked horrified. "How can you say-" 

"Bauer, please take your sister away from affairs she has no business being involved in." Mr. Crouch demanded Ethan. Then he turned to me. "You've already made enough mistakes as is, in Greece. Do you really want to make more, here?" He asked as he pointed his wand threating at me. 

I looked at Crouch and I shook my head. "No... sir." I admitted.

Ethan then looked at Crouch. "Hey! Get your wand out of my sister's face." He warned pulling me away. "Don't threaten her." And he took me away. 

Jacob clenched his fist at Crouch. And Lizzie just made a glare at Crouch. 

Crouch seemed a little fazed at that. 

"Well... that happened." I commented. I also noticed Harry, Ron, and Hermione also following us along with Mr. Weasley. And Harry also got his wand back.

"What's going to happen to Winky?" Hermione asked the moment we left the clearing.

"I don't know." Mr. Weasley answered.

"Odds are that Crouch will release her from service. After that. Who knows." Ethan answered. 

"The way they were treating her!" Hermione said furiously. "Mr. Diggory, called her elf all the time... and Mr. Crouch! He knows she didn't do it, and he's still going to sack her! He didn't care how frightened she'd been, or how upset she was- it was like she wasn't even human!" 

"I mean, she isn't if we think about it." Ron said.

Hermione gave a look that could kill. "That doesn't mean she hasn't got feelings, Ron. It's disgusting the way-" 

"Hermione, I agree with you." Mr. Weasley interrupted. "But now is not the time to discuss elf rights. I want to get back to the tent as fast as we can. What happened to the others?"

"Lost them in the dark." Ron answered. 

"Well done with that, Ron." Anubis sarcastically commented. 

We reached the edge of the wood. And it wasn't easy getting through the frightened crowd of Witches and Wizards.

The moment they saw Ethan and Jacob coming, all eyes turned on my brothers. 

"What's going on in there?"

"Who conjured it?"

"Ethan... are you going to get us out of this mess? Is it him?" 

"It's not him." Ethan answered. "We don't know who it is; they Disapparated. You're all going to be fine. Now please, calm down." 

The campsite was all calm now.

We returned to our tent. Mater, Penny, and Beatrice were already there. 

"Mater!" I yelled as Mater ran over to hug me. 

"Kassie." Mater hugged me tight. 

I saw Penny hug Ethan. "Are you okay?" She asked. "We saw the Dark Mark in the Sky. You could see it from the forest." 

"I'm fine." Ethan assured. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Penny nodded. 

"And the Baby?" Ethan asked.

"The Baby is fine." Penny answered.

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god." He said.

"Ethan? What's happening?" Beatrice asked.

"Those guys were Death Eaters." Ethan answered. "The people who attacked us." 

"How the hell did they even get through anyway?" Mater asked.

"Add that onto the list of questions we need answered." Jacob replied. 

"That still doesn't explain the whole dilemma with Winky and the Dark Mark." Lizzie pointed out.

"What dilemma?" Penny asked. 

And Ethan told the ladies about what had happened with Winky and the Dark Mark. 

Mater looked just as shocked as Hermione did.

"And Barty is going to give her the boot anyway?" Mater asked in disbelief.

"Apparently so." Ethan answered.

"He c-can't do that... Mater." I said with tears in my eyes. "It's not fair. It's not fair." 

I couldn't think about it anymore. I just wanted to go home and forget this all ever happened. So I did. And we left with the family.

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