Chapter 6: The Triwizard Tournament.

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Kassandra P.O.V

There was a definite gloom to the end of the Summer Holidays. But to be honest, it didn't really feel like a fun summer after the Quidditch World Cup attack.

I barely saw Ethan and Jacob after the Quidditch Cup. From what Mater told me, they were busy as the Ministry now that the Ministry was scrambling and trying to find some answers. It seemed Ethan and Jacob and their friends were the only ones keeping their heads calm. It's all they could really do at this moment.

One day, I found something from the Daily Prophet that Mater was reading. "Ministry blunders... culprits not apprehended... lax security... Dark Wizards running unchecked... national disgrace." Mater read on. Then she threw it in the fire. "That beetle eyed bitch." She grit her teeth. Then she saw me. 

I sank down into my seat. I didn't like it when Mater got mad. "Sorry, Kassie." She said calmly to me. "I didn't mean to make you scared. It's just this stupid article from Rita Skeeter." 

"Rita Skeeter?" I asked confused. "Who's that?"

"Some bitch from the Daily Prophet who wanted to get dirt on your brothers years ago when they attended Hogwarts." Mater answered.

Well... that would explain a few things at any rate. If Rita Skeeter tried to do that to Ethan and Jacob, then she wasn't a nice lady. 

"Do yourself a favor, Kassie. Don't trust anything that woman says." Mater advised me.

I decided to take Mater's advice. And not trust that... Rita Skeeter. Honestly, one of the best advices that Mater would ever give me.  

It got pretty lonely too. Harry stayed with the Weasleys for the rest of the summer. As did Hermione. I stayed at home, of course. But at least I was still able to communicate with Harry and the Weasleys through letters. Harry told me that he was still at the Burrow and spent his days playing Quidditch with Ron, along with Fred and George, and Ginny was playing too. Oh yeah... speaking of the Weasleys. Mrs. Weasley heard about the attack and the second she saw the family again apparently started to break down and cry for Fred and George. She heard about the attack and went into hysterics about not seeing them again, and the last thing they did was fight. But at least it looked like things were good now. 

The good news was that I reunited with my friends at Platform 9 3/4s. The Hogwarts Express branding old on it. 

"Bye Mater." I said hugging Mater. Despite the fact that I was a teenager and most would be too embarrassed to hug their Parents, I still wanted to do it with Mater. No matter what anyone said.

"I love you, Kassie." Mater hugged me goodbye. Then she grinned.

"What?" I asked wondering if Mater had anything up her sleeve. 

"I think you'll find you like this following year. There's going to be a big surprise in store." Mater grinned at me. 

That sounded fun. And I also waved goodbye to the Weasleys. 

"Hey... Kassie!" All my friends came to greet me.

"Chare!" I greeted.

"I might be seeing you all sooner than you think." Charlie informed grinning, as he hugged Ginny goodbye.

"Why's that?" Fred asked keenly.

"You'll see." Charlie said. "Just don't tell Percy I mentioned it... it's 'classified information, until such time as the Ministry sees fit to release it' after all." 

"Yeah, I sort of wish I was back at Hogwarts this year." Bill said wistfully.

"Why?" George demanded impatiently.

"You're going to have an interesting year." Bill added still being vague. "I might even get time off to come and watch for a bit..." 

"A bit of what?" Ron asked. But the whistle blew and we were all ushered for the train. 

"Thanks for having us to stay, Mrs. Weasley." Hermione thanked as we climbed on board the train.

"Bye, Mater!" I yelled out to Mater as she still waved me goodbye. 

"It was my pleasure, dears." Mrs. Weasley thanked. "I'd invite you for Christmas, but... well, I expect you're all going to want to stay at Hogwarts what with... one thing and another." 

"Mum!" Ron was getting more irritated. "What d'you three know that we don't?"

"Forget it, Ron. They're not going to tell us." Anubis said. 

"Maybe we'll find out this evening." I suggested. 

It was clear to me that the Weasleys were being vague for a specific reason. 

"It's going to be very exciting-mind you, I'm very glad they changed the rules-" 

"What rules?" Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and I questioned at the same time.

We couldn't get that answer because the Train kept speeding away. 

We found a cabin that already had Ryan inside of it. And he was playing with clackers. "Hey guys. Check it out." He pulled them in his hands. "Clackers."  

"What are Clackers?" Ron asked.

"The hottest toys in the Netherlands." Ryan answered. "You clack them... and you love em." To prove his point he had his clackers. And the two balls clacked and then that's all they really did.

"So, what were they talking about back at the Platform?" I asked. 

"Platform?" Ryan asked.

"No clue. Bagman wanted to tell us what's happening at Hogwarts." Ron grumpily said, sitting down next to Harry. "At the World Cup, remember? But my own mother won't say. Kassie. There's not a chance that your Mother-"

"She said it would be a surprise." I answered. 

"Thought so." Ron figured. 

Ryan continued to clack. But he stopped at the sight of Draco Malfoy in the compartment next to ours. 

"Uh oh." I said as I saw Malfoy with his swagger. And his two cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. And that only meant one thing. He was looking for trouble. 

We heard Malfoy speak. "...Father actually considered sending me to Durmstrang rather than Hogwarts, you know. He knows the Headmaster, you see. Well, you know his opinion of Dumbledore- the man's such a Mudblood-lover- and Durmstrang doesn't admit that sort of riff-raff. But Mother didn't like the idea of me going to school so far away. Father says Durmstrang takes a far more sensible line than Hogwarts about the Dark Arts. Durmstrang students actually learn them, not just the defense rubbish we do..." 

Hermione quickly shut our door. And she looked angry. "So he thinks Durmstrang would have suited him, does he?" She asked. "I wish he had gone, then we wouldn't have to put up with him." 

"What's Durmstrang?" I asked. I never heard of that school before. 

"Is that another Wizarding School?" Harry asked.

"Yes. And way I heard it, it's got a very bad reputation." Ryan answered. "I even heard that's where Iosef Trotsky went to school." 

"Well that checks out." Ron commented. "Dark School. Dark Wizard. But where is it, exactly? What country?"

"Well, nobody knows, do they?" Hermione replied raising her eyebrows.

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"There's traditionally been a lot of rivalry between all the magic schools." Hermione explained. "Durmstrang and Beauxbatons like to conceal their whereabouts so nobody can steal their secrets. All I know is that Beauxbatons is in France though. They take all the Western Europe students. Like France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Denmark, and Switzerland, to name a few."  

"Come off it." Ron began to laugh. "Durmstrang has to be about the same size as Hogwarts, good luck trying to hide that." 

"Want to see, Ron?" Anubis offered. "I haven't done the whole bury sand over the city of the dead in a while." 

"Sorry, Anubis. Maybe later." Ron replied. 

"Hogwarts is hidden too." Hermione pointed out. "Everyone knows that... well, everyone who's read Hogwarts, a History, anyway." 

"Just you then." Ron said.

"So... how do they hide a great castle like Hogwarts from Muggles?" Ryan asked intrigued. 

"It's bewitched." Hermione answered. "If a Muggle looks at it, all they see is an old ruin with a sign over the entrance saying: DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, UNSAFE."

"And the Muggles buy it just like that?" I asked confused. For some reason, I had a hard time believing that Muggles wouldn't at least be curious as to why there were danger signs in the middle of nowhere to ruins.

"You know that's actually what happened to a bunch of people living in Egypt who tried to get inside the Pyramid of Khufu. Even though they were signs that said: DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, UNSAFE. And then someone entered the tomb. And then suddenly over the years that followed, a bunch of humans all got the idea to go in and see how far they got in the Tomb." Horus told us.

And we all looked at him and Ryan. "True Story." Horus said.

"So why-?" Hermione asked.

"So, does Durmstrang has a ruin to an outsider too?" Harry asked changing the subject. 

"Maybe. That or they've got Muggle Repellent Charms like at the World Cup." Hermione suggested. "All I really know is that Durmstrangs is somewhere in Eastern Europe. Probably because they have to wear a lot of fur when it's really cold." 

"I don't like it when it gets too cold." I said. "I'm Greek." 

"Just think of the possibilities on how easy it would have been to push Malfoy off a glacier." Ron said dreamily. 

"We can't push Malfoy off a glacier." I told Ron.

"I can make it look like an accident." Ron offered.

"Really? How?" I asked intrigued.

"Kassie." Hermione said annoyed. 

I crossed my arms and may or may not have made a face. 

You know... a part of me now wished that Malfoy went to Durmstrangs. It would've meant we wouldn't have to deal with his crap. 

The Rain came falling down as it was Lunch Time. And after buying some Cauldron Cakes, we met with Seamus and Dean and we all started talking more about the Quidditch Match and how awesome it was. 

Our friend Neville Longbottom was also there. Except he looked sad by it.

"What's wrong, Neville?" I asked. 

"Gran didn't want to go." Neville answered miserably. "Wouldn't buy tickets. It sounded amazing though."

And now I felt sad that Neville missed out. 

"It was." Ron said as he rummaged in his trunk up in the luggage rack and pulled out his figurine of Viktor Krum.

"Oh, wow." Neville said enviously as Ron tipped Krum onto his hand. 

"We saw him right up close, as well." Ron added. "We were in the Top Box-" 

"For the first and last time in your life, Weasley." A voice called.

I turned to see that Malfoy had appeared in the doorway. Couldn't he just leave us alone for one day? That's a rhetorical question. The answer is no. 

"This is a private party, Malfoy." Harry glared. 

"Weasley... what is that?" Malfoy asked pointing at Pigwidgeon. A sleeve of one of Ron's shirts dangled down.

Ron tried desperately to get the shirt out of sight.

I stood up to Malfoy. "Bugger off, Malfoy." I told him. 

"Ah, speak of the Greek Freak." Malfoy replied. "We were just talking about you, you know." 

"Don't care." I told him. 

"So, you or Weasley going to compete? Weasley could try to bring glory to the family name, and who knows, you might even be worthy of the Bauer name if you win, Greek Freak." Malfoy kept taunting despite the fact that I had no clue what he was talking about.

"No." I slammed the door in our compartment in his face. And I closed the blinds too.

"Can you believe that guy?" I asked.

"He's been like that since the Death Eater attack." Harry said. 

"You mean at the Quidditch World Cup?" I asked.

"Yeah. We found Draco Malfoy by the woods and just enjoying the show." Ron answered. "His parents were probably in the crowd of Death Eaters and causing misery and suffering to people." 

That wouldn't surprise me. Draco Malfoy's parents were known Death Eaters and members of R. But they always managed to worm their way out of prison and shame.

"I hate him." I said. 

"Don't let him get to you, Kassie." Hermione advised.

"He hasn't exactly made it easy." I sighed. 

And I could tell Ron was feeling the same. "Bring glory to my family name. What does he know about glory?" He asked ripping apart of Piece of Cauldron Cake.

"Next to none." Anubis answered. 

The Rain didn't let up even as we arrived at Hogwarts. Hagrid was over by the Lake transporting first years over to the Castle by the Black Lake.

"Chare, Hagrid!" I called to him. 

"Ello, Kassie." Hagrid greeted. "See you at the feast if we don't drown." 

That heavy rain did not hold back even as we traveled in the carriages to the castle. And boy did it feel good to be out of that rain. It reminded me of this one song that Ethan told me about. Purple Rain by Prince. I don't know why though, but I kept singing that song. "I never meant to cause you any sorrow. I never meant to cause you any pain. I only wanted one time to see you laughing. I only wanted to see you. Laughing in the purple rain. Purple rain, purple rain. I only want to see you. Laughing in the purple rain."

"Maybe one day, Prince will sing that song at a Halftime Show in a American Football Stadium during the Super Bowl. And have it be awesome because it'll be raining, and Prince will incorporate that into his songs." Ryan commented.

"Ha." Hermione laughed. "That'll be the day." 

Once we reached the building of Hogwarts without drowning, it looked more splendid than usual. The Golden Plates and Goblets gleaming by the light of thousands of candles floating over the tables. It was much warmer in here. Probably because we were all soaked and freezing cold. 

Except for Ryan, who just folded himself up and pulled out a wringer out of nowhere and threw himself inside, squeezing out all the water. "I love Toon Magic." He declared. 

"I love not being soaked." Ron said.

"You know we have magic and we can dry ourselves, right?" I asked. I took out my wand and dried myself.

"Oh, yeah." Ron remembered.

"Good evening." Nearly Headless Nick greeted us as he passed. 

"Says who?" Harry grumbled as I dried him up. "Thanks Kassie." He said to me. "Hope they hurry up with the Sorting, I'm starving." 

"Hey, guys." I saw Beatrice come up to us. 

"Chare, Bea." I greeted.

"Hey, Kassie." Bea greeted me. "Not my idea of starting my final year, eh?" She asked. 

"Final year?" I asked. And then I remembered. "Oh, yeah. You're a 7th year." 

"Yep. 7th Year, and I am going to rule the school. Provided..." Beatrice grinned. "Nevermind, it's a surprise." 

Cedric walked up. "What surprise?" He asked. 

"I'll let Dumbledore explain that." Beatrice answered. 

"Alright, keep your secrets." Cedric shook his head.

"Come on, Ced. When you're a 7th year, you'll get to decide how you tell your secrets. How about that?" Beatrice offered. 

"How about they get the food? I don't know about you, but I am starving." Cedric countered. 

"Same." Harry agreed. 

"Hiya, Harry!" Came the excited breath of Colin Creevey. That boy from our 2nd year who took a picture of Harry at every turn.

"Hi, Colin." Harry greeted warily. I think he was just glad that Lockheart wasn't there to make the situation worse. Speaking of which, what did happen to that guy?

"Guess what? Guess what? My brother's starting? My brother Dennis!" 

"Good." I nodded. 

"He's really excited!" Colin claimed. He was practically jumping up and down in his seat. "I just hope he's in Gryffindor! Keep your fingers crossed, eh?"

"I'll pray to Tyche." I told Colin. "Well, aren't brothers and sisters usually in the same house?" I asked.

"Not always." Hermione answered. "Parvati Patil's twin is in Ravenclaw, and they're identical, you'd think they would be together, wouldn't you?"

"She's not wrong." Parvati who was sitting next to Ryan said. 

"Hey, Parvati." Ryan greeted. 

"Hey, Ryan." Parvati greeted back smiling. "And hello to you, Lord Horus." 

"Hello." Horus greeted. "I like her." He said to Ryan.

"So do I." Ryan replied. 

We all stared at the Sorting Ceremony. "Oh, hurry up." Ron muttered. "I could eat a Hippogriff." 

"Not Buckbeak!" I shrieked at him which caused everyone to stare at me. 

"Not literally." Ron assured. "It's a figure of speech."

I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Give him some food." Anubis called out.

Thank Demeter, because right on cue, the first years began to file into the hall. And the First Years looked like they had been caught in a heated debate between Zeus and Poseidon or something, because they were covered in water from head to toe. 

Soon, McGonagall placed the stool at the head of the hall, followed by the Sorting Hat. And then the hat began to sing. 

"A thousand years or more ago,

When I was newly sewn,

There lived four wizards of renown,

Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,

Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,

Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,

Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,

They hatched a daring plan

To educate young sorcerers

Thus Hogwarts School began.

Now each of these four founders

Formed their own house, for each

Did value different virtues

In the ones they had to teach.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were

Prized far beyond the rest;

For Ravenclaw, the cleverest

Would always be the best;

For Hufflepuff, hard workers were

Most worthy of admission;

And power-hungry Slytherin

Loved those of great ambition.

While still alive they did divide

Their favorites from the throng,

Yet how to pick the worthy ones

When they were dead and gone?

Twas Gryffindor who found the way,

He whipped me off his head

The founders put some brains in me

So I could choose instead!

Now slip me snug about your ears,

I've never yet been wrong,

I'll have a look inside your mind

And tell where you belong!"

The hall rang with applause. I will also point out that Ryan was singing along with the Sorting Hat.

"Can we get the food now?" Ron asked. 

"That's not the song it sang when it sorted us." Harry commented.

"Oh, it changes it every year." Ryan told him.

"But how did you know the words? Did you rehearse?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, every Tuesday. Didn't you see the Flyer?" Ryan asked handing us a flyer that said: 'Sorting Hat Song Rehearsal. Every Tuesday.' 

I gave a look of confusion. "Now that you mention it, no." I answered. 

McGonagall read all the names. One of them was Dennis Creevey. Colin's brother. Who got sorted into Gryffindor. 

We all clapped for him. 

"Colin, I fell in!" Dennis announced shrilly. "It was brilliant! And something in the water grabbed me and pushed me back onto the boat!" 

"Cool!" Colin sounded just as excited. "It was probably the Giant Squid, Dennis!" 


The Sorting kept on going. And there was one name that caught my eye. "Parkin, Nicholas!" He got sorted into Gryffindor. And then he sat down with other first years. I wonder if he was related to Skye in any way. 

"I'm starving. I haven't had anything but Maggoty Bread for three stinking days." Ron complained. 

We all looked at him. "Okay... not really. But it feels like I have." He admitted.

"Give him some food! He's being annoying!" Anubis demanded. 

"Is he always this dramatic?" Horus asked. 

"It's kind of his thing when it comes to food." Anubis answered. "He won't shut up about it."

"Well, can you blame me?" Ron asked.  

"Now, Ron, the Sorting's must more important than food." Nearly Headless Nick said. 

"Course it is, if you're dead." Ron snaps. "Do they have food in the Duat, Anubis?" He asked.

"As a matter of fact. They do not." Anubis answered. "You have to wait till you get to the Field of Reeds. And the best part... you don't have to worry about Calories." 

"I do hope this year's batch of Gryffindors are up to scratch." Nick said applauding as a girl named Natalie (Don't know the last name) joined us. "We don't want to break our winning streak, do we?"

He wasn't wrong. Gryffindor had been the reigning champs of the House Cup for almost 10 years now.

The final first year was sorted into Hufflepuff, and Professor McGonagall removed the hat and stool from the room.

"Oh... thank the Gods." Ron finally said. 

"Hey, quit stealing Kassie's lines." Harry joked around. 

Professor Dumbledore stood smiling, and he opened his arms wide and welcoming. "I have only two words to say to you." He said. "Tuck in." 

"Hear, hear!" 

Nearly Headless Nick could only watch as we all loaded our plates with food. 

"Aaah, 'at's be'er." Ron said through a mouthful of potatoes. 

I would've told Ron that he was such a slob when it comes to food. But I shoved my mouth with Chicken, so I didn't want to be a hypocrite. 

"You're lucky there's a feast at all tonight, you know." Nick told us. "There was trouble in the kitchens earlier." 

"Why? What happened?" Harry asked through a huge chunk of steak.

I also noticed Ryan made himself a massive meat sandwich and put it all in his mouth. "I've always seen Shaggy and Scooby do this." He told us. And he put in in his mouth. All of it. "Mione! Mione! Look how big my mouth is!" 

"It's very big, Ryan." Hermione replied.. 

And then Ryan gulped it all down. In one bite. It made Parvati giggle too. 

"Peeves of course." Nick answered Harry's question. "The usual argument with Pitts. He wanted to attend the feast- well, it's quite out of the question, you know what he's like, utterly uncivilized, can't see a plate of food without throwing it. We held a Ghosts' council- the Fat Friar was all for giving him a chance, but most widely, in my opinion, the Bloody Baron put his foot down." 

"So what did he do in the kitchens?" I asked. 

"Wrecked havoc and mayhem. Pots and pans everywhere. Place swimming in soup. Terrified the House Elves out of their wits-" Nick shrugged.

I heard a loud clanging sound. 

Hermione dropped her goblet and spewed her pumpkin juice on me. "There are house elves here?" Hermione asked horror struck. "Here at Hogwarts?" 

"Certainly." Nick answered. "The largest number of any dwelling in Great Britain, I believe. Over a hundred." 

"I've never seen one!" Hermione exclaimed. 

"That's because they don't really leave the kitchen." I answered. "I my Brother told me once about how he and his Roommate, Jae Kim had to deal with House Elves at Hogwarts and assist with their cooking for detention." 

"They come out at night to do a bit of cleaning... see to the fires and so on... I mean, you're not supposed to see them, are you? That's the mark of a good house elf, isn't it, that you don't know it's there?" Nearly Headless Nick explained.

"But they get paid, right?" Hermione asked. "They get holidays, don't they? And- and sick leave, and pensions and everything?" 

Nick laughed so hard his head threatened to fall off. "That's a good one, Hermione. Oh wait, you're serious. Ye-no. House Elves don't want either of those things. Now let me laugh even harder." So he did. 

Hermione suddenly looked down at her plate of food and pushed it away. 

"Oh, c'mon, Hermione." Ron said. "You won't get them sick leave by starving yourself!" 

But that's not what Hermione was thinking. "Slave labor." Hermione said as if she was ashamed of every decision she ever made in life. "That's what made this dinner. Slave Labor." And Hermione refused to take another bite. 

You know for someone who read Hogwarts A History all the time, she really must've not paid attention to the part about House Elves being a part of the book. 

I remember now when I read one part about when the House Elves were placed in Hogwarts for that reason. It's in their nature to please people, and Helga Hufflepuff let them come to Hogwarts where they could live and work, free of oppression. 

"Well, Hermione... it's not so much as Slave Labor, more like... Early Industrial Age Workers." Ryan clarified.

The rain drummed heavily on the windows, and a massive clap of thunder shook the halls. Soon enough the food disappeared and dessert was served.

"Treacle tart, Hermione?" Ron offered. "Spotted Dick, look!" 

"A what?" I asked. 

"British Dessert." Ron answered. 

"Weird name." I said.

"Yeah, it kind of is." Harry admitted. 

"Chocolate gateau!" 

But Hermione simply gave him a stare that looked like McGonagall's stare, so Ron gave up.

"I'll try that." I offered taking it. 

Finally dessert was demolished, and Dumbledore stood up again to give his annual welcoming speech. 

"So!" He said smiling at us. "Now that we have all been fed and watered. I must once more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices. Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects..." 

I was just the same thing over and over. I think we can safely skip ahead to the next topic. 

Dumbledore continued onward. "As ever, I would like to remind you all that the Forest in the grounds is out of bounds to students, as is the village of Hogsmeade to all below third year." 

Well... at least that didn't apply to Harry this time around.

But Dumbledore's corners of his mouth twitched. "It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year." 

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed. No Quidditch Cup?! Everyone looked at me and I looked at Harry, Fred, George and Ryan, my fellow team members to find them just as shocked as I was. We were going to have such a great team this year! 

"You can't do that!" Ryan claimed. 

"Malaka." I groaned.

But Dumbledore looked like he had expected this reaction to come. "I know you all have mixed feelings about this. But this is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teacher's time and energy- but I am sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing that this year, Hogwarts has been chosen-" 

But before Dumbledore could finish speaking, there was a deafening rumble of thunder, and the doors of the Great Hall swung open. 

There was a man standing in the doorway. With a long staff, shrouded in a black traveling cloak. Every head in the Great Hall swerved towards the stranger. He lowered his hood and out of it was a long man with greyish auburnish hair, and began to walk up towards the teachers table. 

With his gashes and scars all over his face. And a Magic Eye on one of his eyes. I knew this man. Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody.

He worked in the Auror Department with Ethan and Jacob. Also had the most records of any Auror that caught Death Eaters. Half the Cells in Azkaban were full because of him. Including Merula's parents, who killed my Pater.

Mad Eye reached Dumbledore and sat down like nothing happened, beginning to sniff at a plate of sausages.

"May I introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Dumbledore introduced brightly. "Professor Moody." 

No one clapped, except for me, Hagrid, Beatrice, Cedric, and Dumbledore. 

Mad Eye seemed indifferent to his less than warm welcome. Ignoring the jug of Pumpkin Juice in front of him, he reached into his cloak and pulled out a vial and taking a mighty swig of it.

I looked over at the Hufflepuff table to see Beatrice and Cedric who were grinning in approval.

"Sweet." Cedric commented. He must've known about Mad Eye as well.

"You know... I was kind of worried that the next Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor would be someone incompetent." Beatrice said. 

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "As I was saying, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. One which has not been held in over a Century." 

"No." Beatrice shook her heard in disbelief. "No. He doesn't mean..." 

"What?" I asked. 

"It is my great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year." 

"NO FREAKING WAY!" Ryan yelled.

"You're JOKING!" Fred just as loudly shouted. And whatever tension Mad Eye had suddenly broke.

Nearly everybody laughed. And Dumbledore chuckled appreciatively. 

"I am not joking, Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore said to us. "Though, now that you mention it, I did hear an excellent one over the summer about a troll, a hag and a leprechaun who all go into a bar-

McGonagall cleared her throat loudly. 

"What happened next?" Anubis asked. 

"Er- but maybe this is not the time... no..." Dumbledore continued. (Ripoff) "Where was I? Ah yes, the Triwizard Tournament... well, some of you will not know what this Tournament involves, so I hope those who do know will forgive me for giving a short explanation, and allow their attention to wander freely."

Well, that sounded good to me.

"The Triwizard Tournament was first established some seven hundred years ago, as a friendly competition between the three largest European schools of Wizardry- Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. A Champion was selected to represent each school, and the three champions competed in three magical tasks. The schools took it in turns to host the Tournament once every five years, and it was generally agreed to be a most excellent way of establishing ties between young witches and wizards of different nationalities- until, that is, the death toll amounted so high that the Tournament was discontinued." 

"Death Toll?" I asked. It was starting to sound more like the Ancient Olympics. Or those Gladiator Matches.

"There have been several attempts over the centuries to reinstate the tournament." Dumbledore continued. "None of them have been very successful. However our own Department of International Co-Operation and Magical Games and Sports have decided the time is ripe for another attempt, and have worked hard over the summer to ensure that, this year, no champion will find himself or herself in mortal danger."

Author's Note: That's what we call: Foreshadowing.

"The Heads of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving with their short listed contenders in October, and the selection of the three champions will take place on Halloween. An impartial judge will decide which students are most worthy to compete for the Triwizard Cup, the glory of their school, and a thousand Galleons personal prize money." Dumbledore finally finished.

Now we were talking. 

"I'm going for it!" Fred hissed. His face lite with anticipation of getting all that glory. 

"Not if I get it first." Ryan whispered.

"Eager though I know all of you will be to bring the Triwizard Cup to Hogwarts." Dumbledore went on. "The Heads of the Participating Schools, along with the Ministry of Magic, have agreed to impose an age restriction on contenders this year. Only students who are of age- this is to say, 17 years or older- will be allowed to put forward their names for consideration. This-" 

A noise of protests came over Dumbledore.

"Oh man." Ryan complained.

"Sorry, Ryan." Horus apologized.

It was so loud that Dumbledore had to raise his voice. "This is a measure we feel is necessary, given that the Tournament tasks will still be difficult and dangerous, whatever precautions we take, and it is highly unlikely that students below sixth and seventh year will be able to cope with them. I will personally be ensuring that no underage student hoodwinks our impartial judge into making them Hogwarts Champions. I therefore beg you not to waste your time submitting yourself if you are under 17." 

"That figures." I sighed. 

"The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving in October, and remaining with us for the greater part of this year. I know that you will all extend every courtesy to our foreign guests while they are with us, and will give your whole hearted support to the Hogwarts Champion when he or she is selected. And now, it is late, and I know how important it is to you all to be alert and rested as you enter your lessons tomorrow morning. Bedtime! Chop chop!"

But going to bed was not in our categories. "They can't do that!" George seethed as he stood. "We're 17 in April, why can't we have a shot?" 

"They're not stopping me entering." Fred declared. "The Champions will get to do all sorts of stuff you'd never be allowed to do normally. And a Thousand Galleons Prize Money!" 

"Yeah." Ron said with a faraway look on his face. "A thousand Galleons..." 

"And all the glory of being the greatest champion since Achilles." I added. But then I sighed. "I suppose I'll never get that chance now." 

"What's wrong, Kassie?" Beatrice walked up to me, not caring that the line had left already. Cedric was there as well. 

"It's just that... It would just be nice to be the champion of Hogwarts is all." I admitted. "Just as the great Heroes of Greece did. Jason, Odysseus, Perseus, Theseus, Achilles, Ajax, Heracles. You name it. And... maybe it would just be nice to be a champion is all." 

"You'll get your chance, Kassie. One of these days." Beatrice assured me.

"Say, Beatrice?" Cedric asked. "You going to write your name down?" 

"Sure. Why not?" Beatrice answered. "Could you imagine it? Beatrice Abigail Haywood. Champion of Hogwarts. This is my last year, anyway. Might as well go down trying to get in."

"Your middle name is Abigail?" Cedric asked surprised.

"Yeah, it was my Grandmother's name. On my Dad's side." Beatrice answered.  

"Huh. The More you know. Well, I'll also write my name down." Cedric declared.

"But, Ced. You're 16." Beatrice pointed out.

Yeah. But I turn 17 at the end of September. I'll write my name down then." Cedric countered. "I might not get picked. But it can't hurt to try." 

"Then you should totally do it." Beatrice said. "You get picked and they'll remember you for years." 

"Unless they pick you first." Cedric replied. "I mean... let's be real... you have a better shot of winning the whole thing then I would."   

"Come on." Hermione said suddenly behind me. "We'll be the only ones left here if you don't move."

"Go on, Kassie. We'll talk later." Beatrice insisted.

"See ya, tomorrow." I replied. 

I followed Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ryan and the Twins to the Gryffindor Tower. With the Twins still complaining about the age restrictions.

"So who is the impartial judge?" I asked. 

"Dunno." Fred answered. "But it's them we'll have to fool. I suppose a couple drops of Ageing Potion might do it, George." 

"Dumbledore knows you're not of age, though." Ron pointed out.

"Yeah, but he's not the one who decides who the Champions are, is he?" Fred asked shrewdly. "Sounds to me like once the judge knows who wants to enter, he'll choose the best from each school and never mind how old they are. Dumbledore can't stop us from giving our names." 

"People have died though!" Hermione protested, as we took the shortcut.

"Yeah." Fred admitted. "But that was years ago, wasn't it? Anyway, where's the fun without a bit of risk? Hey, Ron, if we find a way to get round Dumbledore, fancy entering?"

"I suppose it would be cool to enter." Ron admitted. "I'd have Anubis by my side. And we could also include Ryan. But they'll probably want someone older. Don't think they'd like a God shoving them up."

"I could just whip through it with a single thought." Anubis pointed out.

"You know... that's actually how Uncle Set and I settled who would claim the throne of Egypt. A series of Contests with Ra being the supreme judge." Horus said. "I won of course. And I could easily beat this Tournament just as easily-" 

"Provided you don't cheat again." Anubis interrupted.

Horus rolled his eyes. "Oh, I paint a wooden boat to make it look like it's made of stone ONE TIME! And they label me for life! And for the record, you would've done the same if you knew what an Egypt under Set would've looked like." He protested. 

We also saw Neville on our way up. "I expect my Gran'd want me to try though, she's always going on about how I should be upholding the family honor. I'll just have to- oops..." 

Neville's foot sank right through a step halfway up the staircase. There were several of these trick stairs at school. "Dang it. I keep doing that!" He exclaimed. 

It was common sense to remember that there were several of these trick stairs at school. Avoid those. But Neville doesn't exactly have the best memory. I know that I don't have the best memory either. Harry and Ron seized hm under the arms and pulled him up again.

We made our way up to the entrance of Gryffindor Tower, which was concealed between the Fat Lady Portrait.

"Password?" She asked us. 

"Balderdash." Ryan answered. 

We climbed through, bidding goodbye as Hermione and I went up to the Girls dorms. 

"Could you imagine if I entered that Tournament and won, Hermione?" I asked. 

"No." Hermione answered going to bed. 

Gee. Thanks for the support, Mione. 

I went to bed, and I dreamt that I had somehow tricked the judge into competing. And that I was chosen as the Hogwarts Champion. A crowd below changing my name. "Kassandra! Kassandra! Kassandra! Kassandra!" 

"Kassie!" I woke up to realize that I was standing on top of my bed with Hermione just looking at me. "What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Dream, I was the Champion for Hogwarts in it." I answered.

"That's nice, Kassie." Hermione went back to sleep.

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