Chapter 20: The Unknowable Room.

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I still had to make sense of my visions. And it was too scary to see. Plus, it didn't make any sense to me. Snape killing Dumbledore? Or was it going to be one of those Death Eaters? I left out the part of Draco Malfoy being there? I couldn't risk Harry doing something incredibly stupid. 

"But it doesn't make any sense." Hermione said. "How would the Death Eaters get into Hogwarts?" 

"Malfoy must be working on something." Harry suggested. "It's got to be why he's been disappearing for so long on the map." 

"But for Snape to be the one to kill Dumbledore. That just sounds a little too extreme. Don't you think?" Hermione asked. 

"I don't know." I answered. If Dumbledore was in danger. Then we were all in danger. And Snape to be the one to do it? But my visions were never wrong. At least, not to this point. The power of Delphi was something that I wished I didn't have. 

"Well, if Dumbledore is in danger, then shouldn't we do something?" Ryan asked. 

"We should." Ron declared. "I say we attack Snape and bring him-" 

"We can't do that." Hermione shot down. She could tell how nervous I looked in all of this. "Okay... let's just think about this for a second. Kassie... did Snape kill Dumbledore or shoot the curse in your visions?" 

"No." I answered. "I didn't get a good look at those specific details. All I remember seeing is Snape pointing his wand at Dumbledore. And then in another part. Dumbledore had fallen out of the window. Dead." 

"So... does that mean that something's going to happen to Dumbledore? And Snape's behind it?" Ryan asked just as nervous. 

"I don't know, Ryan." Harry answered. His thumbs twiddling. "Nothing bad can happen to Dumbledore." 

"But Kassie's visions-" Ron started.

"Then Kassie must've seen it wrong." Harry denied.

"Harry, my visions are never wrong. The Oracle of Delphi lives inside of me. And it shows the future every time. The fight with the Basilisk, Sirius Black, Cedric's death, the battle in the Ministry... and now this. We can't escape the Fates-" I tried to say. I wanted it to be wrong too. Especially with what happened to Cedric's death.

"I choose my own fate, Kassie." Harry declared. 

"Then it wouldn't be fate, would it?" Horus asked. 

"Well... I suppose that it would explain the curse on Dumbledore's hand." Ryan suggested. "Maybe Snape is going to mercy kill Dumbledore?" 

I kept thinking of my visions of Dumbledore's death. "I'm scared." I whimpered to Hermione. 

"Well... if it's worth anything... Kassie... I am too." Hermione admitted. 

I never should've gone for that Oracle of Delphi in Greece. I should've refused Larisa and dealt with the consequences all those years ago. I didn't want to see the future. I didn't want to worry about this stuff. And even if I did warn people, the inevitable would've happened. I couldn't change fate. No matter how hard I tried.

"Well, now what do we do?" Ryan asked. "We going to warn Dumbledore?"

"I'll figure something out." Harry said. And it was clear that he was trying to keep all of this information together.  

None of us could figure out that question, right now. Our first priority was to figure out how we were going to persuade Slughorn to hand over the true memory. Then and probably then, would we get an opportunity to speak to Dumbledore again. But none of us could find any way to do it. So, Harry, being Harry, did what he usually does these days when he's at a loss; pouring over his Potions book, hoping the Prince scribbled something useful in a margin.

"You won't find anything in there." Hermione informed firmly. 

"Don't start, Hermione." Harry shot back. "If it hadn't been for the Prince, Ron wouldn't be sitting here now." 

"He would if you'd just listened to Snape in our first year like Kassie did." Hermione countered.

"Hermione." I said to Hermione. Did we have to go through this again?

"Sorry." Hermione grumbled.

We were sitting beside the fire in the Common Room; the only other people awake were fellow sixth years. There had been a certain amount of excitement earlier when they had come back from dinner to find a new sign on the notice board that announced the date for our Apparition Test. Those who would be 17 on or before the first date, the 21st of April, had the option of signing up for additional practice session, which would take place in Hogsmeade. Under heavy supervision.

Ron panicked at that; he had still not managed to Apparate, and feared he would not be ready for the test. Hermione, who had achieved Apparition twice now, was a little more confident. Ryan didn't care about Apparition at all, so he wasn't worried about it. I wouldn't be turning 17 until June. And Harry wouldn't be turning 17 until the end of July. So it was of little concern for us. 

Having wasted a lot of time worrying about Apparition, Ron now struggled to finish a viciously difficult essay for Snape that the rest of us already finished. Though, Snape had different ways on how to tackle Dementors, but I was preoccupied with other stuff, given what I saw in my visions AND Slughorn's memory. AND thinking about Madam Rosmerta's Trial. 

"I'm telling you, the stupid Prince isn't going to be able to help you with this!" Hermione said, more loudly. "There's only one way to force someone to do what you want, and that's the Imperious Curse, which is illegal-" 

"Thank you for that." Harry interrupted without even looking from his book. "Dumbledore's already said that Veritaserum won't work, but maybe there's a potion or a spell..." 

"You're going about it the wrong way." Hermione said. "Only you two can get the memory, Dumbledore says. Or Harry if we're being specific. That must mean you can persuade Slughorn where other people can't." 

"So... it's more of a people person way, then a magic way?" I asked. 

"Yes. We've got to figure out how to do-" Hermione started.

"Well... there is a way..." Ryan claimed.

"What do you mean, Ryan?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, it's just a little matter of getting Slughorn so drunk that he'll spill his guts out to us and we can retrieve the memory-" Ryan suggested.

"Ryan. We can't just get a man drunk to get information from him." Harry shot down rather quick. "And we're not going to use the Gods to intimidate Slughorn, either. He has to give it willingly." 

"Okay..." Ryan replied. "I'm just trying to help." 

"And we appreciate that. Thank you." Harry quickly said. 

"How d'you spell, 'belligerent?" Ron asked, shaking his quill very hard while staring at his parchment. "It can't be B-U-M-" 

"No, it isn't." Hermione pulled Ron's essay towards her. "And 'augury' doesn't being with O-R-G either. What kind of quill are you using?" 

"A stupid one." Anubis answered. 

"It's one of Fred and George's Spell-Check ones... but I think the charm must be wearing off..." 

"Yes, it must." Hermione said, pointing at the title of his essay. "Because we were asked to deal with Dementors, not Dugbogs, and I don't remember you changing your name to 'Roonil Wazlib' either." 

"So, using the certificate of Roonil Wazlib is out of the question?" Ryan asked holding up a certificate that had the name: 'Roonil Wazlib'. 

Harry and I both laughed. 

But Ron shot us a dirty look. "Ah no! Don't say I'll have to write the whole thing again!" 

"It's okay, we can fix it." Hermione assured, as she pulled the essay toward her and took out her wand.

"I love you, Hermione." Ron said, sinking back in his chair, rubbing his eyes wearily.

"I know." Hermione replied. "There." She said after 20 minutes. Then handed back Ron's essay. 

"Thanks a million." Ron thanked. "Can I borrow your quill for the conclusion?" 

We five were the only ones left in the Common Room. Seamus had already gone up to bed and cursed Snape and his essay. The only sounds were the crackling of the fire and Ron scratching out one last paragraph on dementors using Hermione's quill. When all of a sudden-


Hermione let out a little shriek; Ron spilled ink all over his freshly completed essay. "Oh, come on!" He groaned. 

And Harry said: "Kreacher!" 

The House Elf bowed low and addressed his own gnarled toes. "Master said he wanted regular reports on what the Malfoy boy is doing, so Kreacher has come to give-" 


Dobby had appeared alongside Kreacher, his tea cozy hat askew. 

"Dobby!" I said in happiness. 

"Dobby has been helping too, Harry Potter!" He squeaked, casting Kreacher a resentful look. "And Kreacher ought to tell Dobby when he is coming to see Harry Potter so they can make their reports together!" 

"What is this?" Hermione asked, shocked by this sudden appearance. "Harry?" 

Harry hesitated before answering. "Well... they've been following Malfoy for me." 

"Night and Day." Kreacher croaked. 

"Dobby has not slept for a week, Harry Potter!" Dobby announced proudly, swaying slightly. 

Hermione looked indignant. "You haven't slept, Dobby? But surely, Harry, you didn't tell him not to-" 

"No, of course, I didn't." Harry answered quickly. "Dobby, you can sleep, you know that right?"

"Yes, Dobby knows. But Dobby is very dedicated to his work." Dobby replied. 

"Okay. Dedication is good. Very good. But do take some sleep. Have either of you found out anything?" Harry hastened to ask before Hermione could intervene again. 

"Master Malfoy moves with a nobility that befits his pureblood." Kreacher croaked at once. "His features recall the fine bones of my mistress and his manners are those of-" 

"Draco Malfoy is a bad boy!" Dobby squeaked angrily. "A Bad Boy who-who-" He shuddered from the tassel of his tea cozy to the toes of his socks and then ran at the fire, as though about to dive into it; but Harry caught him around the middle and held him fast. 

"Woah, hold up, Dobby!" Harry stopped. "Ryan!" 

"Got it!" Ryan quickly put out the fire with a fire extinguisher. 

For a few seconds, Dobby struggled then went limp. "Thank you, Harry Potter." He panted. "Dobby still finds it difficult to speak ill of his old masters..." 

"It's okay, Dobby. Force of Habit." I assured as Harry released Dobby. 

Dobby then turned to Kreacher. "But Kreacher should know that Draco Malfoy is not a good master to a House-Elf!" 

"Yeah, we don't need to hear about you being in love with Malfoy." Harry told Kreacher. "Let's fast forward to where he's actually been going." 

Kreacher bowed again, looking furious and then said: "Master Malfoy eats in the Great Hall, he sleeps in a Dormitory in the dungeons, he attends his classes in a variety of-" 

"Not that kind of information!" I yelled.

"Dobby, you tell me." Harry said. "Has he been going anywhere he shouldn't have?" 

"Harry Potter, sir." Dobby squeaked, his great orblike eyes. "The Malfoy boy is breaking no rules that Dobby can discover, but he is still keen to avoid detection. He has been making regular visits to the 7th floor with a variety of other students, who keep watch for him while he enters-" 

"The Room of Requirement!" Harry smacked himself hard on the forehead with his Potion book. We stared at him. "That's where he's been sneaking off to! That's were he's doing... whatever he's doing! And I bet that's why he's been disappearing off the map- come to think of it, I've never seen the Room of Requirement on there!" 

"Because the Marauders never knew the room was there." Ron suggested. 

"I don't think so." Ryan said. "It's got to be part of the magic of the room. If you need it to be Unplottable, it will be." 

Hermione nodded in agreement. 

"Dobby, have you managed to get in to have a look at what Malfoy's doing?" I asked.

Harry stared eagerly. 

"No, Kassandra Bauer, that is impossible." Dobby answered. 

"No, it's not." Harry said at once. "Malfoy got into our Headquarters last year, so I'll be able to get in and spy on him, no problem." 

"Uh... Harry... that's not how the Room of Requirement works." Ryan informed. "I've used it before. And I've seen it in action. Malfoy already knew how we were using the last room, all because Marietta squealed. He needed the room to become the Headquarters of the D.A, so it did. But you don't know what the room becomes when Malfoy goes in there, so you don't know what to ask it to transform into." He explained. 

"There'll be a way around that." Harry dismissed. He was still determined. "You've done brilliantly, Dobby." 

"Kreacher's done well too." Hermione said kindly; but far from looking grateful, Kreacher averted his huge bloodshot eyes and croaked at the ceiling

"The Mudblood is speaking to Kreacher, Kreacher will pretend he cannot hear-" Kreacher started to say. 

"Get out of it." Harry snapped at him, and Kreacher made one last deep bow and Disapparated.

"You'd better go and get some sleep too, Dobby." Harry suggested. 

"Thank you, Harry Potter, sir! Wonderful to see you, Kassandra Bauer! Ryan Tyler!" Dobby squeaked happily, and he too vanished. 

"How good's this?" Harry asked enthusiastically, turning to us the moment the room was elf free. "We know where Malfoy's going! We've got him cornered now!" 

"Yeah, it's great." Ron said glumly, who was attempting to mop up the sodden mess of ink that was what remained of his essay. Hermione pulled it toward her and began to siphon the ink off with her wand. 

"But what's all this about him going up there with a 'variety of students'?" Hermione asked. "How many people are in on it? You wouldn't think he'd trust lots of them to know what he's doing..." 

"Yeah, that is weird." Harry said, frowning. "I heard him telling Crabbe it wasn't Crabbe's business what he was doing... so what's he telling all these... all these..." 

Harry voice tailed away. 

"All these what?" I asked. Being vague was so annoying. 

"I've been stupid." He said quietly. "It's obvious, isn't it? There was a great vat of it down in the dungeon... He could've nicked some any time during that lesson..." 

"Nicked what?" Ryan asked. 

"Polyjuice Potion. He stole some of the Polyjuice Potion Slughorn showed us in our first Potion Lesson... There aren't a whole variety of students standing guard for Malfoy... it's just Crabbe and Goyle as usual... Yeah, it all fits!" Harry jumped up and started to pace around the Common Room.

I think I saw where he was going with this. 

"They are stupid enough to do what they're told even if he wouldn't tell them what he was up to..." I said. 

"But he doesn't want them to be seen lurking around outside the Room of Requirement, so he's got them taking Polyjuice to make them look like other people... Those two girls I saw him with when he missed Quidditch- ha! Crabbe and Goyle!" Harry finished. 

That sounded so strange, and yet... it checked out in a strange way. 

"Do you mean to say..." Hermione said in a hushed voice. "That little girl whose scales I repaired-" 

"Yeah, of course!" Harry said loudly, staring at her. "Of course! Malfoy must've been inside the room at the time, so she- what am I talking about? -dropped the scales to tell Malfoy not to come out because there was someone there! And there was that little girl who dropped the toadspawn too! We've been walking past him all the time and not realizing it!" 


"He's got Crabbe and Goyle transforming into girls?" Ron guffawed. 

"That would explain why they don't look too happy these days." Anubis noted.

"I would be grumpy too if I was forced into that." Ryan commented. "Though, you would think they would tell him to stuff it..." 

"Well, they wouldn't, would they, if he's shown them his Dark Mark?" Harry asked. 

"Hmmm... the Dark Mark we don't know exists." Hermione said, skeptically, rolling up Ron's dried essay before it could come to any more harm and handing it to him. 

"We'll see." Harry said confidently. 

"Yes, we will." Hermione replied, getting to her feet and stretched. "But Harry, before you get all excited, I agree with Ryan and don't think you'll be able to get into the Room of Requirement without knowing what there is first. And I don't think you should forget-" She heaved her bag onto her shoulder and gave Harry a very serious look. "-that what you're supposed to be concentrating on is getting that memory from Slughorn. Good night." 

We watched her go, and Harry was disgruntled. I could tell. And then Harry rounded on Ron and Ryan. "What do you guys think?" He asked. 

"Wish I could Disapparate like a House Elf." Ron answered, staring at the spot where Dobby had vanished. "I'd have that Apparition Testing in the bag." 

"I'm telling you. Go with the Toon Magic." Ryan commented. 

"What about you, Kassie?" Harry asked me.

"Well, Malfoy is up to something. I just wish I knew what." I answered. "But... Harry, I still stand with you. We are friends after all." 

Harry grinned. "Thanks for having my back, Kassie." He thanked. 

Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. (3rd Person P.O.V)

The Dragon Sanctuary was always Charlie's favorite place in the world. In this place, he could live among Dragons, undisturbed peacefully from the outside world. He just never thought the Outside World would come in the Sanctuary. And that he would bring it with him when he went after Krum. Now it was filled with Bulgarian Refugees in their tents on the mountains. Charlie and his fellow Dragonologists were trying their best to keep the Dragons away from the refugees. Which was proving far more difficult than anticipated. Charlie looked down from the Highlands. The Dragons flying overhead. Krum approached him from behind.

"Viktor." Charlie greeted while looking out.

"Charlie." Krum greeted back. He then looked at Charlie. "We can't stay here in Romania. And I'm not talking about living with the Dragons. This is their home, not ours." 

Charlie nodded his head. "It's the safest place I could find." 

"We're at war, Weasley. There's no such thing as safe place." Krum pointed out. "Though, I'm surprised you would call this place a safe place of all places." 

"I was saying, safe from the Death Eaters." Charlie corrected. "I guess I never saw Dragons as dangerous creatures. Even when I fought with my brother against a Horntail in my 5th year when going after the Cursed Vault." 

"I thought Ethan vent after the Cursed Vault." Krum said.

"Bill and I helped him. Ethan didn't do it alone." Charlie explained. "And we helped Bill with one of his Curse Breaking assignments to retrieve a Golden Egg for Gringotts. In this very sanctuary too. We roasted Marshmallows, Barnaby told a story of a Bloody Broom, Penny got terrified, and then Ethan told us the story of Erathor the Dark." He sighed. All those times seemed like a long time ago, back when all of his friends had lived and the only thing they had to worry about was Trotsky. "I took Ginny to this place when she was 10." 

"Your sister, right?" Krum asked. "I met her 2 years ago. She was impressive. Her courage, her fire in her. You should be proud." 

"I am. Ginny truly is unique. Of course, she gets that from all of us." Charlie admitted. "She made friends with a baby Dragon here once. What a crazy day that was." He then looked beyond to see a Dragon flying below him. "When I agreed to gather support for Dumbledore. I did so with my cause for my family, for the Dragons of Romania. I guess it didn't work out so well." 

"I wouldn't say that." Krum replied. 

"What?" Charlie asked confused.

"You think of yourself as a failure. But you did succeed. You just didn't realize it. You helped my people live to fight another day. The Death Eaters may have taken our lands. But Bulgaria is not a place. It is a people. So long as we live. So too shall Bulgaria. We will rally, we will rebuild. And we will turn the tide against the Death Eaters." Krum explained.

Charlie was about to say more, but a Dragon Rider rode up to Krum and Charlie. 

"Charlie! Krum! The Death Eaters! They're about 500 miles from the Sanctuary. They're heading this way!" The Rider reported.

"What?" Charlie asked stunned. But he should've known that the Death Eaters would come and attack Romania. Where the remaining survivors of the resistance were. And he cussed himself for being so stupid for not doing something sooner. "Damn!" 

"We must evacuate." Krum declared.

"And go where? They would chase us down." Charlie noted. An idea was now formulating in his mind. The only option he could think of.  

"We flee to Poland. And then to Germany." Krum answered. "Whatever it takes to defend our people!" 

"Your people." Charlie corrected. "I've done my best to get you out of Bulgaria. But now you must your people to safety." He started to walk away.

"What about you?" Krum asked.

"I will stay and hold off the Death Eaters as long as possible." Charlie answered.

"Sir?" The Dragon Rider asked confused.

"That is suicide. If you stay, you'll be killed." Krum pointed out startled. 

Charlie sighed. "But you and the others will live." He pointed out. "I know this land far better than most. That gives me an advantage. You'll need to move fast if you're to escape." 

Krum could tell that Charlie wasn't going to be persuaded in stepping down. So he simply nodded silently. "Charles Weasley." 

Charlie looked at Krum. "There has never been a more honorable and brave Wizard in all of Britain. Let us... go tell the people." Krum declared.

"Okay." Charlie replied. He looked at the mountains. "Guess I'll be reunited with Rowan, Ben, Diego, Talbott, Skye, Cedric, Sirius and Orion soon." 

Meanwhile... Auror Office. Ministry of Magic.

Ethan, Jacob, Corey, Jae, and Tonks were at the Auror Office once again. Ethan had managed to catch a squad of Death Eaters loyal to Voldemort last night. 10 Death Eaters in total.

"Well... not our usual according to plan." Corey commented.

"Oh, please, Corey. Since when do our plans ever go according to plan?" Tonks asked.

"Never." Ethan, Jacob, and Jae all answered.

"Come on, we caught 10 Death Eaters last night. That's more than what Scrimgeour's been doing all throughout the year." Ethan said.

"You mean where he just throws suspected people in Azkaban?" Corey asked. She was clearly not thrilled about Scrimgeour's policy either. "This isn't how you do this type of crime spree. You have to get evidence, analyze it, look for clues, point out a list of suspects, not just throw them in Jail. And I know for a fact that Detective Conebush and Auror Persimmons would be absolutely disappointed in the Ministry." She declared.

"You and I are of the same mind, Corey." Ethan agreed. 

"Come to think of it, this whole thing that's going on with Madam Rosmerta is just like one of the Conebush novels." Corey realized. "Come on, I'll show you." She wheeled over to a bookcase. "Right there. Jacob?" 

Jacob grabbed the book from the top shelf for Corey. "Here you go, Corey." 

"Thanks." Corey thanked. "Say? Did you ever read those detective models of Conebush and Persimmons?"

"Uh, no. I never... I never could get behind those novels. That was always Ethan." Jacob admitted.

"Oh. That's a pity." Corey shrugged as she looked through the book.

"He read Beowulf." Ethan said to Corey.

"Full Anglo Saxon original Text too." Jacob added. 

"And I suppose Kassie and her friends are more like Scooby Doo." Ethan said. "She told me herself after her 2nd Year." 

"Right here." Corey showed a scene. "It's the book where a corrupt faction tried to take control of the Ministry of Magic. And they tried to rig trials against innocent wizards and eliminate any threats." 

"So, what happened?" Tonks asked, intrigued.

"Well... Conebush and Persimmons sensed that something was wrong inside the Wizengamot. So they were able to prove the trials rigged by basically standing for the defense and humiliate the corrupt faction so that they could never try to take power again." Corey answered she knew her detective novels.

"Um... Corey... Yeah... one difference is that Scrimgeour isn't corrupt. He's just doing things in the wrong way." Jacob pointed out.

"True." Corey admitted. "But we can't fight the Death Eaters with Scrimgeour's way. We need Ethan's way. It's so much better in dealing with the Death Eaters." 

"Yeah. Take how we took down those Death Eaters last night." Jae agreed.

Ethan couldn't argue with that. The Ministry had been doing it Scrimgeour's way for so long. And it wasn't a good one. All that they had managed to do was convict supposed Death Eaters. Not actual ones. One of them being Madam Rosmerta. He was just lucky to have talked to Dumbledore and arranged the trial so they could prove Madam Rosmerta's innocence. 

That was when Arthur Weasley walked into the room. "Hello, everyone." He greeted.

"Hello." Everyone in the Auror Office agreed. Except for Tonks who just said: "Wotcher." 

 While Arthur's expression was happy to see them. He also had some urgent news to give to the Circle of Khanna. 

"What's up?" Ethan asked knowing that something was wrong.

"It's Mundungus." Arthur answered. "He got sent to Azkaban for impersonating an Inferi."

"Oh..." Everyone smacked their head.

"Did no one give him the message that impersonating an Inferi alone gets you sent to Azkaban?" Corey asked. 

"Oh, they did, but Mundungus ignored it. As usual." Arthur answered. 

"Well, I would say we should probably do something about that, but um... we're trying to deal with keeping Rosmerta out of prison." Jacob commented. And he only said that partly because he never really liked Mundungus Fletcher, and also because Madam Rosmerta was part of the Hogsmeade neighborhood where he and Lizzie lived.

"Yes, I heard about that." Arthur shook his head. "As did Molly." 

"You don't think Madam Rosmerta really had a hand in poisoning your son, do you?" Ethan asked nervously.

Arthur looked at Ethan. "No." He admitted. "I don't believe Madam Rosmerta would hurt a fly, let alone poison Ron. She's practically like family to us." 

"But that's not the only reason why you're upset, is it?" Ethan noted. It was hard not to get anything past him.

Arthur looked at Ethan. "The Wizengamot wants me to lead the Prosecution against Madam Rosmerta." He answered. 

"What?" Jacob asked. And the other people in the office were thinking the same thing. 

"Scrimgeour believes that it only appropriate that I lead the prosecution, seeing as it was my son that was poisoned. And that I would be more motivated than most in the Ministry to see justice done." Arthur explained.

"Are you?" Jacob asked.

"No. I haven't given them an answer." Arthur answered.

Ethan had to ponder more ideas into his brain. 

"Oh, I know that look.  You've got an idea." Corey said. 

Ethan looked at Corey. "Sure is." He then turned to Arthur. "Arthur. I'm going to need your help with something." 

"Anything." Arthur jumped at the opportunity.

"There is going to be the trial of Madam Rosmerta. And you are going to take the case as Prosecutor." Ethan informed. 

Arthur looked stunned. "Um... I'm going to do what now?" He asked.

"Just hear me out." Ethan requested. "We need someone in the trial that we can trust to prove Madam Rosmerta's innocence. If you can take the role of Prosecutor. Then we'll control the way the trial goes." He explained.

"You mean that you want to rig the trial in our favor?" Corey asked. "Isn't that a sense of injustice?"

"It's not, because Madam Rosmerta's innocent." Jae pointed out. 

"Which we are going to prove." Ethan added. 

"I still don't see why I have to be Prosecutor." Arthur said confused as to what was going on. 

But Jacob did. He could see what Ethan had in mind. "I do." He then looked at Arthur. "Arthur. What the Prosecution represents is the method into which Scrimgeour's administration operates. Which is... not good." He said. "By taking this case as Prosecutor, you will represent the Scrimgeour method. We represent the Bauer method. And when we win, which we will... it'll show the world that our method should be the one getting used." He explained. 

Arthur nodded his head understanding completely. "Very well... I will help you." He declared. "And you are sure... that Madam Rosmerta... will be found Not Guilty?" He asked.

Ethan nodded his head. "What do you guys think?" He asked.

"I'm in." Jae answered.

"As am I." Tonks agreed.

Corey nodded her head. "You've always gotten us through thick and thin. I'm with you." 

"I take it that you have a plan." Arthur grinned.

"I do." Ethan informed.


The Bulgarian Refugees were all packing up what was left of their belongings and provisions. Using magic to pack things up. It reminded Charlie of the time when he saw the entire city of tents at the Quidditch World Cup. But instead of setting up, they were packing up. "I don't know how long I can give you before the Death Eater armies take me down. You'll have to move fast to get to the Polish Border." Charlie told Krum.

Krum looked at him. The time for talk was over now. But before he could leave... he had some last words for the young Weasley. "You are a good man, Charlie Weasley. Thank you for everything." He thanked and both men hugged each other. "Is there... anything more you require?"

"Never stop fighting. Fight to the end if you have to. Don't stop until the Death Eaters have been destroyed. And tell everyone... if you should see my family-" Charlie couldn't find the right words.

"I will." Krum assured.

Charlie also had a letter in his hands. "Could you give this to my family. My Mother, my Father, my brothers, and my sister?" He asked. "Tell them I died bravely, tell my mother that I fought to save others so they wouldn't lose their loved ones. Tell Bill that he was the best big brother ever. And tell him that I wish nothing but happiness and love upon him and his new bride to be. That I would've been glad to have Fleur as my Sister in Law. And that their kids... well you get the idea." 

Krum nodded as he took the letter. "Goodbye... my friend." And he turned.

Charlie sighed as he looked at his other Dragonologists. Many people he had worked with for so many years. And one of them looked at Charlie. Charlie noticed that none of them were packed. "We're staying." The one who walked forward said.

Charlie nodded. He looked at the horizon. "Then let us... enjoy the sky. While there is still time." He informed.

Meanwhile. The Great Hall (Kassandra P.O.V)

Harry was in a great state of anticipation over breakfast, thinking of ways to get into the Room of Requirement with his free period. I had Harry's back, no matter what. So, I would help him get into the Room of Requirement. Hermione on the other hand, showed no interest, which irritated him. 

"Look." He said quietly, leaning forward. "I haven't forgotten about Slughorn, but I haven't got a clue how to get that memory off him, and until I get a brain storm, why shouldn't I find out what Malfoy's doing?" 

"I've already told you, you need to persuade Slughorn." Hermione said. "It's not a question of tricking him or bewitching him, or Dumbledore could have done it in a second. Instead of messing around outside the Room of Requirement you should go with Kassie to find Slughorn and start appealing his nature." 

And on that note, she opened the Daily Prophet with a huff. 

"Anyone, we know?" Ron asked as Hermione scanned the headlines.

"Is there anything about Madam Rosmerta?" I asked. 

"Yes!" Hermione answered to both our questions, and Harry, and Ron. "First, the Trial will be soon for Madam Rosmerta. As for Ron. It's Mundungus, he's been arrested and sent to Azkaban! Something to do with impersonating an Inferius during an attempted burglary... and someone called Octavius Pepper has vanished... Oh, and how horrible, a nine year old boy has been arrested for trying to kill his grandparents, they say he was under the Imperious Curse..." 

"What?" I asked horrified. Even here, they would send a 9 year old boy to jail? I mean... I went to jail when I was 8, but that was in Greece.

We finished our breakfast in silence. Hermione set off for Ancient Runes; Ron to the Common Room to finish his Dementor Essay. Ryan and I to Care of Magical Creatures, and Harry on to the 7th floor. 

He was ten minutes late to Defense Against the Dark Arts and entered class looking frustrated and annoyed. 

"Late again, Potter." Snape informed coldly. "Ten points from Gryffindor." 

Harry scowled as he flung himself into the chair beside Ron. Clearly he didn't care about House Points anymore.

"Before we start, I want your Dementor essays." Snape ordered, waving his wand carelessly so that 25 scrolls of parchment soared into the air and landed in a neat pile on his desk. "And I hope for your sakes they are better than the tripe I had to endure on resisting the Imperious Curse. Now, if you will all open your books to page- what is it, Mr. Finnigan?" 

"Sir." Seamus said. "I've been wondering, how do you tell the difference between an Inferius and a Ghost? Because there was something in the paper about an Inferius-" 

"No, there wasn't." Snape said in a bored voice.

"But sir, I heard people talking-" 

"If you had actually read the article in question, Mr. Finnigan, you would have known that the so called- Inferius was nothing but a smelly sneaky thief by the name of Mundungus Fletcher." Snape shot back.

"Aren't Mundungus and Snape on the same side?" I muttered to my friends. "Guess, he just chooses to pretend he doesn't-" 

But Bauer seems to have a lot to say on the subject." Snape suddenly pointed to me. "Let us ask Bauer how we would tell the difference between an Inferius and a Ghost." 

The whole class looked around at me. Should've just kept my big mouth shut.

"You mean... other than ghosts are transparent?" I asked.

"Oh, very good." Snape interrupted, his lip curling. "Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of Magical Education have not been wasted on you, Bauer. Ghosts are Transparent." 

Pansy Parkinson let out a high pitched giggle. Several other people were smirking. "Let it go, Kassie. Let it go." I thought. "Yes, um... Ghosts are Transparent, but Inferi are dead bodies. Reanimated by a Dark Wizards spells. A Meat Puppet to do the Wizard's bidding. A ghost is the imprint of a departed soul left on the Earth..." I continued. 

"And as you so wisely told us, transparent." Snape added sarcastically.

"Well, what Kassie said is the most useful if we're trying to tell them apart!" Ron exclaimed. "When we come face to face with one down a dark alley, we're going to having a shufti to see if it's solid, aren't we, we're not going to be asking, 'Excuse me, are you the imprint of a departed soul?' A.K.A, the souls that had yet to be weighed by Osiris." 

There was a ripple of laughter, instantly quelled by the look Snape gave the class. "Another ten points from Gryffindor." Snape said. "I would expect nothing more sophisticated from you, Ronald Weasley, the boy so solid he cannot Apparate half an inch across a room." 

Harry looked like he was going to argue, but Ryan had grabbed his arm. "Come on, Harry. You know Snape. Let him yap." 

"Now open your books to page 213." Snape smirked a little. "And read the first two paragraphs." 

Ron was very subdued all through the rest of class. "Anubis... I'll be glad when we throw his body into the Duat when he dies." He said after the bell rang. 

"What an Asshole." Anubis agreed. "And I haven't forgotten about that comment he made about me being your imaginary friend." 

But as I walked away. I saw something. It was Malfoy. I quickly got behind a corridor and watched him. He usually walked around like he owned the place. Except... this time was different. He looked stumbling around. And he was muttering to himself. "First Step: Finish the mission. Second Step: Let them in. Third Step: Leave Hogwarts. Fourth Step..." 

What was he going on about? 

"I know the steps in my head!" He suddenly yelled. "I don't need you to remind me!" 

I couldn't see who he was yelling at. Were they invisible? "Why won't you leave me alone? Get out! GET OUT!" Malfoy yelled even more. 

Who was he talking to? I don't think I ever saw him that freaked out since the Red Dust from Last Year. 

"GAH!" Malfoy yelled and ran down with a sprint down the hall. "Why can't I escape you?!" 

That whole thing was Freaky. From the sounds of things. It was like he was running from a Ghost. But there wasn't a ghost in the area. Not one I could see at any rate. "What in the name of Hades was that?" I asked myself out loud. 

"I'm not you! I'm not Slayton!" I heard Malfoy yelled out. 

Slayton? Was Slayton alive? No... no, it couldn't be. Slayton's been dead for at least 7 years now. What was Malfoy going on about? Or was Slayton now... was he now a Ghost? 

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