Chapter 24: Preparations.

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(Kassandra P.O.V)

The fact that Harry was going out with Ginny (finally) seemed to interest a great number of people, most of them being the girls, yet Harry found himself newly and happily impervious to gossip. It must've been a very nice change for Harry to be talked about because of all that's been going on. 

"You'd think people had better things to gossip about." Ginny said, as she sat on the Common Room floor, leaning against Harry's leg and reading the Daily Prophet. "India fell to the Coalition, and the Southeast European Countries forming a new Alliance made of Death Eater territories, along with the Bulgarians seeking refugee in France including Charlie and any other surviving Dragonologists, and all Romilda Vane does is ask me if it's true you've got a Hippogriff tattooed across your chest." 

Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ryan and I all roared with laughter. And right as Neville layed down with me on the couch. And of course Harry ignored us. 

"What did you tell her?" Ryan asked. 

"I told her it's a Hungarian Horntail." Ginny answered, turning a page of the newspaper idly. "Much more Macho." 

Both Neville and I grinned. "You should get a tattoo like that." I told Neville. 

"No way, Gran would absolutely kill me." Neville replied. 

"Thanks." Harry grinned at Ginny. "And what did you tell her Ron's got?" 

"A Pygmy Puff, but I didn't say where." Ginny answered.

Ron scowled at Hermione and I laughed even harder. And Ryan pulled out some type of Sitcom Laughter Noise from his Magic. 

"Well, she's got you there, Ron." Anubis grinned. 

"Watch it." Ron said, pointing warningly at Harry and Ginny. "Just because I've given my permission doesn't mean I can't withdraw it-" 

"Your Permission?" Ginny scoffed. "Since when did you give me permission to do anything? How come we don't need Kassie's permission? Or Ryan's Permission? Anyway, you said yourself you'd rather it was Harry than Michael, or Dean." 

"Yeah, I would." Ron said grudgingly. "And just as long as you don't start snogging each other in public-" 

"You filthy hypocrite! What about you and Lavender, thrashing around like a pair of eels all over the place?" Ginny demanded. 

And then we all laughed. "Come on, Ginny. Ron is just following protocol of the Big Brother Laws about their Little Sisters dating." Ryan said. 

"The Big Brother Laws about their Little Sisters dating?" Ginny asked in disbelief. 

"It's right here." Ryan pulled out a huge book titled: 'The Big Brother Laws about their Little Sisters Dating.'

"Says here that under Section F, Article 9, Paragraph 10. The Big Brother has the right to withdraw their permission if they've given it, if at any point the partner has done something to the Little Sister in any way..." Ryan read. 

"Well, Harry has no intention of doing anything to me." Ginny said. Then she went up to me. "Not with Ron in the same room if you know what I mean..." She whispered winking at me. Then she went back to Ryan. 

"Ginny. Um... I can vouch. It's a real thing. The Big Brother Laws about their Little Sisters Dating." I vouched. I could totally see my brothers doing that.

"Only because your older brothers are Jacob and Ethan Bauer." Ginny shot back. 

"And you don't think that Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and Ron wouldn't do the same thing?" I asked. 

Ginny was about to say something, until she suddenly froze and actually thought about it. "Okay... I see your point. Believe it or not. Ron would be the tame one." She admitted. 

"He would?" Neville asked.

"He would?" Harry asked.

"I would?" Ron asked. 

"You would." Ginny answered. "Because Bill would probably hex the boy with a tremendous amount of Curses he had just broken. Charlie, would feed said boy to Hungarian Horntails. Percy would put in a bunch of legislative procedures, restraining orders, and then he would absolutely bore the boy to death. And Fred and George... well, let's just say... may the Gods have mercy on your soul." She listed. 

And Harry just laughed it all off. But it was a more nervous laugh. 

"Oh don't be like that, Harry. My Brothers love you." Ginny assured. "You're like one of the family. Fred and George always said that they would love to have you as their brother. You could even replace Percy, they said." 

"Well that's reassuring." Harry replied.

"I thought I was replacing Percy." Ryan commented. 

"No. You and Sophie are Ryan and Sophie. And besides, I've always wanted a sister." Ginny clarified. "Stop shaking, Harry. You look like a drug addict." 

I turned to see Harry shaking a little bit. 

Ron stood up. "Percy I think would be the tame one. You forget that I have Anubis now. And for the record, my tattoo on my chest isn't a Pygmy Puff, Ginny. It's this!" 

Ron pulled off his shirt to reveal a bunch of Egyptian Hieroglyphs tattooed on his chest. Symbols and also pictures of the Gods. Particularly Anubis. And a large set of scales on his arms.  

"Oh...." We all turned to see Hermione faint with a smile on her face and covered her heart. 

"Yeah. I've seen it before, Ron. I was just kidding." Ginny said not impressed.

"How did you get those Tattoos?" Harry asked.

"We got them when Ryan and I got the Gods inside of us in Egypt." Ron answered. 

"Um... should we go help Hermione?" Neville asked.

I looked at Hermione who looked like she was having the biggest feeling of pleasure in all her entire life. 

"Oh, she's fine." Ginny and I answered at the same time. 

"You might want to put your shirt back on, Ron." Harry suggested. 

"You know, in Egypt. Sometimes, people wouldn't have shirts on at all." Horus commented. 

"He's not wrong." Anubis added. "But what do you expect? It's a desert." 

The Hospital Wing (3rd Person P.O.V)

1 Week. That was what Snape had told Draco Malfoy. 1 Week, and then the Death Eaters would complete their mission. He had lost time trying to recover from Sectumsempra. While he did appreciate his fellow Slytherins sticking by him and vilifying Harry Potter. And Snape buying time with the detentions on Harry. But Draco could care less. And so did Voldemort. This went beyond Quidditch, and House Points, and Pride. This was now about survival and death. He struggled to get out of his bed when Madam Pomfrey had left. He looked at his bandaged torso. And he put his legs in front of the other. After being blasted by that Shadow Magic from Snyde, he knew the Death Eaters were not messing around anymore. He grabbed his wand from his night stand. And he walked out of the Hospital Wing.

He could see Crabbe and Goyle walking by the halls. As well as Pansy Parkinson. "That Potter! I always knew he was the devil! Poor Draco! Poor poor-" Pansy was saying over and over.

"What a drama queen." Malfoy thought. 

"Draco?" Crabbe asked confused as he saw Draco walking towards them.

"Crabbe! Goyle! Good, you're here." Draco grinned. 

"Draco? What are you doing here? You should be in the Hospital Wing-" Pansy started to say.

"I'm better now." Draco hissed. "Pansy! Leave!" He ordered.

"But Malfoy. What Potter did-" Pansy started to say.

"I SAID, LEAVE!" Draco yelled. And Pansy did indeed leave. And that left Crabbe and Goyle with Malfoy.

"Come on! We've got to get to the Room of Requirement!" He demanded.

"Still?" Crabbe asked confused. "Draco... you would think after all that happened-"

"The operation will proceed as planned. I now have one week to complete the Vanishing Cabinet." Draco informed. "Or else." 

"So, I take it the others took the news of the delay well?" Goyle asked.

"You know what Fletcher Snyde is like, Goyle." Draco answered. "He would like nothing more than to see me fall. I can't let that happen." 

"Draco-" Crabbe started to say.

"YAR!" Draco yelled at both Crabbe and Goyle. And he grabbed both by their robes. "We're going to finish this!" He declared. "Now let's move." He pushed them both in front of him and off to the Room of Requirement. 

Meanwhile... (Kassandra P.O.V)

Anyway... Harry didn't test Ron's tolerance as we moved into the first week of June, the home stretch. For Harry and Ginny's time together became increasingly restricted. Ginny's O.W.L's were approaching and she was therefore forced to study for hours into the night. On one such afternoon, when Ginny retired to the library, Harry sat beside the window in the Common Room, attempting to finish his Herbology Homework, but it was obvious that his mind was elsewhere. Hermione dropped into the seat between Ron, Harry, and I with her well known unpleasantly purposeful look on her face.

"I want to talk to you, Harry." She said. 

"What about?" Harry asked suspiciously. 

"Is this about Harry distracting Ginny when she needed to be studying again?" I asked. She already told Harry off for that, just the other night.

"No. But now that you mention it-" Hermione started to say.

"Hermione!" If I had to hear Hermione yell that one more time...

"Oh, right. Sorry. The so-called Half Blood Prince. That's what I wanted to talk about." Hermione clarified. 

"Oh, not again." Harry groaned. 

Ryan rolled his eyes on the Common Room Couch.

"Yes, again." Hermione insisted. "Do you seriously not want to know who it is?" 

Harry had not returned to the Room of Requirement to retrieve his book. It caused his performance in Potions to diminish a little, which Slughorn, who approved of Ginny, had attributed this to Harry being lovesick. I was also certain that Snape had not given up hope of laying hands on the Prince's book, prompting Harry to leave it where it was.

"It doesn't matter anymore, Hermione. "That book's been nothing but trouble and I'm done with it." Harry declared.

"Well, I'm not dropping it." Hermione said firmly. "Until you've heard me out. Now, I've been trying to find out who might make a hobby of inventing Dark Spells-" 

"He didn't make a hobby of it-" Harry tried to say. 

"He, he- who says it's a he?" Hermione asked. 

"We've been through this." Harry said crossed. "Prince, Hermione, Prince!" 

"Well I'll have you know Harry, that Female Rulers in Ancient Egypt were called 'kings.'" Hermione pointed out. 

"Actually they were called Pharaohs." Anubis clarified. "Get your facts right."  

"Why didn't they just call themselves Kings?" Hermione asked.

"Because Pharaoh sounds cooler." Anubis answered.

Horus confirmed this with a nod.

"Oh, what does it matter?" Harry suddenly asked. 

"Exactly!" Hermione said, red patches blazed in her cheeks as eh pulled a very old piece of newsprint out of her pocket and slammed it down on the table. "Look at that! Look at that picture!" 

Harry picked up the crumbling piece of paper, stared at the moving photograph, yellowed with age; Ron and I leaned over for a look too. The picture showed a skinny girl of around 15. She wasn't pretty; she looked simultaneously cross and sullen, with heavy brows and a long, pallid face. Underneath the photograph was the Caption: Eileen Prince, Captain of the Hogwarts Gobstones Team.

"So?" Harry asked. 

"We have a Gobstones team?" I asked. 

"Apparently. We did have a Gobstones team but- OH nevermind that! Her name was Eileen Prince. Prince, Harry." Hermione answered.

It took a second for him to grasp what Hermione is implying, and then he burst out laughing. 

"No way." Harry said.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"You think she was the Half Blood...? Oh, come on..." Harry answered. 

"Listen! If her Father was a Wizard whose surname was Prince, and her Mother was a Muggle, then what would make her a 'Half Blood Prince'!" Hermione explained.

"Yeah, very ingenious, Hermione..." Ryan commented. 

"But it would! Maybe she was proud of being half a Prince!" Hermione protested. 

"Listen, Hermione, I can tell it's not a girl. I can just tell." Harry insisted.

I kind of agreed with Harry on this one. I don't think it was Eileen Prince either.  

"The truth is that you don't think a girl would have been clever enough." Hermione angrily accused. 

"How can I have hung around you for five years... Kassie for that same amount of time, and not think girls are clever?" Harry asked, clearly stung. "It's the way he writes, I just know the Prince was a bloke, I can tell. This girl hasn't got anything to do with it. Where did you get it anyway?" 

"The library." Hermione answered. "There's a whole collection of old Prophets up there. Well, I'm going to find out more about Eileen Prince if I can." 

"Enjoy yourself." Harry said irritably. 

"I will." Hermione replied. "And the first place I'll look." She shot at him, as she reached for the portrait hole. "Is records of Old Potions awards!" 

Harry scowled after her for a moment, then continued his contemplation of the sunset sky. "Yeah... you do that." He muttered.

"But that doesn't make any sense." Ryan said. "If Eileen Prince really is the Half Blood Prince... Then how would Snape have known how to deal with Sectumsempra?" Ryan asked. 

"Your guess is as good as mine, Ryan." Harry said. "And I've still got detention with Snape this Saturday. And the Saturday after that, and the Saturday after that." He sighed. "He's even hinting now that if I don't get all the boxes done by the end of term, we'll carry on next year." 

"But don't you think it's kind of weird that Snape just happened to show up to the bathroom, identify what happened immediately and delivered the counter curse on Malfoy?" Ryan asked. 

"Well, now that you mention it-" I started to say as I found that very strange too. "Could it be that Snape is the Half Blood Prince?" I asked.

"What?" Harry asked. But then he thought about it. "Wait a second. The Potions book that doesn't follow directions... it's just like... how Snape always teaches us." He realized. "And how Snape just knew how to counteract Sectumsempra..."  

But before Harry could continue, we were interrupted by a Gryffindor named Jimmy Peakes. He was holding a scroll of parchment. 

"Harry, Kassie. This is for you." Jimmy informed. 

"Thank you." I thanked reading the letter. "Hey, Harry. It's from Dumbledore!" I informed Harry. "He wants us to up to the Astronomy Tower as quickly as possible!" 

We stared at each other...

"Blimey." Ron whispered. "You don't reckon... he hasn't found..." 

"Better go and see, hadn't we?" Harry asked, jumping to his feet. 

"I'm right behind you!" I yelled. "We'll be back, guys."

"We'll try to get Hermione to step out of her jerky attitude until you get back." Ryan said.

"Ryan! If Snape is..." I started to say.

"I'm about to find out." Ryan replied. "And yet..." 

"What is it?" I asked.

"We're going to investigate something while you're away." Horus informed us. "Something is out of place in this school." 

As soon as I followed Harry. I ran outside to the route to the Astronomy Tower. 

"Hey, Kassie!" I heard a voice coming from behind me. It made Harry and I stop. We then turned to see Ethan grinning. 

"Ethan!" I ran over to hug my brother. "What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"What? Can't a guy hang by his old Alma Mater and visit his Little Sister?" Ethan asked. But I could tell he was being sarcastic. 

I looked at Harry. "Can you excuse us for a moment?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." Harry answered.

"Hey, Harry." Ethan greeted.

"Ethan." Harry replied. "Professor Dumbledore-" 

"I already know about that." Ethan assured. "I just want to have a word with my sister real quick before you go." 

"Okay. See you up there." Harry said. And then he left.

That just left Ethan and I. "What's going on?" I asked. 

Ethan and I both walked. "Well, I kind of wanted to start with saying that I'm sorry I missed your Quidditch Final. The Death Eaters started acting up again and in multiple places. It's been very similar to the Trotsky raids." He started. 

"Oh, it's okay." I said. "I understand. A lot's been happening here..." 

"Yeah, I bet." Ethan replied looking down. "Is it true?" He asked. "That you nearly got killed by Malfoy in the Bathroom?" 

"You knew about that?" I asked stunned. But I shouldn't have been. The Professors must've told him.  

"Moaning Myrtle told Duncan and Duncan told Jacob. And of course, it doesn't take a genius to know that Moaning Myrtle left out the full details of what happened. And then Jacob told me. Is it true or not?" Ethan asked. 

"It's true." I answered. "I don't know, E. Harry was going to confront Malfoy. And Malfoy just started to freak the F out. He was going on and on about Slayton, and his mission. And then they both crossed energy swords-" 

"Malfoy knows how to make an Energy Sword?" Ethan asked stunned.

"Yeah." I answered. "I don't know how he figured it out. And then they were fighting, and then Malfoy hit me with a Shadow Spell, and then was going to shoot Avada Kedavra at me-" 

"That son of a bitch." Ethan sneered. 

"And then Harry blasted... a spell that made Malfoy lose a lot of blood like it was a sword... Do" you by any chance know of a spell called Sectumsempra?" I asked.

"Yeah, I know that spell. Snape used it in the Siege against Trotsky's forces. He even taught me the spell to use against Rakepick. Didn't work the way I wanted it to though. Why?" Ethan answered. 

Snape used that spell? "Because that's what Harry used against Malfoy." I said. "He used Sectumsempra. And had it not been for Snape shooting the counter curse, something worse might've happened." 

Ethan shook his head. "Merlin. That's a battle that shouldn't have even happened." He said. "How did Harry learn that spell anyway? I doubt Snape taught him." 

"It was in a Potions Book. Harry used it." I answered.

"Well, that checks out." Ethan figured.

"Well, from the way it was sounding. It was as if Malfoy turned into a Merula 2.0." I added.

"It was that bad?" Ethan asked me. 

I nodded. "I don't know. When I saw Malfoy in that bathroom. It... it reminded me a lot of Merula. And from what you told me about how she was in that conflict." 

Ethan sighed. "Are you okay, now?" He asked me. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. Harry's still a little shaken up from using it. But I think he'll be okay." I answered. 

"That's not easy to recover from, Kassie. I know Harry didn't mean to badly injure Malfoy like that. It's not in his character." Ethan replied. "Did he know what that spell would do?"

"No. I don't think he did." I answered. "And if he did know. He wouldn't have used it." 

Ethan nodded. "I believe you. Even if Snape vilified Harry for it." 

Wanting to change the subject, and I knew that Ethan was probably thinking of Merula or even Ben Copper or something like that. I asked him another question. "So... Ethan... Dumbledore told you about the Horcruxes?" 

"Yeah. He informed me himself. You and Harry are going with him to find one." Ethan answered. 

"Well, now I know that Voldemort himself made 6 of them. It's a great insult to the Gods." I said. "But if we can destroy them, we can make Voldemort mortal. You know what a Horcrux is, right?" I quickly asked.

"Know of them." Ethan answered. "It was something Rakepick mentioned in one of her classes. But I've never seen one in action. If it's the only way to make Voldemort vulnerable, then I say go for it. Destroy them." 

"We've already destroyed 2." I said. "That Diary that summoned the Basilisk, and the Gaunt Ring. So... you know, 2 down, 4 to go." 

"That's good." Ethan grinned. 

We both started walking up to the Astronomy Tower. "Maybe you should come with us, Ethan." I suggested. "We could use you on this mission to find a Horcrux." 

"Of that, I have no doubt. But it could just prove to be a wild goose chase." Ethan pointed out and grinned. "I can't exactly leave though. Jae reported the Death Eaters are planning something big in the Underworld. Don't know what though. And Dumbledore asked me to watch over the School until he returns." He admitted. 

That was a shame. "And you're okay with me going to who knows where to find this Horcrux?" I asked.

"You'll be with Dumbledore and Harry. You're in good hands, little sis." Ethan answered grinning a little. 

And throughout all this time. I couldn't help but appreciate all that Ethan had done for me. Being a big brother to me. I didn't want to let him down. "Ethan... can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

Ethan looked at me. "Yes, Kassie? What is it?" He asked.

"It just feels like. Well, all year I've been going through a lot." I admitted.

"I'll bet." Ethan replied and he held me close. "Between this, and Ron and Hermione being stubborn. I can understand all that pressure. I felt the same way at times with going to war against Trotsky. My own 6th year was one of the most stressful of all my life. Rowan was dead, I formed the Circle of Khanna. And I faced off with Trotsky."

"And now for the first time in my life, I think we can finally take a step to finally ending the threat of Voldemort once and for all. And I... I don't want to let you down. Am I... am I letting you down?" I asked.

"What makes you think that?" Ethan asked confused. 

"If I don't find this Horcrux, will I let you down?" I asked. "I just feel like at times, I've been... stupid, weak, pathetic, not very helpful. And I've been so frustrated with everything. The Ministry, my friends stubbornness. If I've let you down, I'm sorry."

Ethan looked at me. "Never. You could never let me down. You never have, and you never will." He took me by the shoulders. "You are a strong and wise witch, Kassandra. And I am very proud of you." Ethan then held me close. "You're not at all like that scared and frightened little girl I found on the streets in Greece anymore. And do you know what the greatest reward from Greece was?" He asked. 

"Your Minotaur Wand?" I asked. 

Ethan smiled and shook his head as he chuckled. "The greatest prize was getting you for a little sister. And getting to watch you grow up into a confident, strong, funny, smart, and beautiful young woman." He answered. 

And I gave Ethan an even bigger hug. It had been such a long time since we had a brother sister moment like this. "Hey, remember when you first showed me Star Wars?" I asked.

"And you fell in love with it." Ethan grinned. "Now come on. Let's go see Dumbledore and Harry. I'll walk you up." 

"Okay." I said. 

Ethan and I came up the Astronomy Tower. Only to see Harry and Dumbledore in a heated conversation. 

"...Do you think I have once left the school unprotected during my absence this year? I have not. Tonight, when I leave, there will again be additional protection in place. Please do not suggest that I do not take the safety of my students seriously, Harry." 

"I didn't-" Harry started to say. 

"I do not wish to discuss the matter any further." Dumbledore said. Then he looked at Ethan and I. "Ah, Ethan. Kassandra. Having a sibling moment?" He asked.

"Yes, we were." I answered. 

"Good." Dumbledore replied. "Those are important to have." 

"Were you two just having a conversation?" I asked. "Sorry. I can... come back-"

"Stay. Harry and I just finished." Dumbledore answered. And his face told me that I shouldn't press the issue any further. So I didn't. 

"Professor." Ethan greeted.

"Hello, Ethan." And then Dumbledore looked at me. 

"Is everything alright, sir?" I asked.

"Yes, yes. Everything is fine. At times I forget how much you've grown. You and Harry both. As no doubt your brother has already explained to you." Dumbledore said to me. 

"He did." I replied. 

"At times. I still see Harry as the small boy from the cupboard. And Kassandra, at times I see the small girl who shivered the first time she Portkeyed to Hogwarts." Dumbledore added.

"Well, it was a cold day." I commented. And I still remember the cold weather and me shivering. 'It feels different. And cold.' Those were some of my first words in Britain.

Dumbledore chuckled. "Even Ethan, at times I still remember the boy who would do everything in his power to find his older brother. Even breaking every rule at Hogwarts to do so." 

"Yeah, well... Dad always did tell me to do in my heart what was right." Ethan said. 

"It's not a critique, Ethan." Dumbledore assured.

"Yeah, I know." Ethan replied. 

"And it's only made you stronger." Dumbledore continued. "I have seen you all grow up into strong wizards and a witch respectively. And the same with your Brother, Jacob. Your wife, Penny. And all the other members of the Circle of Khanna. And one day, I can see you become even more powerful wizards than I." 

Dumbledore sounded very somber about it. As if he was expecting something to happen. Something soon. "Forgive my mawkishness. I am an old man." 

"You look the same to us, sir." Harry said with a smile.

"Like your mother, you are unfailingly kind, Harry. A trait people never fail to undervalue, I'm afraid." Dumbledore turned then, and eyed the fiery sky again. 

"Though, we've only known you as... old." I admitted. 

"And Kassandra, you're just like your brothers, and you get that from your Mother." Dumbledore grinned. Then he nodded up and down. "The place to which we journey tonight is exceedingly dangerous. I promised that you two could accompany me and I stand by that promise. But there is a condition: You must obey any command I give you- without question." 

"Yes, sir." I nodded. 

"Yes, sir." Harry said. 

"Understand what I'm saying. Should I tell you to hide, you must hide. Should I tell you to run, you will run. And should I tell you to abandon me and save yourself... You will do so without hesitation." Dumbledore explained. 

Harry hesitated. As did I. Neither of us liked the sound of that in the way Dumbledore said that. 

I looked to Ethan. He nodded at me giving me a reassurance. I mean... we had been through worse situations. 

"Your word, Harry and Kassandra." Dumbledore said. His eyes staring at this. 

"My word." Harry said.

"I swear to all the Gods. And I swear upon the River Styx. I give you my word." I said. 

We were in this together. No matter what. There was no turning back now. 

"Excellent." Dumbledore said. "Now. Take my arm. Both of you." 

"Sir, I thought you couldn't Apparate within Hogwarts." I pointed out. And Harry had a bit of a smirk. 

"Well, being me has its privileges." Dumbledore replied.

Ethan laughed. "Dumbledore." He called out.

And Dumbledore looked at him, before we could take Dumbledore's arm. "Good Luck to you." Ethan said. 

"Farewell, Old Friend. And Good Luck to you as well." Dumbledore replied. 

The wind gusted and we held Dumbledore's arms and fell into the darkness of Apparation. 

Meanwhile. Snyde Manor. (3rd Person P.O.V)

"The Vanishing Cabinet. It's finally complete, Lord Snyde." Draco Malfoy informed reluctantly over the Contactu Spell and having recovered from his wounds and back to full strength. It was a difficult and long process. But the deed was finally done.

"You've done a great service." Snyde praised. "The Dark Lord will be pleased." 

"All you have to do is walk into the Vanishing Cabinet of Borgin and Burke's and you'll walk into Hogwarts unchecked." Malfoy added.

"You're quite certain it will work?" Snyde asked.

"It will. I tested it. It works." Malfoy confirmed.

"We'll see you tonight then." Snyde said. 

And Malfoy replied very reluctantly. "I will... I will see you tonight. Let it be done. Let all we've worked... for... be done." And the connection faded away.

Bellatrix Lestrange walked into Snyde Manor and the room where Fletcher was in shortly after. "You've summoned me, Fletcher?" She asked.

Snyde didn't turn his head as he looked out the window. "The Dark Lord has spoken. The time has come to move on Hogwarts. Malfoy has finally completed the Vanishing Cabinet at Hogwarts And Fenrir Greyback reports the same in Borgin and Burke's." He informed.

Bellatrix laughed. "Finally. I knew Draco wouldn't let us down. We will finally bring an end to the reign of Albus Dumbledore. I can already hear the screams of all the children weeping on the floor off their little heads." She said as she laughed even harder. "This is going to be so much fun." 

"And the reign of Lord Voldemort will finally begin." Snyde added. "Assemble our Strike Team, Lestrange. Tonight! We go to Hogwarts! To battle!" He ordered.

"It shall be done." Bellatrix replied.

"We've also been instructed to eliminate any who stand in our way." Snyde added.

"Oh, what fun." Bellatrix laughed.

"But leave Harry Potter alive." Snyde said. "The Dark Lord was very clear on that."

And on that note, Bellatrix and Snyde left, to link up with Fenrir Greyback, the Alecto Siblings, and other Death Eaters. 

"Enjoy these next few hours, Dumbledore." Snyde grinned. "Because they will be your last!" 

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