Chapter 7: The Half Blood Prince.

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Harry, Ryan, Ron met Hermione and I met again in the Common Room before breakfast. Clearly hoping for some support in his theory, Harry wasted no time in telling us what he supposedly overheard Malfoy saying on the Hogwarts Express. 

"But he was obviously showing off for Parkinson, wasn't he?" Ron interjected before Hermione could say anything. 

"Well." She said uncertainly. "I don't know. It would be like Malfoy to make himself seem more important than he is... but that's a big lie to tell..." 

"Exactly." Harry said, but he couldn't press the point any further, because so many people were trying to listen in on our conversation, not to mention staring and whispering at us behind their hands. 

"Hey, Get out of here you little Vultures! Go on! Shoo!" Ryan yelled at to a minuscule first year boy as we joined the queue to climb out of the portrait hole.

Ron had a laugh when the boy turned bright red. "I love being a sixth year, all of the little first years get all terrified whenever we look at them." 

"Don't celebrate just too yet, Ron. Wait another year, and we'll be the 7th years. The Lords of all creation, and we're going to rule the school." Anubis declared. And he had a powerful laugh. 

We all looked at Anubis confused. "Just kidding." He quickly smiled. "We're not actually going to rule the school. But we will be the big ones on Campus. And we have a responsibility which we will perform." 

"Yeah. I know Anubis." Ron replied. 

"Look at all those tiny 1st years. Remember us at that age?" Ryan asked. "So glad I'm out of that phase. All on my own without any friends." 

"And now we'll stand as the ones in control." Horus added. "Soon enough." 

"It'll be a strange thing to enjoy." I admitted. "But don't forget. Now we don't have to worry about Divinations, History of Magic, and I can finally take that time to take the classes I want to take, and Snape's class." 

Ryan pulled out some drums and made one of those Ba Boom sounds on the drums. 

"So... what do we do in the meantime now that we don't have those classes?" Ryan asked. 

"Well... from what I was told from my Brothers is that we have free periods. Time where don't have to worry about any other classes and take a breather." I answered. "Thank the Gods." 

"We're going to need that time for studying, Kassie!" Hermione said as we set off from the corridor. She just had to be a nag. Nag! Nag! Nag! That's what Hermione was.

"Yeah, but not today." Ron replied to Hermione. "Today's going to be a real loss, I reckon." 

"Hold it!" Hermione threw out an arm and halting a passing 4th year, who was attempting to push past her with a lime green disk clutched tightly in his hand. "Fanged Frisbees are banned, hand it over." She told him sternly. The Scowling boy handed over the Fanged Frisbee, ducked under her arm, and took off after his friends. Ron waited for him to vanish, then tugged the Frisbee from Hermione's grip. 

"Excellent, I've always wanted  one of these." Ron said.

Hermione's remonstration was drowned by a loud giggle; Lavender Brown had apparently found Ron's remark highly amusing. She continued to laugh as she passed us, glancing back at Ron over her shoulder. Ron looked rather pleased with himself. 

"Ron. Put your eyeballs back in your head." Anubis ordered.

Ron blinked for a few seconds. "Huh? What?" 

The ceiling of the Great Hall was serenely Blue and streaked with frail, wispy clouds. I ate my eggs and bacon and potatoes when I heard Harry and Ron tell Hermione about our conversation with Hagrid the previous evening. 

"But he can't really think we'd continue Care of Magical Creatures!" She said looking distressed. "I mean, when have any of us expressed... you know... any enthusiasm? Other than Kassie, at least." 

"That's it, though, innit?" Ron asked, swallowing an entire fried egg whole. "We were the ones who made the most effort in classes because we like Hagrid. But he thinks we liked the stupid subject. D'you reckon anyone's going to go on to N.E.W.T.?" 

"I would." I answered. 

"Except for Kassie." Ron clarified. 

That was sad. It kind of felt like I was the only one who wanted to continue with Care of Magical Creatures. 

After we've finished eating, we remained in our places and waited for McGonagall to descend from the staff table. The distribution of class timetables was far more complicated this year, for McGonagall needed to confirm that everybody achieved the necessary O.W.L grades to continue with our chosen N.E.W.Ts.

Hermione was immediately cleared to continue with Charms, D.A.D.A, Transfiguration, Herbology, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and Potions, and shot off to her first period of Ancient Runes instantly.

When McGonagall went to me. She reviewed my Grades. "Well, Miss. Bauer. It would appear you have the grades to make it as a Magizoologist." 

"I do?" I asked. 

"You sound surprised." McGonagall noted. 

"Yeah... It's just that I thought that... that Snape wouldn't let me in because I had an Exceeds Expectations in Potions." I explained. 

"So you did. When Professor Snape was teaching Potions. However Professor Slughorn will be happy to accept students with Exceed Expectations." McGonagall told me.  

I breathed a sigh of relief. "I made it after all." I said. 

"I also recommend you continue with your work in Transfiguration and Charms. For good measure." McGonagall added. 

"But I can clear off History of Magic and Divinations, right?" I asked. 

"You can." McGonagall answered. "And I trust that you'll take those time to further your studies on your other subjects, no?" She asked giving me a raised eyebrow. 

"Yeah... o-of course." I said, because I don't think I could tell McGonagall about relaxing or any of that. She'd think I was lazier than Aergia. "Right." I gave a nervous smile with that. 

McGonagall just shook her head in a disapproving fashion. "You are definitely your brothers sister." She said. 

She moved on to Neville next. And he took a longer time to sort out. 

"Herbology, fine." McGonagall said. "Professor Sprout will be delighted to see you back with an 'Outstanding O.W.L. And you qualify for Defense Against the Dark Arts with 'Exceeds Expectations'. But the problem is with Transfiguration. I'm sorry, Longbottom, but an 'Acceptable' really isn't good enough to continue with N.E.W.T level. I just don't think you'll be able to cope with the coursework." 

Neville hung his head. McGonagall peered at him through her square spectacles. 

"Why do you want to continue with Transfiguration, anyway? I've never had the impression that you particularly enjoyed it." 

"Neville?" I asked. 

My boyfriend made miserable and muttered something about: "It's what my Grandmother wants." 

"Hmph." McGonagall snorted. "It's high time your Grandmother learned to be proud of the Grandson she's got, rather than the one she thinks she ought to have- particularly after what happened at the Ministry." 

It was as if McGonagall took the words right out of my mouth. "I'm sorry, Longbottom, but I cannot let you into my N.E.W.T. class. I see that you have an 'Exceeds Expectations' in Charms, however- why not try for a N.E.W.T in Charms?" 

"My Grandmother thinks Charms is a soft option." Neville mumbled. 

"Take Charms." McGonagall said. "And I shall drop Augusta a line reminding her that just because she failed her Charms O.W.L, the subject is not necessarily worthless." Smiling slightly at the look of a delighted incredulity on Neville's face, McGonagall tapped a blank schedule with the tip of her wand and handed it over, now carrying details of new classes to Neville. 

"Um, Professor?" I quickly interrupted.

"Yes, Miss. Bauer?" McGonagall asked.

"If it's... if it's all the same to you. I think I'll just continue with Charms instead of Transfigurations." I explained myself.

McGonagall gave me a slight nod. "Well, I can't say that I'm surprised, Miss. Bauer. It won't be the same without you in class. But it's your decision." She said as she crossed off Transfigurations from my schedule. 

Both Neville and I started to head out of the hall with our classes. We had a free period. So, we might as well enjoy it. 

"I really hope that Gran will listen to McGonagall." Neville said. 

"Well... I'm sure your Gran will see reason." I replied. "I mean, after all. It's high time she learned to be proud of the Grandson she's got. I know I am." 

"You're just saying that." Neville shrugged off.

"No. I'm serious." I said. "I know my Brothers are proud of me that I'm going to follow my passion of being a Magizoologist." 

"But they don't want you to become an Auror?" Neville asked.

"I thought they did." I answered. "But I'm free to live the way I want to. I'm Kassandra Lydia Bauer. And I'm going to be a great Magizoologist. And to tell you the truth. I always thought you made a great Herbologist, Nev." 

Nev looked at me. "Well, if you think I can make it. Then I'll go for it." He said with a boat load of confidence. 

"Well... Bauers are never wrong when we say that other people can make great whatever at what we do." I said as he held me close as we walked up the Grand Staircase back to the Common Room. I shared a few kisses with Neville on the way as he held me close. 

"You know, maybe it's for the best that I don't become an Auror." Neville said.

"And what makes you think that?" I asked curiously. 

"Well... I'd have to arrest you for stealing my heart." Neville answered. 

I giggled. "Well it is a heart worth stealing. Sometimes, I can be a bad girl." 

"Still better than a Death Eater." Neville pointed out. 

Speaking of Death Eaters. I remembered now that Bellatrix had seen the love in our eyes last year at the Ministry. How I was this close to watching someone close to me die. "Lestrange will probably come for us now." I admitted. "Now that she knows you and I are dating." 

Neville shook his head. "Then let her come. If she wants you, she'll have to go through me." He dared as he sounded much like Leonidas when the Pythia told him not to go to war with Persia. 

"I like that brave voice of yours." I commented. It made him sound so much tougher. 

"And I just like your voice in general." Neville replied. Then he tripped as we walked down the hall. "Oof. I'm okay." He got back up. 

We found ourselves back in the Common Room before long. Neville sitting on the couch. And I had my head in his lap while laying down. 

Ryan soon walked in with Parvati as he carried her in, bridal style.

"You know you could've walked, Parvati." Ryan pointed out. 

"But my legs are tired." Parvati claimed. Even though they clearly weren't. 

"Gods, you sound exactly like Sophie sometimes." Ryan said. 

"Actually, I think I sound more like Padma." Parvati corrected. "Her legs get tired all the time. Mine are just more stronger." 

"So you admit it." Ryan caught her words. 

"You got me." Parvati said laughing as Ryan put her down on the floor. "Oh, hey Kassie. Hey Neville." 

"Chare, Parvati." I greeted. "How'd your Schedule thing go?" I asked.

"Great... for the most part." Parvati answered. "Mum and Dad weren't exactly too thrilled with the O.W.L results I got. And I got a big lecture from them when I got my scores. But I did get an O in Divinations." 

"You going to stick with that?" I asked. 

"Yep. You going to?" Parvati asked back. 

"No." I admitted. "Don't really need it for Magizoology." 

"Oh, that's okay, Kassie. I'm not going for Divinations either." Ryan assured. "I'm sticking to Potions and my work as an Alchemist." 

Given that Ryan got a perfect score on his O.W.Ls. I wasn't surprised. He probably got it the same way that Ethan had gotten his perfect O.W.L score. No one knows how. Probably best not to ask any questions. 

"You sure you can handle it, Ryan?" Neville asked. 

"I've got Horus watching my back. I'm not worried." Ryan answered. 

"Besides. We can use the extra time to figure out how we're going to build up our Quidditch Team this year." Horus added. 

"McGonagall gave me a list of 20 hopefuls that want to try out for Quidditch." Ryan explained. "I'll fix up the trials later." 

Those were good numbers. 

"Still... I wish I could've still had Divinations over the Summer. Professor Trelawney said she had foreseen darkness coming over the East." Parvati said. 

"Over the East?" I asked.

Parvati stopped and looked at me. "Didn't you hear, Kassie? India was just attacked by the Southeast Asia Coalition last night." She told me.

Oh, Malaka. "Full on Invasion?" I asked.

"Looks that way." Ryan answered.

Pretty soon after that, Harry and Ron came in after us. 

"I'm taking Potions after all." Harry said. 

"Great. I'll see you there." I replied. McGonagall must've given Harry the good news as well. And I just froze a bit.

"What?" Harry asked.

"India was just attacked last Night. Voldemort's influence on the Coalition." I answered.

"I'm afraid it's true." Ryan added.

"That can't be good news." Harry figured. 

"It's not the only place." Ron pointed out. "Bulgaria is still in a blood bath." 

"Anything from Charlie?" Harry asked.

"Nothing yet." Ron answered. 

The Common Room was empty for the most part except for half a dozen 7th years including Katie Bell. The only remaining member of the original Quidditch Team that Harry and I joined in our first year. 

"I thought you'd get that, well done." Katie called over, pointing to the Captain's badge that Ryan had. "Tell me when you call trials!" 

"I'll figure it out, Katie." Ryan said. "Anyway. I don't see why you're worried. You, Harry, and Kassie are already on the team. Seeing as how you and Kassie been on the team since Oliver formed the Ladies of Court." 

"Ryan. You shouldn't start off like that." Katie advised. "For all you know, there's someone much better than me out there. Good teams have been ruined before now because Captains just kept playing the old faces, or letting their friends..." 

Ron looked a little uncomfortable and began playing with the Fanged Frisbee Hermione had taken from the 4th year student. It zoomed around the Common Room, snarling and attempting to take bites of the tapestry. Crookshank's yellow eyes followed it and he hissed when it came too close. 

"I'm not looking for the better players, Katie. I'm looking for the right ones." Ryan replied. "With Umbitch gone. I have a free range now. And we did fine to rally a team with next to nothing last year." 

"Yeah, we tied with Hufflepuff in one game and the only reason we kicked ass against Ravenclaw was because Kassie was disguised as Hermione. And the same for Erika Rath for Parvati." Katie pointed out. 

"And I still kept the team together. A House may be built with better materials than another house. But the House with Weaker materials with better structure and support lasts longer." Ryan reminded in case Katie missed the whole point. 

An hour later, we reluctantly left the sunlit common room for the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom four floors below. Hermione was already queuing outside, carrying an armful of heavy books and looking put upon. 

"We got so much homework for Runes." Hermione said anxiously. "A 15 inch essay, two translations, and I've got to read these by Wednesday!" 

Shame." Ron yawned. 

"You wait." Hermione told us resentfully. "I bet Snape gives us loads." 

"I'm more concerned by what he'll teach us." I admitted. The last time we had a class with Snape teaching D.A.D.A, it was him trying to tell us that Lupin was a werewolf and I got detention from Snape. 

The classroom door opened, and Snape stepped into the corridor, his shallow face as ever by two curtains of greasy black hair. Silence fell over the queue immediately. 

"Inside." He ordered us. 

I looked around as I entered. Snape liked his doom and gloom, like Hades in the Underworld. And it showed on the room. It was gloomier than usual, as curtains were drawn over the windows, and was lit by candlelight. New pictures adorned the walls, many of them showing people who appeared to be in pain, sporting grisly injuries and strangely contorted body parts. Nobody spoke as we settled down, looking around at the shadowy, gruesome pictures. 

Strangely enough, I still preferred it instead of Umbitch's Classroom last year. 

"I have not asked you to take out your books." Snape said, closing the door and moving to face the class from behind his desk; Hermione hastily dropped her copy of Confronting the Faceless back into her bag and stowed it under her chair. "I wish to speak to you, and I want your full attention." 

Snape's black eyes rolled over our upturned faces, lingering for a fraction of a second longer on Harry than anyone else. 

"You have had five teachers in this subject so far, I believe." Snape went on. 

Kind of sounded like he was waiting for them all to go eagerly. Waiting for his turn. But of course... seeing that the only real good one we've had was Lupin, couldn't really say I blamed him. Although even though Barty Crouch Jr. disguised himself as Mad Eye. He still did a good job. 

"Naturally, these teachers will all have their own methods and priorities. Given this confusion, I am surprised so many of you scraped an O.W.L in this subject. I shall be even more surprised if all of you manage to keep up with the N.E.W.T. work, which will be more advanced." 

Snape set off around the edge of the room, speaking now in a lower voice; we all craned our necks to keep him in view. 

"The Dark Arts." Snape said. "Are many, varied, ever changing, and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts out a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible." 

Hm. Nothing was ever truly indestructible. You just had to find its weakness. 

It was one thing to respect the Dark Arts as a dangerous enemy, another to speak of them, as Snape was doing. But he was doing it with a loving caress in his voice almost. 

"Your defense." Snape said a little louder. "Must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the arts you seek to undo. These pictures..." He indicated a few of them as he swept past. "Give a fair representation of what happens to those who suffer, for instance, the Cruciatus Curse." (He waved a hand toward a witch who was clearly shrieking in Agony. I knew that Curse all too well. "Feel the Dementor's kiss." (The only kiss I wanted was the one from Neville these days. "Or provoke the aggression of the Inferius." (a bloody mass on the ground).

"Has an Inferius been seen, then?" Parvati asked in a high pitched voice as she squeezed Ryan's hand tight. "Is it definite, is he using them?" 

"The Dark Lord has used Inferi in the past." Snape answered. "Which means you would be well advised to assume he might use them again. Now..."

"Um... sir?" I asked.

Snape looked annoyed at my interruption. "What, Bauer?" 

"Are the Inferius being used in India and... Bulgaria?" I asked. 

"It would not surprise me if there were." Snape set off again around the other side of the classroom toward his desk, and again, we watched him as he walked, his dark robes bellowed behind him. 

" are, I believe, complete novices in the use of non verbal spells. What is the advantage of a non-verbal spell?" 

Hermione's hand shot into the air. Snape took his time looking around at everybody else, making sure he had no choice, as usual. But I took my hand out as well. I remember what my brothers taught me about it. 

"Bauer." Snape said. 

"You have the advantage over your opponent. They won't know what spell to counter with. It also gives you a split second advantage. Though, not all wizards can do it. It's a question of concentration and mind power." I answered. 

"Correct in essentials." Snape admitted. "But you failed to mention that some skills required for non verbal are lacking in this class." He turned his gaze right at Harry. 

He was probably thinking of Harry's Occlumency disaster last year or something like that. 

"I... I would have to argue differently about that, Professor." I started to say.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you witnessed it for yourself." Snape hissed at me. And still glared at Harry.

See... he wouldn't be saying this if Jacob or Ethan taught Harry Occlumency.

"You will now divide." Snape went on. "Into pairs. One partner will attempt to jinx the other without speaking. The other will attempt to repel the Jinx in equal silence. Carry on." 

Although Snape didn't know it, Harry and I taught at least half the class (everyone who had been a member of the D.A.) how to perform a Shield Charm the previous year. None of them have ever casted the charm without speaking it, however. Oh well, pray for the best. 

And a reasonable amount of cheating ensued; many people were merely whispering the incantation instead of saying it aloud. Harry and Ron, of course, buddied up, Hermione went with Ryan. I went with Neville. I was probably the only one other than Hermione who could calm Neville when Snape got malicious. 

I wasn't going to use any of the battle magic on Neville. I would go easy on him. And I don't think Neville wanted to hurt me. All he did was try to mutter a jelly leg jinx on me. I repelled it. He didn't utter a single word, a feat that would've surely earned him 20 points for Gryffindor from any reasonable teacher. But Snape wasn't a reasonable Teacher, was he? It's a rhetorical question. 

Snape swept between us as we practiced, looking like an overgrown bat as ever, lingering to watch Harry and Ron struggling with the task. 

"You're good, Kassie." Neville commented with a grin. 

"A Jelly Legs Jinx?" I asked him. "Really?" 

"I knew you could repel that one." Neville answered. 

Ron, who was supposed to be jinxing Harry, was purple in the face, his lips tightly compressed to save himself the temptation of muttering the incantation. Harry had his own wand raised, waiting on tenterhooks to repel a jinx that seemed unlikely ever to come. 

"Just get Anubis to help you." Harry insisted.

"He's got to learn to do it on his own. So that I don't feel like I have to bail him out every time." Anubis said. 

"Pathetic, Weasley." Snape commented, after a while. "Here-let me show you-" 

He turned his wand on Harry so fast that Harry reacted instinctively; all thought of a non-verbal spell forgotten, he yelled: "Protego!" 

His Shield Charm was so strong, that Snape was knocked off balance and hit a desk. The whole class was looking around and now watching as Snape righted himself, scowling. I had to hold back a laugh, knowing that it would get Harry in more trouble. 

"Do you remember me telling you we are practicing non-verbal spells, Potter?" Snape asked. 

"Yes. It was just force of habit." Harry answered.

"Yes, sir." Snape clarified. 

"There's no need to call me 'sir', Professor." Harry replied. 

Hermione gasped. Ron and Ryan had the biggest grin of their lives. And I was trying really hard not to laugh and keep a straight face. "You tell him, Harry." I whispered. 

"Detention, Saturday night, my office." Snape snarled at Harry. "I do not take cheek from anyone, Potter... not even the Chosen One." 

"That was the best thing I've ever heard. Well one of them." I commented to my friends as we left the class. 

"Kassie's right, Harry. That was brilliant." Ron chortled.

"You are a savage man, Harry Potter." Anubis agreed.

"He shouldn't have said it." Hermione said frowning at us. "What made you?" 

"He tried to jinx me, in case you didn't notice!" Harry fumed. "I had enough of that during those Occlumency Lessons! Why doesn't he use another guinea pig for a change? What's Dumbledore playing at, anyway, letting him teach Defense? Did you hear him talking about the Dark Arts! He loves them! All that unfixed, indestructible stuff-" 

"Well." Hermione admitted. "I though he sounded a bit like you." 

"A bit like Harry?" I asked. "That's... kind of a bit of a stretch, don't you think?" 

"Yes, when Harry was telling us what it's like to face Voldemort. You said it wasn't just memorizing a bunch of spells, you said it was just you and your brains and your guts- well, wasn't that what Snape was saying? That it really comes down to being brave and quick thinking?" Hermione pointed out.

"Snape was practically asking for it, Hermione." Ryan countered.

"Still. He is a Teacher. And he has every right-" Hermione started but I cut her off.

"Snape may be a Professor. But if he doesn't respect us, why should we respect him?" I asked.

Harry looked so disarmed. But he didn't argue. 

"Harry! Hey, Harry!" 

We looked around. A kid was hurrying towards us holding a roll of parchment. 

"And you are...?" Harry asked.

"Jack Sloper." The kid panted. "This is for you. Is... Ryan Tyler here?" He asked as he handed the roll to Harry. 

"Right here." Ryan stepped forward. 

"I heard you're the New Captain of the Quidditch Team. Where are you holding Trials?" Jack asked. 

"Thinking of applying for the job?" Ryan asked intrigued. 

"Sure am." Jack answered. "Beater. I was hoping that it would be this weekend." 

"Well... I'll let you know." Ryan replied. "Bye now." He motioned for Jack to move on.

We followed Harry as he ran away with Ron and Hermione. 

"What does it say?" I asked referring to the parchment. 

"Dear Harry, I would like to start our private lessons this Saturday. Kindly come along to my office at 8 P.M. And bring Kassie with you. I hope you are enjoying your first day back at school. Yours sincerely, Albus Dumbledore. P.S. I enjoy Acid Pops." Harry read. 

"He enjoys Acid Pops?" Ron asked, who had read the message over Harry's shoulder and looking perplexed.

"Well... he has different taste buds." I suggested. 

"It's the password to get past the Gargoyle outside his study, Kassie." Horus clarified.

"Oh, right." I felt like an idiot. 

"Ha!" Harry laughed. "Snape's not going to be pleased... I won't be able to do his detention!" 

We spent the whole of break speculating on what Dumbledore would teach us. Ron thought it would most likely be spectacular jinxes and hexes of the type the Death Eaters would not know. Hermione said that such things were illegal, and thought it much more likely that Dumbledore wanted to teach us Advanced Defensive Magic. Ryan thought it was most likely learning Ancient Magic. After break, Hermione went off to Arithmancy while we returned to the Common Room, where we started Snape's homework. To say it was complex would be a great understatement. I made it. But Ron and Harry hadn't finished when Hermione joined them. 

I then realized what time it was after lunch. "Come on! We're going to be late for Care of Magical Creatures!" I stood up. 

"Um... Kassie... we're not taking Care of Magical Creatures anymore." Ron reminded. 

I then stopped. "Oh... right." I said awkwardly. 

"Tell Hagrid we say Hi." Harry told me as I went to Care of Magical Creatures... alone.

I set off for Care of Magical Creatures. The only other ones that were in the class that I recognized were Ryan, Parvati, Padma, and Lavender.

"You're taking Care of Magical Creatures too?" I asked Ryan.

"Potions Requirement." Ryan answered. "Besides. It would give me time to spend with Parvati." 

"Thanks, Cutie." Parvati rolled over and kissed Ryan on the cheek. 

"Well... I just hope that I can explain to Hagrid-" I started to say.

"'Ello!" Hagrid greeted with a great smile on his face. "Got a real treat for yeh, today!" 

We all followed Hagrid to the Meadow where Buckbeak was. "Oh, Kassie!" Hagrid noticed me. 

"Chare, Hagrid." I smiled. "I'm... I want to be a Magizoologist." 

"Good on yeh!" Hagrid grinned. But then he noticed that Ryan and I were alone. "Say... yeh know wha' happened to Harry, Ron and Hermione?" He asked. 

And there it was... "Um... Hagrid. I don't know how to tell you this but... they're not coming." I admitted. 

Hagrid looked shocked. "Not coming?" He asked.

"But they send their apologies, love, and a small box of assorted cookies." Ryan said. 

"I though' they loved my class!" Hagrid said feeling down. 

"It's not personal-" I tried to say.

But Hagrid seemed to take it personal. "And I was really lookin' forward to seein' them. Are they done with me?"

"No." I insisted. "It's not Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. They're just... they've got other classes and other commitments to worry about right now." I didn't know what to say in that instance except that. 

"Ah, is not yer fault, Kassie. You at least are interested in taking my class. Unlike those no good ingrates." Hagrid snarled, probably thinking about how in the world could Harry and the others miss his class. "They didn' even give me a notice!" 

And that was when I saw Buckbeak come up. 

"Is that, Buckbeak?" Parvati asked astonished. 

"Uh... no. No. This is Witherwings! After yeh know... Buckbeak escaped into the night." Hagrid answered.

But it was really Buckbeak. Witherwings was just a cover name. He looked at me and started to trot up. 

"He really likes yeh, Kassie." Hagrid noted. 

Buckbeak walked up to me and I got a chance to stroke his neck. "I missed you too." I whispered to Buckbeak. 

"Now tha's true loyalty." Hagrid said. "Unlike some other students roun' 'ere that we will not mention." He gritted his teeth. "No message or anythin' like that. What's up that that?" He asked. 

When he put it like that. It did sound like Harry could've at least given a warning to Hagrid or something. 

I'm sure that Hagrid would've understood.

Ryan shrugged. "You tell me." 

The whole class went on like this. With us admiring Buckbeak and also Hippogriffs in general. And Hagrid also was ranting on about Harry, Ron, and Hermione not taking his class. But I was just happy to see that Buckbeak was back. 

"He was plenty mad." I said to the others as we all headed to the Dungeons for Double Potions. 

"Was it that bad?" Hermione asked nervously. 

"Well... he did spend the whole time complaining about you guys not giving him a warning, so I would say... yes." I answered. 

"Ugh. I knew we shouldn't have done that to Hagrid." Hermione groaned. 

"You could've at least sent him a warning." Ryan said. 

"We didn't know what Hagrid would say." Harry tried to justify. "I thought it was better to say nothing." 

"Better to at least look him in the eye and tell him yourself. Then letting him down like that." I pointed out. 

"The cover up is always worse than the crime." Ryan added. 

"Oh..." And Harry looked so guilty. 

There were only a dozen people progressing to N.E.W.T. level. Crabbe and Goyle had evidently failed to achieve the required O.W.L grade, but four Slytherins had made it through, including Malfoy, Four Ravenclaws were there, and one Hufflepuff, Ernie Macmillan, whom I liked despite his pompous manner. 

I also saw Harry and Ernie talking something about Shield Charms. But I still was wondering what would happen the next time that Hagrid would see Harry. Considering what was said at Class, I just hoped that their relationship hadn't been strained. 

The Dungeon Doors opened and Slughorn's belly preceded him out of the door. As we filled into the room, his great walrus moustache curved above his beaming mouth, and he greeted Harry and Zabini with particular warmth. 

The Potion Room was, most unusually, already full of vapors and odd smells. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ryan, and I took a table nearest to the golden cauldron emitting the smell. 

"That's a pleasant smell." I commented. It might have just been producing the most fresh smell I've ever heard. It reminded me of the fresh smell of Toads, Plants, and some type of perfume. It reminded me of... of him... my Neville and I felt myself getting consumed by the smell. 

I glanced back to the others. Ryan was smelling something too. 

"Now then, now then, now then." Slughorn said. I got my brain back in my head. "Scales out, everyone, and Potion kits, and don't forget your copies of Advanced Potion Making-" 

"Sir?" Harry raised his hand. 

"Harry, m'boy?" Slughorn responded. 

"I haven't got a book or scales or anything- nor's Ron- we didn't realize we'd be able to do the N.E.W.T, you see-" 

"Ah, yes, Professor McGonagall did mention... not to worry, my dear boy, not to worry at all. You can use ingredients from the store cupboard today, and I'm sure we can lend you some scales, and we've got a small stock of old books here, they'll do until you can write to Flourish and Blotts... oh, you have a set of scales, right there, Mr. Weasley." 

"Um yeah..." Ron had his Scales of Anubis. And I don't know if he thought it was a good idea to weigh Potion ingredients.

"The things we do." Anubis rolled his eyes.  

Slughorn strode over to a corner cupboard and, after a moment's foraging, emerged with two battered looking copies of Advanced Potion Making by Libatius Borage, which he gave to Harry and Ron along with a tarnished scale. 

"They call that a Scale?" Anubis asked. 

"Now then." Slughorn said, returning to the front of the class and inflating his already bulging chest so that the buttons on his waistcoat threatened to burst off. "I've prepared a few potions for you to have a look at, just out of interest, you know. These are the kind of thing you ought to be able to make after completing your N.E.W.T.s. You ought to have heard of 'em, even if you haven't made 'em yet. Anyone tell me what this one is?" 

He indicated the cauldron by our table. Ryan raised his hand instantly. And seconds before Hermione's shot into the air. Slughorn pointed to Ryan. 

"Veritaserum." Ryan answered. "It's a truth telling serum." 

"Very good, very good, Ryan!" Slughorn praised. "Now." He continued, pointing at the Cauldron nearest to the Ravenclaw Table. "This one here is pretty well known... Featured in a few Ministry leaflets lately too... Who can-?" 

Ryan's hand rose again. And much faster than Hermione's. Again. 

"Polyjuice Potion." Ryan answered. 

I recognized the slow bubbling, mud like substance in the second cauldron, but did not resent Ryan for answering the question. Seeing as how he made the Potion with Hermione. 

"Excellent, excellent! Now, this one her... yes, son?" Slughorn asked, now looking with renewed appreciation at Ryan. 

"That's Amortentia!" 

"It is indeed. It seems almost foolish to ask." Slughorn praised, who was looking mighty impressed. "But I assume you know what it does?" 

"It's the most powerful love potion in the world!" Ryan answered. "You can tell by its distinctive mother of pearl sheen? And the Steam rising in characteristic spirals. It smells different ever time to each of us, according to what attract us." 

"Excellent, Mr. Tyler!" Slughorn clapped his hands. 

Looked like Ryan was going to be a full Teacher's Pet for Slughorn.

"For example... I can smell... Gold, and some type of Perfume that I would recognize immediately, and also... I can smell Oil... and not the smelly kind that used for Cars and that sort of thing." Ryan added. 

"What can you smell, Hermione?" I asked. 

"Freshly mown grass and new parchment and spearmint toothpaste." But Hermione turned slightly pink as she whispered it to me. I think I knew who that could be. 

I swallowed hard. I wonder what Neville would've smelled if he took the class. 

"Might I ask you name, my dear?" Slughorn asked. "You seemed to raise your hand as fast as Ryan did." 

"Hermione Granger, sir." 

"Granger? Granger? Can you possibly be related to Hector Dagworth-Granger, who founded the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers?" Slughorn asked.  

"No. I don't think so, sir. I'm Muggleborn, you see." 

Slughorn beamed, and looked between Harry and Hermione, and then over to Ryan.

"Oho! 'One of my best friends is Muggle-born, and she's the best in our year!' I'm assuming this is the very friend of whom you spoke, Harry and Kassie?" Slughorn asked. 

"That would be the one." I answered. 

"Well, well, I'll be sure to keep an eye on you, then, Miss. Granger. And you, Ryan. Take 20 well earned points for Gryffindor." Slughorn said genuinely. 

Hermione shot me an annoyed look at me. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You told him about me?" Hermione asked.

"It was one of those... spur the moment. I didn't think it was a big deal at the time." I answered. 

"Amortentia doesn't really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. No, this will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It is probably the most dangerous powerful potion in this room- oh yes." Slughorn said, nodding gravely at Malfoy and Zabini, both of whom were smirking septically. "When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love... 

"And now." Slughorn said. "It is time for us to work." 

"Sir, you haven't told us what's in this one." Macmillan, pointed to a small black cauldron standing on Slughorn's desk. The potion within was splashing about merrily; it was the color of molten gold, and large drops were leaping like goldfish above the surface, though not a particle had split. 

"Oho." Slughorn said again. For a split second, I thought Slughorn had forgotten the potion at all. But now that I think about it. He probably had waited to be asked for dramatic effect. "Yes. That. Well, that one, ladies and gentlemen, is a most curious little potion called Felix Felicis, I take it..." He turned, smiling to look at Ryan, who had let out an audible gasp. "That you know what Felix Felicis does, Mr. Tyler?" 

Ryan looked at Hermione who just sighed. "Actually, I'll let Hermione take this one." He insisted. 

"Thank you." Hermione mouthed to Ryan. 

"Miss Granger?" Slughorn asked hoping that Hermione could produce the same results as Ryan did. 

"It's liquid luck." Hermione answered excitedly. "It makes you lucky!" 

The whole class seemed to sit up a little straighter. Even Malfoy was giving his undivided attention. Go figure. 

"Quite right, take ten points for Gryffindor. Yes, it's a funny little potion, Felix Felicis." Slughorn answered. "Desperately trick to make, disastrous should you get it wrong. However, if brewed correctly, as this has been, you will find that all your endeavors tend to succeed... at least until the effects wear off."  

"Why don't people drink it all the time, sir?" Terry Boot asked eagerly. 

"Because if taken in excess, it causes giddiness, recklessness, and dangerous overconfidence." I answered for Slughorn. "It's not a good idea to take advantage of Tyche. It's highly toxic in large quantities. It's what happened to Midas. He made way too much of those Potions and look what happened to him." Every Greek in my homeland knew the tale. 

"Ho ho! Yes." Take 10 points to Gryffindor." Slughorn praised. 

Okay... that settled it. He was a better Professor than Snape already. 

"Have you ever taken it, sir?" Michael Corner asked with great interest. 

"Twice in my life." Slughorn answered. "Once when I was 24, once when I was 57. Two tablespoons taken with breakfast. Two perfect days." 

He gazed dreamily into the distance. Whether he was play acting or not, the effect was good. 

"And that." Slughorn came back to earth. "Is what I shall be offering as a prize in this lesson." 

There was silence in which every bubble and gurgle of the surrounding potions seemed magnified tenfold. 

"One tiny bottle of Felix Felicis." Slughorn said as he took a miniscule glass bottle with a cork in it out of his pocket and showing it to us. "Enough for 12 hours of luck. From Dawn to Dusk, you will be lucky in everything you attempt."

Oh, I needed that Potion.  

"Now, I must give you warning that Felix Felicis is a banned substance in organized competition... sporting events, for instance, examinations, or elections. So the winner is to use it on an ordinary day only... and watch how that ordinary day becomes extraordinary!" Slughorn warned us.

Malaka! That's limited. Fine. I could always use that for Neville and myself. 

"So." Slughorn went on, suddenly brisk. "How are you going to win this fabulous prize? Well, by turning to page 10 of Advanced Potion Making. We have a little over an hour left to us, which should be time for you to make a decent attempt at the Draught of Living Death. I know it is more complex than anything you have attempted before, and I do not expect a perfect potion from anybody. The person who does best, however, will win little Felix here. Off you go!" 

And it was like a balloon had lost it's helium. As soon as he said that. I knew I had already lost. Ryan was getting that Potion. No question.

There was a large scraping as everyone drew their Cauldrons towards them and some loud clunks as people began adding weights to their scales, but nobody spoke. The concentration within the room was almost tangible. I could see Malfoy riffling feverishly through his copy of Advanced Potion Making. He really wanted that lucky day. And so did I. I looked through the copy of Advanced Potion Making. "Okay. Kassie. Just take it slow. You can do this." I told myself. 

Ryan had already gathered his ingredients and working like a pro. He wanted that prize as much as I did. 

I noticed Harry collecting his ingredients and Malfoy hurriedly cutting up his Valerian Roots; everyone was glancing around to see what the rest of the class was doing, creating an Aura of panic in the room. Within Ten Minutes, the whole place was full of bluish steam. Ryan and Hermione seemed to have progressed the furthest. Their Potions had already resembled the 'smooth, black currant- colored liquid' mentioned as the ideal halfway stage.

"Come on, Horus. We got this." Ryan said. 

"Next step are the beans." Horus replied.

"I know that." Ryan shot back. 

I looked at my Sopohorus beans. The next step was to cut them. But as I tried to cut them. One landed right into Ryan's hand. 

"Don't cut. Crush." Ryan whispered. 

"Huh?" I asked confused. 

"The Beans. You're trying to cut them. You should be crushing them. It helps release the Juices better." Ryan clarified. To prove his point, Ryan crushed the bean with his blade and released the juices in.  

"How do you know to do that?" I asked.

"Our first day of Potions Class. Snape told us to crush the beans instead of cut." Ryan answered. 

I had to take Ryan's word for it. Given that I got substance on my arm and had to go to the Hospital Wing to get better. That first day I still remember as the beginning of the worst month of my life in Hogwarts. When everything was a bootcamp and I wanted to go home so badly. If it wasn't for Beatrice, Cedric, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ryan... I don't think I would've been able to continue.

I also noticed Slughorn turning to Malfoy. 

"Sir, I think you knew my Grandfather, Abraxas Malfoy." Malfoy said politely. 

"Yes." Slughorn replied, without really looking at him. "I was sorry to hear he had died, although of course it wasn't unexpected, Dragon Pox at his age..." 

And he walked away from Malfoy. It looked like Malfoy wasn't worth Slughorn's time now that his family lost their power. And if Malfoy thought he could shoe himself into Slughorn's inner circle. He had another thing coming.

Soon enough, my potion turned into a dark purple color. Instead of the Black current it was supposed to be turning into. It turned somewhat into lilac. But not as good as Ryan's. "Malaka." I muttered. 

"Um... this is a problem." I noticed Ron saying with Anubis. "It's not turning Lilac." 

"Oh, you don't say. I told you not to put that little much of beans in." Anubis replied. 

"No. You said to do that." Ron corrected.

"I said no such thing. I told you not to do that." Anubis shot back. Those two were like a married couple. 

I began stirring frantically counterclockwise, growing with anxiety with every passing minute. 

"Time's up!" Slughorn called out. "Stop stirring!" 

Slughorn moved slowly among the tables, peering into cauldrons. He made no comment, but occasionally gave the potions a stir or a sniff. 

"Not horrible. Miss. Bauer." He said sheepishly to me as he went to our table. Well... there goes my prize. "Say, isn't Ethan married to a Potioneer?" He asked me.

"Yeah. My Sister in Law, Penny." I answered.

"Aha! I thought so. I'm well connected to some famous Potion Makers. And they say that Penrose Bauer is one of the most skilled Potioneers of this age." Slughorn told me.

He smiled ruefully at the tarlike substance in Ron's Cauldron. He passed Ernie's navy concoction. Hermione Potion he gave an approving nod. Then he saw Ryan's Potion. "It's Perfect! So perfect one drop would kill us all. Well done, Mr. Tyler!" 

And then he went over to Harry's, and a look of incredulous delight spread over his face. 

"Merlin's Beard! It is perfect as well! So Perfect I daresay one drop would kill us all. Just like Ryan's Potion here! Excellent, Harry! It's clear you've inherited your Mother's talent. She was a dab hand at Potions, Lily was!" Slughorn praised. 

Huh? I half expected Harry to get just a nod of approval.

"What?" Ryan asked confused as I was. It didn't seem likely that Harry would be the one to get it right. But hey, I suppose the more the merrier. Or maybe because Snape was gone, Harry was able to unlock his true potential in Potions and Snape was holding him back. 

"What to do? What to do?" Slughorn asked himself. "Ah, I know." He pulled out a second Liquid Luck. "That's why I brought a back up. Always prepared." He then gave both vials to Harry and Ryan. "To you both." He informed. "The winners! The clear winners! Use it well!" 

Harry slipped the tiny bottle of golden liquid into his inner pocket, smiling at us. And Ryan put his in his pocket as well. 

"Okay. How did you do that?" I asked Harry as we all got together when the class ended. 

"Got lucky, I suppose." Harry answered, obviously because Malfoy was still in earshot. 

Once we were at the Gryffindor Table for dinner, however, he told us the truth. Hermione's face became stonier with every word he uttered. Turns out that book that Slughorn gave him was filled with notes from the original owner, many of which contradicted what the textbook said.

"Seriously, Harry. How did you do that?" Ryan asked.  

"I s'pose you think I cheated?" Harry asked aggravated by the expression. 

"Well, it wasn't exactly your own work, was it?" Hermione said stiffly. 

"Isn't it kind of cheating?" I asked. 

"I think the word you're looking for is: Using whatever advantages you have at your disposal." Ryan corrected. 

"Are you mad, Ryan?" Harry asked. 

"No." Ryan answered. But I think he was. But he couldn't complain. He tied for Harry for the Liquid Luck.

"He only followed different instructions to ours." Ron explained. "Could've been a catastrophe, couldn't it? But he took a risk and it paid off." He heaved a sigh. "Slughorn could've handed me that book, but no, I get the one no one's ever written on. Puked on, by the look of page 52, but-" 

"Hang on." Came a voice close by my ear. We looked around and saw that Ginny had joined us. "Did I hear that right? You've been taking orders from something someone wrote in a book, Harry?" 

She looked alarmed and angry. And considering what happened last time, I couldn't blame her. 

"It's nothing." Harry assured, lowering his voice. "It's not like, you know, Riddle's diary. It's just an old textbook someone's scribbled on." 

"But you're doing what it says?" Ginny asked still pressing. 

"I just tried a few of the tips written in the margins, honestly, Ginny, like notes scribbled in a notebook. It's nothing like Riddle's Diary. If it was, I would chuck it straight away." Harry answered.

"Oh okay. Phew." Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. "I should've known. Sorry. It's just... writing and notebooks. Don't exactly go well with me." 

"Can't say I blame you." Ryan figured. "I think I still remember when Beatrice would pass by the Grand Staircase and she would just stay far away from the portraits as much as she could."  

"Ginny's got a point." Hermione said. "We ought to check that there's nothing odd about it. I mean, all these funny instructions, who knows?" 

But I think Hermione was just jealous that Harry actually did good because of that book in Potions Class for the first time. 

"Hey!" Harry yelled indignantly, as she pulled his copy of Advanced Potion Making out of his bag and raised her wand. 

"Specialis Revelio!" Hermione said, rapping it smartly on the front cover. Nothing happened. The book just laid there, looking old and dirty and dog eared. 

"Finished?" Harry asked irritated. "Or d'you want to wait and see if it does a few backflips?" 

"Sorry, book." Ryan said to the book. 

"Looks fine to me." I said. "It just looks like a textbook. Either way, Slughorn loved it, anyhow. And you won the Potion."  

"I reckon you'll want to take a swig of that before you face off with Voldemort." Ron said figuring that out. "Wouldn't that be a lucky day?" 

"Well, in that case, I'll take it back then." Harry snatched the book off the table, but it slipped from his hand and landed open on the floor. Harry bent down to retrieve it, and I could see what was written down on it. 

This book is the property of the Half Blood Prince.

Bulgaria (3rd Person P.O.V)

Charlie Weasley had now been trekking through the War Torn Bulgaria. Nearly everywhere he went, there were Wizards fighting and explosions all around him. Nearly every night, he could hear the sounds of banging and could see the smoky sky littered with nearly almost every color from spells being casted. And nearly every night, Charlie wondered why he put himself in his position. All to find a man he didn't even interact with. But Ron did. And more than that. He needed to help the people of Bulgaria who were suffering under Death Eaters who had staged a coup in the Government. 

It was also almost every day, Charlie had encountered all different types of monsters and Death Eaters. Mainly Albanians and Bulgarian Death Eaters. The Southeast European Death Eaters were all over the place. It was also that Howlers had managed to find their way to Charlie. All from his Mother who yelled at him to stop being reckless and come home. Charlie didn't even consider listening to him. He had gotten so many that it felt like routine to him. 

One night, Charlie could even hear the sounds of Spell Casts in the distance. He tried looking through the darkness with his binoculars. But everything was covered in black smoke. 

Taking his binoculars out, he returned to his fully grown Norwegian Ridgeback who was about 4-5 years old now. "There's general fighting around, Norberta. And still no sign of Krum." Charlie figured as he talked to Norberta.  

Norberta was eating a fish by the river. She looked up at Charlie. Charlie remembered when he first took Norberta to Romania from Hogwarts after Hagrid hatched her from an egg. And how Harry, Hermione and Kassie smuggled Norberta out of Hogwarts. At the time, everyone thought the Dragon was a male named Norbert. It was only until later when Charlie and his friends realized that the Dragon was actually a Female. Given the more vicious nature. But Charlie had managed to tame her. And take her to ride into Bulgaria. 

She picked up her head to indicate danger approaching. Charlie raised his wand and drew out an energy sword. That was when a circle of Albania Death Eaters arrived and surrounded both Norberta and Charlie. 

They began shouting at Charlie. "Kush je ti?!" (Who are you?) "Kush je ti?!" 

"Po kërkoj dikë." (I'm looking for someone.) Charlie answered speaking Albanian having lived and worked around the area for some time. He didn't put his wand down. And Norberta could still snarled and ready to fire. 

But before anyone could react. A whole volley of spells had suddenly been casted and shot down all the Death Eaters. 

There was shouting in Bulgarian as men in cammo robes and some even having masks on them along with bandannas all ambushed the Death Eaters, some even slicing off a head. One of them being a very muscular man with short hair and dirt all over his face. He was wearing combat armor and had a hardened army face. 

"Mir!" (Peace!) "Idvam s mir! (I come in peace!) I'm English!" Charlie had now shouted. 

The Lead man had ordered his troops to stay their hands. "Na spokoĭstvie." (At ease.) He then looked at Charlie more closely. "Have ve met before?" He asked. "You look familiar." 

"My name is Charlie Weasley." Charlie answered. "I'm looking for Viktor Krum." 

"Well then. You've come to the right place." The Man replied. "I'm Viktor Krum. And you must be the brother of Ron Weasley. I met him 2 years ago." 

Charlie blinked. "You're... Krum?" He asked. 

"I must look unrecognizable under all this dirt and grime." Krum said. "The War is taking its toll on all of us." 

"Didn't know you were a soldier now. I thought you were a Quidditch Player." Charlie noted.

Krum looked at Charlie. And all of the other Bulgarians shook their heads. "Not anymore." He replied. 

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