Chapter 12: Through the Trap Door and to the Treasure.

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This was it. June had come. And Final Exams were right around the corner. I couldn't wait to go back home and tell my family about all that had happened. But at the same time, the House Cup had become secondary. I was more focused on the Stone. And Final Exams. Hermione had been tutoring me day and night. And I seriously needed it. I still had trouble truly understanding notes. But Hermione guided me through it. 

And the exams were also different as well. There were the written tests, and we all had to use special quills with an Anti Cheating Charm. At least give us a fighting chance. But I didn't mind the heat. It reminded me of Greece.

There were also practical exams. Like the ones in Charms Class, where Professor Flitwick called us in one by one, and see if we could make a Pineapple tap dance. I made it Tap Dance. When Ryan went in though. I could swear I heard some singing as well. "Hello my Baby! Hello my Honey! Hello my Ragtime Gal! Send me a kiss by wire. Baby my heart's on fire! If you refuse me, honey you'll lose me, then you'll be left alone, oh, baby, telephone, and tell me I'm your own!" 

"Well... it did Tap Dance." Flitwick said.

In Transfiguration, McGonagall watched us turn a mouse into a Snuffbox. Points were given for how pretty the snuffbox was. But would be taken away if they had whiskers. McGonagall could tell I was shaking nervously as I was ready. "Take a deep breath, Miss. Bauer. Concentrate." She told me. I turned it into a snuffbox. No Whiskers. And it was somewhat pretty, I think.

Potions was a nightmare though. That was torture. And Snape was breathing down our necks while we tried to remember how to make a forgetfulness potion. Ryan was a little hesitant. But he had this process of mumbling the potion ingredients to himself and the order they went in. Snape usually hates mumbling. But it seemed he made an exception for Ryan. I probably screwed it up though. I just know it.

And History of Magic was just a written test. And an hour of answering questions. Just one more hour and we would be free. When the ghost of Binns told us to put our Quills down and roll up our parchments. I couldn't help but cheer. 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione and I were all walking in the Courtyard. Happy that it was all over. "You know, I've always heard that Hogwarts Final Exams were frightful, but I found it quite enjoyable." Hermione commented. 

"I'm just glad it's over." I said. Now I could enjoy myself. For real this time.

"Speak for yourselves." Ron said. His stomach looked like it was in knots.

Harry was touching his scar. "You alright, Harry?" I asked. 

"My scar. It keeps burning." Harry answered.

"You think it might be because we just came out of the exams?" I asked.

"No. It's been doing that ever since we encountered that person in the Forest." Harry told me. "I think it's a warning." 

"You mean about Snape?" I asked. 

We go over to Hagrid. He's out by his Hut of course. And he's playing his flute. "Why are we going to Hagrid's again?" 

"Don't you think it's a bit odd that Hagrid wanted more than anything but a Dragon, and a stranger just turned up and happened to have one?" Harry was on a role. And he was not stopping.

"Oh you can have a bunch of random things that go off the scale happen. Just look at what happened to Barnaby Lee. That's what Ethan always said." I replied.

But Harry still walked over to Hagrid. "Hagrid? Who gave you the egg? What did he look like?" Harry asked. 

Hagrid stopped playing and thought about it for a second. "I don't know. Never saw his face. And he kept his hood up." Oh great. Stranger Danger.

"What did he say?" Harry asked. 

"He wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him about Fluffy. So a Dragon wouldn't be a problem." Hagrid answered. 

"And did you tell him about Fluffy?" Hermione asked. 

"Of course. How often do you come across a three headed dog?" Hagrid answered. "But I told him that the trick with any beast is to calm them. Barnaby Lee started that little social group with Magical Creatures last year. Since I couldn't do that again. I got the next best thing for Fluffy. Play him music and he falls to sleep." 

"So he's a music lover?" I asked. Not that I blamed him. I like music too. 

"I shouldn't have told you that." Hagrid said once again as we all looked at each other. I should probably make a note never to tell Hagrid any personal secrets of mine.

"Come on, Kassie. We got to see McGonagall." Harry grabbed me off my feet and we ran up to the School.

"Professor McGonagall!" I yelled out. We didn't have time to be discreet. 

"We have to speak to Professor Dumbledore immediately!" Harry exclaimed. It made McGonagall stop whatever she was doing though. She stared strangely at us. 

"I'm afraid he's not here." Of course he wasn't. Why were these things never easy? "He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic." McGonagall informed us. 

"You've got to be kidding me." I said out loud. "Professor, we have to warn him about the Philosopher's Stone." 

Harry smacked his head. "Kassie!" 

And McGonagall had squared her full attention at me now. She frowned. "How do you know-?"

"I used my head and put two and two together." I answered. Which was sort of true. So I wasn't really lying. 

"Someone's going to try to steal it." Harry added.

"I can assure you that it is well protected." McGonagall dismissed us. 

"B-But, Professor-" I started to say.

"Miss. Bauer." McGonagall silenced me. "It is well protected. We have placed every security measure to ensure that it is. And what I also don't want. is you looking for danger like Ethan did." 

"But Ethan had to do it. He had to save Hogwarts!" I protested.

"Yes... yes he did." McGonagall admitted once again turning her attention to me. "But this isn't a Cursed Vault, Miss Bauer. That threat has ended. Yes, Ethan did save Hogwarts, but it came with such prices. You mean well, but I don't want to see you suffer like your brother did and put yourself in danger. Or worse, killed." 

I sighed. Well that's not helpful at all. "Now go back to your dormitories. Quietly." McGonagall told us. 

Defeated, we all headed up to Gryffindor Tower. "Snape must've been the man who met Hagrid in the village. Now that he knows how to get past Fluffy. He's ready to make his move." I told the others.

And speaking of Snape. "Good afternoon." Snape had given us his usual stair. With those piercing eyes, and that long nose. And that really greasy hair. I mean, is he rubbing oil that the Athletes use in Olympic competitions for his hair? 

"And just what would four young Gryffindors, be doing inside on a day like this?" He asked us in a very weird tone. Not his usual tone either. 

I want to yell at him and tell him that I know what he's up to. That he won't get his hands on the Stone. But that probably would not be the smartest thing to say to him. So I didn't say anything.

"You ought to be careful." Snape told us. "People will think you're up to something." 

Takes one to know one.

Snape walked away. He's making his move tonight. There's only one option now. 

"We have to get that stone, before Snape does... Tonight." I declared. 

"You sure about this?" Hermione asked me. "I mean, if we break school rules again, we'll be expelled." She warned.

"We're aware of that. And if we don't stop Snape, Earth will be expelled... from life." Harry replied. "Okay, not my best figure of speech, but you know what I mean." 

"Or worse, You Know Who could turn Hogwarts into a Dark School where everyone is Slytherin." I added. "We've already lost the House Cup anyway." 

"You're right." Hermione said. 

"Oh, Harry." I gave the Cloak back to him. "It might help if we used this." I suggested. 

"Thanks, Kassie." Harry thanked me. 

"Try not to use while you climb a building." I told him. 

We all waited until Nightfall. For a second I felt a sense of justice flowing inside of me. Like Batman. He was another Superhero I really liked. He had this sense of justice that he had a duty to protect Gotham from Bad Guys. Mostly because the Gotham Police was either Inefficient, or corrupt. Except Commissioner Gordon. He was pretty cool.

In the cover of darkness. We all prepared to leave for the trap door. I also bring my guitar with me. Fluffy likes music. This is it. And Ethan would probably do the same thing in my shoes. I know he would. We crept over to the Common Room. "Last chance to back out." I offered. 

"No. I'm not letting Voldemort come back to life." Harry told me. 

"I'm still in." Ron said. "I've got a little sister in Ginny. I want her to go to Hogwarts too." 

"Hermione?" I asked. We all looked at Hermione. 

"Professor Flitwick told me that I got a hundred and twelve percent on his exam. There's no way they're going to kick me out after that." Hermione answered assuring. 

"Then let's go." I said. 

We were all set to go, when we saw Neville's Toad just sitting on the arm part of the couch. 

"Trevor?" I asked. 

Trevor ribbited. 

"Trevor! You shouldn't be here!" Ron hissed. 

"Neither should you." Neville appeared from behind one of the armchairs. And I knew things were about to get really complicated. "You're sneaking out again, aren't you?" 

"Neville. It's not what you think." I insisted. "Unless you're thinking of something else entirely."

"No, I won't let you!" Neville declared. "You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again." He then raised his fists. He just had to get his grip as a Gryffindor together now. Didn't he? "I'll fight you."  

"Neville. Please. I don't want to do this." I raised my wand. We have to go. We don't have time to waste. But Neville was blocking our path. 

"Neither do I, Kassie." Neville replied. 

Hermione also raised her wand. "Neville, I'm really sorry about this." She said. 

"Petrificus Totalas." A voice called and shot Neville from behind.  

We all looked to see where the shot had come from. The Person emerged. It was Ryan.

"Ryan?" Ron asked. 

"Hey, guys." Ryan greeted. "You're going after the Stone, aren't you?" He asked. 

"How did you know about that?" Harry asked.

"Heard it." Ryan answered. "You talk pretty loud. Sorry. I...I can't help if I overhear conversations." 

Was he listening in on our conversations the whole time? 

"And when I didn't... when I saw that Harry and Ron were out of their beds. I figured that you were going after... going to... Trapdoor to the Stone. You were going there." Ryan explained himself. 

"Are you going to stop us?" Hermione asked.

"No. You guys are my friends.... right? I don't really have friends." Ryan asked.

I grinned. "Well, now you've got one." I said shaking his hand.. 

"Make that 4." Hermione agreed. "Right, boys?" She glared at Harry and Ron. And I would not have been surprised if she used the petrifying spell on them if they said no.

"Yeah. Sure." Harry and Ron both said. 

Ryan smiled. "Do you guys like Cartoons?" He asked. 

"Um, Ryan. We'd stay and chat some more. But we've got something to do." Harry dismissed.

"Oh, right. Sorry. Um... I'll-" He pointed to Neville.

"Good man." Hermione praised. 

And we all walked out. But not before we said that we were sorry to Neville.

"You know, Hermione. You look kind of intimidating sometimes." Ryan called out. 

"Um... thanks." Hermione took it as a compliment. 

"Brilliant. But scary." Ron agreed.

We all huddled into the Cloak. Just in case we saw any Prefects, or Teachers. There was no time to tell Beatrice or Cedric what was going on. It was up to the four of us. I still felt guilty about leaving Neville on the cold floor. But he was with Ryan. That was a good sign. I think.

We also had to avoid Filch. And Mrs. Norris. But in the end, we reached the third floor Corridor and Hermione opened the door once again. 

I got out my guitar ready to play Fluffy to sleep. but he's already asleep. The calming sound of a harp being played. And loud snoring from Fluffy.

"Snape's already been here." Harry whispered. "He's out on a spell on that harp." 

We walked up to Fluffy, his paw resting on the trap door. 

"On my signal. We need to move the paw." I said to the others. 

It was a lot easier then we thought. We lifted the trap door and looked down. I looked too dark to see anything. 

"I'll go down first." Harry decided. "Don't follow until I give you a sign." 

"Unless it's you screaming like a little baby?" I asked.

Harry laughed a little. "Sure, Kassie." 

But that's when I noticed something strange. It was quiet now. Too quiet.

"Did it just get quiet in here all of a sudden?" Hermione asked.

The Harp stopped playing. And Fluffy was fully awake. And to prove he was awake, Ron got sobbed on by the Dog's saliva. "Ugh!" 

I quickly got out my Guitar. I start singing something in Greek to Fluffy. That's when Fluffy looked at me not snarling, but rather curious. I started singing even more. Fluffy started waging his tail. He was enjoying it. 

"Quick. He's distracted." Ron, Harry, and Hermione jumped down. 

I started walking over to the Trap Door. But Fluffy followed me everywhere I went. He also knelt down when I stopped playing. He seemed so... excited. I pet his head. And he really liked that. He really was a sweetheart once you got to know him. Maybe that's why Hagrid got him. I put the Guitar down and slid down the Trap Door. "Sorry, boy. But I need to go help my friends now." And I jumped through the door.

When we landed. We landed on something very soft. Like a bouncy sort of vie. 

"Are we in a Garbage Chute?" I asked. 

"A what?" Ron asked. 

"A Garbage Chute. Like the one that was in Star Wars. When Luke, Han, Chewie, and Leia all fell into the Garbage Chute to escape the Stormtroopers." I answered.

Ron looked confused as to that. "What's Star Wars?"

"I know." Hermione answered. She looked at us. "I... know what Star Wars is." 

"So do I. There were a couple of Star Wars nerds in my school. They were kind of... easy targets for Dudley and his gang though." Harry said.

"Well, I don't think this is garbage though." Ron replied. 

All we need now is just for something to grab us by our legs and drag us. And right on cue, the vines start wrapping around our legs and arms. "Okay! This is definitely Star Wars now!" I yelled. At least the walls weren't closing in around us. 

I'm trying to struggle against these vines. "Get off me!" I yelled. But that only made the vines tighter.

"Stop moving!" Hermione yelled. "This is Devil's Snare." 

"And?" I asked.

"You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster." Hermione told me.

"Kill us faster? Oh, now I can relax!" Ron sarcastically shouted out.

I couldn't move, but I got a good view of Hermione sinking through the vines. 

"Hermione!" We all yelled out. 

"Now what are we going to do?" Ron asked.

I didn't know. I was going to be killed by Devil's Snare. At least there were worst ways to go out. 

"Just relax!" I heard Hermione yell.

"Hermione? Are you calling from the Underworld?" I asked.

"No. It's a passage down here. Just relax." Hermione answered.

I stopped struggling and let the Vines consume me. 

"Ah! Kassie!" Ron yelled out. 

I fell down to the ground on top of Hermione. "Should've gotten out of the way." She grunted. 

"I'm okay. Just relax." I said to Harry and Ron. "Trust me."

Harry fell soon after that. "Harry!" Ron yelled out. But Ron was in a panic. 

"He's not relaxing is he?" Hermione asked. 

"What was your first clue? The shrill voice? Or his screaming?" Harry asked.

"So how do we get rid of this?" I asked. But I remember. "Wait a minute." Hermione taught me about this subject in Herbology. "Devil's Snare hates sunlight, right?"  

"That's right, Kassie!" Hermione pulled out her wand and pointed it at the Snare. "Lumos Solem!" 

A bright light shot out of her wand and made the Snare wither away. 

"Certainly works out good. Most students just use Lumos to get out of there. But they would get stuck there for about 8 hours or something." Hermione told me. 

Ron fell through the trap. And he shrugged it off. "Lucky we didn't panic." He said.

I slapped him. "Thank the Gods that Hermione pays attention in Herbology." I corrected. 

"And also that Kassie remembers what I teach her." Hermione added. 

One trap down. More to go.

The next room had a faint noise. Like a Hummingbird flapping. There was a wooden door and a second chamber.

And above us were birds. Or rather, they sounded like birds. "Those don't look like normal birds." Hermione commented.

"Because they aren't." I realized. 

"They're keys." Harry also said. I also looked to see the keys with wings. 

I saw another door. And in the middle was an old broomstick. 

"A broomstick?" I asked.

"I wonder what's that all about?" Hermione asked. 

Ron went over to the locked door. "Alohomora." But the door didn't open. 

"It must require a special key." I realized.

"Couldn't you just pick the lock?" Ron asked. "Isn't that something that thieves can do?"

"Ordinary locks. Not these magic doors." I answered. 

"What are we going to do?" Hermione asked frustrated. "There must be a thousand keys up there!" 

"Maybe more." I added. 

I look around. "Should we grab keys and just see if one of them fits?" Ron asked. 

"There! I see it! The one with the broken wing." Harry pointed up to one of the keys. I had to examine it more closely so I could see what Harry was talking about. I noticed that one of the wings on one of the key was limping. That must've been the one to use.

Harry then looked at the broom. Like he was pondering something. 

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"It's too simple." Harry thought out loud like he couldn't do it. I was about to say something to encourage him, but Ron beat me to it.

"Go on! If Snape could catch it on that old, rickety broomstick, so can you!" Ron said. "You're the youngest Seeker in a century." 

Harry nodded his head. He then looked at me. "A Seeker is only as good as their Chaser." He told me. "You be ready to catch that key." 

I nodded my head. My Confidence at an all time high. He mounted the broomstick. However... when he touched the broom, the keys went into a synchronized movement and in a frenzy swarmed Harry. 

"This complicates things a bit." Ron said. Right as Harry begins swatting away the rogue keys.

Harry rises in the air and chases after the broken winged key. He grabbed it finally after a struggle. "Get ready, Kassie!" He threw the key right at me. 

I grabbed it. I ran for the door and unlocked it. "Come on!" I yelled. Ron and Hermione followed me. And right as soon as Harry flew in the door. I slam it shut.

Another obstacle down. We'd have to double the time if we wanted to catch Snape. The next room was so dark I couldn't see a thing. "Lumos." I used the light charm. But I wouldn't need it soon.

"I don't like this." Hermione said. 

"Is this a Graveyard?" Ron asked. 

But that was when light flooded into the room. We were standing on the edge of a Giant Life Sized Chessboard. "No, wait. It's a chessboard." Ron realized. Behind us stood tall black chessmen, which were all towering. Facing on the other side, were the White Chess pieces. 

"There's the door." Harry motions for us all to go. 

We walk forward past the white pieces, but the White Pawn Pieces all drew their swords blocking out path. "Okay..." I said backing off. They sheathed their swords when we did. 

"Now what do we do?" Hermione asked nervously. 

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Ron suggested. "We've got to play our way across the room. We're going to have to be Chessman." He sounded so excited about it too. Chess was his specialty.

Play a real life game of chess?

Ron walked over to a black knight and put his hand out to touch the horse. The Knight dismounted the Horse allowing Ron to get on.

"Alright. I suppose we need to take four pieces." Ron was thinking out loud. "Okay, don't be offended, but you're not really good at chess." 

"None taken." We all said. 

"Good. Now, Harry, Kassie. You guys are going to take the spots of the Bishops. Hermione, you'll be the queen side castle." 

We move to our respective spaces right as the other pieces move off theirs. "And I assume you'll be the knight?" I asked.

"That's right, Kassie." Ron answered. 

"So... what happens now?" Hermione asked. 

"White moves first." Ron answered. "See?" 

One of the White Pawns moved forward at least 2 squares. The Game has begun.

"Ron? You think this'll be like real Wizard's chess?" I asked a little nervous. I don't know why I asked that question. I do that stuff when I get nervous.

"You there, D5!" Ron ordered one of the Pawns. It moved forward to the White Pawn. And the White Pawn smashed it into pieces.

"Malaka!" I shouted. I quickly went into a prayer.

"Yes.. Kassie, I think this is going to be... exactly like Wizard's chess." Ron answered being all shaky. I knew I was. He then looked over to me praying. "What are you doing?"

"Praying to Athena to grant you the skill for this match." I said.

"Your Owl?" Harry asked confused.

"The Greek Goddess of Skill." Hermione clarified. 

"I thought she was the Goddess of Wisdom." Harry said.

"She is. Well she's both, okay?" I replied.

"Harry, move diagonally four squares to the right." Ron commanded. 

Harry moved. I think the only real shock came when our other knight was taken. The White Queen smashed him with her sword into a million pieces. 

"Ron! Are you crazy?" I asked him.

"That had to happen, Kassie." Ron explained. "Leaves us to take the Bishop. Go on, Hermione." 

Hermione moved forward.

"Kassie! Move to E2!" Ron ordered me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Move right there." Ron pointed to one of the pieces. 

Those White Players were really showing their work cut off. And I really mean that they showed the black pieces no mercy. Even the Spartans would tell them to tone it down. And that's saying something. 

And whenever Hermione, Harry, and I were in danger, Ron had to dart around the board and take as many of the White Players out in retaliation. I wonder if Ethan could've done this. He probably could've.

All of a sudden, Ron had stopped. Now he was muttering. Was he thinking of another strategy? "Okay, we're nearly there." 

The White Queen had turned towards us now. Ron was thinking again. "It's the only way. I've got to be taken." 

"What?" I asked. 

"It has to be done, Kassie. When I move. The Queen will take me, then Harry will be free to check the King." Ron explained to me.

"What is he talking about?" Hermione asked. 

"He's going to sacrifice himself." I answered.

"NO!" Hermione and Harry screamed.

"That's chess." Ron told us. "You've got to make sacrifices." 

"Not like this!" I shot back.

But Ron looked so frustrated. "You want to stop Snape from getting that Stone or not?" 

Harry looked at him. "Ron-" 

"Harry. It's you that has to go on. Not me. Not Hermione. Not Kassie. You!" Ron insisted. 

"Ron. We'll find another way." I protested. I didn't want to lose Ron. I wanted us all to go home in one piece. 

"There's no time. Snape could have that Stone already." Ron countered. 

"No!" I shouted. "I-I can't lose you." I stuttered. I started to get tears in my eyes.

"Kassie. It's okay." Ron told me. He then got on his horse. I closed my eyes. I couldn't watch this. 

I just heard Ron utter the words. "Knight! To H3!" All I could hear was the sound of the stone moving. "Check." 

Another piece had moved. I heard the sword getting raised. And the crushing of stone. And Ron's scream of pain. 

"NO!" I yelled out when I finally opened my eyes and could see Ron on the ground. Not moving.

"Ron!" Harry yelled out.

I wanted to run over to help Ron. "No!" Harry stopped me. "Don't move! Don't forget, we're still playing!" He stopped me. 

"Then end it already!" I shouted.

Harry did just that. He walked over to the King piece. "Checkmate." He said with conviction. 

The sword of the King dropped. The Game was won. 

I then ran over to Ron. So did Hermione. "Is he-?" I asked. 

"Girls." Harry told us. "We have to keep moving." 

I looked at Ron. "No. I'm not leaving without him." I declared not wanting to leave Ron like this.

"Kassie, there's no time." Harry shot down.

"I'll carry him on my back if I have to." I insisted already grabbing Ron on my back. 

Harry could tell that I was not going to take no for an answer. "Fine." Let's keep going. 

We crossed into the next room. "Okay. We went through the Devil's Snare. Then Transfigured Keys, Then a Chessboard." I listed as I carried Ron.

"So what's next?" Hermione asked.

Harry couldn't answer that and neither could I. We were stopped by some foul odor. It had come from a Troll that was on the ground. Even bigger then the one on Halloween. But it looked done already. "Glad we didn't have to fight that one." Harry said. 

"Let's get out of here." It was trouble just breathing with that smelly troll.

Harry pulled open the next door. "I can only imagine what the next room is going to be." He said to me. 

I was wondering what the next room would be myself. I seriously doubt that it could be any worse then the Chess Board match. But I don't think that anyone could've suspected that the next room was just a table with seven differently shaped bottles standing in a straight line. 

"This must be Snape's trap." Harry figured.

As we stepped over the threshold, a fire had suddenly sprang up behind us in the doorway. And it didn't look like any ordinary fire either. But purple fire. And at the same time, a black fire had blocked the path in front of us. 

"We're trapped!" I shouted nervously. There really was no turning back now. I think of Ron on my back. How would we help him now?

"Stay calm, Kassie." Hermione insisted. She looked at a roll of paper lying next to the bottles. And she read it. 

I would tell you what it said, but I honestly have no idea. I was kind of busy lugging Ron on my back. 

But Hermione let out a sigh of relief. And she was smiling. Which honestly, I never thought of doing at this moment. 

"Brilliant! This isn't magic. It's Logic! A puzzle. A lot of the greatest Wizards haven't got an ounce of Logic." Hermione exclaimed. "They'd be stuck in here forever." 

"Just like the Labyrinth!" I realized. "The Labyrinth that Daedalus had built in Greece. Ethan and his friends had to traverse the Labyrinth with a bunch of obstacles. Some required a lot of Logic to get through. I know because I was there." 

Hermione couldn't argue with that. Apparently, she had read in the Hogwarts Books about how Ethan and Jacob along with Lizzie Maxson, Penny Haywood, Nymphadora Tonks, Barnaby Lee, Charlie Weasley, Talbott Wringer, Chiara Lobosca, Jae Kim, Corey Hayden, Orion Amari, and Erika Rath descended into the Labyrinth to acquire the Treasure of Daedalus before Slayton could. I went with them. But I was more of a tag along. We have to deal with Living Skeletons and Poison Gas though. And the Minotaur. "I bet that's where the Hogwarts Professors got their inspiration for all of this from." 

"And are we going to be down here forever too?" Harry asked nervous. 

"No." Hermione answered. "Everything we need is on this paper. Let's see." She started to read it. "Seven bottles, three are poison, two are wine, and one will get us safely through the black fire, while one will get us back through the purple." She read.

"So which ones do we drink?" I asked.

"Give me a second." Hermione insisted. She read the paper several times. Maybe she should've just used that weird method that Barnaby uses.

Hermione instead just read the paper several times. She then walked up and down the lines of bottles. Until... "Got it. The smallest bottle with get us through the fire. Towards the stone." 

Harry looked at the tiny bottle. "There's only enough for two of us." He noted. 

Only two? We still had to get Ron to safety though. "And which one leads us through the purple fire?" I asked.

Hermione pointed to the rounded bottle at the end of the line. 

"So... which two of us will go to the Stone, and which one takes back Ron?" I asked. There was no way we were going to leave Ron. 

"Hermione, Kassie. You two should drink that and get Ron out of here. Go straight to the Owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. I'll go alone and hold off Snape for a while. Ron's right. I have to face this alone." Harry ordered us. 

And leave him alone with Snape?

"Harry, what if You Know Who shows up?" Hermione asked nervously. 

"Well... I was lucky once, wasn't I?" Harry asked like it was a joke. But I didn't think it was funny. 

"Harry. We can't let you face him alone." I said.

"Then you should go with him, Kassie." Hermione insisted.

"What?" I asked confused. "What about Ron?" 

"I'll take him." Hermione answered. "Harry might need some help. And who better then you to help him? It's the right thing to do." 

I looked at Harry. And I looked back at myself. "I-I don't know if I can." I said. 

I placed Ron down, gently. And Hermione gave me a big hug. "You're a great Witch, Kassie." She then gave Harry a big hug. "And you're a great Wizard, Harry. You really are." 

"Not as good as you." Harry admitted.

Hermione laughed a little bit. "Me? Books and cleverness!" 

"Come on, Hermione. You're an excellent Witch, Mione." I told her. How could she sell herself short like that. "Who was it that offered to help Neville find Trevor? Who's helping me with my whole classes when I can't understand the notes? Who reached out and was my friend when I felt frustrated at times? And... who would I be without my best friend?" I asked. 

After a long  silence. Hermione finally said something. "I used to think that's all there was to being a Great Witch. But I've come to realize that there are more important things. Friendship and Bravery. Knowledge can never replace that." 

"It's not bad to have knowledge or to be perfect at things." I told her. 

"But I'm not perfect. I don't have to be perfect to be successful." Hermione replied. "And what's the point of all of that if there's nobody in your life to enjoy it with?"

"You really are a good friend to have." Harry said hugging Hermione again and smiling. He then turned to me. "You sure you want to come, Kassie?" 

"Yes. You need someone to watch your back. I can do that." I answered. 

Hermione took a sip of the potion. She also put some in Ron's mouth. Just in case. "Good luck. And be careful." She told us as she took Ron off of my hands.

Now it was just Harry and I. "Kassie?" Harry asked. 

"Yes?" I asked. 

"You're a great friend too. I'm glad to have you with me right now." Harry answered.

"What are friends for?" I asked sarcastically. 

Harry hugged me. We then turned to the black flames. "Here we come." He said as we both drank the potion. 

It felt like Ice had coursed through our veins. And we walked through them. 

The Black Fire had barely touched us. We didn't feel a thing.

Then we walked through a flight of stairs. Snape must've been down there. 

"This is it, Kassie." Harry told me. "Let's get him!" 

We both ran down with the momentum on our side. I felt like a Super Hero now. Charging into the final battle. And hoping that this wouldn't go down like when Luke fought Vader in Empire Strikes back. And got his butt kicked.

We could see someone else was already there. And with the Mirror of Erised? Is that where Dumbledore took it? I didn't have time to question it though. I took out my Yew Wand. "That's far enough, Snape!" I yelled out. "Step away from the Mirror!" The figure turned. 

But it wasn't Snape. It wasn't even Voldemort. 

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