Chapter 14: End of the Year.

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Beatrice was carrying Harry out of the Trap Door. Fluffy wasn't there. Beatrice told me that Hagrid had taken Fluffy from the Trap Door. But what was waiting for us, was Professor Dumbledore and the other Professors.

Malaka. Here was going to come the punishment for me. I was going to be expelled. I just knew it. 

"I'm pleased to see that you are not dead, Miss Bauer." Dumbledore greeted with a warm smile. 

"Um... likewise." I replied. 

"Is Harry Potter alright?" McGonagall asked. 

"He got knocked out pretty bad." Beatrice answered. 

"We can thank Vol- I mean, You Know Who for that." I added. 

"What? He was here?" Flitwick asked in pure shock. 

"Yes. We had a fight. Harry saved me. But-" I started to say.

"It's alright, Miss. Bauer. Why don't you start from the beginning?" Dumbledore suggested. "Miss. Haywood. Please take Harry to the Hospital Wing." 

Beatrice left us. And took Harry with her. 

So, I told Dumbledore and the Professors everything. About how we thought that it was Snape that was really working for Voldemort. Going through all the traps. And encountering Quirrell who had Voldemort living on the back of his head. And how Voldemort pulled a whole I was behind everything one of those types.

Anyway. I also added in how when Quirrell tried to grab Harry. "Harry had the hands of death upon him and used them to kill Quirrell. But then Voldemort appeared like a spirit and ran right into Harry. He would've one to me too, but Beatrice had saved me. And that's it."

"I suspected as much." Dumbledore said.

"To think, Professor. You Know Who was under our very nose this whole time." McGonagall commented.

"Actually, it was under the Turban." I clarified.

McGonagall glared at me. "I realize you don't want constructive criticism right now." I mumble looking down.

But McGonagall did walk up to me. "Are you hurt, Miss. Bauer?" She asked.

"No. I'm okay." I answered. "Just a little shocked is all. It's really Ron that was-" My eyes widened. "Oh, Gods! Ron! He-" 

"He's fine. And so is Hermione." Dumbledore assured. "I crossed paths with Hermione's Owl in Mid Air. And by the time I came back to Hogwarts, Beatrice had already ran into the Trap Door to find you." 

"I'm sorry, Professor. I should've-" I started to say.

"Kassie." Dumbledore said to me. "You did what you had to do. You, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all did. Now, do you have the Stone?" He asked. 

I pulled out the Stone. "I-It's right here, sir." I answered. 

"Thank you, Kassie." Dumbledore took the stone. 

"So... are you going to destroy it?" I asked. "And that means Nicholas Flamel will die." 

Dumbledore looked at me. "You know about Nicholas Flamel, do you?" He asked impressed. "Well done. He and I will have a talk. And we will decide on what is best."

"If Nicholas will die. I pray that he will be granted Elysium." I said. I don't know why I pray to Hades to send a man I didn't know to Elysium. But it just felt like it would suit a great man who made so many accomplishments. 

But there's another thing on my mind. "So is, Vol-I mean, You Know Who-?" 

"Call him Voldemort, Kassie. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself." Dumbledore told me. 

"Okay, So is Voldemort, dead?" I asked. "And that's it?"

"No." Dumbledore answered. "He's left Quirrell to die. He shows no mercy to even his own followers. Same with his enemies. We've only delayed him. But not destroyed him. He will return. But it will take a time." 

"Sir. What the Centaurs said in the Forest. Mars was bright. That means there's a war coming." I worried.

"And we will be ready for it." Dumbledore told me. "But that is not for some time. For now, take pride." He put a hand on my shoulder. "You did a good thing for your friends tonight. And you saved Hogwarts." He took a look at my wand. "A Yew Wand." 

"Yes." I said. "When I got it from Ollivanders. I... I was told it would bring Dark Magic." I hesitated to say. 

"Yes, Yew Wands will do that." Dumbledore told me. "But they can also be great protectors. It's not our abilities that make us who we are, Kassie. It's our choices. Remember that." 

That's the same thing that Ollivander said to me. It all came full circle now. 

"Now, I suggest you get some sleep, Kassie. It was a long night." McGonagall suggested.

I took her advice. I'm almost tempted to tell the Professors my visions of what I saw. But I didn't. Maybe it was because I didn't know what to think of them. And I didn't understand them. And I don't think they would either. I hope I didn't make a mistake.

The Next Three Days happened just like that. Hermione and Ron were happy to see me of course. But Harry was still on the bed unconscious. I visited him every day. I even got him a Chocolate Frog on one of the days. 

As Madam Pomfrey dismissed me, I walked along the halls to see Fred and George walking down. With a Toilet Seat. 

"Um, why do you guys have a toilet seat?" I asked.

"A little present for Harry." Fred answered. I saw them both walk into the Hospital Wing with it. 

However, I also heard Madam Pomfrey scolding the twins. "Do you have personal lack of Hygiene now?!"

Naturally, everybody in the Common Room wanted to know about our adventures. So I regaled them with the way only we Greeks could tell it. In a completely crazy and convoluted adventure. Making it sound more epic then it really was. Kind of like what Homer would do. 

"So there we all were. We had to get the Queen out of the way. Ron knew there was only one alternative. Time running out to stop Quirrell. So Ron had to do it. He had to sacrifice himself so Harry could check the King. I had never been so scared for my friend." I was telling them about the chess board.

They all now looked at Ron with admiration. 

"No Way!" Lee Jordan yelled awe struck. "What happened next?"

"Well... we then had to get past the Potions. It had to come down to Logic. And Hermione had to channel the inner spirit of Odysseus inside of her. She selected the Potions. One to go through the fires. Harry and I went forward. But to save Ron, Hermione had to go back." I answered. 

That was when Percy came up. "Alright. Alright. Story time is over. We've got a Final Feast to go to." He announced.

"Awwwwww." Everyone complained.

"Right as it was getting good, too." Ryan groaned. 

"Sorry, guys." I said. 

I then turned to Neville. He had been sitting by the stairs the whole time. He was probably mad we petrified him or something. This wasn't going to be easy. "Um... Chare, Neville." I greeted.

"Hi, Kassie." He greeted back.

"Listen..." We both said. 

"I'm sorry we had to petrify you." I apologized. "We had to get to the Stone first. A-and, stop Voldemort." 

"And I'm sorry I stood in your way." He said back. "I didn't want you to get Gryffindor into trouble again. But all I just did was delay you." 

"No. We stopped him." I insisted. 

We both smiled at each other. "It was quite brave of you to stand in our way though." I noted. 

Neville smiled. "Yeah, well... it's about time, right?" He asked. "I mean, I think a part of me knew I was going to lose that and that was the outcome. But I did it anyway." 

I smiled back as well. And laughed a little. 

"Kassie? Neville? Are you coming?" Percy called. 

"Coming!" I yelled. 

"Well, we lost the House Cup to Slytherin." Neville told me.

I nodded. In sight of everything, I forgot about the House Cup. "Yeah. Come on. Let's go, fellow loser."  

"I lost the House Cup for Gryffindor. You know that?" Neville asked me as we walked out of the Common Room.

"You know what?" I told him. "It's just a cup." 

But before I walked into the Great Hall, Hermione and Ron grabbed me. "Kassie! Harry's awake!" Hermione yelled to me. 

"He's awake?" I asked excited. I run towards the Hospital Wing to see Harry walking out of the Hospital Wing. 

"Harry!" I shouted. 

"You okay, Kassie?" Harry asked. 

"Yeah. I'm just fine. You?" I answered.

"Alright." Harry replied. "What about Ron?" 

"I'm okay." Ron answered. "So is Hermione." 

"Never better." Hermione added. 

The Four of us all hugged each other before we went to the End of the Year Feast. 

We all entered the Great Hall. It had been covered with Slytherin Banners of Green and Silver throughout the halls. An indication that they had won. And a huge banner of the Serpent covering the High End Table. 

It felt so strange. The first time that I had been here, I was shaky. I was scared. I do admit that. I thought I wouldn't last a day in here. And it had been a rough start. But I made it. I have my friends to thank for that. 

Hermione. She had been my friend who was a girl. I never had that before. She helped me as best as she could with classes. If she hadn't. My Learning Disability would've gotten the best of me. I still struggle with my notes and studying, and learning. But now I know that I can make it. With the right support of course. 

Ron. Well. He may be a bit of a hot head. Definitely stubborn. But when it comes to the height of the Conflict. You can always expect Ron to stand by your side through thick and thing. No matter what. 

And Harry. Well, Harry is my good friend. And while I'm sure that he would go through even more conflicts for years to come. I knew that he knew that I would be always there to help me when he needed it. After all, that's what friends do. 

We all took our seats and right as Dumbledore began his speech. "Another year gone." He said cheerfully. "Now before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. We have one last affair to attend to. The House Cup needs awarding, and the points stand as thus. In fourth place. Gryffindor with 312 points." 

There was small faint clap for the Gryffindors. I had seen this coming. We gave it our best shot. It was our fault really. We should've been more careful with that night with the Dragon. 

"In Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points." Dumbledore continued. 

There was a clap for the Hufflepuffs. Slightly louder. 

"Second Place, Ravenclaw with 426 points." There was a bigger clap for the Ravenclaws. They came pretty close. 

Take a wild guess over who was in first place.

"And in first place with 472 points. Slytherin House!" Dumbledore announced. 

All the Slytherins cheered in triumph. I could see Draco banging his goblet on his table. He then smirked at me and gave me an L on his forehead for Loser. 

Whatever. I stopped looking in his direction. 

"Yes, yes. Well done Slytherin, Well done Slytherin. However." Dumbledore said. 

However? Huh? My ears peaked up. "Recent events, must be taken into account. And I have a few... last minute points to award." 

All the Professors were wondering what Dumbledore was going to pull out next.

The Slytherins smiles faded a little.

"First... to Miss. Hermione Granger. For a cool use of intellect. When others were in Great Peril. I award Gryffindor house, 50 points." We all cheered and clapped for Hermione. 

Hermione buried her head in her arms. Maybe she was shy or something. I shook her arm. 

"Second. To Mr. Ronald Weasley. For the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years. 50 points." 

We were now up by 100 now. And applause had broken up for Ron. He turned so Purple in the face. And Percy was taking it all in. "My brother. My youngest brother. Got past McGonagall's Giant Chess Set!" He boasted.

"Percy, you're not going to freak out like you did at that Secret Party at home, are you?" Ron asked annoyed.

"Hey! It wasn't my idea to throw a party when Mum and Dad were away!" Percy protested. "And I thought we agreed that we wouldn't talk about that, again." 

"Oh yeah." Ron remembered.

But back to Dumbledore. "Third... To Mr. Harry Potter. For pure love and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor House, 60 points." 

The Gryffindors all cheered. "We're tied with Slytherin!" Hermione whispered to me. 

We tied. Too bad we couldn't get one more house point. I looked at Malfoy, he's just standing there wondering what's going on. 

"Fourth..." Dumbledore now looked at me. "To Miss. Kassandra Bauer. For showing complete resolve and having the willpower to stand strong in the face of a tough challenge. And for also doing what is right, not what is easy. 50 points." He winked at me.

And all the Gryffindors cheered for me. I couldn't believe it. I'm sitting there speechless. I just might burst into tears. I just won the House Cup for Gryffindor. But Dumbledore wasn't done yet.

"And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies. But even more so to do it to friends. I award 10 points, to Neville Longbottom." 

I could swear that even Mt. Olympus could hear the Great Hall erupt so loud. We all cheered for Neville who just looked so shocked by what had just happened. He had never even won a House Point for Gryffindor before. I looked at Malfoy again. His Mouth hung open in shock and horror, stunned by what had just happened. 

"Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of decoration is in order." Dumbledore clapped his hands. And in an instant, the banners of Slytherin with their Green and Silver were changed to Scarlett and Gold. The Serpent had been replaced by a towering Lion. Snape was shaking McGonagall's hand with a forced smile on his face. "Gryffindor wins the House Cup!" Dumbledore announced.

And we all cheered, all throwing our hats. Except for Slytherins who just looked so defeated. 

The House Cup may have just been a Cup. But it was so worth it to see that look on Malfoy's face. We would never forget tonight. 

The Next day came. Our stuff was packed up. I would see this place again, next year. We also got our final exam results. And to my surprise, I passed with good marks. 

"See?" Hermione told me. "You did great." 

I hugged her. "Thank you." I also noticed that Hermione had gotten the best marks in our year. Her Charms was only the second best though. 

"I got the Second best in Charms?" Hermione asked. 

"I thought you said you got a hundred and twelve or something like that." I said.

"I did." Hermione replied. "So who got higher?" 

Then I remembered a Dancing and singing Pineapple. Singing Hello my Baby. 

"One Hundred and Thirty on my Charms!" I heard the voice of Ryan Tyler yell. 

"Nevermind." Hermione said. "Oh well. That's the way it goes." 

As soon as everything was packed, we were transported over to the Hogwarts Express. It would take us home. We also got a notice that we weren't allowed to use Magic outside of School while we were home. International Statured of Secrecy and all of that.

I sat in a compartment with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Ryan. "If that was our first year, I wonder what our second year will be like." I commented. 

"I know what you mean." Harry replied. "Every Flavored Bean?" He offered me.

"Pass." I declined. 

"I'll have one." Ryan took that offer. He took out one. And popped it in his mouth. "Root Beer." He said. 

"That's a flavor?" Neville asked.

"Well they mean, every flavored Bean." Hermione pointed out. 

"You know, Snoopy likes Root Beer." Ryan said. 

"Great." Harry commented. 

"Maybe Mom will finally see the greatness in my drawings." Ryan also added. 

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked noticing the way that Ryan said that. 

"Oh, she says that Cartoons are stupid." Ryan answered. "And that I should embrace Wizarding Customs." 

"You should be you, Ryan." I said to him. 

Ryan looked at me. "Maybe." 

We passed a few Muggle Towns. But we also had to change out of our Quidditch Robes and into our Jackets and Coats as we pulled into King Cross Station. I was going to see Mater again.

That was, of course after trying to get through Platform 9 and 3/4 Station. But after going through, at 3 at a time. 

"You will come and stay this summer, right?" Ron asked me.

"Of course." I answered. Why should I only see my friends at Hogwarts? "I'll send you an owl." I offered. 

I'd never seen the Burrow before. And I was going to be really glad to see those old Anglo Saxon Ruins. They were my happy place. 

I saw Ryan walk past me. "Kassie. I'll see you around." He told me.

"See you." I replied. 

He then left. 

I talked some more with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. But we did pass through the Gateway to see the Weasley Family waiting for us. Or rather... it was just Ron's mother Molly and his younger sister Ginny. 

But Ginny had her full attention on Harry. "There he is Mom, there he is, look!" She yelled so hyper. "Harry Potter! Look, Mom. There he is, look!" 

"Be quiet, Ginny!" Her Mother told her. "It's rude to point!" 

Mrs. Weasley looked down at us. "And Kassandra. So good to see you dear. How are you?" She asked me with such a warm smile. "You're a Hogwarts Student now." 

"I'm just fine, Mrs. Weasley." I answered.

"That's good to hear. You had a good year?" Mrs. Weasley asked me. 

I nodded my head. "Had a few people that thought to ruin it though." I admitted. "But they didn't. Oh and thanks for the sweater. I really loved it." I added.

"Oh, It was nothing." Mrs. Weasley shrugged. 

I smiled. It was good to be home. But that was when I heard someone approach us from behind. That person bumped into me. "Hey! That wasn't nice." I said.

"Oh, well. Sorry about that."  The person replied in a sarcastic tone. 

I knew that voice! I turned to see a man with brown eyes, and brown hair. And a bit of a face scar. My Brother. "Ethan!" I shouted running into his arms and hugging him. 

"Hey, Kassie!" Ethan hugged me back so tightly. I was so happy to see him again. "I've missed you." 

I kept on hugging him. "Ethan! I've missed you too! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I needed to get out of the Ministry for a bit. I swear, Corey can be a really big loud mouth sometimes." Ethan answered. "And besides, I think that I wanted to be here to see my Little Sister come home from Hogwarts." He added.  

"Thanks." I thanked. I was so happy to see him.

"So, Kassie? How are you feeling? I know the last time we talked was over an Owl, but..." Ethan asked me. 

"I had a bit of a tough stumble. But I'm better now. I made some friends." I answered.

"That's great." Ethan replied. "Are they them?" He asked pointing to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Yes." I answered. 

Hermione looked at Ethan with her eyes really wide. "Holy Cricket! It's Ethan Bauer! Right there!" She yelled. 

"Well, points on for specifications." Ethan said. 

Timidly, I tell Ethan who this is. "Ethan, this is my friend. Hermione Granger. She's a Muggleborn Witch."  

"Nice to meet you." Ethan greeted extending his hand. 

Hermione shakes Ethan's hand. "Of course. It's a great honor. I've read all about your exploits. My Parents are alive because of you. So thank you. But..." She looked at his hand. "I thought your hand was cut off." 

"No. That's Jacob." Ethan corrected. 

"Oh." Hermione looked at the books. Then she smacked her head. "Of course." 

That was when Ethan noticed Harry Potter. "Is that Harry?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered. 

Harry walked over. "Hey, Kassie. I imagine you'll be going now." He said. 

"Yeah." I replied. "Oh, Harry. This is my brother, Ethan." 

Harry shook Ethan's hand. "Nice to meet you." He greeted Ethan.

"We've met before. Though you were an infant." Ethan noted.

"I don't remember." Harry said.

"Didn't think you would." Ethan laughed.

That was when we heard another voice. "Ready are you?" We turned to see a Walrus of a Man. With a Large Mustache and everything. 

"Oh, joy. This clown again." Ethan muttered.

This must've been Harry's Muggle Uncle. The one that treated him like garbage. He then turned on Ethan. "And what are you looking at?"

"Something very repulsive." Ethan answered while looking straight at Vernon Dursley. 

That's when that Dursley man looked right at me. "And what is that? Some sort of out of placed street rat?" He asked. 

"That would be my sister." Ethan answered.

"Well, you must have a petting zoo or something." Dursley insulted.

"Takes one to know one." Ethan shot back. "I mean... you've got a Giraffe and a Pig with you." He looked at the other members of the Dursleys. A pencil necked lady and a very fat boy. They looked terrified of Harry. 

Vernon broke off eye contact with Ethan. "Hurry up, boy. We haven't got all day!" He demanded Harry.

"See you over the summer." I said to Harry.

Harry hugged me and then went back for one final hug with Ron and Hermione.

"Hope you have a Er... good holiday." Hermione wished as she wondered how anyone could be so unpleasant. 

"Oh I will." Harry smirked. He was thinking something. "They don't know we're not allowed to do Magic at home. I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer...." 

And on that note. Ethan grabbed my things. While I grabbed Athena. Nobody seemed to care that I had Athena for a pet. 

Mater was waiting for us. "Kassie!" She ran over. "Oh, my baby!" She hugged me.

"Mater!" I cried hugging her. "I missed you so much. I thought Hogwarts was a Boot Camp at first. But... I did it. I stayed. And it ended up being fun." 

"And I am so proud of you, Kassie." Mater replied. "We all are." 

I sighed. "There was something else." I said.

Ethan's expression changed. "You mean... with Quirrell and Voldemort." Ethan must've been told about that. It didn't surprise me. 

"Yes." I answered.

Ethan immediately understood. "Come on, Kassie." He took my hand. "It looks like we've got a lot to talk about." 

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