Chapter 4: Classes within Hogwarts.

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Navigating Hogwarts is like trying to find a needle in a Haystack. There's so many staircases and and some are vanishing that you have to remember to jump. 

And some of the doors were difficult to get through then other doors. 

To make matters worse, I felt like I was going into this blind. I was still trying to figure out my schedule. I didn't know what classes to go to. Or if I got the schedule somehow messed up and went to classes I shouldn't have gone to and went to different ones. It feels just... so overwhelming. At least Nearly Headless Nick is willing to point me in the right direction. 

But one of the things you have to watch out for is Filch. Not only is Mrs. Norris some grouchy cat, but if you put a single toe out of line and she'll whisk away for Filch and he'll put you in detention. All the Students hate him and he hates us. So it's a mutual understanding. 

And when I say that there are a lot of classes. There were Herbology taught by the Head of Hufflepuff, Professor Sprout. Charms taught by Professor Flitwick, a tiny little wizard who hat to stand on a pile of books just so he could see over his desk. I also heard that he's a pretty good dueler himself. He even taught Ethan his first dueling spell. History of Magic (easily the most boring class) It was taught by a ghost named Professor Binns. You'd think that would be fun but Binns was so boring that he had fallen asleep in front of the staff room fire and then got up the next morning to teach. The way he told History was so boring. He just would drone on. 

I'm in the Grand Staircase trying to read my schedule trying to find out where I'm supposed to go first. When I get interrupted by a hiss. 

Filch and Mrs. Norris are standing right in front of me. "What do you think you're doing?" Filch interrogated.

"Trying to find my class." I answered nervously. 

"You don't fool me. You're causing trouble." Filch didn't seem to believe me.

"No. I-I don't want any trouble." I insisted. 

"You're Jacob and Ethan Bauer's sister, aren't you?" Filch asked. 

"Y-Yes." I answered. 

"They were nasty rule breakers too. Perhaps this time, I'll get lucky and hang you up in chains by my ankles." Filch then smirked while Mrs. Norris hissed at me. 

I quickly run away from Filch as quick as I can. I breath heavily. That's when I look at my schedule again. I have Transfigurations... which was starting in 2 minutes.

"Malaka!" I run as quick as I can. 

The other students are in Transfigurations already. How? But there's no Professor. Just a cat on the front desk. 

Maybe she has yet to arrive. I quickly take my seat as people starred at me. Harry and Ron follow about 45 seconds later. 

"Made it." Ron breathed a sigh of relief. "Can you imagine the look on Old McGonagall's face if she saw us late?" 

But that's when the Cat jumped off and transformed into McGonagall. Yep. I'm late if that's the case. 

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron commented. 

"Thank you for that assessment Mr. Weasley." McGonagall replied in a sarcastic tone. I'm fully aware of what it sounds like. "Perhaps I should transfigure yourself or Mr. Potter into a pocket watch. Or perhaps Miss. Bauer. That way one of you might be on time." She also looked at me as she said that. 

First day of class and I'm already messing up. Great. 

"We got lost." Harry explained. 

"Then I suggest a map." McGonagall replied indifferently. "I trust you don't need one to find your seats." Both Harry and Ron sat down. 

I'll say it now. Transfigurations is very complex. McGonagall goes on to tell us this fact. And she also adds in that anyone who is messing around in her class will leave and not come back. 

We're soon taking so many complex notes. I'm sitting next to Hermione who is just taking them all down like a pro. How does she do it? I on the other hand am struggling. 

"Um.." I want to say. But I don't want to make the Professor angry. Instead I'm just trying to copy down the notes as best as I can. And I will also add a little sloppy. What if the other students are better note takers than I am? I'm going to be in the last of the class, I just know it. 

But if Transfiguration is this complex, maybe the other classes are going to be easier. 

I take it back, however. We have Double Potions next. Taught by the Head of Slytherin House, Severus Snape. You remember, the Greasy haired one.

Potions took place in the Dungeons. It was cold and dark. I was glad to wearing a robe in the class. I take a seat and see Snape entering the classroom. "There will no foolish wand waving in this class." He announced as he went up in front of the class. 

"I don't expect any of you to understand the beauty and subtle science of potion making. Bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper in death." Snape continued. 

I could see Harry coping down what he was saying. 

Snape took notice. "Then again... maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough... to not pay attention." He then starts starring at Harry. I quickly scoot closer to Neville on the other side so I know he won't aim it at me. 

"Mr. Potter. Our new celebrity." Snape was walking up to Harry, right as Malfoy along with Crabbe and Goyle sniggered. Looks like he's got some favorites.

"Tell me, Potter. What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked. 

Hermione raised up her hand. I know she's great at Knowledge and everything. But isn't that why we're here at school? To learn these things?

"I don't know, sir." Harry answered.

"Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a Bezoar?" He asked again as he was ganging up on Harry. 

I'm almost tempted to go up and tell Snape to leave Harry alone. But Neville advises against doing that. But Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle are shaking with laughter like this is the best day of their lives. What is their problem?

"I don't know, sir." Harry answered.

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Snape presses on.

"I don't know, sir." Harry answered again.

"Clearly... fame isn't everything." Snape had completely ignored Hermione's hand. 

I can't hold it anymore. He has no right to do this. "Clearly, Hermione knows. You should ask her and not gang up on Harry like that!" I snapped. 

A few people laughed at that. I get some nods from Seamus and also Ryan. But Snape now turned his attention to me.

"I was hoping that one Bauer would at least not cause disturbances in my Classroom. But it seems I was mistaken." Snape said to me. What kind of stuff did Ethan do in Potions class?

Snape then goes back to Harry. "For your information, Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death-" But Snape is quickly interrupted by the voice of Ryan. 

"And a Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and saves you from potions. A-and Monkshood and wolfsbane, they're the same, they're the same plant. Which goes by the name of aconite." Ryan interrupted while also raising his hand. 

Snape then turned to Ryan. But he wasn't mad. He nodded his head. "Yes. That's correct. Perhaps Potter should strive for Potions just like Mr. Tyler here." 

Snape then looks at everybody. "Well? Why aren't you copying this down?!" 

The Quills and Parchments go flying everywhere. 

He doesn't take any points away. Perhaps it's because I got saved by Ryan's knowledge of Potions.

So Snape can bully whoever he wants and get away with it? And he seems to be encouraging Draco. That's not fair.

It didn't get any better for us in Potions. One Potion we learned how to brew was Cure to Boils. Snape is starring at me the whole time too. We're divided into pairs. I get paired with Neville. It was fine with me.

And he criticized everyone except for Malfoy. Except... Ryan. In fact, he seems to be the only one that's giving Malfoy a run for his drachmae. 

"Um... Kassie?" Neville asked me. "Should we put in these Porcupine Quills?"

I honestly didn't remember. I also saw some Bulbadox Powder. Probably should add that too. I reached for the Powder when Snape is quick with his wand and slapped my hand away. 

"Wrong!" Snape shouted at me. 

I turned back to Neville. "Okay, um we should add in the Q-Quills." I said to Neville as he put them in.

"NO WAIT!" Ryan shouted. "Put the fire out, first!" 

"What?" I asked. But that's when the potion melted right out of the Cauldron into a twisted blob, seeped across the floor, and started to burn a hole in people's shoes. 

It got some of me and parts of my arms started to get these boils. "That can't be good." I commented.  

Neville on the other hand is not as fortunate. He's completely drenched and he collapsed, moaning in pain as it's springing all over his arms and legs. 

"Idiot boy!" Snape snarled. Did he not care that a student was in pain? He was probably more concerned about the floor considering that he cleaned it up with a flick of his wand. "I suppose you two added the porcupine quills before taking the cauldron off the fire?"

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't meant to!" I tried to say. But Neville is whimpering as boils were searing all over his nose.

"Bauer! Take him to the Hospital Wing!" He ordered me. "And get yourself out of my sight too! Why I even let you Bauers into my classroom is beyond me!" 

I quickly grabbed Neville and take him to the Hospital Wing. But not before I saw Snape then turn on Harry and Ron. 

The Hospital Wing was relatively quiet. Which was fine for me, all things considered. And the person in charge of the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey is a great healer. "Hold still, Miss. Bauer." She insisted as she healed me up in no time. 

"Is Neville going to be okay?" I asked. 

"He'll be fine. But he will take longer to recover." Pomfrey answered. "Was it a Cure for Boils Potion gone wrong?" 

I nodded. "I messed up so badly. And Snape h-hates me." 

"Professor Snape doesn't hate you, Miss. Bauer." Pomfrey replied noticing the comment that I made. "He just has very high standards." 

It seems like a lot of the Hogwarts Professors have a lot of high standards. I'm clean now, and Pomfrey told me that I could leave. So that's what I did. 

But as soon as I left the Hospital Wing. I now that Snape doesn't want me back in the Potions Classroom. So far Hogwarts is not all that it's built up to be. I look at my books. All of these demands to keep up with, high standards. I take a look at the empty hall. There's no one else here. 

"I really am alone." I commented. 

This is only day one. And I'm already struggling. The only people I really know are Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville and they're getting the cold shoulder. Some of the Professors are prejudice. What was I thinking? I can't do this. I just want to go home and forget this ever happened. I want my Mater. I want to see Ethan and Jacob again. But they're not in Hogwarts anymore. And it's all just me. Hogwarts doesn't feel like a Magic School. It feels more like a boot camp. I want to run away. Instead I just felt like I wanted to... just sit on a bench outside holding my legs up as I start to cry. 

That was when I heard a voice. "Kassie?" I didn't even look up. But I heard the voice of Beatrice Haywood above me. 

"P-Please just go away. I want to be alone." I cried. 

Beatrice sat down next to me. "Bad First day?" She asked.

I nodded. "I don't want to be here anymore. I want go home." 

"Kassie. It's okay." Beatrice told me. "You're going to be fine." 

"I don't think I can be, Beatrice." I replied. "It's already day one and I'm already feeling overwhelmed. There's just... there's just too much. I barely have any friends. And I'm alone. I want Mater." 

Beatrice quickly takes me into her arms. "I know, sweetie. It's overwhelming. It's... it sucks." She said. "But it will get better." 

I don't really see how it's going to get better. If anything, it seems like it's going to get worse. I don't even know how these other kids are doing it. "These Professors. They just expect us to know these things. And I don't know if I can do it like the others. They're already better than me." I need to get these things off my chest to Beatrice. "This isn't a Magic School, it feels like a Prison." 

Beatrice sighed. "It's okay. I've got you." 

I looked up at her. "Do you know how difficult it was for Ethan when he was starting in his 1st year? He had difficulty adjusting to life in Hogwarts too." She continued. 

That didn't sound like the Big Brother I met in Greece. "He did?" 

Beatrice nodded. "Yeah. In fact, Ethan was what you might call a social outcast himself. But he eventually found his way to adjusting to life here. You will too." 

I stopped crying, but I've still got tears in my eyes. And I just look at Beatrice. "Come on." She insisted as she took my hand. "I know something that might cheer you up." 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

Where Beatrice took me next is outside to the Castle Grounds. She then took me over to this cottage out near the Forbidden Forest. That would be where Hagrid lives. Beatrice knocked on the door. And it's Hagrid that opened the door. "Oh, Beatrice. What a nice surprise." He greeted. 

"Hey, Hagrid. This a good time?" Beatrice asked. 

"Course. Come on in." Hagrid answered. "Ello, Kassie." He said to me as we walked in. 

I nodded my head. And Hagrid seemed to notice my mood. "What's wrong?" He asked. 

"Kassie had a rough day today." Beatrice answered.

"It's just so hard." I blurted out. 

Hagrid understood immediately. "Yer jus having a bad day." He said. "First days are some of the hardest. Come on in. I'll make you some Rock Cakes." 

I already see that Harry and Ron are already there.

"Hey, Kassie." Harry greeted. 

I waved my hand. 

"Your arm's looking better." Ron commented. 

"We can thank Madam Pomfrey for that. Neville wasn't so lucky though." I said. 

"Thought so." Harry replied. "He had boils growing everywhere." 

"Snape kicked me out of the class." I added. "And he favors that bully, Malfoy." 

"Yeah. We were just telling Hagrid about that." Harry couldn't argue that. "Snape took away house points from us too. In just my one week, I've already lost House Points for Gryffindor."  

"Malaka." I thought out loud. We've already screwed up big. 

"Don't take it personally, Harry." Hagrid said while offering me a Rock Cake. Beatrice shoots me a look as to not to eat it. "Snape hardly likes any of the students." 

"Yeah. He only favors his Slytherins and in the rare case, he'll also like those who are very skilled in Potions. My Older Sister, Penny being one of those rare cases." 

"And that Ryan Tyler kid." I also put in. I noticed the way he talked about Potions. 

"Oh yeah." Ron chimed in. "That guy. You know... I think my brother Bill once knew someone with the last name of Tyler." 

"But Snape really seemed to hate me." Harry got us back on track. 

"Rubbish! Why would he?" Hagrid asked. I can think of a couple of reasons. One of them being that Snape just hates us.

"How's your brother, Charlie?" He turned to Ron. "I liked him a lot. Definitely talked about Dragons a lot." 

"Oh, you would not believe." Beatrice said. 

"And how is, Penny these days?" I tend to notice that Hagrid seemed to be changing the subject on purpose.  

"She's doing fine. Living with Ethan now. And she's... finding her work in Potions." Beatrice answered. 

I still look down. They're all finding their success. And I'm afraid that I'm going to just remain in the rubble. 

"Listen, Kassie. There's an old saying in life. If you've hit Rock Bottom. There's nowhere to go but up. Maybe if you just gave Hogwarts a chance. You might find you really like it. And if you ever want to talk. Just know that I'll be here for you." Beatrice told me. 

"But, Beatrice. You're a 4th year, and I'm just a first year." I told her. 

"And?" Beatrice asked me. "Come on. We going to become sisters soon, anyway." 

"That don't matter, Kassie. You can also talk to me if you ever feel low." Hagrid added in. "I'll make Rock Cakes." 

"Okay." I finally said. So far, I'm not sure how I feel about Beatrice and Hagrid being my only friends. Until...

"Come on, Kassie. Just give Hogwarts a chance. I mean, 2 heads are better than one." Ron said. 

"You're saying that you want to be friends with me?" I asked. Was that what he was saying?

"Sure." Ron answered. "And for what it's worth. I find this place overwhelming too. I mean, if Snape is the worst thing we have to deal with. It can't be all that bad." 

At least I wouldn't be alone anymore. So I take Ron on his offer. "Okay. I s-suppose we're friends then." 

I looked over to see if Harry wanted to be my friend too, but Harry seemed to be reading something about Gringotts. 

"Hagrid! That Gringotts Break in happened on my birthday! It might've been happening while we were there!" Harry exclaimed.

Beatrice reached over for the paper as well. And the look on her face said it all. It was bad. "Oh geez. Did they find another Cursed Vault?" 

"Cursed Vault?" Harry asked. 

"No, Beatrice. Not another one. That threat is over. It's something else." Hagrid's mind seemed to drift away. He was avoiding Harry's eyes entirely. 

"Sorry. I should go." Beatrice started to stand up. "Nice to see you again, Hagrid." 

"Likewise." Hagrid replied.

We all stood up as well to go to dinner. Harry couldn't help but think about that story in the paper. "Harry?" I asked. 

Harry looked at me. "What's up, Kassie?" 

"D-Do you think maybe we could be friends?" I asked him. 

Harry looks at me a little confused. "I kind of thought we were already, friends." He answered. "But... I don't see why not." 

At least that's 2 friends my age that I've made. I just hope that we could all get through Hogwarts together. Hogwarts still felt like a torture house. But at least I had a couple of friends with me. Though knowing my luck. They would probably ditch me in a few days. I really hope that's not the case. But Harry seemed to be focused more on that paper. I sighed. Please let things get better.

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