Chapter 12: Broomsticks, Rats and Cats.

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Harry remained silent that night after his vow to kill Sirius Black. His own Godfather. He got back through the cellar of Honeydukes to the Castle. He even went to bed that night and shut the door to the boys dormitory.  

"Ryan and I are going to go check on him." Ron informed both me and Hermione.

I also lied awake in bed thinking about Harry's vow that night. "Mione?" I asked. "Do you really think that Harry is going to kill Sirius Black?" 

Hermione sighed. "I don't know, Kassie. Harry is probably... just... he's been hit with a lot today. I'm sure once we all get a good night's sleep. He'll be back to normal tomorrow. And I'm sure that we'll be able to talk some sense into him." 

I really hope that was true. "Mione?" I asked.

"Yes, Kassie?" Hermione asked. 

"Being betrayed by someone you love. Your own family. I never want to feel that." I said. "The things that Sirius Black did to betray his best friend like that. Sounds to me like the worst traitor since Ephialtes." 

"The man who betrayed the Spartan Army to the Persians at the battle of Thermopylae?" Hermione asked. 

"Yes." I answered. "I wonder what Black even said to Voldemort. Him laughing for Voldemort. As the Potters made him their secret keeper." 

Hermione didn't give me an answer. "I'm sure it'll all be better tomorrow, Kassie." Was all she said. 

"Night." I said.

Or not. Maybe Harry would be even worse. 

"Harry, you- you look terrible." Hermione commented the next morning. 

Harry looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep until daybreak.

The rest of the Common Room was empty, except for Ron who was eating a Peppermint Toad and massaging his stomach, Hermione who had spread her homework over three tables, myself, who was by the couch, and Ryan who was working on his Cartoon Sketches. And also having it come to life. And playing a Mariachi Band out of it. 

"Where is everyone?" Harry asked.

"Gone. It's the first day of the holidays, remember?" Ron asked as he watched Harry closely. "It's nearly lunchtime; I was going to come and wake you up in a minute." 

Harry slumped into a chair next to the fire. Snow was still falling outside the windows. Crookshanks was spread out in front of the fire like a large, ginger rug. Which he kind of was.

"Um... Harry?" I asked concerned. "Are you okay? Do you want to talk about yesterday?" 

"What's there to talk about?" Harry asked me. "Huh?"

"You're not thinking about really killing Black are you?" I asked. 

"You bet I am." Harry answered. 

Yep, he was still dead set on it.

"How do we even know if Black is even worth dying for?" Ryan asked. "Just saying." 

And Harry glared at Black. His eyes just like Hades. 

"Do you know what I see and hear every time a Dementor gets too near me?" Harry asked us. 

The others shook their heads, and looked apprehensive. Except for me. I could only assume what he was thinking. "I can hear my Mum screaming and pleading with Voldemort. And if you'd heard your mum screaming like that, just about to be killed, you wouldn't forget it in a hurry. And if you found out someone who was supposed to be a friend of hers betrayed her and sent Voldemort after her-" Harry went on. 

Yep. Hunch was correct. 

"There's nothing you can do!" Hermione interrupted looking stricken. "The Dementors will catch Black and he'll go back to Azkaban and- and serve him right!" 

"You really think they'll send Black back to Azkaban after this?" Ryan asked. "He'll probably be executed on the spot, first chance that comes." 

"And if he doesn't, that'll just be a Soul for Erathor to feed on. Or do whatever the Gods aren't telling us." Ron added.

"You're not telling us that, are you?" I asked.

"I have no comment on the matter." Horus answered.

"Don't you get it guys? Malfoy was right. He said in Potions. If it was me, I'd hunt him down myself... I'd want revenge." Harry pressed on. 

"And are you going to take Malfoy's advice?" I asked nervous.

Harry didn't answer. "Malfoy's dad must've told him." He continued. "So obviously, the Malfoys knew that Black was working for Voldemort-" 

Right now, Harry was getting dangerous ideas. And I didn't like them. 

"Harry, please." Hermione's eyes were now shining with tears. "Please be sensible. Black did a terrible thing, but d-don't put yourself in danger, it's what Black wants... Oh, Harry, you'd be playing right into Black's hands if you went looking for him. Your Mum and Dad wouldn't want you to get hurt, would they? They'd never want you to go looking for Black!" 

"I'll never know what they'd have wanted, because thanks to Black, I've never spoken to them." Harry said shortly.

"Harry... You sound like Trotsky." Ron warned.

That was when Anubis took over. "There is another way." He offered. 

We all looked at Anubis. "There is?" Ryan asked. 

Anubis took out the scales. "We find Black. And weigh his heart on the scales." 

Hermione looked so flabbergasted. "Are you saying that we should find Black?" She asked.

"Yes." Anubis answered. "And if the scales do not balance. We will throw him in the Duat. And that is a fate worse than Azkaban, I would think." 

"Works for me." Ryan declared. 

Yeah, that checks out. He won't tell us about Erathor, and he wants us to go after Sirius Black. I was hoping that Ethan and Jacob could find Black and take him down. 

"Sirius Black is dangerous." Hermione reminded. 

"So was Larisa. And I lived under her thumb every day." I countered. 

That was when Ron spoke up again. "Look, it's the holidays! It's nearly Christmas! Let's go and see Hagrid. We haven't been to visit him in ages!" 

"That sounds nice." I said. 

"No!" Hermione shut down quickly. "Harry isn't supposed to leave the castle-"  

"And when has that ever stopped us before?" I asked.

"Kassie's right." Harry agreed with me. "We can ask him how come he never mentioned Black when he told me about my parents!" 

"Or we can interact with Buckbeak." I offered. "I felt like we haven't seen Buckbeak in ages."

"We can even take the Cutaway." Ryan chimed in. 

"The what?" I asked. 

"And we're here." Ryan said. 

"What?" And just then. We were all standing in Hagrid's Hut. 

"Ryan? How did we just... what?" Harry looked just as confused as we did. "I thought we couldn't apparate within Hogwarts." 

"We didn't. We just took the Cutaway." Ryan explained. "You know. It goes from one scene to another." 

"Well... I suppose that would explain why we have our cloaks on." Hermione commented noticing all the cloaks that I don't remember putting on. "Toon Magic." She muttered. 

Ron knocked on Hagrid's door, but there was no answer.

"He's not out, is he?" Hermione asked shivering under her cloak.

I pressed my ear against the door. And I heard a very low throbbing moans. "There's a strange noise. Is that Fang?" I asked.

My friends had put their ears to the doors as well, and they heard the series of low throbbing moans as well. Hagrid sounded like he must've had a stomach ache or something.

"You think we should get someone?" Ron asked nervously.

I banged on the door. "Hagrid! Are you in there?" 

Heavy footsteps appeared, and the door cracked open. Hagrid appeared with his red, swollen eyes, tears splashing in front of his leather waistcoat.

"Yeh've heard!" Hagrid bellowed and flung himself onto my neck. The problem was that Hagrid was twice the size of a normal man, and it was no laughing matter. "Um... Hagrid? Hagrid?" I tried to get him off me. Luckily Harry and Ron seized him under his arms to heave him back inside.

Hagrid allowed himself to be steered into a chair and slumped over a table, sobbing uncontrollably, his face glazed with tears. 

"Hagrid, what is it?" Hermione asked.

That's when I noticed a letter lying open on the table. "What's this, Hagrid?" I asked.

Hagrid's sobs redoubled. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked guiltily. 

"I don't think so." Harry said. I picked up the letter and began reading it aloud.

"Dear Mr. Hagrid. 

Further to our inquiry into the attack by a Hippogriff on a student in your class, we have accepted the assurances of Professor Dumbledore that you bear no responsibility for the regrettable incident." 

"Well, that's okay then, Hagrid!" Ron clapped Hagrid's shoulder. But Hagrid continued to sob, and waved one of his hand, inviting me to read on.

"However, we must register our concern about the Hippogriff in question. We have decided to uphold the official complaint of Mr. Lucius Malfoy, and this matter will therefore be taken to the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creature." 

It truly made me sick to my stomach. And I could see why Hagrid was sobbing. "No." I said. I threw the letter on the ground. 

Ryan picked it up and read for me. "The hearing will take place on April 20th, and we ask you to present yourself and your Hippogriff at the Committee's offices in London on that date. In the meantime, the Hippogriff should be kept tethered or isolated. Yours in Fellowship..." 

"They can't do that!" I shrieked out. "Buckbeak didn't do anything wrong!" 

"Kassie. Calm down. I'm sure Buckbeak will get off. He isn't a bad Hippogriff." Ron assured me. He then turned to Hagrid. "I'm sure he'll get off." 

"Yeh don' know them Gargoyles at the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures!" Hagrid choked, wiping his tears on his sleeve. They've got it in for interesting creatures!"

I turned around to see Buckbeak lying in the corner, chomping away on something that is oozing blood all over the floor. "Buckbeak!" I went over to him. How could anyone possibly think he is dangerous? It made me sad that anyone would think he was dangerous.

"I couldn't leave him tied up out there in the snow!" Hagrid choked. "All on his own! At Christmas!" 

"You'll have to put up a good strong defense, Hagrid." Hermione pointed out, sitting down and laying a hand on Hagrid's massive forearm. "I'm sure you can prove Buckbeak is safe." 

"Won't make no difference!" Hagrid sobbed. "Them Disposal Devils, they're all in Lucius Malfoy's pocket! Scared o' him! An' if I lose the case, Buckbeak-" He drew his finger swiftly across his throat and began wailing again.

I started to sob as well. 

"What about, Dumbledore?" Harry asked.

"He's done more'n enough for me already." Hagrid groaned. "Got enough on his plate what with keepin' them Dementors outta the castle, an' Sirius Black lurking around-" 

Hermione, Ron, Ryan and I looked quickly at Harry, expecting to confront Hagrid. But I think even Harry knew that it wasn't the time to ask him right now. Hagrid was miserable enough as it was.

"Hagrid. You can't give up." I said. "Hermione's right. You just need a good defense. You can call us as witnesses. I mean, I rode Buckbeak no problem. And Ethan even rode one when he was a student. 

"I'm sure I've read a case of Hippogriff baiting." Hermione added thoughtfully. "Where the Hippogriff got off, I'll look it up for you, Hagrid, and see exactly what happened." 

Hagrid howled, even louder this time. 

"Ron?" I asked. "Help." 

"Er- shall I make a cup of tea?" Ron offered. "That's what my Mum does whenever someone's upset." 

"Let me try something." Anubis said. He walked right up to Buckbeak. And then reached out and into Buckbeak. 

"Ron? What are you-?" Hagrid was going to say. But it was Anubis in control.

Anubis then took out a heart. Or at least a silver version of it at any rate. Must've been the spirit of the heart. And also he picked out a feather that he got from Horus. He placed them both on the scales that he had.

"What is he doin?" Hagrid asked confused. 

"It's a long story." I said.

"He's weighing the heart of Buckbeak. If the scales are balanced then Buckbeak is pure." Horus explained. 

I looked at the scales. They were Balanced alright. "The Scales are balanced. He is no danger." Anubis announced. 

Hagrid nodded. "So... this means I have a fighting shot?" He asked.

"Naturally." Anubis replied.

"Yer right." I can' afford to fall to pieces. Gotta pull meself together..." Hagrid declared after he blew his nose.

Fang came timidly out from under the table and rested his head on Hagrid's knee.

"I've not been meself lately." Hagrid said stroking Fang. "Worried about Buckbeak an' no one likin' me classes-" 

"We like them!" I told him. 

"Yeah, they're great." Ron said, crossing his fingers under the table. 

"So... how are the Flobberworms?" Ryan asked.

"Dead." Hagrid answered grimly. "Too much lettuce." 

"Oh, they'll do that." I commented.

"An' them Dementors make me feel ruddy terrible an' all." Hagrid added with a sudden shudder. "Gotta walk past em every time I want a drink in the Three Broomsticks. "'S like bein' back in Azkaban-" 

I always shivered at the mention of that word. And this time was no different. "I-Is it awful in there, Hagrid?" I asked.

"Yeh've no idea." Hagrid answered quietly. "Never bin anywhere like it. Thought I was goin' mad. Kept goin' over horrible stuff in me mind... the day I got expelled from Hogwarts... the day me Dad died... the day I had to let Norbert go..." 

Oh yeah... Norbert. The Dragon that gave us so much trouble in our first year.

"Yeh barely remember who yeh are after a while. An' yeh can' see the point o' living at all. I used to hope I'd just die in me sleep... when they let me out, it was like bein' born again. Ev'ry thin' came flooding back. It was the bes' feeling in the world. Mind, the Dementors weren't keen on letting me go." Hagrid continued. 

Okay, I so didn't want to go to Azkaban now. But knowing my luck. I would probably be the guest of honor in that Prison. "It's okay, Kassie." Harry was holding my hand now. 

"But you were innocent!" Hermione pointed out. 

All Hagrid did was snort at that. "Think that matter to them? They don' care. Long as they've got a couple o' hundred humans to stuck there with 'em, so they can leech all the happiness out of 'em, they don' give a damn who's guilty an' who's not." 

"Hagrid. Did you hear the Dementors speaking of a Master?" Ryan asked. "Anything at all? Or speaking Dragon Tongue?" 

Hagrid looked confused. "No." He said. He then went silent for a moment before speaking again. "Is this about that Erathor or whatever his name is?" He asked.

"Yes." Ryan answered. 

"Sorry, don' think I've 'eard that name before." Hagrid replied. "I'm not going back to Azkaban. I won't." 

"Hagrid, I'm so sorry. I should've done more to get you out of there sooner. I wasn't fast enough and-" I quickly said.

"It's okay, Kassie." Hagrid assured me. "You got me out and that's what mattered." 

If one good thing came from this, it was that talking to Hagrid gave us focus away from Black and finding ways on helping Hagrid win his case against the Ministry. Or in the case of the Gods, stopping to talk about Erathor. We went to the library the next day and returned to the empty Common Room laden with books that might help us with Buckbeak's case. Though... that didn't prevent the pages of volumes from being incredibly dusty. 

"Ugh. You'd think that someone would at least clean these off." I commented as I tore through some of the cases of what they called: "Marauding Beasts." 

"Here's something." Hermione noted. "There was a case in 1722... but the Hippogriff was convicted- ugh, look what they did to it, that's disgusting-" 

I didn't want to know what they did to that poor Hippogriff.

"And here's another one in 1511." Ryan said. "Oh, gods. Some of these things should really be banned." 

"Well, at least it's not as bad as what happened to those Criminals who were mummified alive and covered in flesh eating Scarabs." Horus said. 

That was kind of disturbing. "Too dark?" Horus asked.

"Way too dark." Harry answered.

Finding a way to take my mind off that subject, I found something about a Manticore savaging someone in 1296. "Hey! This one was let go! We're saved!" 

"Um... Kassie." Hermione read the rest of it. "That's because everyone was too scared to go near it..." She said slowly to me. "And I don't think they'll do the same with Buckbeak." 

In any case, everywhere else in the Castle, all the Magnificent Christmas Decorations had been put up, despite the fact that there was barely anyone around to enjoy them. Thick Streamers of holly and mistletoe were strung around the corridors. Apparently, people under a mistletoe had to kiss or something like that. Around the Great Halls were the usual twelve gigantic Christmas Trees, glittering with golden stars. And that's not to mention al the powerful and delicious smell of cooking that pervaded the corridors, and of course by Christmas Eve, it had grown so strong that not only was it making my mouth water, but Scabbers had poked his nose out of Ron's pocket. Can't say I blame him.

The next morning was Christmas Morning. I woke up with a bolt right up early in the morning. "Hermione! Hermione! Wake up!" I jumped up and on her bed. "Wake up!" 

"Ugh. Kassie. It's too early." Hermione grumbled and then she tosses around.

"It's Christmas! There's no such thing as early!" I countered. And then I had an idea. Something that would make Mione get out of her bed. I grabbed my wand and put it in Hermione's mattress. "Mione! There's a Python in your Bed!" 

Hermione screamed up. "Ah! Get it off! Get it off!" And she fell off the bed and onto the floor.

"Yay! You're up!" I praised. 

And Hermione got up. "Every time, Kassie! Why do I fall for that, every time?!" She asked herself.

We got to the Common Room and could see a bunch of presents by the Christmas Tree. Ryan and Ron were already waiting for us.

"Happy Christmas!" Ron said to us both. 

"Happy Christmas Ron and Ryan!" Both Hermione and I replied.

Ryan waved to us. He was waiting anxiously to open his presents. "Ugh. Where's Harry?!" 

"I'll get him." Ron said. He charged up to the Dorms. "Harry! Presents!" I could hear him shouting. 

The next thing we knew, was Harry being dragged down to the Common Room. 

"Can we start now?" Ryan asked anxiously. 

"Yes. We can start now." Harry answered laughing a little. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Ryan."

Ryan nodded his head. 

"So, this is what they call, presents?" Horus asked. "Every gift we got was given to us but not wrapped. So we could actually see what the gifts we received were."

"Yeah, but the presents all wrapped up add the surprise." Ryan pointed out. 

"I'll certainly be surprised alright." Anubis thought wondering what the present he got inside was.

But nevertheless, we began unwrapping them.

"Another jumper from Mum... maroon again... see if you guys got one." Ron said.

"A jumper?" Anubis looked at the sweater. "It feels cozy." 

"That's the idea." Ron informed.

"Hmmmm." Anubis said. "I approve." 

Well, Mrs. Weasley sent me another jumper. This one was Green. I liked it. It had a little K sewed on it. And Harry also got one I saw. Even Ryan got one. His was Gold. We also got some Candy and Sweets from the Weasleys.

My presents from my family were also nice. I had a little box from Mater, I opened it. And it was revealed to be a bracelet. It had the family name on it. Bauer. I loved it. And it came with a little note. "Kassie. I know these last few months have been a little rough. And I am so sorry that we couldn't be together this year, given all that's happened. But this doesn't change the fact that your family loves you. We all do. Your Brothers, Your Sisters in Law Penny and Beatrice, Lizzie and yes, we're including her in this, and Myself. The Dementors may be the masters of Depression. But I want you to know something. They can try to bring upon despair or darkness to us. But they have failed. And they will always fail. No matter how dark it can get, there is still love that you can find in it. You're my little girl, Kassie. No matter what. Love, your Mother.

"I love you too, Mater." I said. I looked at Athena. "Looks like we'll have to tell Mater that, later." 

"Well, I'd like to give a gift to you, if I may, Ryan." Horus said.

"You do?" Ryan asked.

"Isn't that technically giving a present to yourself?" Hermione asked.

"No." Horus answered. And he created a golden Quill to give to Ryan.

"A golden Quill?" Ryan asked intrigued.

"I think you'll like this one." Horus said. "Go ahead, draw something." 

Ryan went over to draw something. "You don't need ink for it." Horus said.

"It's a no ink, Quill?" Ryan asked intrigued.

"Not just that." Horus answered. "But it also will give your drawings life in ways you could not imagine. Just remember that you must treat your power with respect." 

"And I intend to." Ryan informed. Then he looked at something. "Hey, what's that?"

I was eating up some of my chocolate, when I saw a present in the shape of the broom. Ryan noticed it. "Kassie. It's for you." 

"It is?" I asked. I looked at the note. "Dear, Kassie. Seeing as how it's most likely a good opportunity to win the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor this year, I think you could use an upgrade from the Nimbus 2000. I called in a few favors to some friends to get you it. Happy Christmas. Love, Ethan."

Ethan sent me this? I opened up the wrapping paper. 

"What did you get?" Hermione asked. 

When I finished opening, I stared at the broom. It was magnificent and gleaming. I had seen it before. At the Quidditch Shop at Diagon Alley. "It's the Firebolt!" I screamed at it in delight. 

"A Firebolt?" Ryan asked looking over. "No way!" 

"That's incredible." Ron commented with beatless breath.

I could feel it vibrating as I took in the smooth streamlined birch twigs. "It's got that new broom smell." I sniffed it. Best. Big Brother. Ever.

And that was when Harry saw another long, thin package lying beneath the tree.

"Is that another broomstick?" Ron asked.

"Let's find out." Harry mumbled grabbing it. And he began to unwrap it. 

It was another Firebolt. Just like mine. Except, I'm pretty sure that Ethan got only one Firebolt, and that was for me.

"Who sent it to you?" Ron asked in a hushed voice. Now that he was in the presence of two Firebolts.

"Look and see if there's a card." Harry requested. Ron ripped apart the wrappings.

"Nothing! Blimey, who'd spent that much on you?" Ron asked. "I mean, Ethan had to pull some strings for Kassie." 

"Well." Harry said still stunned. "I'm sure it wasn't the Dursleys."

I'm pretty sure that the Dursleys would rather have their hands chopped off, find out Darth Vader is their father, and fall in a giant Air Conditioner and hang from a T.V antenna, then spend money on Harry.  

"Maybe it was Dumbledore." Ryan suggested while walking circles around Harry's Firebolt, and probably getting some ideas on using the broom. "I mean... he did send you the Invisibility Cloak."  

"That was my Dad's." Harry pointed out. "Dumbledore was just passing it on to me. He wouldn't spend hundreds of Galleons on me. He can't go giving students stuff like this..."

"That's why he wouldn't say it was from him!" Ron exclaimed. "In case some git like Malfoy said it was favoritism. Hey-" He then gave a great whoop of laughter. "Malfoy! Wait 'till he sees you and Kassie on these! He'll be sick as a pig! These are international standard broom, these are!" 

"This'll give us the edge we need to get the Cup." I commented looking happy. 

"So who sent Harry's?" Ryan asked. "Maybe it was Lupin." 

"What?" Harry asked trying to control his laughter. "Ryan. Lupin if he had that much gold would probably buy himself some new robes first before he would a broom. Let alone this kind." 

"Maybe he won the lottery." I suggested. "He did hear how the Nimbus got smashed after all and maybe he went to Diagon Alley to get it when he was away." 

"He was ill, Kassie." Harry shot that theory down. 

"Well he wasn't in the Hospital Wing." Ron said. "I was there, cleaning out bedpans on that detention from Snape, remember?"

"Point taken." I said.

And we all shared a laugh. 

Everyone except for Hermione. Who decided to get Crookshanks from her Dorm.

"Don't bring him in here!" Ron exclaimed as he moved to secure Scabbers. She was completely stunned at the fact that Harry and I got Firebolts.

"Hermione?" I asked confused. 

"It's a bit odd, isn't it? I mean, these are supposed to be quite good brooms, aren't they?" Hermione interrogated. 

"They're the best." Ryan answered. 

"So it must have been really expensive..." Hermione continued.

"They probably cost more than all the Slytherin brooms put together." Ron claimed happily.

"Well... who'd send Harry something as expensive as this, and not even tell them they'd sent it? I mean, we know Kassie's came from her brother." Hermione asked. 

"Who cares?" Ron asked impatiently. "Listen, Harry, Kassie, can I have a go on one? Can I?"

"No way!" I yelled. "No until I have a ride on it." 

"Harry?" Ron asked.

"I don't think anyone should ride Harry's Broom just yet!" Hermione interrupted shrilly. 

We all gave her a look like Hermione was crazy. 

"What d'you think they're going to do then- sweep the floors?" Ron asked sarcastically. 

"I already swept them this morning." Ryan pointed out to the newly swept floor. "It has a lemony fresh scent too." 

But before Hermione could reply, Crookshanks sprang up from the floor, right at Ron's chest.

"GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" Ron bellowed, as Crookshanks with his claws ripped at Ron's shirt and Scabbers attempted to escape over his shoulder. "You'd better take that-" But that's when he remembered that Anubis was there. "Hermione. Please take Crookshanks out of here. Now." He said eerily calm.

Hermione strode out of the room with Crookshanks in her arms. Scabbers was huddled up in Ron's hand; and he looked even more skinny than ever. I mean... dear Gods... he looked all skin and bone.

"I don't think that Rat is doing good." I commented.

"It's Stress!" Ron claimed. "He'd be fine if that stupid great furball left him alone!" 

"Furball?!" And that was Anubis made Ron do a flip in the air and onto his back.

"Um... Ron? Didn't the person from Diagon Alley say that Rats only live three years? Maybe it's just time to accept that Scabbers is at the end of his life." I suggested.

"No he's not! I'm taking good care of him!" Ron exclaimed.

"I'm sure it'll be alright, Ron." Horus assured.

Anubis chuckled. "You know, it's funny. That's exactly what Horus said about the 10 Plagues." 

"Oh, you're not helping! And there is no way I'm sending him to the Scales yet!" Ron declared.

Christmas spirit was very thin the rest of the morning. Hermione locked Crookshanks in our Dorm and was furious with Ron. While Ron was fuming about Crookshanks trying to eat Scabbers... again. And I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't for Anubis, Ron would be saying worse. And I think that Hermione was thinking the same thing. Getting both Ron and Hermione to speak was like trying to drink from a broken glass. Damn Hard. So I was looking at my Firebolt in the Common Room. I figured that Hermione would be mad at me if she saw me fiddling with it. 

At lunchtime we went to the Great Hall to find that the House Tables were pushed against the walls, and there was a single table in it's place. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Sprout, Flitwick, and Sikander were there, along with Filch. 

The only other students there were very nervous looking first years. And Beatrice.

"Merry Christmas!" Dumbledore declared as we approached the table. "As there are so few of us, it seemed foolish to use the House Tables... sit down, sit down." 

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ryan, and I sat down at the end of the table. I am not going to let Ron and Hermione's fighting stand in the way of Christmas. Christmas is about being together, not fighting apart.

"Tuck in!" Dumbledore advised, as he stood up.

"I have been crystal gazing, Headmaster." Trelawney informed in her faraway voice she had by the Great Hall. "And to my astonishment, I saw myself abandoning my solitary luncheon and coming to join you. Who am I to refuse the prompting of fate? I at once hastened from my tower, and I do beg you to forgive my lateness..." 

"Certainly, certainly." Dumbledore replied. "Let me draw you up a chair." And by that, he meant summoning a chair with his wand and placing it between McGonagall and Snape. Trelawney however did not sit down.

"I dare not, Headmaster! If I join the table, we shall be thirteen! Nothing could be more unlucky! Never forget that when thirteen dine together, the first to rise will be the first to die!" Trelawney denied.

"Um... there's actually 15 of us." I pointed out. 17 if you include the Gods. 

"Is there?" Trelawney asked looking around. "Well, that's different then." She sat down. 

"And the streak continues." Beatrice thought out loud.

"Wait... where's Professor Lupin?" Ryan asked.

"I'm afraid he is ill again." Dumbledore answered. 

Poor Lupin. It must suck to be ill on Christmas.

We also heard some News on the nearby Radio in the Great Hall. "And as are in the Christmas Holidays, we still continue the manhunt for Sirius Black. Remember. If you see something, say something."

Just more talk about Sirius Black. Then we heard other news. "In other news, War has finally ended in the Middle East. The House Karim led by Hakeem Karim, his older sister, Saahira Karim, and Britain's own Barnaby Lee have successfully defeated the Usurper Sages and have won their homeland back. Hakeem Karim at the age of 13 is expected to be the next High Sage. The International Confederation has also announced its intention to acknowledge the Magi's new High Sage." 

"Ah. At least that conflict has ended." Dumbledore commented.

He did it. He really did it. 

"Who is that?" Hermione asked.

"Hakeem Karim." Ron answered as he ate a Turkey. "Kid my brother Charlie, and Ethan met. He was the heir to the High Sage of the Magi in the Middle East." 

"But... he's 13." Hermione pointed out.

"I suppose it would seem ordinarily young. But that's just the way the Magi Work. They're a Monarchy. They don't follow the International Confederation." I explained.

"I suppose that would make sense." Harry admitted. "But why would Hakeem be this High Sage? Wouldn't that be his older sister?" 

"No. The High Sage is always be a Male." Ron answered.

That earned an evil eye from Hermione. "I don't make the rules." Ron said.

"Well, I think it's ridiculous." Hermione replied.

I also decided that it was not a good idea to tell Hermione that women in the Magi were not given the same rights as men were. 

For most of the feast, things went fine. Until we all sat up to leave. "Is that Thirteen?" Trelawney asked in disbelief.

"No." McGonagall answered. "But I doubt it will make much difference. Unless a mad axe man is waiting outside the door to slaughter the first in the entrance hall." 

"So, do I not need to break the: 'In case of Emergency Mad Axe Man attack' glass?" Ryan asked standing next to a sign that said: 'In case of Emergency Mad Axe Man attack.'

"Preferably not, Mr. Tyler." McGonagall answered.  

We all laughed and Trelawney looked affronted.

I was getting ready to leave but I noticed Hermione staying behind. 

"You go, Kassie. I want a quick word with Professor McGonagall." Hermione told me.

Oh, I got it. This was probably about her taking more classes or something, if I knew Hermione.

We entered our Common Room, and Harry was looking at his Firebolt completely infatuated by it. Like he was in love with a broomstick. I brought my Firebolt over to my dorm and under my bed. Just in case there was the off chance that Ron might have an overload from looking at two Firebolts.

Or rather, we did, until Hermione came back with McGonagall. 

"Professor McGonagall?" I asked. 

"Hello, Miss. Bauer." McGonagall greeted. She then saw Harry's Firebolt. Hermione walked around us, sat down and picked up the nearest book, and hiding her face behind it in shame.

"So, that's it, is it?" McGonagall asked beadily, walking over to the table and staring at the Firebolt. "Miss. Granger has informed me that you have been sent a broomstick, Potter. And the same with you, Miss. Bauer." 

Malaka. We all looked around to Hermione; and her forehead went very red.

"Y-Yes." I answered.

"May I?" McGonagall asked, although she didn't wait for an answer before pulling Harry's Firebolt out of his hands. She examined it carefully from handle to twig ends. "Hmm. And there was no note at all, Potter? No Card? No message of any kind?" 

"No." Harry answered blankly. 

"Kassie got a Firebolt too. But that was from her brother. It had a note." Ryan pointed out. 

McGonagall looked at me. "Is this true?" She asked.

I nodded my head. 

"I see." McGonagall continued. But then she went over to Harry's broomstick. "Well, I'm afraid I will have to take this broom, Potter." 

Harry looked like he had just lost been scammed out of a contract. "W-What?" He asked as he scrambled to his feet. "Why?" 

"It will need to be checked for jinxes." McGonagall explained. "Of course, I'm not an expert, but I daresay Madam Hooch and Professor Flitwick will strip it down-" 

"Strip it down?!" Ryan wondered. 

"There's nothing wrong with it, Professor!" Harry snapped. "Honest." 

"You can't know that, Potter." McGonagall said rather kindly. "Not until you've flown them, at any rate, and I'm afraid that is out of the question until we are certain that it has not been tampered with. I shall keep you informed." 

"Professor, please." Harry begged with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Potter. It is out of my hands." McGonagall replied. She then turned to me. "Miss. Bauer. You may keep your Firebolt Broom with you. It will not be stripped." 

I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"But Professor, shouldn't Kassie's broom also be stripped just to be-" Hermione started to say.

"No." McGonagall answered. "Miss. Bauer's broom we know is safe." And with that, McGonagall walked out of the portrait hole, which closed behind her. "Oh, and uh... Mr. Tyler. You got this Owl from your parents." She informed Ryan before she walked out.

Ryan took the letter and opened it. 

The rest of us turned to Hermione. 

"Why did you go running to McGonagall for?!" 

Hermione threw her book aside. She was still pink in the face but she stood up defiantly. "Because I thought- and Professor McGonagall agreed with me- that the broom was probably sent to Harry by Sirius Black!" 

"You know... we can sense if that Broom was jinxed, right?" Horus asked. 

"You..." Hermione was going to snap, but then her look turned to confusion. "You can?" 

"Yes." Anubis answered. "We're Gods. And we can sense when something is cursed or jinxed. And remove them if we are. It would take about 5 seconds. Tops." He explained. 

That's when Harry got up. "So... let me see if I have this right. You could sense if a broom was jinxed, and if Sirius Black did indeed send the broom. You could've sensed that it was cursed? And you could've easily removed said curses if that was the case?" He asked. 

"Yes." Horus answered. "All Gods of Egypt has that capability." 

"I see..." Harry was acting noticeably calm about all of this. He was tapping his foot repeatedly.

"Well... The Gods didn't mention that!" Hermione tried to justify. 

"We thought it was obvious." Anubis said. 

"And this whole thing, this whole confrontation with Professor McGonagall, taking my broomstick away... a real proper broomstick, away... could've been avoided... if Hermione hadn't gone to McGonagall and been a big massive Tattletale?" Harry asked still calm.

"Yes." Horus answered just like that. 

Harry turned to Hermione. And he breathed in heavy. "And Hermione? Did it ever occur to you, that maybe... just maybe, that you could've GONE TO THE GODS FIRST?!" He hollered.

Hermione probably felt pretty stupid right now. "Um... no. I thought I might go to a proper expert-" But Hermione did not choose her words more carefully.  

"What did you say?!" Anubis got up now.  

Oh boy. Now Hermione just insulted Gods. Which was not a good thing. Not to anyone. Not ever. 

"Kassandra. Could you be a dear and leave us?" Horus requested. 

I decided not to argue with the Gods. So I went up to my Dorm. This was not going to end well.

Unfortunately, I heard something else from downstairs. 

"Hold that thought, Horus." I could hear Ryan say. 

I hid under the railing of the Common Room by our Dormitories that separated the boys from the girls.

"...What?" Ryan asked.

"What is it, Ryan?" Harry asked.

I peaked from over me. "It's... from my parents." Ryan's attitude just changed. And he looked like he just got sucker punched in face. "They're getting a divorce." He said. 

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