Chapter 14: Hidden in the Dark.

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(Kassandra P.O.V)

Well... that's it. Ron and Hermione's friendship was now officially over. They've been so mad at each other, that I don't have any clue how they could make up. 

Ron was enraged that Hermione had never taken Crookshanks attempts to eat Scabbers seriously, and hadn't bothered to keep a close enough watch on him, and was still trying to pretend that Crookshanks was innocent by suggesting that Ron looked for Scabbers under all the boy's beds. Though he's not saying anything about the Gods. Who just let cats do whatever they wanted. That's probably because these were Gods and it was never a good idea to be enraged at a God. Not without something bad happening. 

And on the other hand, Hermione was enraged at Ron because he had no proof that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers, that the Ginger Hairs might have been there since Christmas, and that Ron had always been prejudiced against her Cat ever since Crookshanks had landed on Ron's head in the Magical Menagerie.

Harry seemed to think that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers, and when he tried to point out all the evidence to Hermione that it led to Scabbers and was hard to ignore, Hermione had lost her temper with Harry too. 

"Okay, side with Ron, I knew you would! Everything is all my fault isn't it?! First the Broom! Now Scabbers! Just leave me alone! I've got a lot of work to do!" And Hermione stormed off. "You think Ron is being a jerk. Right, Kassie?!" She said to me. 

"Um... I'm staying out of this one." I said quietly. 

"Will you stop it, Hermione?!" Ryan begged. "I hate it when people fight like this!" 

Hermione didn't say anything. She just stormed off. 

And Ron looked like he had taken the loss of Scabbers hard. I mean... really hard.

"Come on, Ron, you were always saying how boring Scabbers was." Fred said bracingly. "And he's been off color for ages, he was wasting away. It was probably better for him to snuff it quickly- one swallow- he probably didn't feel a thing." 

"Fred!" Ginny snapped as if to say that Fred wasn't helping. 

"All he did was eat and sleep, Ron, you said it yourself." George added. 

"He bit Goyle for us once!" Ron said miserably. "Remember, Harry?"

"Yeah, that's true." Harry answered.

"His finest hour." Fred declared unable to keep a straight face. "Let the scar on Goyle's finger stand as a lasting tribute to his memory. Oh, come on, Ron, get yourself down to Hogsmeade and buy a new rat, what's the point of moaning?"

Ron continued to moan.

"Well, now I feel at home." Ryan grunted.

"It's going to be okay, Ryan." I said.

"Ron and Hermione are friends, they shouldn't be fighting. We gotta make this right, Kassie." Ryan told me.

"But how?" I asked.

"I don't know." Ryan answered.

I later went up to bed that night. Hermione was so focused on her work, that she completely ignored me. 

"Um... Hermione?" I asked.

"I am extraordinarily busy, Kassie." Hermione told me. "Look, why don't you just stay out of my affairs if you're going to not help me when Ron comes on my case?" She asked at me completely frustrated. 

"I'm sorry." I said. "I just don't like it when you Ron fight is all-" 

"Kassie. Just... stay out of it. That's what you're good at." Hermione snapped at me. 

If I didn't feel like I needed to heal this wound, I would probably feel a little weirded out by the fact that Hermione just sent me to my room and told me to go to bed.

"Well... fine." I said a little cranky at it. 

"Fine!" Hermione shot back at me.

"Fine." I grumbled. And I went to sleep. But I would make sure that we would finish this conversation later.

(3rd Person P.O.V)

Nightfall at Hogwarts. Dementors still roamed the place around the outside. But they were more interested in Sirius Black and keeping him out. Not to keep anyone else from entering. Though when they confronted the Assassins, they didn't take their souls. Especially after the Dementors were bribed to let these new people pass. 

The Assassins entered Hogwarts in the cover of the night. Buckbeak sensed that they were coming. He picked up his head and was observing the Assassins moving towards the halls. Something was wrong to him. 

Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris were making their rounds at the school. "Just another night of patrolling the halls. Yeah, this checks out. Let the Squib face off against Sirius Black." Filch was saying to himself.

Mrs. Norris went up to Filch. She made a hissing sound. "You think that maybe we'll get to hang Sirius Black by his ankles?" He asked the Cat.

But Mrs. Norris hissed and ran off towards a hallway.

"Student out of bed?" Filch asked excited. He grinned and ran off. Until he saw Mrs. Norris on the ground. With a dart in her neck. "What the?" He took the dart out. "A Dart? But who would-" He didn't get to finish his sentence. Because he was hit with a dart to his neck. "Oh..." And he fell onto the floor. 

The Assassins moved up the Grand Staircase. In their dark robes. And their hoods on them. As they approached the Gryffindor Tower, it was at midnight. And Sir Cadogan stood guard at the door. "I daresay. Who dares approach Sir. Cadogan?" He asked calling out to any invader. "Show yourself, you knaves." 

The Assassins all looked at each other confused. But then they approached the Corridor. But then they looked at each other and nodded their heads. And then they fused themselves into the walls using a type of Shadow Magic and entered the Gryffindor Common Room. 

Crookshanks had heard the sounds of people entering the Common Room while everyone was asleep. He picked up his head. And then hid under one of the beds. That was when the doors to the Girls Dormitory opened. The second that Hermione could see the door open. She turned to look. "Oh, what could it possibly be this-" She looked up to see the Assassins. But she didn't get to say a word. She was shot with a dart as well. And the other darts were fired at Lavender and Parvati. And then at Kassie. The Assassins grabbed Kassie, while Crookshanks ran for the Boys Dormitory to get the boys. And there was only one way to get their attention.

Ron awoke to find Crookshanks crawling on his bed. "Crookshanks!" He woke up with a grumble. He was plenty mad at the Cat. Which was what Crookshanks was hoping for. "First you kill Scabbers! Now you wake me up in the middle of the night?! What is your problem?! Or did Hermione put you up to it?!" He shrieked at the Cat and causing everyone to wake up. 

"Ron? What is going on?" Neville asked. 

Harry put on his glasses. "It's just Crookshanks." He said trying to go back to sleep. 

"He looks pretty upset to me." Ryan pointed out. "Maybe something's wrong." 

"I'm the upset one!" Ron shouted. "That's it! I'm waking up Hermione! This Cat is about to spend all of its 9 lives!" He declared getting up. 

He walked out of the Dormitory. "You are nothing but trouble, you filthy fleabag! And I don't care what Anubis says! You are nothing but fat, filthy, and altogether you are-" He then saw the Assassins taking Kassie. "-What in Merlin's Beard?!" He shouted completely dropping Crookshanks to the ground and forgetting his anger with Crookshanks. "They're taking Kassie!" He shouted. "Get up! They're taking Kassie!" 

"What?!" Harry shouted getting up, despite the fact that he was still in his pajamas. Ryan got up as well. He ran over but then he saw the Assassins shoot some spells at the boys. "Guys! Someone's taking Kassie!" He warned.

Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom ran out of the Dormitory. "Dean, look out!" Neville shouted as a spell was shot at them. He then got Dean out of the way. 

"LET HER GO!" Harry yelled as he jumped down to the Common Room main floor as the Assassins slowly exited the Room with Kassie unconscious. He tried to shoot another spell at the Assassins but it did little good. "Ron! Go get help!" He yelled.

Ryan and Neville ran down the stairs to go help Harry. 

Ron ran over to Percy's Dorm. "Percy! Percy! Get up! Someone's trying to take Kassie!" 

That was when the door to Percy's door opened. "Ron! What's going on out here?!" He demanded to know.

"It's Kassie! She's being kidnapped!" Ron bellowed.

"What?" Percy looked to see someone knocking Harry to the side. And another spell fired in their direction. "Oh my God." He breathed. He then ran back and grabbed his wand. But by that point. The Assassins had reached the Portrait Hole. 

Wood had woken up too. He had grabbed his wand and he had his sweat pants on him as well as an undershirt on. He heard the shouting that someone had taken Kassie. 

"Stay here!" Percy ordered Ron as Percy ran out to confront the Assassins. But Ron was not going to listen. Fred and George also got up. 

"Ron? What's that noise?" Fred asked.

"Kassie! She's being kidnapped!" Ron answered. 

There was no time to talk. Fred and George grabbed their wands immediately. 

Wood ran over to Harry. "You okay, Harry?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Harry answered as he got to his feet. 

Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell also ran out of their dorms after hearing shouting and fighting in the Common Room. "Is there a fight going on here or something?" Katie asked.

"Kassie's being kidnapped!" Wood answered.

"Oh, Crap!" Angelina pulled out her wand.

"Katie, Angelina! No time to talk. Go check on the rest of the girls. We'll get Kassie." Percy ordered.

"Come on! We can't let them get away!" Neville shouted making a Rally Cry. 

Harry, Ron, Ryan, Wood, Fred, George, Neville, and Dean ran outside the Gryffindor Common Room in Hot Pursuit. 

"STOP!" Percy shouted at the Assassin's and shooting a few spells at the Assassins, but the Assassins were just as deadly. Perhaps even more so as they shot Fire Spells at Percy, which Percy had to judge. "I am Head Boy of Hogwarts! And I demand to know why you are taking this girl!" 

But the Assassins didn't say a word. 

"LET HER GO!" Ryan shouted with the voice of Horus. 

"You know any Battle Spells?" Fred asked.

"Not really." Ryan admitted. 

"Not to worry, Ryan. I will help you in this fight." Horus assured.

"And I will help Ronald." Anubis declared. 

"Expelliamus!" Harry shouted at the Assassins, but the Assassins were able to shrug that off like it was nothing. And retaliate against Harry with some more advanced battle spells. 

"You used a Disarm only?" Percy asked in disbelief.

"Well, sorry! I don't know many dueling spells!" Harry justified. 

"This isn't a duel. This is for real! Right now!" Percy reminded as he ducked from another spell. 

"Dean! Go get the Professors! We'll try to slow them down!" Wood ordered. He then blasted another spell at the Assassins and hitting one. 

Dean obeyed and ran. "Professors! Help!" 

"What do we do Horus?" Ryan asked. 

"Trust me." Horus answered. "Duck!" 

Ryan ducked from one spell. "Now. Shoot a spell." Horus told him.

"What kind?" Ryan asked. 

And that was when Ryan shot a fire spell at the Assassins. "How did I do that?" He asked. 

"I helped you." Horus explained. "Now, create a shield!" He ordered. 

Ryan did just that right as he got blasted with another spell. 

Fred and George also used their patented Lightning Spells. "Meet the Fabulous Fred and George!" They both shouted shooting a bolt and hitting one Assassin. 

But then an Assassin came up and used an Earthquake spell to knock everyone off their feet. But Horus and Anubis stood their ground. 

"Anubis! Give me a hand!" Ron requested. 

"Let me take over!" Anubis took over Ron's body. 

"I think you might need to tag in here, Horus." Ryan suggested. 

Horus took over Ryan's body. And they both shot their spells at the Assassins. 

Anubis used a dark spell to shoot shadows at the Assassins. And then summon a Jekyll creature to engage the Assassins.  

In the meantime, Horus used a light spell and then create an energy sword in the form of a Sickle. "It's been a while since we've had a good fight, brother." He said. 

"Indeed!" Anubis agreed. "First shot's mine!" He then used a dark bolt to attack one Assassin sending him out the window as the Assassin's tried to fight their way to another window in the corridor hall. Or rather to a dead end of the hall

"They're not going out the Grand Staircase, what kind of escape route is that?" Wood asked puzzled.

"A bad one." Harry answered. "Expelliamus!" He shouted again. Only to get knocked down to the ground from a retaliated strike from the Assassins. 

That was when an Ice Spell was shot from the side. It had come from Beatrice. She heard the sounds of fighting too. "Kassie!" She shouted in horror at the sight of Kassie being taken by a group of masked men. And then a new wave of emotion strung over her. Anger. And she did not waste any time. She blasted quite a few spells at the Assassins and getting at close range to shoot them rapidly.

Cedric came out from behind. "Hold it right there!" He shouted shooting a few of his own spells at the Assassins. 

But the Assassins all shot their dark spells at the Hogwarts students. And then a great shield had appeared before any harm could be done. 

"Thanks, Beatrice." Harry thanked.

"That wasn't me." Beatrice replied. 

Harry turned to see Dumbledore standing there. He then looked at the Assassins while pointing his wand. McGonagall, Snape, and Lupin were there with their wands out as well. "Who are you?" Dumbledore asked.

But the Assassins didn't say a word. 

"Professor Dumbledore asked you a question." McGonagall informed them while staying silently calm and stern. 

"What are you going to do now? You're cornered." Harry taunted.

But the Assassins all phased through the wall, as if they were shadows themselves.

"Okay... I did not see that coming." Wood commented.

Harry looked out the window to see the Assassins escaping. "They're getting away!" 

"No, they're not!" Beatrice then looked at the walls. "Bombarda!" And the walls were blown down. 

"Thanks, Beatrice." Harry thanked. 

"Harry! You might need this!" Neville took out a Firebolt that he had grabbed from the Dormitory. "Give them hell!" 

Harry would have to thank Neville later. "Kassie!" He then got on his Firebolt and zoomed after the Assassins. 

"Come on!" Beatrice shouted to Cedric to get his broom. 

"Well, I suppose this would be a good time for a test drive." Harry thought as he got on the Firebolt. It was better to ride then anything Harry had ever dreamed before. It turned at the lightest touch; it seemed to obey his thoughts than his grip. "She handles like a dream." He said grinning. 

The Assassins fired their spells at Harry. But Harry had dodged with incredible speed. And did a perfect dive down. While also shooting his wand. "Expelliamus!" He tried to disarm them. He thought that if he was fast enough to disarm them before they had a chance to react. "Come on." He thought. "What other Charms do you know." And that was when Harry remembered from Charms Class then. They also learned how to use the Depulso and Flipendo spell. "Oh, yeah. Depulso!" He shouted knocking another Assassin down. He also flew in between two more Assassins who had to dodge out of the way. 

"Take that!" Harry yelled. But a few more spells were fired at him as they were running into the Forest. He also had to be careful not to hit Kassie. 

But a lucky shot came out and Harry had barely enough time to dodge one. And just when it seemed like he was going to get hit by a shot. A shot came out of nowhere and fired at the Assassins. 

Harry turned to see Cedric riding out on his broom. Shortly followed by Beatrice. And Ryan also followed shortly after with his broom and with Neville riding on. 

"What took you guys so long?" Harry asked.

"Oh, you know, Harry. Not all of us have Firebolts like you do." Ryan answered. 

"There they are!" Cedric yelled coming down for another pass while Beatrice fell down and shot a few more Assassins with her ice spells. 

"Cedric! Harry! Keep flying and cut them off! I've got Kassie!" Beatrice ordered. 

Harry didn't want to argue. All that mattered was getting Kassie. "Got it!" 

"We're right behind you!" Ryan yelled touching down with Neville. 

"Leave her alone!" Neville shouted shooting one spell at an Assassin. But the Assassin shot a spell that sent Neville tumbling down onto the ground. 

"Neville!" Ryan ran over while Horus created a shield to protect Ryan and Neville. 

"Who the hell are you?!" Beatrice yelled.

The Assassins didn't say a word. But they started to run to the Woods.

"Beatrice! They're getting away!" Harry yelled. And then he looked at the woods. And hoped that his Firebolt could cut them off. But that was when he heard a loud squawk. He looked down to see Buckbeak running over and his legs dragging a pole. Hagrid had Buckbeak tied up. But Buckbeak had heard the noise of battle and with all of his might, took the posting out of the dirt and ran over to see what the commotion was. His hunch was right. He slashed at one of the Assassins. Who's body was slashed at. And a piece of the dark fabric and a single coin were lost. 

And Cedric could see what Harry was doing and he followed Harry and they both did a dive and swept the rest off of their feet.

It seemed like the Assassin who held Kassie was trying to escape and into the forest. 

"Kassie!" Harry yelled in horror. There was no way that Kassie was getting taken. He got off of his broom and chased the Assassin. 

Neville also followed Harry. "Hey!" Neville yelled at the Assassin. But the Assassin turned to Neville and shot him with a spell again.

"Neville!" Harry shouted while running for the Assassin! "Depulso!" He yelled at the Assassin. 

But the Assassin deflected it. And shot a knockback jinx at Harry that slammed Harry into a Tree.

Harry's back was hurt. "Ow! My back!" And his glasses were knocked out. 

And before the Assassin could finish off Harry and then escape with Kassie. There was a massive black dog that appeared and attacked the Assassin. Then it transformed into a man which proceeded to punch the Assassin and knock him down. But also Kassie was free. 

Realizing the Assassin was outnumbered. He ran off. 

The Man then looked at Harry. And the glasses that were on the ground. "He's your spitting image, James." He said. "Except for the eyes."  

Then he realized that Neville was getting back off. And the Man fled away. 

"Harry!" Neville yelled as Harry picked up his glasses. 

"You okay, Neville?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine." Neville answered. Then he looked at Kassie who was on the ground unconscious. 

"Kassie." Harry ran over. Along with Neville. 

"She's still alive." Neville said feeling her neck for a pulse. 

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. And then he looked at the sight of the Assassin who was starring at Harry. Then transformed into a shadow and disappeared into the night. 

"What in the name of Merlin's Fluffy Fur Hat was that?" Neville asked. 

"I have no idea." Harry answered. 

Harry and Neville picked up Kassie and brought her back to the Castle Grounds. Where the rest of the Hogwarts Professors and everyone else was. 

"Harry!" Dumbledore yelled. "Over here!" 

Harry ran over and placed Kassie down on the ground. "She's alive, sir."  

Dumbledore nodded. "Good." Snape then felt for Kassie's neck and took out a dart. 

"Is it poisoned?" Wood asked.

"No. It's a stun dart." Snape answered. 

"Professor. We tried to go after the main Assassin. But the guy. He got away." Neville explained. "He disappeared into a shadow and flew into the darkness." 

"That's what happened to the other Assassins." Beatrice said kicking up some dirt as Harry noticed that the other Assassins were gone. "Damnit! How did this happen?!" 

"It had to be Sirius Black!" Ron accused. "Who else would want to get into Hogwarts?!" 

"But if it was Sirius Black, then why was Kassie the one getting kidnapped? Why not Harry?" Beatrice asked. 

"And how did they even get into the Common Room?" Wood asked.

Neville looked awkwardly at that. 

"And why were they after Kassie?" Fred asked.

"And what's this?" Ryan asked picking one of the Coins.

"Calm down, everyone." Dumbledore interrupted. 

And that was when Kassie came to. She woke up. "What? W-What happened?" She asked. "W-Where am I?"

"Are you okay, Kassandra?" Dumbledore asked.

"Professor?" Kassie asked. She looked around. "H-How did I get here? W-What's going o-on?" She asked hysterically. 

"Easy, Kassie." Beatrice went up. "You were knocked unconscious and some goons tried to kidnap you. We stopped them though." 

"What?" Kassie asked nervously. "W-Who?" 

"We don't know." Lupin answered walking up. 

"Sure we don't." Snape grumbled.

"Just what are you implying?" Lupin asked.

Snape didn't say anything. 

"Enough!" Dumbledore snapped at them. But then he turned to Kassie. "Calm down, Kassandra. It's alright now. You're safe." 

Kassie breathed in and out but a little more slowly. "H-How did this happen?" She asked. 

That was when Filch came running out. "Students out of bed! Students out of bed! Students in the Training Grounds-!"

"They are supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!" McGonagall yelled. 

Filch seemed to regain his composure. "Sorry, Professor. I got knocked out hard. Same with Mrs. Norris." He said.

Dumbledore saw the seriousness of the situation. "Professor McGonagall. Sweep the rest of the school for any more Assassins or infiltrators." He ordered.

McGonagall nodded. 

"Harry. Ron. Please take Miss. Bauer to the Hospital Wing." Dumbledore ordered them. "I'll need to send Fawkes over to Hogsmeade and alert Kassandra's brothers."

"Yes, sir." Both Harry and Ron nodded their heads and took Kassie to the Hospital Wing. 

"Professor. Who was that?" Beatrice asked. 

Dumbledore looked at the horizons. And then Ryan picked up the coin. "I don't know." He said. 

Beatrice looked at the coin as well. "And why were they after Kassie?" She asked. 

A couple hours later, and Kassie was on the Hospital Wing recovering. And she was doing to everything that Madam Pomfrey told her. "Take this draught of peace. It will help you." Pomfrey instructed. Harry, Ron, Ryan, Beatrice, Fred, George, Wood, Percy, and Cedric stayed. Along with the Hogwarts Professors and Hagrid. 

Kassie who was breathing in rapidly again took the potion. And she seemed to have calmed herself after that. "How did this happen?" She asked.

"No idea." Ron answered. "All I know was Crookshanks waking me up in the middle of the night. And then I noticed them taking you, Kassie." 

"I see." Dumbledore was listening to the whole thing. "And you woke up Harry and the other boys?"

"Yes, sir." Ron answered. 

"Well, it appears that you should be thanking Crookshanks for alerting you." Dumbledore said.  

Ron looked at Crookshanks. "Yeah, well. I still want to strangle you for what you did to Scabbers. But I'll show you mercy, because you saved Kassie." He said like he was trying to swallow a pill. 

Crookshanks figured that would be a close enough from Ron. 

And Ron, Harry, and the rest of the Gryffindors explained to Dumbledore what had happened. How Harry and Ron woke up to see Kassie getting kidnapped, and running out of bed to try and stop the Assassins. 

"I see." Dumbledore said. "Thank you."

Hagrid had a tear in his eyes. "All my fault, Professor. I should've 'ad a better eye on things." He said.

"Calm yourself, Hagrid." Dumbledore assured him. "This was not your fault. They swept in undercover. You couldn't have known."

That was when the doors to the Hospital Wing burst open. And there came Jacob and Lizzie. "Professor." Jacob said.

"We checked all of Hogsmeade, but there's no one suspicious." Lizzie reported.

"Thank you." Dumbledore nodded. "Is Ethan-" 

"He's on his way." Jacob answered. And then ran over to Kassie. "Kassie!" 

"Jacob." Kassie sobbed right as Jacob ran over and Kassie found herself hugging her older brother. 

And then Ethan ran in to see Kassie on the bed. "Kassie!" He ran over and hugged Kassie as well.

"Ethan." Kassie said. 

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked.

Kassie nodded. "Someone tried to kidnap me. I'm sorry, Ethan. I'm so sorry." 

"Sorry for what?" Ethan asked.

"F-For almost being kidnapped." Kassie answered.

"That wasn't your fault, Kassie." Ethan replied. He then turned to Dumbledore and the others. "Who did this?"

"We don't know that, Ethan. We're still trying to get in all of the details." Dumbledore answered. 

"And I don't think it was Sirius Black." Beatrice added. "You're sure you didn't see anything suspicious in town, Lizzie?" She asked.

"Nope. We cleaned it out good." Lizzie answered.

"Talk about a way to spend the night." Ryan commented. "All we got out of them was this single Greek Coin." He showed the coin to Jacob and Ethan.  

"A Coin?" Ethan asked. "From Greece?" 

"You think they were Greek?" Jacob asked. 

Ethan shrugged, but examined the coin. 

"It's a drachmae." Kassie said. "An Ancient Greek Coin. Very valuable." 

"And why would that be with them?" Harry asked. Everyone looked at him. "Hey, I'm just as confused as you guys are." 

It was also at that moment that Hermione, Parvati, and Lavender were all brought in. And by Katie and Angelina. They had been attacked too. 

"The Girls all got stunned with a dart." Katie explained. 

"Same thing happened to Kassie." Ron said.

"Kassie!" Hermione ran over to Kassie. "Oh my god! How did this happen?" She asked confused.

"Hermione, relax." Harry said. And he explained everything that happened to Kassie.

"But... that doesn't make any sense. Why would someone want to kidnap Kassie?" Hermione asked. "Oh, Kassie. I am so sorry!" 

"For what?" Kassie asked. 

"For snapping at you before bed. I was so mad at Ron and Harry, and this whole Crookshanks thing. And the Firebolt-" Hermione was saying.

"Hermione. Forget it. We have bigger problems right now." Ron dismissed. "For one thing, I want to know who these guys are and why they wanted Kassie." 

"Do you have any leads or clues?" Hermione asked.

"All we've got is this Greek Coin." Ryan answered. 

"And we couldn't interrogate them, because they all disappeared into shadows and slipped away in the night. I bet that's how they were able to enter the Gryffindor Common Room and get past the barriers." Wood theorized. 

"And the Protective Charms didn't work on them?" Hermione asked horrified.

"Nope." Fred answered. "If you ask me, I have a theory they used Shadow Magic." 

"Shadow Magic. Great. You know how much I love that." Ethan grunted. 

And just then, Professor Binns floated into the Hospital Wing. And he was sleeping. "And the Goblin Rebellion was headquarter at the Hog's Head..." He was saying in-between snores.

"Professor Binns?" Harry asked.

Wood rolled his eyes. "He's sleep teaching again." 

"Oh, you know. I was wondering if he would get over the phase. Clearly not." Ethan commented.

It made Kassie laugh.

"Professor Binns!" Jacob hollered.

Binns woke up again. "Huh? What?"

"You were sleep teaching... again." Percy answered. 

Binns looked around. "This isn't my classroom." He said. 

"No. It's the Hospital Wing." Pomfrey clarified.

"I knew that. I knew that." Binns tried to get himself back together. "But why are you all here, then?" He asked.

"Some Assassins tried to kidnap Kassie." Ethan answered. "And I'm going to find out who it was." 

That was when Binns saw the Greek Coin in Ryan's hand. "Where did you get that?" He asked. 

"One of the Assassins coins. He dropped it as Buckbeak slashed at one of them." Ryan answered.

Binns examined the coin. "Hmm." 

"There was more. They didn't talk and disappeared into Shadows." Beatrice added. 

"They didn't talk and disappeared into Shadows?" Binns asked.

"Yes." Ron answered.

That was when Binns thought about it for a moment. But when he did. His eyes opened wide. "Impossible. It can't be them!" He yelled.

Everyone looked at Binns like he was crazy. "Who?" Harry asked.

"They had Greek Coins, they disappeared into shadows, and they didn't speak. It may be possible that these people who tried to kidnap Miss. Bauer were the Shadow of Nyx." 

Everyone looked confused. "Who are the Shadow of Nyx?" Hermione asked. 

"They are an order of Ancient Assassins from Ancient Greece, very silent, very dangerous, and renowned for getting the job done. That is... if you have the money to pay for them." Binns answered. "In Ancient times, these Dark Witches and Wizards were responsible for killing off Greek Nobles. And other powerful figures in the Greek World." 

Jacob pondered his chin. "If I remember my History of Magic Classes. And to be honest I don't really remember a lot of them, so this is kind of weird and out of context that I would remember it. Weren't they killed off by the Roman Empire during the Annexation of Greece?" He asked. 

"Or so we thought." Binns answered. "The Roman Senate called for the destruction of the Shadow of Nyx after killing off Roman Emissaries. And the Legions exterminated them. And not just to keep Rome safe. But also get on the Greeks good side."

Kassie nodded. "I know the Shadow of Nyx. They strike fear into the hearts of Shop keepers." She said. 

"And did this faction survive?" Ethan asked. 

"It's possible." Binns answered. "Not every organization goes quietly into the night." 

The room suddenly got darker at that comment. 

"But why would the Shadow of Nyx choose to come all the way to Hogwarts?" Cedric asked. "Greece seems pretty far off from Great Britain if you ask me." 

"You would have to have a lot of money and a good reason to hire the Shadow of Nyx." Binns answered. 

"So... it would have to be someone from Greece who wanted Kassie, and who had a lot of great expenses." Lizzie figured. "And someone that Kassie must've made angry."

"Well that could be a lot of people." Jacob replied even though that didn't narrow the list.

"Someone with a lot of money. And wanted me so badly." Kassie thought out loud. "I-I..." 

"What is it, Kassie?" Ethan asked. 

"I think I know who it was that hired the Shadow of Nyx to take me." Kassie answered.

"Who?" Harry asked. 

"The Woman who held me as a slave. Larisa." Kassie answered with her face full of indifference. 

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