Chapter 18: And the Winner is...

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The morning had come. I realized what day it was. And Harry also woke up in the Common Room. "Hey, Kassie." He greeted.

"Chare." I greeted back. 

"I had the strangest dream last night." Harry said. "I dreamed that I overslept and Wood had to start Neville instead." 

"Did he do good?" I asked. 

"I have no idea." Harry answered. "I'm going to say for the sake of this conversation... yes. And what was even crazier was that the next dream I had was that Slytherin had Dragons to ride instead of brooms." 

"I wish I had dreams like that." I said. 

"Do you?" Harry asked. 

"Nah. Not really." I admitted. "Well... the match hasn't happened yet." 

The grounds were still and quiet. No breath of wind disturbed the treetops on the Forbidden Forest; Whompy the Whomping Willow was motionless. Perfect Conditions for the match.

Harry, Ryan and I, along with the rest of the Lions team, entered the Great Hall the next morning to enormous applause. I was ecstatic to see it. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were also clapping. Gryffindor! Gryffindor! Gryffindor! Gryffindor!" They chanted.

The Slytherin table hissed loudly as we past, but the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws shouted at them to shut up. 

We sat down and Wood urged us to eat. I think what was on his head, was that he wanted to win just as much as we did. But now, this had turned to something bigger. It wasn't just about winning the cup anymore. Beatrice sat next to me as I was playing with my ponytail.  

"You okay, Kassie?" Beatrice asked me.

"Just nervous." I answered. "I want to win today."

"Can't say I blame you." Beatrice replied. "Penny told me tales of when your brother played Ravenclaw for the title. He was shaking like a pogo stick. It wasn't even funny. And Dad before a big game... well, he had faith that Penny and I would be his good luck charms. Which kind of explains why my sister was given the nickname: Penny. Dad's Lucky Penny."

"Did it work?" I asked.

"Dad didn't win any gold medals, but the name stuck." Beatrice answered. "That and Penny just preferred that to Penrose. 

"I wish I had a good luck charm." I said. 

"Hey, Bea?" Cedric came over. "Oh, Kassie. Good luck out there today." 

"Thanks Cedric." I thanked.

"What do you want, Ced?" Beatrice asked.

"I've been meaning to ask you something. Aren't you and your sister big fans of Quidditch?" Cedric asked.

"Sure are." Beatrice answered.

"You guys are big fans. You're passionate about the game. Why'd you never join the Quidditch Team?" Cedric asked.

"Oh, Penny tried in her 3rd Year, but she got cut after the first game. Didn't see the field. She just sat on the bench. And I guess after the whole Cursed Vaults incident... well, it just wasn't in the cards for me." Beatrice answered. 

"It's time." Wood suddenly announced. 

"I have to go." I told Beatrice. 

"Leave em in the dust, Kassie!" Beatrice yelled at me. 

We got up to go to the Changing Rooms. 

And again, everyone clapped for us.

"Good luck, Harry!" I heard Cho Chang call out, causing Harry to flush bright red. 

He never flushed bright red before. Was I feeling jealous? "Um... Harry?" I asked. 

"Yes, Kassie?" Harry asked. 

"Um... nevermind." I answered. 

Wood was pacing the Pitch, staring around with us behind him. "Okay... no wind to speak of... sun's a bit bright, that could impair your vision, watch out for it... ground's fairly hard, good, that'll give us a fast kick-off..." He was saying.

And then we saw the castle door open and the rest of the school spilled out onto the lawn. 

"Changing Rooms." Wood ordered. 

None of us spoke as we changed into our scarlet and gold robes. They must be as nervous as I am. 

Wood didn't give us a pep talk. Didn't seem like the right course of action. "Okay, it's time. Let's go..." 

We started to walk onto the Quidditch Pitch. But that was when Wood stopped me and Ryan. Fred and George looked at Ryan. "Ryan. Fred, George and I have been talking..." Wood said. 

"What about?" Ryan asked. 

"I'm not playing this game." George announced. "You are." 

We all looked at George. "Are you serious?" Harry asked. 

"He's serious." Horus answered.

"It's because of you that we have a chance to get the Quidditch Cup, Ryan. You got us here. Ryan Tyler is the real reason that we are standing in this spot that we are." Wood informed.

"And you guys are okay with this?" I asked. "Fred? George?"

"We talked it over last night. Nobody forced us and we made the decision on our own." Fred answered. "Besides. I sat out last game. George is taking his turn to sit out this one." 

"You got this, Ryan." George told him. 

"Fred. George..." Ryan asked. Fred and George looked at him. "Thank you." He said. 

Both twins smiled and nodded. 

Wood looked at us. "Now come on. We've got a Cup to claim." He told us. 

I could hear the sounds of cheering, like a tidal wave of noise. "All set?" Harry asked me.

I ran out with him with our brooms. "LET'S RIDE!" I yelled out. 

I looked around us to see Three Quarters of the crowd wearing scarlet rosettes, waving lion banners or brandishing banners with slogans like 'GO GRYFFINDOR!' or 'LIONS FOR THE CUP!'

I could even see one group up by Professor Dumbledore and I realized who it was. Ethan! He was here! And so was Jacob sitting next to him! And I could also see Lizzie there... and... someone who was yelling out my name and might've been the only one who could possibly be louder than Lee Jordan, was my sister in Law, Penny. And Mater was there too! They were all here to support me. I couldn't believe it.

Behind the Slytherin Goal post, however, two hundred people were wearing green and silver; the Silver Serpent of Slytherin glittering on their flags, and Snape sat in the very front row, switching out his usual black robes for green.

"And here are the Gryffindor players!" Lee Jordan yelled. "Hell of a Seeker: Harry Potter, The Chaser Team, or as we all known them as the Ladies of Court: Kassandra Bauer-"

I heard a big shout from Penny. And I also saw Ethan standing up and giving me a clap all around. I could tell from his mouth what he was saying: "Go Kassie!" And also: "That's our little Sister right there!" Ha. No pressure. 

"Kick their asses, Kassie!" Jacob yelled.

Jordan continued on. "Katie Bell, and Angelina Johnson. Your Beaters Duo: Fred Weasley, Ryan Tyler, and the Keeper and Captain: Oliver Wood! Widely acknowledged as the best Quidditch that Hogwarts has seen in a good few years. Your 1993-94 Gryffindor Lions!" He yelled.

The whole Pitch erupted into cheers. Except from the Slytherin side who booed at us.

"Well... someone's a favorite today." Ryan commented. 

"I have not seen games like these, since the days of the New Kingdom." Horus said. 

And that's when I saw the Slytherin team come out. "And here come the Slytherin Team, led by Captain Marcus Flint. He's made some changes in the line-up and seems to be going for size rather than skill. Your 1993-94 and defending Champions: The Slytherin Serpents!" 

He wasn't wrong. Draco easily was the smallest on the Slytherin Team; the rest were massive. But as Master Yoda would say: 'Judge me by my size, do you?'

"It's show time!" Ryan shouted his confidence at an all time high. 

"I can't wait to see the look on Malfoy's face when he loses." I commented. It would be the sweetest thing ever.

Madam Hooch stepped onto the field. "Captains, shake hands!" She ordered. 

Flint and Wood approached and grasped each others hand extremely tightly; almost like they were trying to break each other's fingers. Which was most likely what they were trying to do.

Flint glared at Wood. And he was looking at Ryan "You're starting him? We'll have a hundred points in 3 seconds." 

"We'll see." Wood replied "You're going down."

Malfoy walked up to me. "This is it, Greek Freak. I always wanted to beat you on this Pitch. Just try to make it interesting while it lasts." He laughed at me. "Oh... and... try not to cry at the end of this. I want this to look good for the Papers when they tell the tale of my triumph." 

"Get your plate out, Malfoy. You're about to get served." I shot back.

"Mount your Brooms!" Hooch yelled at us. I threw my leg over my Firebolt. I looked over at Ethan who gave me a nod. And Mater gave me a reassuring smile. I could do this.


Here we go.


The stadium was full of silence for a second. As if all the sound had died out and I could think of nothing but the Slytherins and the Pitch. And also hear the sounds of my own heart beat. 


It was now or never.

The whistle blew and all fourteen of us kicked into the air.

Katie got possession of the Quaffle first. She soared up strait towards the goal determined to score. But before she attempted to do that, Warrington intercepted. He bolted down the field. Ryan was ready. He aimed the Bludger at him, smashing into him and he dropped the Quaffle.

"Oh! What a hit out of the gate by Tyler!" I heard Jordan shouted. 

A Quaffle that I dived for, caught, and zoomed towards the goal. My Firebolt doing the work getting past Montague the Slytherin Chaser and scoring past the Keeper and throwing the Quaffle right into the hoop!

"Bauer scores! 10-0  TO GRYFFINDOR!" Lee screamed.

We scored first and drew first blood. "Yeah!" I shouted in triumph. The crowd on my side. Right before I was nearly thrown off my broom as Flint crashed nearly crashed into my side. 

"Sorry!" Flint yelled, as the crowd below booed. "Sorry, didn't see her!" 

He wasn't really sorry. 

"Hey!" I heard Ethan yell. "Call something on that!" 

I then saw Fred chuck a Beater's club at the back of Flint's head. His nose smashed into the handle of his broom and he began to bleed.

"That will do!" Hooch shrieked zooming between them. "Penalty shot to Gryffindor for an unprovoked attack on their Chaser! Penalty shot to Slytherin for deliberate damage to their Chaser!" 

"Come off it, Madam Hooch!" Fred hollered. But Hooch blew her whistle. I flew for it to take the penalty. 

"Come on, Kassie!" Lee yelled.

I did as she said. I threw that Quaffle at the hoop and beat that Keeper whoever that was. 


"Alright, Kassie!" I could hear Jacob yell. 

"Score again!" Ethan yelled.

I turned to see that Penalty Snot Wood that Flint had tried to take. He was still bleeding from before. And Wood? Well... when Flint took that shot, Wood blocked it.

"Course, Wood's a Superb Keeper!" Jordan told the crowd as Flint missed the shot. "I DON'T BELIEVE IT! HE SAVED IT!"

"How do you like that, Punk!?" Penny yelled.  

We still had a way to go though. Harry zoomed off for the Snitch. But he had to make sure that we were up at least 50 points until he caught it. 

I swerved for the Quaffle. Slytherin was in possession again. But I had to get it away. I grabbed the Quaffle, but Montague, the Slytherin Chaser was not so keen on letting it go. We were both fighting over the Quaffle. It might've looked like a fight was breaking out between us. Which there kind of was. I broke off from his grip. 

"And Bauer kicks off from Montague!" Jordan yelled.

I also threw the Quaffle to Katie. And she didn't waste any time streaking up that field with the Quaffle. Until...

Montague swerved right in front of Katie, and instead of seizing the Quaffle had grabbed her head. Katie cartwheeled through the air. I sped up to help her. But Katie had managed to stay on her broom, but she dropped the Quaffle.

"Scumbag!" I yelled.

Hooch's whistle rang out again, and she zoomed over shouting at Montague for a good minute. Katie put another penalty shot in.


"Jordan, if you can't commentate in an unbiased way-" McGonagall started going on again.

"I'm telling it like it is, Professor." Jordan said. 

Those Slytherins were all starting to become Stuck Up, Half Witted, Scruffy Looking, Nerf Herders. 

And they were really stepping up their game now. Harry was trying to dodge some fast Bludgers from the Gigantic Beaters, Derrick, and Bole. But his Firebolt was so fast that he caused the two beaters to collide. I could even hear Lee laughing in triumph. "Ha ha! Too bad, boys! You'll need to get up earlier than that to beat a Firebolt!"

I took the Quaffle again. I even passed it to Angelina, but Flint just zoomed up her and took the Quaffle. 

"Come on, Wood! Defend it!" I yelled.

But Flint was ready for it. He pulled a maneuver that confused Wood. And all the Slytherins cheered as Flint was about to score.

BAM! There was Beater shot out of nowhere. It came from Ryan. He shot that Bludger straight at Flint. And made him lose possession of the Quaffle. 


"YEAH!" I yelled. And all the Slytherins were stunned. Especially Pansy Parkinson down there who had her mouth hanging open in disbelief.


We blocked another goal. But Slytherin was going to retaliate for this.

"Gear up, Kassie." Angelina advised me. "It's going to get dirty from here on out." 

And Angelina was right. Slytherin was playing the dirtiest tactics I'd ever seen. Now that we had the lead, those players were resulting to any means necessary to win. Bole hit me with his club and tried to say he'd thought I was a bludger. Which kind of resulted in Ethan taking out his wand. So much so that Penny and Lizzie had to restrain him.

It hurt like Hades. But I shrugged myself off. Embrace pain and burn it as fuel. That's the Spartan way.

That resulted in Fred elbowing Bole in the face in retaliation. 

"There are exchanging like Bod Magist and Dom Ferrerra. This is crazy!" Jordan commented.

Hooch had to step in again, and awarded both teams penalties, with Wood making another spectacular save, making our score 40 to 0. Would've been 40 to 10 but thanks to Ryan, that didn't happen. 

One more score and Harry gets the Snitch and we win. I needed to make sure of that. So I did. I zoomed up in my Firebolt and shot that Quaffle in the Hoops and scored. 50 to 0. But why stop there? It's time to lay the crush on. 

"Come on, Little Sis! You're doing great!" Ethan yelled out in glee.

Fred and Ryan were watching my backs to make sure that no harm came to me. But in their absence. Bole and Derrick took advantage of Fred and Ryan's absence. to aim both Bludgers at Wood. They caught him in the stomach, one after the other, and rolled over in the air, clutching his broom and looked like he took a pounding from a Persian Cavalry Charge.

"HEY! WHAT WAS THAT!?" I yelled out. 

Hooch was also livid. "YOU DO NOT ATTACK THE KEEPER UNLESS THE QUAFFLE IS WITHIN THE SCORING AREA!" She shrieked at Bole and Derrick. "Gryffindor Penalty!" She yelled.

Author's Note: This game has more penalties than a Dallas Cowboys Game.

Angelina took the shot. It was now 60 to 0. And I think Harry was looking for the Snitch. 

Moments later. Fred pelted a Bludger right at Warrington knocking the Quaffle out of his hands. I seized it again.

"Coming through! Thank you!" I yelled.

"Try getting by me, Doll!" Bole yelled.

Did he just call me a Doll? He was about to know what happens when you mess with a Greek. I zoomed over him did a little barrel role over the Keeper. And then did a simple toss into the Hoop. "Tee hee!" I taunted. 

Now it was 70 to 0. 


"BLOW THEM OFF THEIR BROOMS, KASSIE!" I heard Mater yell, and everyone looked at her, and then Mater awkwardly sat down. 

While the game was continuing. But all eyes were focused on Harry. And the Slytherins were stepping up their dirty tactics. They were also starting to come to Ryan. 

"Get him out of this game!" Flint roared to his team pointing to Ryan. "Break him!" 

Ryan heard that. "Okay. Screw it. Horus." He said. 

"I'll watch your back." Horus replied.

The Slytherins all started to gang up on Ryan doing whatever it took to get him out of the game. 

"And now they are ganging up on Tyler!" Jordan yelled. 

A Bludger was swung at Ryan. But he batted it away. 

A few more flyers flew at Ryan trying to knock him off his broom but Ryan had managed to pull out of there, and fly over them again not once losing his footing. And he was smiling. "You're all cowards!" Ryan yelled.

"I don't believe it. Ryan is not going to go down easy! This kid must've been charmed with the will to go on!" Jordan commented. 

Hooch blew the whistle again. "UNNESSASSARY ROUGHNESS! Penalty Shot to Gryffindor!" 

I flung another Quaffle into the Hoop. And we were up 80 to 0.

"Yeah, Kassie!" Ethan clapped.  

All that was left to do was keep the game going until Harry caught the Snitch. Ryan hit his Bludger at Flint. And got the Quaffle to go to me. He was deflecting all shots from the Bludgers on me. Protecting me like he was a guardian Angel. Or in Ryan's case, a Guardian God of Egypt. With us watching, we were taking it to the hoop. My Firebolt flying like it had never before. "Okay, Firebolt. Playtime's over. Let's stretch our wings now." I said to the Firebolt. I know it couldn't speak back to me, but I didn't care. I shot another goal in the Hoops. 


My nose may have been bleeding. But Pomfrey could fix that easily. "Um... Kassie?" Ryan went up to me and tossed me a handkerchief. 

"Thanks." I thanked.

"Come on. We still got a game to play." Ryan suggested.

"Right." I said. And we zoomed off toward the Quaffle. 

Derrick launched a Bludger on us, but Ryan deflected it. He even used a pro gamer move and moved to the other side of me saving me from a Bludger. The only way that Slytherin was winning now was if they caught the Snitch. But I heard the crowd gasping in shock. 

I looked down to see Harry and Draco battling it all out for the Snitch. And well, Draco was holding onto Harry's broomtail. 

"Penalty! Penalty to Gryffindor! I've never seen such tactics." Hooch screeched, shooting up to where Draco was sliding back on his Nimbus 2001.

"YOU CHEATING SCUM!" Lee howled into the megaphone, dancing out of McGonagall's reach. "YOU FILTHY, CHEATING B-"

McGonagall didn't even bother telling Lee off, as she too was consumed in scolding Draco. 

I took the Penalty Shot. And I was so angry. "Breath, Kassie." I told myself. I looked at Ethan who was nodding his head and giving a message with his hands. I knew Sign Language too. He was telling me to breath in. "Don't panic." And I made the shot through and through. That's what Slytherin wanted us to do. Lose focus. And that wasn't going to happen. And the goal was made. 

"UNBELIVABLE! 100-0!" Jordan yelled. 

I turned to see Ethan getting hugged up by Penny. And by hugged, I meant squeezed. She must've been so nervous or something.

It seemed that Ryan and I were the only ones that had our focus on us. So we went after the Quaffle again. 

"Slytherin in possession, Slytherin heading for goal- Oh, Tyler counters!" Jordan shouted as Montague got hit with another Bludger and I snuck in and got the Quaffle again. Swerving past Bludgers and other Players.  

"STOP HER!" Flint yelled in horror. 

"Kassandra Bauer has the Quaffle again! Come on, Kassie! COME ON! MOVE IT!" 

Every player was aiming for me. And coming after me. Ryan was flying behind me, and ready to watch my back. 

They looked like they were trying to block me. I zoomed forward, going the fastest my Firebolt had ever gone before. Which was a lot faster. 

"YOU DO NOT BELONG ON THIS PITCH!" I heard Flint yell to Ryan.

"YES I DO!" Ryan shouted back. Deflecting another Bludger that was in my direction.

I zoomed towards the Hoop. And I shot that Quaffle with even more energy. "Special Delivery!" I yelled. 

The whole Stadium cheered below me. And screaming encouragement. Either the Gryffindor House had let a wild screeching Siren into the Pitch. Or that was Penny screaming in happiness. One or the other.

"SHE SCORES! SHE SCORES! Gryffindor now leads 110-0!" 

I looked at Harry to see him diving towards the ground in pursuit of the Snitch, behind Draco. 

"Go Harry." I said. There was no denying what was about to happen next. 

Harry gained on Draco and threw himself forward. He took both hands off his broom, knocked Draco out of the way and-

"NIKE IS WITH US!" I yelled.

He pulled out of his dive, his hand in the air. 

The whole stadium could see what was going on now. That tiny Golden Snitch in his hand. It's wings frantically inside his grip. The whole stadium exploded in cheer. 

"THEY DID IT! THEY DID IT!" Lee Jordan yelled in power. 

Katie and Angelina crashed into me, all three of us screaming euphorically. And I let Ryan into the crash as well. 

We sped on down to join the rest of the team, all of us crashing into the group hug. And also all of us jumping up and down. 


Ryan cheered very loud. All of us gripping into the hug. Which was now all tangled into many arms. Sinking into the ground, screaming hoarsely. And I could also see wave after wave of crimson supporters pouring over the barriers onto the Pitch. Hands raining down my back as more and more supports crashed into me. Letting the glory that was now ours soar through us.

Wood was hugging me from behind, his vision half blinded by tears of absolute joy. "I told you I wouldn't let you down." I said.

"I know." Wood replied. And from behind him. Fred and George dumped a huge barrel of Cold Butterbeer all over Wood. He laughed at this.

And the next thing we knew was me, and the rest of the team were hoisted onto the shoulders of the crowd. Thrust into the light, I looked out among the crowd. I saw Hagrid, plastered with crimson rosettes, screaming our names. Percy jumped up and down like a maniac, all dignity forgotten. McGonagall was sobbing harder than even Wood was, wiping her eyes with a Gryffindor Flag. And also my family all cheering up and down for me. And fighting their way through the crowd to us were Ron and Hermione. Words failed them at that moment, simply beaming at us.

We were borne towards the stands, where Dumbledore stood waiting with the enormous Quidditch Cup. Series of photos taken of us. Flashes of light everywhere. 

"Ethan! We won! We won!" I yelled up to him. 

And Ethan embraced me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you, Kassie." He said. 

"Come here!" Jacob yelled picking me up and hugging me.

Lizzie gave me a thumbs up, while also showing her back number which was a big #16 on it. 

And Penny. Well... she just lifted me up and started ruffling my hair. "Kassie! That was awesome!" 

I then saw Mater. "Mater! I won!" I yelled.

"Ha! Ha!" And Mater picked me up and put me down again. "I am so proud of you, Kassie!" 

And then Ethan lifted me up on his shoulders and let me stretch my arms out and spun me around. I felt like I was 10 again. "We're the Champions! We're the Champions!" I shouted.

And then we took the Cup. Wood lifted it up in the air and then kissed it like he was kissing the love of his life. He then approached Ryan. "You deserve this, Ryan." He said.

Ryan nodded his head. He then placed his own kiss on the Cup. And it was a big cartoon kiss.

I then placed my own kiss on the Cup. It felt weird to kiss metal. But if everyone else was doing it, what did it matter?

We were on top of the world now. And Harry kissed the Cup as well. 

"Hey, Kassie! You did it!" Harry yelled. "110 points! That's incredible!" 

"I know!" I shouted.

The world turned upside down! Gryffindor was the new Hogwarts Quidditch Champion! Suck it Slytherin! Suck it! 

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