Chapter 8: Hogsmeade Havoc.

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After what was considered by many to be the best Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson of all time. Defense Against the Dark Arts has officially become the Best Class of all time. Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins are the only people who had anything bad to say about Professor Lupin, but who cares about that?

The lessons following the Boggart have been just as interesting as well; we've studied Red Caps, those goblin like creatures that lurk wherever there has been bloodshed. And then we moved onto Kappas, creepy little water creatures that look like scaly underwater monkeys. What's also been the best was that Lupin knew that there were times when I would struggle to keep up with the notes in the class, so he spoke clean and clear, and slowly so I wouldn't be behind.

Too bad for the rest of the classes. They're not as fun. History of Magic is still as boring as ever, and I'd rather get my lessons about Ancient History of Magic from Horus and Anubis. For pretty obvious reasons. Potions was still the worst, courtesy of Snape. And for the record, Snape has been in a particularly vindictive mood recently, and it didn't take a genius to find out why.

That story of the Boggart assuming Snape's place, and that Neville had dressed it in his Grandmother's clothes, traveled through the school faster than Greek Fire. Snape did not find it funny. It probably wasn't a good idea to tell Snape about the Cartoon sketches that Ryan had made of it. Snape's eyes flashed menacingly at the very mention of Lupin's name. Probably in the same way that people are afraid to talk about Voldemort. The only problem is that he's been bullying Neville more than usual. And that's saying a lot.

And Divinations was just as boring as ever in that stifling tower room, deciphering lop-sided shapes and symbols, and Trelawney's eyes kept watering at the sight of Harry. And she still hadn't given me any ideas of what my visions are about. Even though she was treated with respect bordering on reverence to that of a Goddess. Lavender and Parvati had gone to haunting Trelawney's tower room at lunchtimes, and always returned with annoyingly superior looks on their faces, as though they knew something we didn't. What's more was that they were using hushed voice whenever they talked to Harry as though he was on his death bed. Or rather, Lavender did most of the talking to Harry. 

Parvati was spending more of her time talking to Ryan. And talk they did. Parvati seemed more interested in Ryan and his drawings.

Though one day, I was looking and deciphering symbols, which Ron and Ryan did in no time flat. Thanks to the Gods living in them. I was deciphering this one symbol when Trelawney walked up to me. "Yes, Professor?" I asked. 

She just stared at me. "Your power. They will want it." Trelawney said in a strange tone. Like a hissing Snake. "She wants it back." 

"Huh?" I asked. "I don't understand." 

"The Shadows." Trelawney replied. 

Shadows? What Shadows? She was doing it again. 

"Is this about my visions?" I asked. "I keep having them, and I don't what they-" 

But Trelawney grabbed me by the arms and stared straight into my eyes. "Gah!" I tried to get out of there before this got too hectic. But it was too late. 

"The Shadows.... Beware, the Shadows. They are coming!" Trelawney shouted out. It looked like she had just lost her mind.

"What in the Gods-?!" I asked.

That was when Trelawney seemed to regain her senses or whatever. "Oh, so sorry dear. Did you say something?" She asked. 

"No." I answered as I quickly left. This just got stranger and stranger. 

The sad thing was now, none of us enjoyed Care of Magical Creatures anymore. After the whole thing with Buckbeak, the class had now become rather dull. Hagrid lost all his confidence. Poor guy. The last several lessons were learning to look after Flobberworms, the most boring creatures in all of existence. 

"Why would anyone bother looking after them?" Ron complained one day after class at lunch. 

"It's all Malfoy's fault. He broke Hagrid's confidence!" I pointed out rather loudly. So much so that everyone looked at me. I sat back down. 

"Who broke Hagrid's confidence?" Beatrice came over to me at the table. 

"Chare, Bea." I greeted. "It was Malfoy. He screwed up with Buckbeak the Hippogriff and Buckbeak slashed at his arm." I explained to her. 

"Yeah, I heard about that mess." Beatrice replied. "Hagrid seems to have lost motivation in our class too." 

"So what can we do about it?" Harry asked. Couldn't say I blamed him for wanting to help with Hagrid. Hagrid was his best friend who brought Harry to the Wizarding World.

"Nothing." Beatrice answered. "I'll see to Hagrid. See if I can talk some sense into him." 

"Good luck. Hagrid's not going to be easily as convinced. He's as stubborn as a rock." I said.

"Oh, I know a thing or two about stubbornness." Beatrice replied and then she got up. 

At least on the bright side. Quidditch Season was starting yet again. And I was ready for it. Oliver called for a team meeting. 

It was his last year at Hogwarts, and we've yet to win the Quidditch Final. And there certainly wasn't a doubt of it in his voice of desperation when we all met in the changing rooms. It was almost as if Wood was given an assignment from Zeus himself. And he had to accomplish it. 

"This is our last chance- my last chance- to win the Quidditch Cup." He started as he strode up and down in front of us. "I'll be leaving at the end of this year. I'll never get another shot at it. Gryffindor hasn't won for 4 years now. Okay, so we've had the worst luck in the world, death of Rowan Khanna, Invasion of Trotsky, Injuries, The Tournament getting called off last year..." Wood was listing as though the memory still brought up a lump to his throat. "But we also know we've got the best ruddy team in the school." He said punching a fist into his other hand, like he was a man on a mission and nothing was going to stop him. 

"We've got three superb Chasers. Or rather... Our Ladies of Court." He pointed to Angelina, Katie, and myself, and we nodded our heads. And exchanged that moment of pride. "You know it's true, Kassie."

I nodded my head. Ladies of Court. I liked that nickname.

"We've got two unbeatable Beaters. And an upcoming prodigy." Wood continued referring to the Weasley Twins and Ryan. 

"Stop it, Oliver. You're embarrassing us." Fred and George both said together as they pretended to blush. Those guys never failed to make me laugh.

"And we've got a Seeker who has never failed to win us a match!" Wood went on and glared at Harry with a powerful sense of pride. 

"And I think that about covers us. Okay! Ready or not, here we come!" Ryan declared. "I'm kidding. We think you're the best Captain ever." 

"Well, I'm no Orion. But, thanks." Wood thanked. "The point is..." He went on resuming his pace. "The Quidditch Cup should have had our name on it these last two years. But we haven't got it, and this year's the last chance we'll get to finally see our name on the thing." 

Wood was speaking with such conviction, that even Fred and George stared at him sympathetically.

"Sorry, Wood. We'll win it this year. You have my word." I said. 

"Kassie's right, Oliver. This year's our year." Fred said.

"We'll do it, Oliver!" Katie added. 

"Definitely." Harry said.

"Try not to end up in the Hospital Wing again, Harry." I requested. 

"That's not going to happen." George muttered. 

"So how is Quidditch played?" Horus asked. 

Wood and the rest of the Quidditch players looked at Ryan. "Um, Ryan? Did you just say something different?" He asked. 

"Oh, yeah. Something happened in Egypt." Ryan answered. "I found this tomb and... turns out Horus was inside of it. And I did something to unlock his seal. And now he lives inside of me." He explained. And there reactions were all the same. "Huh?"

Fred and George knew about this already, as well as Harry and myself. But the rest of the Quidditch Players looked confused.

Horus suddenly emerged. "Hello." He greeted. "You must be Captain Wood." 

Wood looked flabbergasted. "Afternoon." He greeted. "Mr. God... sir."  

"Just call me Horus." Horus requested. 

"This is so strange." Wood commented. I could only imagine what was on his face. "How did you get a God living inside you?" He asked.

Ryan was about to open his mouth to explain the whole story, but Wood stopped him. "Uh... On second thought, I don't want to know. Just um..." Then he had another thought in his head. "Well, it can't hurt to have a God on our side. I suppose. Welcome. The more the merrier." He clapped his hands.

"So how is Quidditch played? Ryan only explained the small details about it." Horus repeated.

Wood smirked. "You know what? You're about to find out." 

Following that meeting, Oliver had us training three evenings a week. The whole cold weather somehow made it feel like it might as well have been five.  Endless formations, endless practice and drills. The only good thing was that all that training was certain to pay off when we won and the trophy was ours. 

"Wood's very determined." I explained to Horus on why he was so strict.

"Oh, you should see some of those old Pharaohs who wanted to prove their worth on the Hippodrome track." Horus replied not so bothered by it.  

I was very cold that I might as well have been on Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back. "Horus, do you think you could warm us up or something?" I asked.

"Nope." Horus answered. 

As we entered the Common Room, there was a buzz with excitement. 

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked Ron and Hermione, who were sitting in the two armchairs by the fire working on our Divinations homework; star charts.

"You'll find we invented the star charts. So trust me on this." Anubis was saying to Hermione.

"Oh, hey Kassie." Ron said taking over again. "First Hogsmeade weekend." Ron said pointing to a notice that appeared on the battered old notice board. "End of October. Halloween." 

"No way!" Ryan yelled excited. "We get to go to Hogsmeade!" 

"Excellent." Fred also was excited. "I need to visit Zonko's, I'm nearly out of Stink Pellets." 

I was so excited to. All the Village Shops. The Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes, Lizzie's shop where Jacob also was. The Music Shop. Zonko's Prank Shop. It was a dream come true. "That's going to be the best day ever!" I exclaimed. But then I realized something else. Harry. He threw himself into an armchair. He looked incredibly defeated. "Oh, right. S-Sorry Harry." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it, Kassie. Don't let me spoil your mood." Harry replied. 

Too late. Harry wasn't going to be with us. Now I felt sad.

"Harry. I'm sure you'll be able to go next time." Hermione said as if she was reading Harry's mind. "They're bound to catch Black soon, he's been sighted once already." 

"Black's not foolish enough to try anything in Hogsmeade with Jacob Bauer there." Ron added. "Ask McGonagall if you can go this time, the next one might not be for ages-" 

"Ron!" Hermione scolded. "Harry is supposed to stay in school-" 

"If we had a nickel for every time we heard that." Ryan commented. "We'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's kind of weird that it happened twice." 

"He can't be the only third year left behind." Ron shot back at Hermione. "Ask, McGonagall, go on." 

"You've got nothing to lose." I added. 

"Yeah." Harry decided. "I think I will." 

Hermione opened her mouth again to argue with us, but Crookshanks leapt onto her lap with a Large Dead Spider dangling from his mouth.

"Well... that's one way to get rid of a pest." I admitted.

"Clever Crookshanks, did you catch that all my yourself?" Hermione asked while stroking up Crookshanks.

Crookshanks chewed up the spider, and his yellow eyes were fixed on Ron. 

"Just keep him over there-" Ron said irritably turning back to his star chart. But he changed his tone when he realized that Anubis was in him as well. 

"What was that?!" Anubis asked angrily. 

"I mean, I've got Scabbers asleep in my bag. And I would prefer not to disturb him and give him a fright if it's all the same to you." Ron corrected himself. 

"That's better." Anubis replied.

Harry, Ryan and I pulled out our star charts and started to work. 

"You guys can copy mine if you like." Ron suggested labelling his last chart.

"No need." Horus said. "I remember all nights of the stars." And he began to work like a speedy person on the charts.

I also breezed through mine pretty easily. Astronomy always came so easy to me. I'm from Greece. We know our stars. 

"I'll take a look." Harry said with a breath of relief. 

"Oy!" Ron suddenly roared. 

I looked up. Malaka! Crookshanks pounced on Ron's bag, where Scabbers was. "GET OFF, YOU STUPID ANIMAL!"

"This is not going to go well." I commented. 

"That is not a stupid animal!" Anubis yelled trying to wrestle control from Ron. 

Ron tried to pull the bad away from Crookshanks, but the cat clinged on, spitting and slashing. 

"Ron, don't hurt him!" Hermione squealed with the whole Common Room watching. 

Ron whirled the bag around, as if he was trying to fight off both Anubis, and Crookshanks. 

"You put Crookshanks down! Right this minute!" Anubis yelled. 

Crookshanks was clinging to the bag, as Scabbers came flying out the top. 

"Should we get involved in this?" Ryan asked Horus as they both just sat there. 

"No." Horus answered. "Let the Cat be the Cat." 

"CATCH THAT CAT!" Ron yelled. "Who is not stupid!" He added as Crookshanks freed himself from the bag, and sprang over the table and chased Scabbers who was not terrified. 

"But treat him with respect when you do!" Anubis yelled out. 

George made a lunge for Crookshanks, but he missed; Scabbers streaked over through about twenty pairs of feet and shot beneath an old chest of drawers. Crookshanks skidded to a halt, and crouched low on his legs and started making furious swipes beneath the chest of drawers with his front paw. 

Hermione and Ron hurried over to solve the quarrel. Hermione grabbed Crookshanks around the middled and heaved him away. Ron threw himself onto his stomach and pulled Scabbers out by the tail. Until he got to his feet and then fell to the ground again and slammed onto the wall. "Ow!"  

He struggled to get up and was dizzy. "Look at him!" Ron yelled furiously to Hermione but was pointing to the fireplace.

"Ron. That's the fireplace." Ryan pointed out. 

Ron readjusted his finger to Hermione's direction. "Look at him!" He repeated. "He's skin and bones! You keep that Cat away from him!"  

"Crookshanks doesn't understand it's wrong!" Hermione cried, her voice shaking. "All cats chase rats, Ron!" 

"You know, Ron. She's got a point." I said. 

"Keep out of this, Kassie!" Ron warned me. "And as for you, Hermione. There's something funny about that animal!" He tried to persuade a wiggling Scabbers back into his pocket. "It heard me say that Scabbers was in my bag!" 

"Then he is a very intelligent Cat!" Anubis yelled. "Just as smart as Bastet." 

"Smart?! Are you kidding me, Anubis?!" Ron shot back in disbelief. 

"You will treat that Cat with RESPECT!" Anubis ordered while banging Ron's head on the wall.

Some people might've found this entertaining. Including myself. But I could tell Ryan was squirming uncomfortably. 

"Oh, what rubbish." Hermione replied with impatience. "Crookshanks could smell him, Ron, how else d'you think-" 

"That Cat's got it in for Scabbers!" Ron protested as he ignored everyone around him. "And Scabbers was here first, and he's ill!"

"Stop fighting!" Ryan yelled out covering his ears.

"Ron! Hermione! Stop it! You're upsetting Ryan!" I yelled out. 

Both Hermione and Ron stopped arguing. But Ron marched up the stairs and to his Dorm. 

"Sorry, Ryan." Hermione apologized. "I forgot you don't like it when-" 

"I don't like it when friends fight, okay?" Ryan interrupted. 

Crookshanks walked over to Ryan as if he could sense Ryan was distressed and as if to say he was sorry for upsetting Ryan. 

"You know what I think? I think there's something not right about that rat." I said.

Ron was still in a bad mood with Hermione. He barely spoke to her at all through breakfast, and in Herbology, he was doing the same thing. Despite the fact that he, Hermione, and Harry were all working on the same Puffapod. 

"So Cats can do whatever they want in Egypt?" I asked. 

"Pretty much." Horus answered. "A crime against a Cat is a crime against our Sister." 

"You mean, Bastet?" I asked. 

"That's right." Horus answered. 

We had Transfigurations next, but when we arrived at the class, Lavender was crying. Parvati had her arm around her, and was explaining something to Seamus.

"Uh... Lavender?" I asked. "Is everything okay?" The rest of us joined the group. 

"She got a letter from home this morning." Parvati whispered. "It's her rabbit, Binky. He got killed by a fox." 

"Oh." Hermione said. "I'm sorry Lavender." 

"I should have known!" Lavender said tragically. "You know what day it is?"

"October 16th?" I asked.

"Yes. 'That thing you've been dreading. It will happen on the 16th of October!' Remember? She was right, she was right!" Lavender screamed so loud that the whole class had gathered around now; Seamus was shaking his head. 

"You-you were dreading Binky being killed by a fox?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

"Well, not necessarily by a fox." Lavender answered, looking up with watery eyes. "But I was obviously dreading him dying, wasn't I?" 

"Oh." Hermione said pausing again. 

"Was Binky an old rabbit?" Harry asked. 

"No!" Lavender sobbed. "H-He was only a baby!" 

"That's worse." Ryan whispered to me as Parvati tightened her arm around Lavender's shoulders.

I was going to say something. "Lavender... I don't know what to say other then-"

But Hermione opened her mouth. "But then, why would you dread him dying?" She asked. 

Parvati glared at her. 

And I could hear Ron smack his head. Or rather it was Anubis. "Oh boy." Anubis muttered.

"That is not what I was going to say." I said. 

"Well, look at it logically." Hermione said turning to the rest of the group. "I mean, Binky didn't even die today, did he, Lavender just got the news today-" 

Lavender wailed even more loudly.

Hermione. Please stop talking. "Uh... Mione?" I tried to get her attention but to no avail.

"-and she can't have been dreading it, because it's come as a real shock-" 

"Hermione?!" Ryan interrupted. 

Hermione turned to Ryan. "Well all I'm saying is-" 

"Not the time!" Ryan interrupted again.  

"Don't mind Hermione, Lavender." Ron said loudly. "She doesn't think other people's pets matter very much." That was when Anubis took over. "Lavender. I am sorry for your loss." He said being a console to Lavender.

"I loved him." Lavender sobbed. 

"You will see him again." Anubis assured. "He's gone to the next life. His heart will carry on to the Field of Reeds. No pain, no misery. Simple peace." 

Lavender was still crying. But there were subsiding now. "I'm okay now. I'm okay." She started to smile. "That doesn't sound so bad." She admitted. And then she sat down. 

McGonagall opened the door at that moment. Which was for the best given that Hermione and Ron were glaring daggers at each other. They sat on either side of Harry, Ryan and myself, clearly not speaking to each other. I'm not really comfortable about being in the middle of seeing my best friends fight with each other. This went the whole way through class.

"One moment, please!" McGonagall called out which stopped us from leaving. "As you are all in my house, you should hand Hogsmeade permission forms to me before Halloween. No form, no visiting the village, don't forget!"

Neville's hand shot up. "Please, Professor, I-I think I've lost-" 

"Your grandmother sent yours to me directly, Longbottom." McGonagall assured. "She seemed to think it was safer. Well, that's all, you may leave." 

"Ask her now." Ron hissed.

"Oh, but-" Hermione began.

"Harry. It's now or never." I told Harry.

We left Harry to go speak to McGonagall. 

He came back after 2 minutes.

"Well? What did she say?" Ron asked. 

"She said no." Harry answered looking disappointed. "She said that the parent or guardian must give permission. And she couldn't do it. That was her final word."   

"Sorry, Harry." I replied giving him a look of sorrow.

"Oh, don't be, Kassie. I knew it was a longshot anyway." Harry replied.

"It's for the best, Harry." Hermione said. And that only made Ron angry even further.

"There's always the feast." Ron said in an effort to cheer Harry up. "You know, the Halloween feast, in the evening." 

"Yeah, great." Harry groaned.

"Better than going to the Death Day Party of Nearly Headless Nick." I added. 

"Yeah. Like we're ever going through that again." Harry rolled his eyes.

And that was how on Halloween morning, I was off to breakfast. Today was the day I visited Hogsmeade with my friends... er- minus Harry. Sadly. He was trying to act happy, but I could tell he wasn't. If there was any silver lining. It was that Ron and Hermione had managed to call a truce for today. Or something like that.

"We'll bring you lost of sweets back from Honeydukes." Hermione said, looking desperately sorry for Harry.

"Yeah, loads." Ron added. At least they put their fight on hold in the face of Harry's disappointment. 

"This better be worth it." Horus commented. 

"It's going to be." Ryan told him. 

"Yeah. I mean, it'll be nice to explore Hogsmeade as students. I want to see Honeydukes." I said. If what they said earlier in the year about Honeydukes was true. Then we were going to have a dessert bar the size of Mount Olympus.

"Don't worry about me." Harry assured. "I'll see you at the feast. Have a good time." 

At least Harry accompanied us to the Entrance Hall, where Filch was standing inside the front doors, checking off names.

I already handed in my form. For a split second, I thought Filch wouldn't let me pass. But he saw my name on the list. "Bauer. Name's on the list. Go ahead." He said.  

"Thank you." I thanked. 

"Yeah. Don't get use to it. I'm only agreeing to this because I want you out of this Castle for the day." Filch replied.

I went over to join, Ron, Hermione and Ryan. 

"Well... here we are." I commented. 

"And there is Hogsmeade just waiting for us." Ryan added feeling the excitement of it. 

"Then what are we doing here? Come on!" Ron bayed us all to follow him. 

It felt a big rush to arrive at Hogsmeade. You see old school villages throughout the whole world. But there was nothing like Hogsmeade. It looked like a town like the Middle Ages. Buildings were left and right. Shops were all over the place as well. Including the Music Shop, Honeydukes, Zonko's Joke Shop. There was also Lizzie's shop. A bunch of other shops we don't need to mention. There was also the Train Station on one side. And they also had Restaurants all over the place. The Three Broomsticks pub, Madam Pudifoot's Tea Shop, The Hogs Head Inn. It felt so cool to be around. 

"This makes being a Third Year worth it." Ryan declared.

"We should probably move inside before this gets too strange." Hermione suggested after what must've been a whole 5 minutes taking all of Hogsmeade in just us starring at the village in front of the entrance.

"Too late." Anubis commented.

"You ever seen an English Village, Gods?" Hermione asked.

"It's not Memphis. I'll tell you that much." Horus answered.

"Egypt. Not Tennessee." Ryan clarified.

"So where do we start?" I asked as we walked the streets.  

"Wherever we want." Hermione answered. 

I thought about it for a second. "Oh, I know. You mind if we go see my brother Jacob and Lizzie?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Sure. We can go there first. Then we can check out the other stores in the area." Hermione answered.

"Works for me." Ryan replied.

Ron shrugged. "We'll get some food later, right?" He asked.

"Of course." I answered. 

We walked over to Lizzie's shop. "There it is." I said. I seem to remember that Ethan once told me about how when he went to Lizzie's shop in his 7th year. It was also the first time that Jacob had seen Lizzie in years. Lizzie wasn't exactly too thrilled to see him that time. Probably because it took years since Jacob and Lizzie saw each other. 

But I walked into the shop and could see all the different styles of clothes on display. "Kassie? You never told me that your brother's girlfriend had some great styles of clothes." Hermione commented.

That was when we saw Lizzie emerge from over the counter and jumping up. "Kassandra!" She greeted happily. 

"Chare, Lizzie." I greeted smiling and she gave me a hug. 

"How's my little firefly?" Lizzie asked. 

"I've been fine." I answered. "First trip to Hogsmeade." Then I remembered. "Oh, these are my friends. Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Ryan Tyler." I introduced. "Ron is Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George's brother." 

"We've met." Lizzie told me. Then she turned to Ryan. "And your sister Emily was a real pain in the ass to Bill." 

"She is to me too." Ryan said. 

"And that must make you, Hermione Granger." Lizzie said to Hermione. 

"That's correct." Hermione replied with a smile on her face. "Maxson... as in THE family Maxson, right?" She asked. 

"That would be the one." Lizzie answered. "Dad runs the company along with some of my brothers in advisory roles. You know of our family?" 

"They're a big name in the Muggle World. I'm Muggleborn myself." Hermione explained. 

"Join the club." Lizzie replied. "So... what brings you to my shop? You just saying hi?" She asked. 

"Yeah." I answered. "If-if that's alright with you." 

"Go ahead, Kassie." Lizzie answered like it was no big deal. "I love seeing you. It's nice to finally see a girl Bauer in the family. Other than your mother. And Penny." 

It felt nice for Lizzie to say that about me. 

"Um... Miss. Maxson? Mind if I see some of your wares?" Hermione asked. 

"Sure." Lizzie answered. "We've gotten a surplus of items from students. Hogsmeade trips are the busiest time of the year." 

"Thanks." Hermione went over to see some of the stuff.

"I'll go get Jacob. He'll be so happy to see you." Lizzie said and she ran down the shop. "JACOB! KASSIE'S HERE!" I heard Lizzie yelled. 

That was when I heard Jacob tumbling down the stairs. Or rather he was falling. And then tripping. "We really need to get those carpeted." Jacob grunted as he walked up. 

"I keep making a note of that." Lizzie said. She then waved her wand and transfigured the stairs to be carpet. "Problem solved." 

"Thanks." Jacob rubbed his head. "Hey, Kassie!" He greeted me. "How's my favorite sister?"

"I'm your only sister." I pointed out as Jacob ruffled my hair.

"That's why you're my favorite sister." Jacob countered. He then looked at Hermione, Ron, and Ryan. "Are these your friends?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

Hermione's eyes just looked so wide at the sight of Jacob. "You're.... you're..." She must've really thought it was one of the greatest moments of her life. She was staring at who was basically a Superhero to her.

"I know all your names." Jacob said. "Hey Ron." He casually greeted Ron.

"Hey, Jacob." Ron replied.

Hermione just looked so shocked. "You know each other?" She asked.

"We do." Jacob answered. "And you must be... Hermione Granger?" 

"Yes sir!" Hermione answered ecstatically. "You know me-" 

"Kassie told me." Jacob explained. 

"Oh, right. Of course." Hermione's face became embarrassed again. "Sorry. It's just... I've read about you in the History of Wizards of the Modern Age. The Wizard who was trapped in a portrait for years." She opened up her book on the subject to prove it. 

Jacob had his thoughts on that again. "Yes. Thank you for bringing that up." He sarcastically said. 

And I could also see Lizzie cracking her knuckles. "Oh, don't worry. This was reserved for Rakepick if I ever see her again." She explained.

"She dead." Jacob reminded.

"Yeah, I know. This is what I'm going to do if her corpse is discovered. Beat it up and give it a second death." Lizzie pointed out. 

I might've forgotten to tell my friends that you should never ever get on Lizzie's bad side. Or you will live to regret it.

"You must really hate Rakepick." Ryan said.

"You have no idea." Lizzie replied. "But enough about that bitch." She decided to change the subject before it got tense. "What about you, Kassie. How's School going?" She asked. 

"Well..." I told her and Jacob about what I'd been doing in school. About how Divinations was just becoming so odd. And how Lupins was such a great teacher. And all the stuff about Care of Magical Creatures and Buckbeak.

"I keep telling you all. Divinations is stupid." Hermione said it so open and so bluntly.

"That doesn't surprise me." Jacob commented. "Trelawney is the most confusing teacher of all time. You remember how she predicted that Monkey Attack that didn't happen, Lizzie?" 

"Oh, you have no idea. You know how many sleepless nights the ladies in my dorm all had as a result?" Lizzie asked. 

"Monkey attack?" Ryan asked confused. 

"It didn't happen. So I'm not holding a grudge." Lizzie answered. "She could've just been messing with me though. After I made an out of context comment about how we could maybe get a Monkey to teach a class one day." 

"I just wish she could've told me about what my visions were about though. All she said was that something sleeps within me." I said.

Jacob stroked his chin and probably missing when he grew a beard. Pondering something. "We got attacked by some Dementors on the train too." I added. 

"We heard." Jacob replied in a grim tone. "You okay?" He asked me.

"I'm fine. Lupin saved us. And the Gods too. Long story about that." I answered. 

"Ethan was pretty mad when he found out. We both were." Jacob added. 

"Well, the Dementors are helping us look for Sirius Black." Hermione pointed out. 

"Yes, but Dementors prefer to be their own Judge, Jury, and Executioner. They may be under the control of the Ministry but they can't be trusted. Still don't know what the Ministry was thinking bringing them in." Jacob countered.

"It's just Fudge wanting to show the World that he can be a stable leader." Lizzie said. "We're all thinking it. I'm just calling it like it is." 

Hermione stayed silent. I think she knew that Lizzie and Jacob were right. Until she said something. "Well... he is the Minister of Magic. He's supposed to be a stable leader." 

"He is. But half the time. Fudge proves he's just a man who's trying to be a big shot." Lizzie replied.

Ron also nodded his head. "My Dad says that sometimes." He admitted. 

"And Hagrid lost all of his confidence after Draco's injury." I said.

"Oh please. It's not Hagrid's fault that Draco got injured. It's Malfoy's fault for provoking Buckbeak." Lizzie assured. 

"So... he had a bad start. But it seems like there's nowhere to go but up." Jacob added.

"I hope Hagrid sees it that way." Hermione replied.

"I'm sure he will." Jacob assured. 

"Have you found Black yet?" I asked.

"Not yet." Jacob answered. "Black would be an even bigger fool then I thought if he tries to go for Hogsmeade. But we'll be ready if he shows up." 

"Would be easier for us to take him down if the Dementors weren't sniffing around every night." Lizzie added. 

"Well, I hope we find him soon." I said. 

"We will." Jacob vowed. "In the meantime. You go enjoy Hogsmeade. Have some fun." He told me. 

"And if Sirius Black shows up?" Hermione asked a little concerned. 

"We soil our pants. That's what." Ron interrupted.

"If he does, leave him to us." Jacob answered. "Oh, and one more thing, Kassie?"

I turned to him. "If on the off chance, Malfoy does call you Greek Freak or something like that again. I'll make sure he soils HIS pants." Jacob told me.

I smiled at that. "Thanks, Jacob." 

Hermione looked around at this whole outfit. "You know... you mind if I do some shopping here?" She asked. 

We walked out of Hogsmeade, and Hermione had a bag of new clothes with her. I also grabbed a few clothes with me. All paid for. Don't worry. 

"Your brother is really cool, Kassie." Hermione told me. "So is Lizzie."  

"Yeah." I agreed.

"You know. I kind of miss Tunics." Horus said. "Whatever happened to those?"

"Looks like Fashion must've changed in the years since we've been contained in the tomb." Anubis suggested.

Horus had to ponder that.

"So... now where?" Ryan asked. "I mean... the possibilities are endless aren't they?"

I saw Hermione smile at me. "Well, I have an idea. Ryan, Ron. Why don't you two spend some time together?" She asked. 

Ryan looked confused. "Me and Ron?" He asked. 

"Yeah. Why not? You two can have your time together and do whatever you want. And me and Kassie can check out the village together. And besides, Horus and Anubis can have some brother time." Hermione suggested. 

"Fair enough." Ron said. "We don't have to spend time with Hermione checking out those girly stores." 

"Well... I want to check out that painting store." Ryan admitted. "You want to come, Ron? We can show the Gods some of our art."

And I had another thought. Horus and Anubis spending brother time together. "When was the last time Anubis and Horus had a brother moment?" I asked. 

Horus had to think about it. "It's been millennia, actually." He answered.

"Holy, Zeus. It's been that long?" I asked stunned. 

"After Horus killed Set. He became God of the sky. And I helped Osiris rule the Underworld. We both became dedicated to our jobs, that we just never had time to do brother things." Anubis explained. 

"Well... you can have it now." Hermione said insisting to the Gods.

Horus looked at Anubis. And Anubis looked at Horus. "You have a point, Mortal." Anubis declared. "Come, brother. It's been far too long since we've shared a moment together." 

"We'll have to take Ron and Ryan with us." Horus reminded. 

"No problem with me." Ryan commented.

And with that. The Boys left. Leaving me with Hermione.

2 girls in Hogsmeade. "Did you just say that because you want to spend some alone time with me?" I asked. 

"Yes. I hope that's okay with you." Hermione answered. "I thought that if I let the boys play, it would give you and I some Girl Time." 

"I suppose. Um..." I stuttered. "I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, b-but... I've never really had Girl time before. With another girl my age." 

"Wait... really?" Hermione asked.

"Really." I answered. "I was kind of busy being a slave for Mistress Larisa, and I have two older brothers and no friends in Greece." 

Hermione nodded her head. "Okay... I see. Well that's going to change." 

"So what happens during Girl Time?" I asked. I didn't know what that was.

Hermione didn't answer me verbally. But rather, she simply showed me what it was like. 

It was just Hermione and myself. In Hogsmeade as we checked out all the different shops. And also tried out these different coats we got from Lizzie's. We visited a couple more shops. The first being the Music Shop. It turned out that Hermione was very skilled at the Clarinet. I kept my skills on the strings. I still had that Wooden bouzouki I got from Hagrid back years ago. Hermione also took me to this one shop that had some hair products.

"You're not a hair product girl?" Hermione asked me.

"I never really thought about it much." I answered. But maybe I would give it a try. I never had those hair products before. The type that make your hair more silky or whatever it's called. I couldn't describe it great. But whenever I was with Hermione and just her, I felt a little more out in the open.  

We were standing outside of more of the shops, and Mione had told me this rather funny story about how her Parents are Dentists. "Is that dangerous?" I asked.

"No." Hermione answered. "Although, one boy bit my Father. He needed about 6 stitches." She laughed.  

"Ouch." I laughed as well. "I've never been to the Dentist, I will admit." I said. 

"You've never been to a Dentist?" Hermione asked. 

"No. When it comes to teeth. There's usually charms to make sure your teeth are clean and straight." I answered. "Mater told me when she was younger, she had to wear braces and they were not fun. That's why she learned those teeth charms and other stuff, so Jacob and Ethan and myself would never have to go through that." 

"I wish I could do that." Hermione admitted. "But I don't think my parents would approve. They don't like it when magic is used on teeth." 

"Pity." I said. "I never knew you could be this entertaining to be around." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked intrigued.

"It's just that... usually when I see you, it's usually you're divulged in your books, or in the library. Or trying to help Harry, Ron and myself with homework." I answered. 

Hermione couldn't argue that one. "Well, I do admit I spend a lot of time with my books. I guess another reason I wanted to spend time with you, Kassie. Was because, well, I've never really had a girl my age to talk to before. Just you and me alone. And not about school." She admitted.

"Well... we're talking now." I pointed out. 

Hermione giggled. I giggled back.

That was when we noticed a couple boys I didn't know were waving at us. And smiling too as they passed. 

"Who were they?" I asked.

"I have no idea." Hermione answered.

"So why were they smiling at us and waving at us?" I asked confused.

Hermione smiled smugly. "They probably thought we were cute or something." 

Cute? "Wait, really?" I asked.

Hermione laughed. "Come on, Kassie. Everyone knows how cute you look." 

"I never really considered myself cute." I replied. "But if they thought I was cute, why didn't they stop to say Chare or something?"

"That's just how boys are. I'll never understand them." Hermione answered. 

"What about Harry, or Ron, or Ryan?" I asked. 

"That's different. They're our friends." Hermione answered.

"Even if you and Ron argue from time to time." I added in.  

"That's only when Ron acts stupid." Hermione replied. "I suppose when they reach a certain age, boys tend to act stupid around girls. At least that's how I see it." 

"Like 13?" I asked not knowing how any of this worked. 

"In a way. Or much older." Hermione answered. "Depends on the boy. And the next thing you know is that boys start to develop feelings for girls." 

"Can girls act stupid around boys?" I asked. 

"Maybe. But I know I'm smart enough not to act stupid around boys. And you're smart not to act stupid around boys." Hermione answered. "And yes... girls can develop feelings for boys as well." She then went up to my ear. "This stays between you and me. Just us secrets between girls." She whispered.

"You have my word." I whispered back in her ear and we both giggled. 

Then I went back to something on my thoughts. "I guess I never really considered having a crush on somebody. I never really developed those feeling yet. Nor do I think anyone's had feelings for me. Sometimes I wonder if they're too afraid if they have feelings for me, something bad will happen to them." 

"Why would anyone want to be afraid of you?" Hermione asked.

"It's not me they're afraid of. It... would probably be my brothers." I clarified. I already overheard what they would do to boys who broke my heart.

Hermione immediately understood. 

"What about you? Do you have a crush on somebody?" I asked.

"No." Hermione answered. 

"Curious." I said. "So, Hermione? I've been meaning to ask you something? How are you able to get to so many of your classes?" I asked. "Ron said something about your scheduling coming into conflicts... or something like that. So how do you do it? I won't tell a soul, I swear." 

Hermione pondered that for a second. "Just one of our secrets between girls." I offered.

And that made Hermione laugh. "Oh, very well." She pulled out a little medallion with an hourglass. 

"Is that a time turner?" I asked. 

"Yes. McGonagall gave it to me at the first of terms. It's how I've been able to get to all of my classes." Hermione answered. "Only... I can't let my other self see me. It would cause a massive rupture in the Space Time Continuum." She explained. 

"Oh, I know how the Time Turner works." I said. "A lot of Dealers in the Black Market in Greece sold them. It didn't go so well for people who interfere with time." 

"Naturally." Hermione replied. "Don't tell the boys." 

"I swear upon the River Styx." I vowed raising my hand as I vowed. And then we both giggled. 

"You want to get some food?" Hermione asked.

"That sounds nice." I answered.

We stopped over by the Three Broomsticks for lunch. And we ran into Ron and Ryan again. "Hey, Kassie, Hermione!" Ryan both shouted. 

"Can we join them, Mione?" I asked.

"Sure." Hermione answered. 

We got ourselves our own table. I had been to the Three Broomsticks before. To celebrate when my brother Ethan returned Bill to the Middle East. And also there serving out the food was Madam Rosmerta, the owner of the Three Broomsticks. 

"As I live and breathe." Rosmerta walked over to us. "Little Kassandra Bauer." She walked up to us.

"Chare, Madam Rosmerta." I greeted.

"You know her, Kassie?" Hermione asked. 

"Talk about friendly service." Ryan commented.

"I should think she would. I knew her brothers very well. And she once visited my Inn." Rosmerta answered. "And Kassie, you look so... grown up." She noticed.

"I'm just 13, Madam Rosmerta." I pointed out. "That's not really grown up." 

Rosmerta laughed. "I know. Your brother Ethan said the same thing. And I see you've already made some new friends." 

"Oh yeah. This is Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ryan Tyler." I introduced.

"Ron Weasley... Ah yes, I knew your brothers very well." Rosmerta greeted Ron. 

Ryan looked at Ron. "Um... Ron? You're blushing." He said.

"No I'm not." Ron protested. I looked at Ron and he was indeed blushing. 

"So what can I get for the girl who's brother is the Hero of Hogwarts and the Basilisk Slayer?" Rosmerta asked. 

I looked at my friends. "4 Butterbeers." I answered. "And..." We all ordered our food as well.

As soon as Rosmerta walked away, I looked at Ron. "Ron's got a little crush." I pretended to taunt. 

"Ha. Ha." Ron replied sarcastically. 

Rosmerta came back with our food of Loaded Potato Skins, half ribs, roast mutton, and chicken wings.

Ryan handed Rosmerta some Galleons. "Thanks a lot, Mr. Tyler." Rosmerta thanked.

"It's on me." Ryan said. 

Rosmerta also handed over some Butterbeers. "And here are your Butterbeers." She handed them to us. 

"Yum." I said. 

"Where did you even get all that money, anyway?" Hermione asked.

"Horus." Ryan answered.

"Money's not an issue for the Gods. I suppose you could say we have unlimited funds." Horus explained. To prove his point, Horus made some gold appear out of thin air. Then he turned them into Galleons. 

"Sweet." I commented. "But not as sweet as this Butterbeer." 

"We'll be the judges of that." Anubis declared, drinking his Butterbeer and indulging in the food.

We all joined and followed suit. While we were eating. We told each other about we did in Hogsmeade. "So... Hermione and I checked out the music shop. We saw a lot of cool instruments." I said. 

"That's nice. If the Gods do love something. It's music." Ryan replied. "Ron and I checked out Zonko's Joke Shop. I bought a few things from the area. Everbashing Boomerangs, I also got a little joy buzzer. I just like a good joke is all." He explained. 

"You're not going to use them to disrupt the classes, are you?" Hermione asked like a nagging parent.

"No. Just on Malfoy." Ryan answered. "That is if he ever insults me or Neville, or Kassie." 

"Yeah... Malfoy insulted at how Neville was smelly and nasty, while we were standing out by Zonko's Joke Shop. So I bought a couple of the Ever Bashing Boomerangs and flung them onto Dungbombs... Fred's suggestion of course. And we taught Malfoy a little lesson about smelly and nasty." Ron explained. 

Both Hermione and I laughed at that. "So... Anubis, Horus? What do you think about Hogsmeade?" I asked.

"It's not like Egypt. But it's certainly charming. There's always been something I've quite enjoyed about peaceful and good natured. That's why I've enjoyed a good walk through the Field of Reeds as I transport those who are worthy." Anubis answered. "It's a nice feeling." 

"For a Dark God, you sure are nice." Hermione commented.

"There's a difference between Dark and Evil." Anubis said.

Horus nodded his head. "This town is nice. We should visit it more again." He said. 

"So what do we do after lunch?" I asked. 

"Well, we could see what they're serving at Honeydukes." Ron suggested.

That sounded good to me. "Cheers." We all raised our Butterbeers and drank.

"Oh, before we go to Honeydukes... maybe we could..." I started to say.

"We could do what?" Hermione asked.

I smirked. I always wanted to do this.

"...Someday love will find you. Break those chains that bind you." Hermione and I sang karaoke in the middle of the Pub.

"One night will remind you." Ryan also sang.

"How we touched and went our separate ways." We all sang that song Worlds Apart from Journey.

And that was when people were clapping us. Including something what looked like an Ogre.

The next place we went to was Honeydukes. The Candy Shop. And oh my goodness was it a candy shop. It felt like I had just stepped into an entire candy land. My mouth had hung open. "By the Gods." I mouthed out. 

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Ryan asked sounding almost as bewildered as I am.

I breathed in heavy. "First time seeing a sweet shop?" Hermione asked. 

"Uh huh." I answered.

"I think we're in for a real sweet treat." Ron said. 

"Then what are we waiting for?" Ryan asked. 

"Hermione?" I asked wondering if Hermione wanted to participate. 

"Oh, what the heck." Hermione decided.

The first thing we tried was the sherbet balls that made me levitate a few inches off the ground while I was sucking them. Then we went to the pepper imps, Chocoballs, a few more of the other sweets like Licorice Wands, Peppermint Toads, Gummies, Lollipops, other Chocolates with those creams. It was such a paradise. And then of course there were those free samples of the new fudge.

We also had a couple of slushies. I drank mine too fast. And I felt a Brain freeze. "Ah! Brain freeze!" I screamed.

Anubis walked over and got himself a slushie. And drank it really fast. "Nothing." He said.

Of course the Gods would have an immunity to Brain freezes.

35 seconds later.

We were all outside of Honeydukes with massive stomach aches. "Oh, my stomach." I said in between groans. "Stomach's too full." 

"I told you not to eat too much so fast, Kassie." Hermione said being just fine. 

"Sorry, Mione. I got a little crazy on the sugar overload." I apologized. I looked at Ron and Ryan who were just as full as I was. 

"Whoops." Ryan said laughing it off. 

"Don't worry. We've got this." Horus assured. And Ryan was back on his feet. 

"Oh, that's just cheating." I complained. But then I felt sad. 

"What's wrong, Kassie?" Hermione asked. 

"I just wish Harry could've been with us." I answered.

"Oh, don't worry. We got him some stuff from the Village shops." Ron assured holding up a bag. "In addition to spending time with the Gods and each other, Ryan and I also picked up some stuff to take back to Harry."

Hermione smiled at that. "That was nice of you, Ron." 

"Well, Anubis paid the bills, so..." Ron said. 

"You're welcome." Anubis smirked.

We saw that it was starting to turn to late afternoon. "Maybe we should head back to Hogwarts now." Hermione suggested.

"Alright." I said. Why did the sun have to set on this perfect day? "Well, you think we could check out that art shop on the way back?" I asked.

"Yeah. Okay." Hermione answered.

And that was how we spent time checking out the Painting Shop. A bunch of paintings and also some other dealing of art. A couple of them were about Hogwarts. One even had a Pumpkin Patch and Hagrid's Grounds.

And there was also one of the Three Broomsticks empty.

"Pretty cool, huh?" A voice called up from behind us. 

I turned to see a Witch in a blue head bun smiling at us. Ethan's old friend. Badeea Ali.

"Badeea!" I called with a smile.

"Hello, Kassie." Badeea greeted. "See you brought some of your friends with you." She noticed Ron, Hermione, and Ryan standing there and looking at the portraits.

"Yeah. Just checking the Paint Shop on the way back." I answered. "I-I hope that's okay." 

"Of course." Badeea grinned. 

I looked more at the Three Broomsticks painting. "So... this one looks interesting." 

"Yeah. Funny story about that one." Badeea said. "We originally made it a Painting for Jae. It was his birthday and the Three Broomsticks was closed. So to make it up to him, we tried to make him a portrait of the Inn." 

"And did that work?" I asked.

"It did." Badeea answered. "Until the Portraits in the Grand Staircase all crashed the party." 

Wait, what?

"It's a long story." Badeea whiffed away reading my face. "Ah, well... Don't mind me. Take a look at what you like." 

We all looked around. All to see a bunch of more portraits. None of us really saying a word. But just letting the art speak for itself. Sometimes, you just couldn't find any words to describe art. It just speaks to you.

"There you go." Ron handed Harry all the brilliantly colored sweets and had it drop in his lap. "We got as much as we could carry." 

"Thanks." Harry thanked. But I think he could tell we had the time of our lives without him. "What's Hogsmeade like, then? Where did you go?"

We listed a bunch of stores that we went to. Everywhere it seemed.

"Hermione and I got to have our own time together. We stopped by Lizzie and Jacob." I said.

"I thought Jacob was an Auror." Harry thought out loud.

"He is. He just lives with Lizzie." I clarified.

"And then there's the post office." Hermione added. "About two hundred owls, all sitting in shelves, all colored coded depending on how fast you want your letter to get there!" 

"Still nothing on Athena." I pointed out. 

"Honeydukes has a new kind of fudge, they were giving out free samples." Ron chimed in.

"And we sang Karaoke at the Three Broomsticks." I added. "And I think we saw an Ogre as a Patron." 

"Wish we could have brought you some Butterbeer, really warms you up." Ryan said. "Horus." He grunted. 

"Don't blame me and my tastebuds." Horus countered.

"So what did you do, Harry?" Hermione asked gingerly. "Did you get any work done?"

"Ha! The only time you see the words Harry and get any work done is if the word doesn't is in-between them." Ryan chuckled. 

"I thought that was Ron." I said. 

"Ryan's right." Harry replied. "Lupin made me a cup of tea in his office. And then Snape came in..." 

"Leave it to Snape to ruin things." I commented.

Harry then went into details about Lupin drinking from a Smoking Goblet, and Ron's mouth fell wide open. 

"Lupin drank it?" Ron gasped. "Is he mad?"

"Mad as a Hatter." Ryan said.

"We'd better go down, the feast will be starting in five minutes." Hermione added.

We hurried down the steps and still discussing Snape.

"But if he- you know-" Hermione dropped her voice glancing around nervously. "If he was trying to- to poison Lupin- he wouldn't have done it in front of Harry." 

"You'd think that Sikander would be the Professor he would at least try to poison first." Ryan said. 

"Yeah, maybe." Harry thought out loud as we reach the Great Hall. 

This was my first Halloween feast I had ever been to in Hogwarts. The first year was me speaking to Hermione in the bathroom and encountering a troll. Then last year, we had to attend Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday party. Which was horrible and I regret my decision to this day.

But this time. I could see the Great Hall was decorated with hundreds of candles, filled pumpkins, along with other Halloween decorations. And the food was also delicious; even though we were all stuffed, we had managed to get in second helpings of everything. I could see Lupin speaking to Flitwick, our Charms Teacher. And then there was Snape. And I could've been seeing things, but it seemed like Snape's eyes were flickering toward Lupin more often then natural.

"Have you guys noticed that Snape seems to be glaring at Lupin more than usual?" I asked.

Ryan looked over. "Not really, no." He answered. "You think they're might be something between the two that we're not aware of?"

I shrugged. 

That was when Ryan had something to say. "Um... I have something to say." 

We all looked at him. "Yes, Ryan?" We all asked.

"You remember a bunch of that whole stuff with Cartoons and everything. Well... it got me thinking about something. It was something I came up with last year. You know how with Cartoons. It- it feels like it's magic, right?" Ryan went on. 

We were all confused by this. "Um... sort of." Hermione said. 

"Well... what if there was a way, that I could combine Cartoons with Magic?" Ryan asked. 

"You want to make Magic Cartoons?" Harry asked.

"Not exactly." Ryan said. "Magic is whatever we want it to be. So what if I could create a new type of magic?" 

"Create a new type of Magic? That's insane, Ryan!" Hermione exclaimed. "I just don't see how you can-" 

"Now this should be interesting." Anubis commented.

"Magic can do whatever it wants." Ryan reminded. "So brace yourself, for the new type of magic invented by Ryan Cameron Tyler. Meet the mighty..." 

He paused for effect. "Can I get a drum roll, Kassie?"

"Uh... okay." I pounded by hands on the table to create a drum sound effect. 

"...TOON MAGIC!" Ryan announced. He span around on lightning speed. And what emerged in his hands were art supplies. He then scribbled something on the table at lightning speed. And it spelled out Toon Magic. Except the letters started dancing around on the table.

We all looked in bewilderment. "Toon Magic?" I asked. 

"Yeah. See it occurred to me last year. I came up with this whole concept of if Toons could do whatever they wanted, and if Magic could do whatever it wanted. I thought that maybe... just maybe, I could combine the two so they would fit." Ryan explained. 

Hermione stood there silently. "Huh? That's actually a pretty good idea, Ryan." She admitted. "But you're not going to go crazy with it, right?"

"We're Toons, Hermione. Everything we do is crazy." Ryan answered with a smile. "That's all folks!" He yelled out and then he sat back down.

I was going to say more, but that's when I saw something. More images. Snape before the Whomping Willow. And Lupin, and the Full Moon. He looked like he had some sort of fangs on him. Dementors around a frozen pond. And Finally... A pair of silvery animals. A stag, and a wolf.

I was back in Hogwarts again. And my friends were looking at me. "Kassie? Did you have another vision?" Harry asked.

"Uh huh." I answered.

"But why would Lupin want to grow fangs?" Hermione asked as we followed the usual path to Gryffindor Tower. 

"I don't know. Maybe he's a Vampire in secret." I suggested. 

"Well, that would explain why he looks pale at times." Ryan said.

"And what's with Snape and the Whomping Willow? And those silvery animals." Harry was just as puzzled as I. 

"Um... guys. I think we might have to worry about that later." Hermione pointed to the corridor where it usually ended with the portrait of the Fat Lady, only to find it jammed with students.

"Probably Neville's just forgotten the password again." Ron suggested. 

"No, I haven't." Neville suddenly appeared right next to us. 

"Well, why isn't anyone going in?" I asked. 

We saw Ginny move through the crowd. "Ginny? What's going on?" Ron asked.

"The Fat Lady. She's gone." Ginny answered. 

The Fat Lady gone?

"Let me through, please." Percy's voice came bustling through impatiently through the crowd. "What's the hold up here? I'm Head Boy-" 

And then there was a silence that had fallen over us. I looked through the crowd and found that the portrait was closed. But it was more than that.

"Get back all of you. No one is to enter this dormitory until it has been completely searched." Percy ordered. "Somebody get Professor Dumbledore. Quick." 

That didn't sound good. 

The next moment, Dumbledore was there, sweeping towards the portrait; we all squeezed together to let him through.

I took another look at the portrait. It was slashed so viciously it looked like a Hydra had made mincemeat out of the portrait. I could even see strips of canvases litter the floor.

"Malaka." I said out loud. "Did we get robbed or something?"

"We get robbed in a Magical School?" Ron asked.

Dumbledore took one quick look at the ruined painting and turned, his eyes somber, to see McGonagall, Lupin and Snape hurrying towards him. "We need to find her." He said. "Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr. Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady." 

"You'll be lucky." Came a crackling voice.

We looked up to see Peeves bobbing over us, looking delighted at the sigh of wreckage and worry.

"What do you mean, Peeves?" Dumbledore asked calmly, making Peeves grin fade a little, seeing as how he never taunted Dumbledore... I think.

"Ashamed, Your Headship, sir." Peeve said, adopting an oily voice that was something worse than his cackle. "Doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess, sir, dodging between the trees. Crying something dreadful." He sounded oddly happy about this. "Poor thing." 

"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asked.

"Oh, yes, Professorhead." Peeves answered with the air of one cradling a large bombshell in his arms.

I think I know who he's talking about. And it's not good.

"He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see." Peeves grinned nasty. 

"It's Sirius Black, isn't it?" I asked making everyone gasp.

"Sure is, little Step Bauer. Nasty Temper he's got." Peeves answered. 

He did get into the castle after all. "I knew this would happen." I said nervously to myself.

But that was when Mr. Filch ran up. Dumbledore turned to him. "Secure the Castle, Mr. Filch. The rest of you. To the Great Hall!" Dumbledore ordered us.

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