Aang finds out

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This was it. The war was over. Aang defeated the fire lord and the comment had passed.

Aang regrouped with his friends back at the fire lord throne, where they decided to meet so they could deem Zuko fire lord as soon as possible and no one else could pull a trick from up there sleeve like declaring azula or a council member emperor.

When Aang made it to the room, everyone was already there. Zuko looked injured and was sitting on the floor, against a wall, holding his stomach. Where he was hit with lightning.

Sokka was crying onto Suki.

Toph had a small crater around her where she stomped her foot in frustration. Arms were crossed and she had a frown on her face, eyes covered by her hair more intentionally than before. Was she crying too?

"What's going on? We won?"

Sokka wiped tears from his eyes, pointing an accusing finger with more most rage and seriousness  Aang had ever thought possible for the usually sarcastic boy, "Ask him."

Aang looked back at Zuko, a swirling feeling in his gut. Something was seriously wrong. Wasn't he... wasn't he paired up with Katara? "Where is she."

Zuko looked away and tried to sit up better. "I..."

Aang stormed over and grabbed him by the collar, "Where is she?!"

"I don't know! I'm sorry! I protected her, I did! But something happened that I can't explain!"

"Where is Katara?!"

"She disappeared! She and azula! It might have been one of her tricks?? I don't know! I did my best but azula fights dirty!"

Air swirled around Aangs body, eyes and tattoos glowing. The others looked up, worried for the boy and what he could do. Usually Katara would be the one to fix this, but she wasn't here right now so it was up to them.

Suki yelled, "Aang! I'm sure she's okay! She's strong!"

Tears fell from the Avatars eyes, "You let Katara dissapear?!"

Zuko clutched his injured stomach, tears also falling from his eyes. It's not like he wanted this to happen. It's not like he didn't miss her too. He jumped in front of lightning for her. That wasn't nothing. But it wasn't like Aang was in a state to listen to his sorry excuses right now, "Im sorry! There was nothing I could do!" He could very well get killed for his mistake.

"Aang, stop it!" Toph shouted. "What would Katara think?!"

He didn't care what Katara would think. She wasnt here to think anyway. She was gone. Maybe even dead. He and her were supposed to live happily ever after once the war was over. But it was taken from him. She was taken from him.

Sokka let go of Sukis embrace, wiping some snot off his nose with the back of his hand, pushing her in the direction of Toph. "What are you doing!?" Suki shouted, worried as he walked straight towards Aang who was floating up in the air in the avatar state.

"What I have to do to end this war." He stood in front of Aang, looking at his eyes. This wasn't their worried friend or a sad lover. This was fury in a pure form.

Sokka clenched his fist and pulled back, hitting him square in the jaw.

The wind stopped. Aang fell to the floor. His tattoos stopped glowing and his eyes closed shut.

"Go end the war, Zuko. Go become firelord." Sokka reached out a hand to him.

The other took it and grunted as he was lifted up, "Yeah sure thing."


By the time Aang woke up, it was the next morning. He was tired from the war and the emotional toll defeating ozai and losing Katara had on him.

Sokka, Toph, and Suki were nearby on other beds in the room, Suki brushing her hair and toph with her feet up.

Everything was more quiet than normal. It felt wrong. Everything felt wrong without her.

"Morning..." Aang spoke, bringing the first noise into the room.

Suki stopped brushing her hair, "Morning. Are you feeling okay after waking up?"

"My jaw kinda hurts for some reason."

Toph laughed.

Sokka threw a pillow at her legs, "It's not funny!"

"But it is! You got twinkle toes good!" She continued cackling, perhaps trying a bit too hard to lighten up the mood.

"Whatever. Let's go eat." Sokka said, grabbing his sword before doing a double take and putting it back down. The war was over, wasn't it? There was no need for weapons anymore. He wanted to feel okay without having a weapon on him, but it just didn't feel right after using them for so long. So instead he grabbed his trusty boomerang and a pocket knife.

Suki frowned seeing his dilemma. Sure he was a water nation warrior, but that role was for protecting his home and family. Not for breakfast in the fire nation.

She understood his dilemma, both of them warriors. She brought her fan with her as well.

The meal was hot and delicious but no one could find it in themselves to thoroughly enjoy the cooking, the thought of their friend left all alone in the unknown leaving a bitter feeling in their mouths as they ate.

Zuko had joined them, getting a look from Aang but nothing else. He figured it would be as good of a time as any to talk about the new politics and how they were going to govern peace and make up for the destruction that his country put upon other nations.

Aang barley listened, most of the conversation ended up being with Zuko, his council who followed him inside, sokka, and Suki. They were going to have to get representatives of all the nations, well, all three. But for now, they were enough.

Sokka of the water tribe, once the protector of the southern nation. If you could even call the small tribe that.

Suki, leader of the Kyoshi warriors. A specialized fighter of an isolated earth nation tribe.

Zuko, a one-day-old firelord, who was once a banished prince.

Aang, the last airbender and the avatar who ran away.

Sure, this could work. It had to. The world depended on them.


Aang excused himself from the table before the conversation was over. Everyone let it happen, knowing that he wasn't contributing anyway. Not in this state. They were worried though. Katara was the one who pushed him to be the avatar and fight in the war. Now that he did it, she was gone. There was no fruit of his hardships. No satisfying ending. No Katara.

He took off, finding his way to the temple of the avatar. Someone had to have known where she went. Maybe a spirit knew. Or maybe Roku had seen this before. He could talk to one of them.

She couldn't have died. It's Katara! She couldn't have died.

Sitting down in the temple, he closed his eyes and meditated, reaching out to the cosmic plane. Maybe he could see her there like he did when the Guru wanted him to open his chakras. Maybe it'll trigger a spirit guide. He hoped for anything. Anything at all.

Minutes turned to hours. He focused on deepening his spirit into the cosmic space. She had to be somewhere. There has to be some sort of proof she's alive.

Suddenly his spirit appeared in a shallow pool of water, expanding as far as the eye can see. "Katara?!" He called, only hearing an echo of his own voice.

He walked for what felt like miles. Everything looked the same until he noticed that the water beneath him was an ominous purple. He saw a blue light in the distance, some sort of water wall glaring the light from the stars in the cosmos back at him. "Katara! Where are you?!"

He kept running forwards the blue light. That had to be her. It felt kind. Not like this purple gunk he called water. He could feel it try to consume him. He wished he could use his bending in this space. Maybe air to propel further, farther.

Something large came out from the gunk. It looked like one of the Unagi he rode at kyoshi island.

"Who are you! Where's Katara?!"

"I am the sea! You dare speak to me that way?! After I graced you with my presence??"

"I'm sorry, spirit. Please, I'm looking for my friend."

"Quick to ask for what you want, you greedy prick. This is why I took her and now you."


The spirit growled, the water around him glowing darkly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's been a rough few days. I'll listen if you will speak to me again." He bowed at the waist. He can't mess this up. He was so close. He could feel Katara's spirit in the distance. He knew she was alive. Now all he had to do was find a way to get her.

"No. My fishmen have suffered too great a fate to have the patience to preach to those who are close minded. I too will exercise their wishes. Good day."

"Please wait! I am the avatar, and I want to help!"

The creature bellowed, the water boiling below him, "Avatar?! Avatar, you say?! You are no avatar of mine. No peace will ever be of my sea if you were to help. It takes someone with heart. With passion! Someone determined to heal! Not some pipsqueak who throws tantrums every two minutes."

Aang, as furious as he was at the comment about him, took a deep breath and processed the beginning of what the creature said. Someone with heart and passion will help its sea find peace. Was something wrong with the sea? This couldn't be his sea. Perhaps there were other seas on other worlds. There was still much for him to learn to be a true peacemaker and much to learn about the spirit realm, so he let go of his precious beliefs and took in what he said "What is harming your seas?"

"So you were listening." The beast circled around him, the environment becoming a little lighter as its aura shifted in curiosity and hope. "The dwellers of my waters have been abused and taken from me. My treasures of stone have been harvested for weaponization. My waters have been polluted with blood and hate. My sea kings have been targeted as collectors items and game." The spirit looked forward and swam towards the blue light. Unlike when Aang walked forward, the picture drew near to the spirit, becoming more defined. Ther showed and image of Katara with a similar creature. One of pin stripes and scales. Her hands were held out, healing an injured gash from the creature.

Aang was relieved. She was just fine. No injuries on her that he could see. No one hunting her down. She was doing what she loved best, healing. Hoping.

"So many humans of my world have been plagued with the eye of destruction. They wish to conquer all lands and control the sea, using everything and anything for their own greed."

"Ive placed curses upon the land, so I can finally take my revenge on those who want to harm my waters. Fruits of the Devil. They tempt the humans of their greed. Once they eat it, they get strange abilities, but they succumb to my wrath whenever they touch water. This worked for a little while, but now they use these temptations to continue their plan of destruction. I've lost all hope in my world, so I brought a shining star from yours." Aang looked up to the spirit, now knowing that she's okay, he didn't have to watch her so close. "I believe she is just what my world needs to heal our hurt sea kings and decimate the hatred of the world. Alone, this would take time, so I partnered her with another group of hopeful individuals, already set on brining joy and freedom to my sea and the land."

Aang looked back at Katara who was making her way back to a boat with a lion figure on it, waterbending up to the deck. Another boy ran up from a lower level and made insane gestures to her, most likely telling her that she's insane.

She argued with him for a little but more people jumped on the boat. A boy with a straw hat, an orange haired woman and a skeleton spirit. The first was marveling at her and shouting a bunch of compliments, it seemed like. They were a roudy bunch but Aang could tell that they were filled with life. They seemed like good people.

He still longed to talk to her once more. To tell her than everyone was okay and that the war was over. "Is there any way I'll be able to see her again?"

"Once peace has been returned to my sea, I'll have her come back if she chooses."

"No, I meant like now. Maybe have my spirit talk to her?"

"The reason why you can't see her is because your spirit isn't nourished enough for the distance, so the picture ended where you last saw before I guided you. This is a whole other world, young one. The spiritual journey is not an easy one. I can only take you this far.

"I can do it if you just tell me how."

"Have patience and heal your heart. Heal your home. The best way to take care of yourself is to take care of others. Katara has been taking care of you this whole time, now it is time to stand in her place and take care of others."

"I think I understand now, Spirit of the Sea. I thank you for your wisdom."

"Of course young one. I wish you well."

Aang opened his eyes, back in his body. Now that he knew Katara was safe, he felt lighter. More at ease. Now to heal the world and his spirit.

Edited. 2339 words

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