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Dinner time at the sunny was surprisingly easy today. Everyone beforehand got caught up on everything that happened. Even sanji was pulled out of the kitchen to talk about it outside, switching in zoro and Ussop to avoid suspicion from Katara and luffy.

Now they were all informed of the blood-bending, the running away, the wanted posters brook and franky got for peeping in town, and the cry session Katara and the captain had about their older brothers.

Luffy had Katara sit next to him during dinner. Nami was glad that the crew was finally able to be there for him when he was sad about ace. They all regret not being there for him there at marineford, but that's as in the past. Now, they just want to be there for him. Sadly, he never really lets them and avoids the subject all together. Outside when talking the original 6 crew members all talked about how despite everything that happened, how insanely young Katara is, and how she from a different world, her being here was one of the better things that had happened to them.

It was safe to say that during dinner everyone was glad their lifeguard was getting along so well with their captain. Smiles exchanged as well as food.

When things slowed down, and most of the food was gone from the table, and brook was playing some relaxed tunes on the violin, Katara asked luffy what his dream is.

Face brightening, he proudly exclaimed, "I'm going to be king of the pirates!"

"How do you become king?"

"We travel the grand line and accomplish all our dreams! We fight anyone who gets in our way and get a bunch of friends too! Being king means having complete freedom for myself and all my nankama! That's what I want that for the world."

"Complete freedom..." Katara thought about the foreign concept, internalizing it since now she was a strawhat. Might as well conjoin her morals with theirs now, "I'd like that."

"Shishishi" he grinned.

The rest of the crew stopped listening and continued conversing amongst themselves once more. Sanji picked up the empty plates , taking all of them in two trips. When he came back to collect the second batch, he stood next to Katara, noticing how her plate was only half empty. "Are you done with your food?" He aske curiously. Surley it wasn't because she didn't like it. She didn't seem like the picky type, especially having taken bites out of everything.

"Yeah actually. I'm pretty full." She said and the. Turned to luffy, "Do you want the rest?" She said, remembering how he would stretch his arm to steal Ussops food off his plate and his constant comments of how hungry he is. Geez, he really was like Sokka.

"WOULD I?" He grabbed the plate and dumped everything into his mouth and then took her juice that sanji gave her, doing the same.

Katara laughed and Luffy handed the items to Sanji who frowned to himself, knowing he'd have to have a conversation with Katara about her past diet, not exactly thrilled with most likely hearing that she had a really poor one. He just hoped she never went too hungry before finding something good to eat.

Franky Ussop and chopper were the first ones to say goodnight and leave the dining room to go about their tasks until it was time to hit the hay.

"Hey katara, can I talk to you?" Sanji asked, motioning her over to come sit where she ate her spirited earlier today.

She went on over and sat down. "Need help with dishes?"

"Not tonight but thank you. I was going to ask you some questions as your chef." He said, hoping to have this not feel like an interrogation as much as possible.

Kataras jaw dropped in relization. She'll never have to worry about food anymore. This group literally had a chef to do all of that. No more rations or mystery berries, thank spirits!

"What's wrong?" Sanji asked worried that he already fucked up.

"No nothing, I'm just surprised I don't have to worry about food anymore."

Now that made sanjis heart hurt. "Did you usually worry?"

"Well yeah. Sokka and I would hunt and Aang would forage since he's vegetarian. The fire nation destroyed and purged so many forests of its resources though, it was difficult to find food. Other than that, we kind of relied on the kindness of people we met." Katara shrugged, not too proud of their methods but it worked.

"How often would people help you out?"

"Pretty often. We help out a lot of people. Sokka usually was the one to ask for money and supplies in return."

Sanji sighed, "Well, now you don't have to worry anymore. I'm sorry you ever had to worry."

"It's okay, that's just apart of life."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah. Back in my village, there was just children and older woman. Everyone else was taken or off in the war, so Sokka and I were the ones foraging and fishing. If we were lucky, we got a few fish to put in a stew with fresh seaweed and sea prunes. Oh! And one of my favorites is seal. That's harder to get though because there's no experienced hunters at the village."

Sanji nodded. So she had a winter island diet. Perhaps her comfort food would be such of this variety. Her situation really wasn't one of the greatest. That environment is harsh and being in war time was not helpful in the slightest. He wasn't too sure if she realized that was a hardship she shouldn't have had to deal with. But then again, maybe hardship is all she knew. "You said the adults were taken? Why?"

Katara frowned, "My village used to have many waterbenders. I hardly remember though since I was so little when the fire nation raids happened. They picked off our fighters by the handful. When they knew we only had one more bender left, my mother pretended to be the last to save me. After that, the raids stopped. Why would they come back all the way to the South Pole? To fight some 5 year olds and grandmas?" She laughed sarcastically to herself, hand coming up to her necklace from her mother, playing with the water tribe charm.

"I'm sorry Katara." She lost a lot. Her mother, the majority of her village, her friends, her world. "The strawhats will take care of you. So don't you worry about anything happening here. We will help you find a way back home." He placed a hand on hers, squeezing lightly. "On the other hand, do you have any favorite dessert?"

"I like custard tarts. Aang made them for us once and it was really good."

"I'm no Aang, but I'll see what I can do." He got back to doing the dishes

"Thanks." Katara made her way to zoro and Luffy and Robin who were hanging out on the couch, not listening or anything. "Hey zoro."

"What's up?"

"I wanted to apologize for earlier. Blood bending you and all... I usually avoid using it. I think I just acted in defense. I wasn't trying to hurt Robin or you and I'm sorry if I did."

Luffy was the first to speak, "Why are you apologizing? It seems pretty cool and not many people can stop zoro like that."

"You told him!?" She gasped at the other two.

Zoro took a swig of a beer he was drinking, "Well yeah, you running away was kind of a big deal so we had to update him."

"Ok fine I get it. But are you gonna say anything? I just apologized."

Zoro shook his head, "I won't take the apology."

"Okay but what am I supposed to do? I still feel bad."

"I don't know. That's your own problem."

Robin stood up, "How about we set up our room. Franky should be done by now. Nami should be there already too."

"Alright let's go!" Luffy cheered and stood up.

"Oh we get to go?" Zoro got up as well and walked with the others.

From the kitchen sanji shouted, "WAIT ME TOO!!"

Robin closed the door on his face.


Walking in, Katara saw her bed covered in a maroon sheet just like the other two. Unlike the other queen sized beds, it was a twin and had a throw blanket on it but she didn't care about the differences in the least, "A bed!" Katara smiled and jumped on it, lying flat on her face. "This is great." She said, muffled by the fabric.

Robin chuckled at her and went over to nami who was finishing up putting away her new clothes in the wardrobe.

Zoro walked in with his captain, "Nice crib."

Nami grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face, "Get out!" She shouted as he caught the pillow.

"What? No one's naked."

"That's not the point???"

Luffy copied Katara, lying flat on his face. "Mmmm comfy. I think I'll sleep here now."

Nami went over and grabbed the ends of the throw blanket that he was on, tied him up and threw him out like dirty laundry.


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