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"YOSH! We're back!!" Luffy bounced up to the top deck of the sunny, welcomed by chopper, sanji, and robin. "Where is everyone?"

"They're still out looking for Marimo. Dumbass got lost again."

"Hah! Classic zoro!" Ussop laughed as he got up on the boat.

Katara bent the water up, preparing to board when an old merchant called out to her from a few feet away. "Excuse me miss!"

"Uh, yes?"

"Thank you for protecting our town from the beast."


"The sea king." He confirmed.

"Oh, that. I couldn't just let it attack the town."

"I see, so you did tame it!" The man said a little too brightly, walking closer with a wooden box with holes in his hand.

"Uh.... No? I just was trying to heal it and it got upset so I just helped avoid collateral damadge?" Katara took a step back, not too sure what to make of the man.

"Collateral damage? So are you with the navy?"

"The navy?"

Luffy stuck his head over the railing of the sunny, wondering what was taking Katara so long, "Oi! Whatcha doing! Hurry up!"

"I'll be right there!" Katara shouted up at him.

"Wait who's that?" Luffy squinted his eyes, as if further inspecting the man.

The man looked up at the boat, realizing far too late who it belonged to, "OH MY GOD YOURE WITH THE STRAWHAT PIRATES!"

"Yeah, I'm with them. Now if you'll excuse me, I should go now."

Sanji jumped down from the deck, hands in his pockets, eyeing the man and the wooden box he held. "What are you doing with that transponder snail carrier, old man?"

"This?! Oh nothing! Just asking a few questions for a poll!"

"I don't see the purpose of lying, geezer. I'm only going to give you one chance to get out of my sight before I kick your ass into the deep for annoying our precious lifeguard."

"A what now?"

Sanji glared at the man, prompting him to quickly skedaddle towards the shore.

Katara was too stunned to speak after witnessing the man flail his arms and disappear into the distance.

"Don't worry, darling, it's just the press." Sanji told her, holding her by the waist and quickly jumping up on deck with her in tow.

"Whats the press?" Katara asked, taking a step away from him once she got her footing.

"Like the news. A reporter."

"Oh gotcha. Why would they talk to me?"

Luffy laughed, "Probably because I'm going to be king of the pirates!"

"Not the moment, luffy!" Sanji kicked him upside the head gently making luffy grumble and whine.

"Sanjis being meaaaannnn."

"Am not."

A deeper voice joined, "Are too."

Sanji looked up to see zoro and the rest of the crew now on the deck, "Finally found the lost mutt, huh?" He smirked seeing zoros eyebrows furrow in agitation.

"Piss off, lover boy."

"Boy?! Who are you calling a boy!?"

"Boy?! You called me a dog?!"

"Dog?! I called you a mutt!"

Katara walked over to Ussop, "Does this usually happen?"

"All the time. Don't worry though, it gets funnier as we get further out to sea."

Nami walked over and hit the two men upside the head. "Knock it off, would you?!"

Both men were on the floor. "Now look what I have!" Nami revealed a peice of paper and unfurled it with a flick of the wrist.

Robin smiled at the sight, "Well someone's popular."

Luffy hopped up and down, "I wanna see! I wanna see!" He snatched it, looking at a freshly printed local news article. "Oh look! It has your face on it!" He pointed at the image of Katara bending a towering wall of water in front of a sea king with a fierce look in her eyes.

Ussop read the headline, ""Strawhat Pirates Water Witch Tames The Sea!"?! Wow this is awesome! We haven't been in the news lately. Plus Katara hasn't ever!" He looked at the girl with a smile. "This is great, right?" He second guessed himself upon seeing her angry expression.

"A WITCH?! How is this good?!"

Zoro shrugged, "Nami's a witch, I don't see the problem."

He got thrown off the boat.

Chopper cried and screamed, running to the side where zoro was hit overboard, "NOOOO!! NAMI HOW CRUEL!!"

Zoro reappeared at the surface of the water and coughed, not having been ready for that. "I wasn't trying to be mean!"

As angry as Katara was at the whole ordeal, she waved her hands, pulling the water and zoro along with it up and over the deck, placing him down gently on his his butt.

"Took ya long enough." Zoro scoffed and wiped some of the water out of his face and eyes.

Katara glared at him and let the remaining sea water she was bending fall on him.

"Oops." She teased watching his ever growing anger.

"Haha the dog got a bath." Sanji laughed and then retreated to the kitchen as a boot got chucked into his direction.

Luffy frowned, "Guys be nice to zoro."

Ussop, hands held over his mouth was struggling not to laugh out loud went over to Katara, "I told you it'll get funnier." He gasped for air and fanned his face, "Okok just watch the next part, it's my favorite."

With the cure of laughter, Katara forgot about the news article insult and instead watched in curiosity. Zoro took off his other shoe and both socks then got up, holding his boot in his hands with thought as he looked around for the missing pair.

"He's gonna pass it right now." Ussop whispered gasping and wheezing as zoro started taking steps towards where sanji once was.

"He's gonna turn right even thought it's right in front of him."

Zoro did just that and scratched his head, wondering where the hell it could have gone. He literally just threw it.

Ussop couldn't take it anymore and started heaving with laughter, Katara laughing childishly alongside him.

Unedited. 1000 words

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